def GetSpeech(self, useTextAreas=False): speech = '' print 'Speak now' util.beep() if useTextAreas and len(self.textAreas) > 0: areaText = [a.text for a in self.textAreas] speech = self.speech.listen(phrases=areaText) else: speech = self.speech.listen() if speech is not None and speech != '': print 'You said: %s' % speech # search for a match areaText = [a.text for a in self.textAreas] found = False for area in areaText: if area.text.startswith(speech): self.speech.Say('Locating target %s' % self.directionMode = True self.tracker.setTarget(util.Centroid(, and not self.directionMode)
plt.hist([m['genant_0'] for m in all_metadata], bins=25) plt.legend(['#vertebra with genant 0']) savefig('./img/statistics/genant_0_{0}'.format(ds_name)) plt.clf() plt.hist([m['genant_1'] for m in all_metadata], bins=25) plt.legend(['#vertebra with genant 1']) savefig('./img/statistics/genant_1_{0}'.format(ds_name)) plt.clf() plt.hist([m['genant_2'] for m in all_metadata], bins=25) plt.legend(['#vertebra with genant 2']) savefig('./img/statistics/genant_2_{0}'.format(ds_name)) plt.clf() plt.hist([m['genant_3'] for m in all_metadata], bins=25) plt.legend(['#vertebra with genant 3']) savefig('./img/statistics/genant_3_{0}'.format(ds_name)) plt.clf() if __name__ == '__main__': dummy_computation(memory_control) # noinspection PyBroadException try: generate_statistics() except Exception: print_exc_plus() exit(-1) finally: frequency = 2000 duration = 500 util.beep(frequency, duration)
def main(): global ocrResults logger.debug('Started') speech = speechManager.SpeechManager() # create the images we need imSize = (camSmall[1],camSmall[0]) if rotate == -90 or rotate == 90 else (camSmall[0],camSmall[1]) imgCopy = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 3) # a rotated copy imgYCC = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 3) # ycc for skin imgSkin = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 1) imgFG = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 1) imgHSV = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 3) imgGray = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 1) imgEdge = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 1) imgFinger = cv.CreateImage(imSize, vidDepth, 1) # big images bigRot = (bigClip[3],bigClip[2]) if rotate == -90 or rotate == 90 else (bigClip[2],bigClip[3]) imgBigCropped = cv.CreateImage((bigClip[2],bigClip[3]), vidDepth, 3) imgBigRotated = cv.CreateImage(bigRot, vidDepth, 3) # set up cam camera = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) cv.SetCaptureProperty(camera, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, camSmall[X]) cv.SetCaptureProperty(camera, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, camSmall[Y]) # SetResolution(camSmall) img = cv.QueryFrame(camera) util.RotateImage(img, imgCopy, rotate) cv.NamedWindow(windowTitle, 1) counter = 0 # before we do anything, create our background model bgModel = bg2.BackgroundModel(imSize[0], imSize[1], fitThreshold=fitThreshold, shadowColorDiff=shadowColorDiff, shadowMaxDarken=shadowMaxDarken) for i in range(0, trainImages): smFrame = cv.QueryFrame(camera) util.RotateImage(smFrame, imgCopy, rotate) bg2.FindBackground(imgCopy, imgFG, bgModel) cv.ShowImage(windowTitle, imgFG) cv.WaitKey(10) # keep state here documentOnTable = False doingOcr = False ocrDone = False accumulator = 0 documentCorners = [] # corners in small view aspectRatio = None transform = None transformInv = None docWidth = None docHeight = None bigBoxes = [] smallBoxes = [] overlays = [] overlayIndex = [] # map overlay to box index tracking = False trackingTarget = None finger = None lastTouched = None colorMode = False lastColor = None tableMode = False topRow = [] leftRow = [] showBG = False showSkin = False dicto = dict.DictionaryManager('dict/wordfreq.txt','dict/userdict.txt') # main loop while True: key = cv.WaitKey(10) # key handler if key == 27: break char = None if key == -1 else chr(key) # get image img = cv.QueryFrame(camera) util.RotateImage(img, imgCopy, rotate) util.GetYCC(imgCopy,imgYCC) bg2.FindBackground(imgCopy, imgFG, bgModel, update=0,findShadow=findShadow) # for i in range(0, erodeIterations): # cv.Erode(imgFG,imgFG) for i in range(0, erodeIterations): cv.Dilate(imgFG,imgFG) element = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(3,3,1,1,cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) bg2.FindSkin(imgYCC,imgSkin,doCleanup=False,showMaybeSkin=True) if ocrDone: pass cv.And(imgFG,imgSkin,imgFG) #cv.MorphologyEx(imgFG,imgFG,None,element,cv.CV_MOP_CLOSE, erodeIterations) #cv.MorphologyEx(imgFG,imgFG,None,element,cv.CV_MOP_OPEN, erodeIterations) ### STEP ONE: DETECT DOCUMENT # now, start looking for documents if not doingOcr and not documentOnTable: if len(sys.argv) > 1: smallBoxes, documentCorners, aspectRatio, ocrResults, docWidth, docHeight, transform, transformInv = LoadState(sys.argv[1]) doingOcr = True ocrDone = True documentOnTable = True print 'Loaded' util.GetGrayscale(imgCopy, imgGray) util.GetEdge(frame=imgGray, edge=imgEdge) rect = util.FindLargestRectangle(imgFG, imgGray) if len(rect) == 4 and util.BoundingRectArea(rect) > 25000: accumulator += 1 if accumulator >= 60: accumulator = 0 speech.Say('Document detected') documentOnTable = True documentCorners = rect else: accumulator = 0 # if we have a document, wait for it to go away elif not doingOcr and documentOnTable: util.GetGrayscale(imgCopy, imgGray) util.GetEdge(frame=imgGray, edge=imgEdge) rect = util.FindLargestRectangle(imgFG, imgGray) if len(rect) != 4 or util.BoundingRectArea(rect) < 25000: accumulator += 1 if accumulator >= 30: speech.Say('Document removed') documentOnTable = False documentCorners = [] ocrDone = False accumulator = 0 ### STEP TWO: IF THE USER PRESSES THE O KEY, DO OCR if documentOnTable and not doingOcr and not ocrDone and char == ' ': speech.Say('Starting OCR') char = -1 aspectRatio = GetAspectRatio(documentCorners) imgRect, transform, transformInv = CreateTransform(documentCorners, imgCopy, aspectRatio) # we'll use this later, for overlays docWidth = imgRect.width docHeight = imgRect.height accumulator = 0 doingOcr = True timestamp = int(time.time()*1000) # save small image cv.SaveImage('logs/small-%d.png' % timestamp, imgCopy) cv.SaveImage('logs/smallrect-%d.png' % timestamp, imgRect) # get big image print 'Getting big image' cv.SetCaptureProperty(camera, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, camLarge[X]) cv.SetCaptureProperty(camera, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, camLarge[Y]) # get a couple frames to warm up for i in range(0,10): bigFrame = cv.QueryFrame(camera) cv.WaitKey(10) bigFrame = cv.QueryFrame(camera) cv.SaveImage('logs/big-%d.png' % timestamp, bigFrame) # crop big image cropRegion = cv.GetSubRect(bigFrame, bigClip) cv.Copy(cropRegion, imgBigCropped) cv.SaveImage('logs/bigcropped-%d.png' % timestamp, imgBigCropped) # rotate big image util.RotateImage(imgBigCropped, imgBigRotated, rotate) cv.SaveImage('logs/bigrotated-%d.png' % timestamp, imgBigRotated) # rectify big image scaledCorners = [(p[0]*bigScale,p[1]*bigScale) for p in documentCorners] bigRectified, bigTransform, bigTransformInv = CreateTransform(scaledCorners, imgBigRotated, aspectRatio) cv.SaveImage('logs/bigrectified-%d.png' % timestamp, bigRectified) # get