    def technique_simulation(self, techniques, data_dir, results_dir):
        configurations = self.get_configurations()
        te_cross_cfgs = util.cartesian(

        if not self.meta_only:
            rdir = os.path.join(results_dir, str(self), 'techniques')
            X, y = data.load_data(data_dir)
            batch_args = []

            for n, m in te_cross_cfgs:
                batch_args.append((configurations[m], arr(X), arr(y),
                                   techniques[n], self.split, rdir))

            self.pool.map(self.evaluate_technique, batch_args)

        for meta_split in self.meta_splits:
            meta_rdir = os.path.join(
                results_dir, str(self),
                '{}_meta_techniques'.format(int(100 * meta_split)))

            X, y = data.load_data(data_dir, remove_last=self.split)
            meta_batch_args = []
            for n, m in te_cross_cfgs:
                meta_batch_args.append((configurations[m], X[:], y[:],
                                        techniques[n], meta_split, meta_rdir))

            self.pool.map(self.evaluate_technique, meta_batch_args)
 def test_cartesian(self):
     x = [0, 1, 5]
     y = [0, 1, 10, 12]
     cart = util.cartesian((x, y))
         len(x) * len(y),
         msg='cartesian does not produce correct number of combinations')
def _get_all_ra_dec(input_wcs, h, w):

    # An array of all the possible permutation of (i,j) for i=0..999 and j=0..999

    xx = np.arange(0.5, h + 0.5, 1, dtype=np.int16)
    yy = np.arange(0.5, w + 0.5, 1, dtype=np.int16)

    _ij_grid = cartesian((xx, yy))

    # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
    world = input_wcs.wcs_pix2world(_ij_grid, 0, ra_dec_order=True)

    return world[:, 0], world[:, 1]
    def get_configurations():
        rf_param_max_fts = [('max_features', round(x, 2))
                            for x in np.arange(0.05, 1.05, 0.05)]
        rf_parameters = [rf_param_max_fts]
        rf_param_settings = []

        for setting in util.cartesian(
                list(map(lambda x: range(len(x)), rf_parameters))):
                rf_parameters[n][m][0]: rf_parameters[n][m][1]
                for n, m in enumerate(setting)

        return rf_param_settings
 def make_anchor_lines(self):
     categories = ["_Toppkjetting", "_Tau", "_Bunnkjetting"]
     for row in self.anchor_config.iterrows():
         anchor_num = row[1][0]
         corner_num = row[1][1]
         horizontal_length = float(row[1][2])
         bottom_length = float(row[1][6])
         top_length = float(row[1][7])
         degree = float(row[1][3])
         depth = float(row[1][4])
         rel_depth = depth - self.frame_depth
         tot_length = (horizontal_length**2 + rel_depth**2) ** 0.5
         mid_length = tot_length - bottom_length 
         # Set nodes 
         cos_elv = horizontal_length / tot_length # cos(elevation angle)
         lengths = [top_length, mid_length, tot_length]
         node_names = [corner_num]
         for length in lengths:
             node_name = round(
                 anchor_num + (tot_length - length) / 1e3, 3
             x, y = cartesian(
                 length * cos_elv,
             z = -length * rel_depth / tot_length - self.frame_depth
             self.nodes[node_name] = {
                 "pos": (x, y, z),
                 "id": self.node_id,
                 "dof": (length != tot_length)
             self.node_id += 1
         # Set edges
         for i, category in enumerate(categories):
             # .split()-hack to avoid annoying floating points
             self.edges[str(anchor_num).split(".")[0]+category]= {
                 "edge": (node_names[i], node_names[i+1]),
                 "edge_id": self.edge_id + i * len(self.anchor_config)
         self.edge_id += 1
     self.edge_id += len(self.anchor_config) * (len(categories) - 1)
    def _build_d2d_mtx(dgroups, dlookup):
        Helper function for building the dsrc-to-dsrc association matrix.

        :param dgroups: dictionary mapping a dsrc pseudonym to a list of observation intervals
                        ({pseduonym: [obi_0, ...], ...})
        :param dlookup: dictionary mapping a dsrc pseudonym to its row/column in the matrix.
        :return: d2d_matrix (the likelihood that d_i = d_j)
        n = len(dlookup)
        mtx = np.full((n, n), 1 / (n - 1))

        # ignore the diagonal
        np.fill_diagonal(mtx, -1)

        for r in np.arange(mtx.shape[0]):
            not_assoc = []
            for c in np.where(mtx[r, :] > 0)[0]:
                a_obis = dgroups[dlookup[r]]
                b_obis = dgroups[dlookup[c]]

                for n, m in util.cartesian((a_obis, b_obis), indices=False):
                    dist, intersect = util.obi_dist_and_t_intersect(a_obis[n], b_obis[m])
                    if intersect:

            for c_na in not_assoc:
                a_obis = dgroups[dlookup[r]]
                b_obis = dgroups[dlookup[c_na]]
                s1, s2 = util.get_subject_ids(a_obis, b_obis)
                _log.debug('found impossible d2d association: {} and {}'.format(dlookup[r], dlookup[c_na]))
                if s1 == s2:
                        'invalid impossible d2d association found: {} and {}'.format(dlookup[r], dlookup[c_na]))

                # zero out everything we can
                mtx[[r, c_na], [c_na, r]] = 0
                # TODO: is there anything else that we can do here?

        return mtx
    def _build_w2d_mtx(wgroups, dgroups, wlookup, dlookup, d2d_mtx, sigma=0.3):
        Helper function for building wifi-to-dsrc association matrix.

