def edit(request, url): #Makes sure user is logged in username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if not username: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') error = "" if request.method == "POST": try: #Check if user clicked Delete Button if request.POST.has_key('Delete'): Post.objects.get(pk=url).delete() return HttpResponseRedirect('/') form = blogForms.newPostForm(request.POST) #Check if user uploaded image if 'image' in request.FILES: image = request.FILES['image'] else: image = None #saves post, returning an error if failed error, post = save(request, form, image, "Post", url) if not error: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: return render_to_response("dashboard/newpost.html", {"form":form, "post":url, "error":error, "username":username, "edit":True, "action":url}, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404 else: #Loads the post into the form, so it can be edited try: # Makes sure post exists post = Post.objects.get(pk=url) url = str(url) if post: # Gets all categories for post categories = Categories.objects.filter(Post__title=post.title) # Gets if the post is featured featured = Featured.objects.filter(Post__title = post.title) if featured: isFeatued = True else: isFeatued = False # Checks if the image was included in post if post.image: imageInPost = True else: imageInPost = False # Sets initial value form = blogForms.newPostForm(initial = {'title':post.title, 'sourceUrl':post.sourceUrl, 'content':post.content, 'categories': categories, 'featured': isFeatued, 'imageInPost': imageInPost}) return render_to_response("dashboard/newpost.html", {"form":form, "post":url, "error":error, "username":username, "edit":True, "action":url}, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) else: raise Http404 except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404
def category(request, category): username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) template = "base.html" page_template = "index.html" if request.is_ajax(): template = page_template posts = [] catList = Categories.objects.filter(category=category).order_by('-id') for i in catList: posts.append(i.Post) pages = Page.objects.all().order_by("-id") return render_to_response(template, {"posts" : posts, "pages":pages, "username": username}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def newpost(request): #Makes sure user is logged in, else redirect to home page username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if not username: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') error = "" if request.method == "POST": form = blogForms.newPostForm(request.POST) #Check if there is an image if 'image' in request.FILES: image = request.FILES['image'] else: image = None #saves post, returning an error if failed error, post = save(request, form, image, "Post") if not error: if not settings.DEBUG: tweet = post.title + " - " + "" + twitter.updateTwitter(tweet) return HttpResponseRedirect('/' + "?tweet=" + tweet) else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: form = blogForms.newPostForm() return render_to_response("dashboard/newpost.html", {"form":form, "error": error, "username": username, "action":"newpost"}, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def authorize(request): user = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if user: try: key = PocketKey.objects.get(User=user) return HttpResponse("Already Authorized") except ObjectDoesNotExist: requestToken = getRequestToken() redirectURL = getPath() url = ( "" + requestToken + "&redirect_uri=" + redirectURL + "/pocket/approved?request_token=" + requestToken ) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
def addEpisode(request): username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if not username: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') error = "" if request.method == "POST": form = blogForms.newEpisodeForm(request.POST) title = request.POST['title'] showNotes = request.POST['showNotes'] episodeURL = '/podcasts/' + request.POST['episode'] size = request.POST['size'] audio_length = request.POST['duration'] if title and showNotes and episodeURL: published = if 'image' in request.FILES: image = request.FILES['image'] store = FileSystemStorage(paths.SITE_ROOT + '/images/') storedImage =, image) imageURL = '/images/' + storedImage else: imageURL = None episode = Podcast(title = title, link = episodeURL, showNotes = showNotes, length = size, date = published, imageURL = imageURL, audio_length = audio_length) return HttpResponseRedirect('/podcast') else: error = 'Something is amiss' else: form = blogForms.newEpisodeForm() # Renders the dashboard html page return render_to_response("dashboard/newEpisode.html", {'username':username, 'form':form, 'error':error}, context_instance =RequestContext(request))
def showEpisodes(request): username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) podcasts = Podcast.objects.all().order_by('-date') pages = Page.objects.all().order_by('id') return render_to_response("podcasts.html", {"podcasts": podcasts, "pages": pages, "username":username})
def page(request, page): username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) try: page = Page.objects.get(title=page) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404 if page: pages = Page.objects.all().order_by("id") return render_to_response("page.html", {"page":page, "pages":pages, "username":username}) else: raise Http404
def checkAuthorized(request): user = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if user: try: key = PocketKey.objects.get(User=user) return HttpResponse("True") except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponse("False") else: return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
def permalink(request, url): username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) post = Post.objects.filter(link=url) if post: pages = Page.objects.all().order_by("id") return render_to_response("permalink.html", {"posts": post, "pages":pages, "username":username}) else: #If post doesn't exist, show a 404 page raise Http404
def deleteEpisode(request, id): username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if not username: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') episode = Podcast.objects.get(pk=id) try: os.remove(paths.SITE_ROOT + episode.imageURL) except OSError: pass episode.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect('/podcast')
def approved(request): user = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if user: requestToken = request.GET.get("request_token") access_token = getAuthorization(requestToken) key = PocketKey(User=user, key=access_token) return HttpResponseRedirect("/dashboard") else: return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