text regions print 'Getting text regions' ocr.ClearOCRTempFiles() bigBoxes = FindTextAreas(bigRectified) # start OCR of text regions ocrResults.clear() bigGray = util.GetGrayscale(bigRectified) # do the OCR for each box for i in range(0, len(bigBoxes)): ocr.CreateTempFile(bigGray,bigBoxes[i],i) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4) for i in range(0, len(bigBoxes)): ocrResults[i] = None pool.apply_async(ocr.CallOCREngine, args = (i,'./ocrtemp/',ocrEngine), callback = ocrCallback) pool.close() pool.join() # now we are done with OCR # restore small image cv.SetCaptureProperty(camera, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, camSmall[X]) cv.SetCaptureProperty(camera, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, camSmall[Y]) # get a couple frames to warm up for i in range(0,3): smFrame = cv.QueryFrame(camera) cv.WaitKey(10) # retrain bg to hide the document for i in range(0, trainImages): smFrame = cv.QueryFrame(camera) util.RotateImage(smFrame, imgCopy, rotate) bg2.FindBackground(imgCopy, imgFG, bgModel) cv.ShowImage(windowTitle, imgFG) cv.WaitKey(10) ### STEP THREE: WAIT FOR OCR TO HAPPEN if doingOcr and not ocrDone: # did we recognize everything? done = None not in ocrResults.values() if done: ocrDone = True ### OCR IS DONE ### # remove empty boxes print bigBoxes print ocrResults if autocorrect: print 'autocorrect' # correct words for key in ocrResults.keys(): word = ocrResults[key] if len(word) > 3: if not dicto.WordInDictionary(word): correct = dicto.BestMatch(word,2) if correct is None: print 'Removed %s' % word ocrResults[key] = '' else: print '%s=>%s' % (word,correct) ocrResults[key] = correct.word else: print 'Keeping %s' % word print 'autocorrect done' newBoxes = [] newOcrResults = {} for i in range(0, len(bigBoxes)): if ocrResults.has_key(i) and (ocrResults[i] is not None and len(ocrResults[i]) > 0): print 'Adding %s' % ocrResults[i] newBoxes.append(bigBoxes[i]) newOcrResults[len(newBoxes)-1] = ocrResults[i] bigBoxes = newBoxes global ocrResults ocrResults.clear() for key in newOcrResults.keys(): ocrResults[key] = newOcrResults[key] print bigBoxes print ocrResults speech.Say('OCR complete. Found %d items' %len([v for v in ocrResults.values() if v is not None and v != ''])) print 'ocrresults %d boxes %d' % (len(bigBoxes),len(ocrResults.keys())) smallBoxes = [(p[0]*1./bigScale,p[1]*1./bigScale,p[2]*1./bigScale,p[3]*1./bigScale) for p in bigBoxes] SaveState(smallBoxes, documentCorners, aspectRatio, ocrResults, docWidth, docHeight, transform, transformInv) print 'Saved state' # auto add overlay overlays, overlayIndex = CreateOverlays(smallBoxes, docWidth, docHeight, sides=overlayNumSides) # # we can save this state # state = {} # state['ocrResults'] = ocrResults # state['documentCorners'] = documentCorners # state['aspectRatio'] = aspectRatio # state['transform'] = transform # state['transformInv'] = transformInv # state['smallBoxes'] = smallBoxes # state['docWidth'] = docWidth # state['docHeight'] = docHeight # state['overlays'] = overlays # timestamp = int(time.time()) # pickle.dump(state, open('logs/data-%d.pickle' % timestamp, 'wb')) ### STEP FOUR: IF WE HAVE A DOCUMENT, TRACK TOUCH if ocrDone: finger = GetFingerPosition(imgFG,imgFinger) if finger is None: lastTouched = None else: fingerTrans = util.Transform(finger, transform) if not tracking: if colorMode: cv.CvtColor(imgCopy,imgHSV,cv.CV_BGR2HSV) color = cv.Get2D(imgHSV, max(finger[1]-20,0), finger[0]) colorName = GetColorName(color) # if colorName != lastColor: speech.Say(colorName) # lastColor = colorName else: handledFinger = False # first, check to see if we