        :param wgroups: dictionary mapping a wifi pseudonym to a list of observation intervals
                        ({pseduonym: [obi_0, ...], ...})
        :param dgroups: dictionary mapping a dsrc pseudonym to "" ({pseduonym: [obi_0, ...], ...})
        :param wlookup: dictionary mapping a wifi pseudonym to its row in the matrix
        :param dlookup: dictionary mapping a dsrc pseudonym to its column in the matrix
        :param d2d_mtx: the dsrc-to-dsrc association matrix
        :param sigma: constant redistribution factor
        :return: w2d matrix (the likelihood that w_i == d_j)
        mtx = np.full((len(wlookup), len(dlookup)), 1 / len(wlookup))

        r_not_assoc = []
        r_assoc_by_loc = []

        for r in np.arange(mtx.shape[0]):
            not_assoc = set()
            assoc_by_loc = defaultdict(set)
            for c in np.arange(mtx.shape[1]):
                w_obis = wgroups[wlookup[r]]
                d_obis = dgroups[dlookup[c]]

                for n, m in util.cartesian((w_obis, d_obis), indices=False):
                    wobi = w_obis[n]
                    dobi = d_obis[m]
                    # coverage is non-overlapping;
                    # if d0 is seen by lx while w0 is seen by ly then d0 != w0
                    dist, t_inter = util.obi_dist_and_t_intersect(wobi, dobi)
                    if dist and t_inter:
                        if c not in assoc_by_loc[wobi.loc]:
                            # make sure that this dsrc isn't already possibly assoc
                    # if d0 is seen by lx while w0 is seen by lx then d0 might be equal to w0
                    elif t_inter:
                        if c in not_assoc:
                            # we just found that this dsrc might be associated, so update not assoc

            r_assoc_by_loc.append([arr(list(a)) for a in assoc_by_loc.values()])

        # set things to 0
        for r, not_assoc in enumerate(r_not_assoc):
            not_r = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(mtx.shape[0]), [r])

            if not_assoc.size:
                not_assoc = np.union1d(not_assoc, np.where(d2d_mtx[not_assoc, :] == 0)[0])

                for c_na in not_assoc:
                    s1, s2 = util.get_subject_ids(wgroups[wlookup[r]], dgroups[dlookup[c_na]])
                    _log.debug('w2d impossible association found: {} and {}'.format(s1, s2))
                    if s1 == s2:
                        _log.warning('invalid impossible w2d association found: {} and {}'.format(s1, s2))

                    delta = mtx[r, c_na]
                    mtx[r, c_na] = 0
                    p_assoc = np.where(mtx[not_r, c_na] > 0)[0]
                    if not p_assoc.size:
                        _log.warning('dsrc {} not associated with any wifi?'.format(dlookup[c_na]))
                        mtx[:, c_na] = (1 / mtx.shape[0])
                        mtx[p_assoc, c_na] += (delta / p_assoc.size)

        # handle possible associations
        for r, assoc_by_loc in enumerate(r_assoc_by_loc):
            not_r = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(mtx.shape[0]), [r])
            not_assoc = np.where(mtx[r, :] == 0)[0]
            for assoc in assoc_by_loc:
                assoc = np.setdiff1d(assoc, not_assoc)
                if assoc.size == 1:
                    # we win, hopefully
                    c_a = assoc[0]
                    s1, s2 = util.get_subject_ids(wgroups[wlookup[r]], dgroups[dlookup[c_a]])
                    _log.debug('w2d association found: {} and {}'.format(wlookup[r], dlookup[c_a]))
                    if s1 != s2:
                        _log.warning('invalid w2d association found: Vehicle {} and Vehicle {}'.format(wlookup[r],
                    # update probas
                    mtx[:, c_a] = 0
                    for c_na in np.where(d2d_mtx[c_a, :] == 0)[0]:
                        delta = mtx[r, c_na]
                        mtx[r, c_na] = 0
                        p_assoc = np.where(mtx[:, c_na] > 0)[0]
                        if p_assoc.size:
                            mtx[p_assoc, c_na] += (delta / p_assoc.size)
                            _log.warning('dsrc {} not associated with any wifi?'.format(dlookup[c_na]))
                            mtx[:, c_na] = (1 / mtx.shape[0])
                    mtx[r, c_a] = 1
                    for c in assoc:
                        delta = mtx[not_r, c].sum()
                        mtx[r, c] += (sigma * delta)
                        mtx[not_r, c] *= (1 - sigma)

        tots = np.round(mtx.sum(axis=0), 2)
        if tots.all() != 1.0:
            _log.warning('uh oh: wifi_2_dsrc matrix columns dont sum to 1.')
            _log.debug('w2d columns neq 1: {}'.format(','.join(tots[tots != 1].astype(str))))

        return mtx
def generate_simulation_settings(algNames, datasizes, dims, dists, kvalues):
    simSettings = util.cartesian((algNames, datasizes, dims, dists, kvalues))
    return simSettings