def make_cent(cent, weight, coords):

    points = np.array([]).reshape(0,3)

    if weight > 0 and weight <= 1:
        weights = [weight] + [(1 - weight)/ (len(cent) - 1)] * (len(cent) - 1)

        weights = None

    for idx in cent:
        points = np.vstack((points, coords[idx]))

    if u.verbosity >= 2:

        if len(cent) == 1:
            print("   Application point defined in atom %s." % ', '.join(u.compact_extended_list(cent, 1)))

        elif len(cent) > 1 and weight > 0:
            print("   Application point defined in the geometrical center of atoms %s with\n \
  weight %4.2f on atom %s." % (', '.join(u.compact_extended_list(cent, 1)), weight, cent[0] + 1))

        elif len(cent) > 1:
            print("   Application point defined in the geometrical center of atoms %s." % \
            ', '.join(u.compact_extended_list(cent, 1)))

    return np.average(points, axis=0, weights=weights)
def make_dipo(dipole, dipole_types, coords):

    dip_type = dipole[0]
    dip_s = np.sqrt(dipole_types[dip_type][0])

    dip_ori = dipole[1:]

    # Orient dipole along an interatomic axis
    if len(dip_ori) == 2:
        # -1 to adapt to Python numeration
        a = coords[dip_ori[0] - 1]
        b = coords[dip_ori[1] - 1]
        direction = (b - a) / np.linalg.norm(b - a)

        # dip = dip_s * direction
        dip = direction

        if u.verbosity >= 2:
            print("   Dipole oriented along %s." % ', '.join(u.compact_extended_list(dip_ori)))
    # Orient dipole along an interatomic axis and forming and angle
    # theta with the plane defined by 3 atoms
    elif len(dip_ori) == 4:

        # -1 to adapt to Python numeration
        a = coords[dip_ori[0] - 1]
        b = coords[dip_ori[1] - 1]
        c = coords[dip_ori[2] - 1]
        theta = dip_ori[3]

        # Generate a reference frame from point a, b, c
        # Our desired direction is b - a, i.e. the x axis
        # of this new ref frame. (see refframe function in
        # util.py
        ref = u.refframe(a, b, c)
        cartesian = np.eye(3)

        # Define transformation matrices
        T = np.dot(cartesian, ref.T)
        Ry = u.rot_mat_y(theta)

        # Ry is 4x4, reduce it to 3x3
        Ry = Ry[:3,:3]

        x = cartesian[0]

        direction = np.dot(x, Ry)
        direction = np.dot(direction, T.T)
        # dip = dip_s * direction
        dip = direction

        if u.verbosity >= 2:
            print("   Dipole oriented out of the plane defined by %s by %5.2f degrees." % \
            (', '.join(u.compact_extended_list(dip_ori[:-1])), theta))

        print(u.banner(text='ERROR', ch='#', length=80))
        print("Unrecognized number of parameters for dipole orientation.")

    return dip