are in an overlay for overlay in overlays: if not handledFinger and util.PointInsideRect(fingerTrans, overlay): index = overlays.index(overlay) if lastTouched == overlay: if not tableMode: accumulator += 1 if accumulator > 60: # start tracking speech.Say('Locating %s' % ocrResults[index]) trackingTarget = smallBoxes[index] tracking = True accumulator = 0 else: try: speech.Say('Shortcut to %s' % ocrResults[index]) accumulator = 1 except KeyError: print 'whoops' lastTouched = overlay handledFinger = True # if that doesn't work, see if we are in the paper if not handledFinger and util.PointInsideRect(fingerTrans, (0,0,docWidth,docHeight)) and len(smallBoxes) > 0: # if so, get the closest box # are we inside a box? boxesInside = [b for b in smallBoxes if util.PointInsideRect(fingerTrans,b)] closestBox = None if len(boxesInside) > 0: closestBox = boxesInside[0] else: closestBox = min(smallBoxes, key=lambda b: util.distance(fingerTrans, (b[0]+b[2]/2,b[1]+b[3]/2))) index = smallBoxes.index(closestBox) box = smallBoxes[index] if lastTouched == box: pass else: # we are in a box if not tableMode: try: speech.Say(ocrResults[index]) except KeyError: print 'whoops' else: # get the row and column row, col = GetTableHeaders(box,leftRow,topRow) speech.Say('%s, row %s, column %s' % (ocrResults[index],row,col)) lastTouched = box else: # tracking # are we in are target? if util.PointInsideRect(fingerTrans, trackingTarget): index = smallBoxes.index(trackingTarget) name = ocrResults[index] util.beep() speech.Say('Located %s' % name) tracking = False else: box = trackingTarget trackPoint = [box[0]+box[2]/2,box[1]+box[3]/2] dx = trackPoint[0] - fingerTrans[0] dy = trackPoint[1] - fingerTrans[1] # get dir direction = '' if abs(dx) > abs(dy): if dx > 0: direction = 'right' else: direction = 'left' else: if dy > 0: direction = 'down' else: direction = 'up' if counter % 10 == 0: speech.Say(direction) # mini key handler if char == 'b': showBG = not showBG print 'Show bg? %s' % showBG elif char == 's': showSkin = not showSkin print 'Show skin? %s' % showSkin elif char == 'c': colorMode = not colorMode print 'Color mode? %s' % colorMode elif char == 'o': overlays, overlayIndex = CreateOverlays(smallBoxes, docWidth, docHeight, sides=overlayNumSides) print 'Created overlay' elif char == 'a': #all # get all results items = [ocrResults[i] for i in range(0, len(smallBoxes)) if ocrResults[i] is not None and ocrResults[i] != ''] whatToSay = '%d items. ' % len(items) for i in items: whatToSay += 'Item %s. ' %i speech.Say(whatToSay) elif char == 'u': print 'Updating bg' for i in range(0, trainImages): smFrame = cv.QueryFrame(camera) util.RotateImage(smFrame, imgCopy, rotate) bg2.FindBackground(imgCopy, imgFG, bgModel) cv.ShowImage(windowTitle, imgFG) cv.WaitKey(10) elif char == ' ': speech.StopSpeaking() tracking = False ### STEP FOUR AND A HALF: CHECK FOR VOICE COMMANDS if ocrDone and not tracking and char == 'v': # available voice commands: color mode, text mode, find, rerecognize, cancel util.beep() print 'Waiting for voice command' commands = ['color','text','find','recognize','cancel', 'list','help','overlay'] input = speech.listen(commands, 5) if input is None: util.beep() speech.Say('Canceled') elif input == 'help': speech.Say('You can say ' + ', '.join(commands)) colorMode = True elif input == 'color': speech.Say('Color mode selected') colorMode = True elif input == 'text': speech.Say('Text mode selected') colorMode = False elif input == 'recognize': if lastTouched is None: speech.Say('No text selected') else: speech.Say('rerecognizing') proc = multiprocessing.Process(target = ocr.CallOCREngine, args = (i, './ocrtemp/', 