def dash(request): # Gets the logged in user, or redirects username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if not username: return HttpResponseRedirect('/login?next=dashboard') # Gets total wordcount wordCountInt, wordCountString = stats.getWordCount() # Gets total number of posts postCount = stats.getPostCount() average = int(int(wordCountInt) / int(postCount)); # Days since last post daysSince = stats.daysSince() # Makes sure the grammar is correct if not daysSince == 1: day = "days" else: day = 'day' # Gets the top story title and link from techmeme suggestionTitle, suggestionLink = stats.suggestion() todo = Todo.objects.all().order_by('-id') # Renders the dashboard html page return render_to_response("dashboard/main.html", {'username':username, 'wordCountString': wordCountString, 'average': average, 'postCount': postCount, 'daysSince':daysSince, 'day': day, 'suggestionTitle':suggestionTitle, 'suggestionLink':suggestionLink, 'todo': todo}, context_instance =RequestContext(request))
def pageEdit(request, url): username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if not username: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') error = "" if request.method == "POST": #Check if user clicked Delete Button if request.POST.has_key('Delete'): Page.objects.get(title=url).delete() return HttpResponseRedirect('/') form = blogForms.newPageForm(request.POST) #Check if user uploaded image if 'image' in request.FILES: image = request.FILES['image'] else: image = None #saves page, returning an error if failed error = save(request, form, image, "Page", url) if not error: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: return render_to_response("dashboard/newpage.html", {"form":form, "post":url, "error":error, "username":username, "edit":True, "action":url}, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) else: #Loads the page into the form, so it can be edited try: page = Page.objects.get(title=url) url = str(url) if page: form = blogForms.newPageForm(initial = {'title':page.title, 'content':page.content}) return render_to_response("dashboard/newpage.html", {"form":form, "error":error, "username":username, "edit":True, "action":url}, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) else: raise Http404 except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404
def newpage(request): #Makes sure user is logged in, else redirect to home page username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if not username: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') error = "" if request.method == "POST": form = blogForms.newPageForm(request.POST) #Check if there is an image if 'image' in request.FILES: image = request.FILES['image'] else: image = None #saves post, returning an error if failed error = save(request, form, image, "Page") if not error: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: form = blogForms.newPageForm() return render_to_response("dashboard/newpage.html", {"form":form, "error": error, "username": username, "action":"newpage"}, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def archive(request, year): # Gets logged in user username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) # Gets all of the posts posts = Post.objects.filter(published__year=year).order_by('-published') # Gets templates and sets appropriate template template = "base.html" page_template = "index.html" if request.is_ajax(): template = page_template # Loads all pages pages = Page.objects.all().order_by("id") # Renders the page if len(posts) > 0: return render_to_response(template, {"posts" : posts, "pages":pages, "username": username}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: raise Http404
def getArticles(request): user = util.checkLoggedIn(request) if user: access_token = PocketKey.objects.get(User=user).key values = {"consumer_key": CONSUMER_KEY, "access_token": access_token} data = urllib.urlencode(values) req = urllib2.Request(retrieveUrl, data) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) data = json.loads( outputlist = [] for i in data["list"]: output = {"output": "", "added": ""} k = 0 inserted = False title = data["list"][i]["resolved_title"] url = data["list"][i]["resolved_url"] excerpt = data["list"][i]["excerpt"] output["output"] = ( '<a class="starredLink" target="_blank" href="' + url + '"><div class="starredItem">' + title + '<div class="excerpt"> - ' + excerpt + "</div></div></a>" ) output["added"] = data["list"][i]["time_added"] while k < len(outputlist): if outputlist[k]["added"] >= output["added"]: k += 1 else: # print output outputlist.insert(k, output) inserted = True break if inserted == False: # print output outputlist.append(output) outputString = "" # print outputlist for j in outputlist: # print j outputString += j["output"] return HttpResponse(outputString) else: return "Not Logged In"
def index(request): # Check if user is on IE 8 ie = False if request.META.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT'): user_agent = request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] if user_agent.find('MSIE 8.0') != -1: ie = True # Checks if a user is logged in username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) # Queries the database posts = Post.objects.all().order_by("-published") # Gets the templates template = "base.html" page_template = "index.html" # If the request is coming from an ajax request # and sets the template accordingly if request.is_ajax(): template = page_template # Get featured posts featured = [] cats = [] for i in range(0,4): try: featured.append(Featured.objects.filter().order_by('-Post__published')[i]) feature = Featured.objects.filter().order_by('-Post__published')[i] categories = Categories.objects.filter(Post__title=feature.Post.title) added = False for i in categories: if not (str(i) == 'News' or str(i) == 'Editorial'): cats.append(i) added = True break if added: break done = False if not added: for i in categories: if str(i) == 'Editorial': cats.append('Editorial') done = True if not done: cats.append('News') except IndexError: pass # dfs # Gets all of the pages pages = Page.objects.all().order_by("id") # Renders the page # If on IE, show message asking user to use another broswer if not ie: return render_to_response(template, {"posts" : posts, "pages":pages, "username": username, "featured": featured, "cats":cats}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: return render_to_response('ie.html')
def search(request): pages = Page.objects.all() username = util.checkLoggedIn(request) return render_to_response("search.html", {"username": username, "pages": pages})