'abbyy'), callback = ocrCallback) proc.start() proc.join() elif input == 'cancel': speech.Say('Canceled') elif input == 'find': util.beep() speech.Say('Say the first word of the section you wish to find') # get first words firstWords = [] phrases = [] for i in range(0, len(ocrResults)): if ocrResults.has_key(i): phrase = ocrResults[i] phrases.append(phrase) if phrase is None: firstWords.append(None) else: firstWords.append(phrase.split(' ')[0].lower()) wordFind = speech.listen(firstWords, 10) if wordFind is None: util.beep() speech.Say('Not found') else: match = firstWords.index(wordFind.lower()) speech.Say('Tracking %s' % ocrResults[match]) tracking = True trackingTarget = smallBoxes[match] elif input == 'overlay': overlays, overlayIndex = CreateOverlays(smallBoxes, docWidth, docHeight, sides=overlayNumSides) speech.Say('Added overlays') elif input == 'table': speech.Say('Set table mode') overlays, overlayIndex = CreateTableOverlays(smallBoxes, docWidth, docHeight) elif input == 'list': # get all results items = [ocrResults[i] for i in range(0, len(smallBoxes)) if ocrResults.has_key(i) and ocrResults[i] is not None and ocrResults[i] != ''] whatToSay = '%d items. ' % len(items) for i in items: whatToSay += 'Item %s. ' %i speech.Say(whatToSay) ### STEP FIVE: DRAW EVERYTHING # doc corners util.DrawPoints(imgCopy, documentCorners, color=(255,0,0)) # boxes and overlays for i in range(0,len(smallBoxes)): b = smallBoxes[i] if ocrResults.has_key(i) and (ocrResults[i] is not None and ocrResults[i] != ''): util.DrawRect(imgCopy, b, color=(0,0,255), transform=transformInv) pbox = util.Transform((b[X],b[Y]), transformInv) util.DrawText(imgCopy, ocrResults[i], pbox[X], pbox[Y], color=(0,0,255)) for i in range(0, len(overlays)): o = overlays[i] # get relevant box index box = overlayIndex[i] util.DrawRect(imgCopy, o, color=(0,100,255), transform=transformInv) if ocrResults.has_key(i) and (ocrResults[i] is not None and ocrResults[i] != ''): po = util.Transform((o[X],o[Y]), transformInv) util.DrawText(imgCopy, ocrResults[box], po[X], po[Y], color=(0,100,255)) if finger is not None: util.DrawPoint(imgCopy, finger, color=(0,0,255)) imgToShow = imgCopy if showSkin: imgToShow = imgSkin elif showBG: imgToShow = imgFG cv.ShowImage(windowTitle, imgToShow) ### STEP END: INCREMENT THE COUNTER counter += 1 ### END OF MAIN LOOP logger.debug('Ended')
def run(): lastRunMaxTime=0 # for cache overwrite after this last_cache_time_file = LastCachedRumTimeFile if os.path.exists(last_cache_time_file): with open(last_cache_time_file,"r") as f: try: lastRunMaxTime = int(f.readline()) except: pass if SetCacheLastTime is not None: lastRunMaxTime = SetCacheLastTime print(My_Ip, SUMO_PORT) traci.init(int( SUMO_PORT)) var2str, varlist = get_sumo_vars(traci) badTls, badCross= [],[] Car.traci = traci tlslist=traci.trafficlights.getIDList() print('# tls', len(tlslist)) tlsSet = set(tlslist) id2tls=dict() e2tls =dict() # controlled edge to tls. Tls.ofid = open(OutputDir+"tlslog.txt","w") if _Do_Output else None Tls.ofidname = OutputDir+"tlslog.txt" Tls.traci = traci Tls.feedbackData = feedbackData unlearnedTls =[] for tlsid in tlsSet: tmp = Tls(tlsid, loadStages = True, stageFolder= TlsLoadStageDir) id2tls[tlsid]=tmp ctrlanes = tmp.ctrlanes tmp.output_file = _Do_Output # writePhaseLog? for lane in ctrlanes: e2tls[lane.split("_",1)[0]]=tmp if len(tmp.stageList)==0: # not learned unlearnedTls.append(tmp) alledges = [eid for eid in traci.edge.getIDList() if not eid.startswith(":")] edgeSet = set(alledges) print('# edges', len(edgeSet), "tls-ctr edges:",len(e2tls)) if _Do_Output: with open(OutputDir+"netinfo.txt","w") as f: f.write("nedge=%d nctredge=%d ntls=%d"%(len(edgeSet),len(e2tls),len(id2tls))) lane2vq={} # vehicle queue at cross. id2car = dict() id2group = dict() Car.ofid = open(OutputDir+"carlog.txt","w") if _Do_Output else None Car.ofidname = OutputDir+"carlog.txt" Car.mvfd = open(OutputDir+"carmov.txt","w") if _Do_Output else None Car.mvfdname = OutputDir+"carmov.txt" Car.spdfd = open(OutputDir+"carspds.txt","w") if _Do_Output else None Car.spdfdname = OutputDir+"carspds.txt" Car.lane2vq = lane2vq Car.id2car = id2car Car.id2group = id2group Car.feedbackData = feedbackData Car.congestedAreas = congestedAreas Car.RemoveWongLaneThresh = 2 print("!!! [cache] lastRunMaxTime",lastRunMaxTime) curtime=0 sumoRunTime=0. manageRunTime=0. processRunTime=0. is_showing = None if Has_GUI_Device: Car.traci.gui.setZoom('View #0',1000) vprint = set([]) # to track this vehicle else: vprint=set([]) while curtime<config.simulationEndTime+1: startTime = time.time() traci.simulationStep() sumoRunTime += time.time()-startTime curtime = traci.simulation.getTime() -1 if Has_GUI_Device and curtime == -1: beep(5) raw_input("\nEnter any to Continue...") # debug purpose if curtime%30 ==0 or curtime==config.simulationEndTime: print("\nT=%d Vnum=%d sT=%.2f mT=%.2f pT=%.2f"%(curtime,len(id2car),1000*sumoRunTime/(curtime+1),1000*manageRunTime/(curtime+1),1000*processRunTime/(curtime+1))) if curtime>lastRunMaxTime: lastRunMaxTime = curtime with open(last_cache_time_file,"w") as f: f.write("%d"%lastRunMaxTime) if curtime%31==0 or is_showing is not None: badTls= get_bad_list(feedbackData, "tls",TlsBadRateThresh, id2tls=id2tls) badCross= get_bad_list(feedbackData, "cross", CrossBadRateThresh) for tid in badTls: print("Checkout bad tls "+tid) for nid in badCross: print("bad cross "+nid) congestedAreas["cross"].add(nid) for vid in traci.simulation.getStartingTeleportIDList():# stuck try: id2car[vid].remove(curtime,output=False) # traci remove + setDead except: pass try: del id2car[vid] except: pass startTime = time.time() for vid in traci.simulation.getArrivedIDList(): if vid in id2car: id2car[vid].setDead(curtime) # already auto removed. del id2car[vid] for vid in traci.simulation.getDepartedIDList(): # new born cars tmp = Car(vid, modelPredictFuel=True) tmp.subscribe(varlist) tmp.setStartTime(curtime) rid = tmp.getRouteID() tmp.route = construct_segment(tmp.rou, e2tls, route_id=rid, print_str=vid in vprint, overwrite_cache=curtime>=lastRunMaxTime, prefix=config.osmfile ) = rid = tmp tmp.e2tls= e2tls if vid.startswith('a'): tmp.do_Tls1 = R['tls1']>0 # query 1st tls ahead tmp.do_Tls2 = R['tls2']>0 # query two tls ahead tmp.do_coor = R['co']>0 # codrive tmp.do_optimizeSpeed = True else: tmp.do_Tls1 = False tmp.do_Tls2 = False tmp.do_coor = False tmp.do_optimizeSpeed = False # false will not do lane change. tmp.output_file = _Do_Output id2car[vid]=tmp if vid in vprint: tmp.iprintSet |= set([2,3,9]) # track this car, and print more tmp.route.print_str = True tmp.setColor((255,255,0)) print(tmp.rou) pprint.pprint(tmp.route) manageRunTime += time.time()-startTime startTime = time.time() for tlsid in tlsSet: # proc tls, called before car.process id2tls[tlsid].process(curtime) for vid,car in id2car.items(): car.process(curtime) # fill in basic variables for lid,que in lane2vq.items(): que.sort(key=lambda car: car.lanePos) # sort by lane-pos. for vid,car in id2car.items(): car.formGroup() for vid,car in id2car.items(): car.optimize() # run optimization. for vid,car in id2car.items(): car.transaction() # if codrive processRunTime += time.time()-startTime traci.close() Car.ofid.close() Tls.ofid.close() Car.mvfd.close() Car.spdfd.close()