def unpack_game_values(nfl_data, week): """ :param nfl_data: :param week: :return: """ nfl_data = nfl_data[[0, 4, 'Time', 'Date']] nfl_data.columns = ['Teams', 'Spread', 'Time', 'Date'] nfl_data['week'] = week nfl_data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) nfl_data['DateTime'] = nfl_data['Date'] + ' ' + nfl_data['Time'].str.strip( ) nfl_data['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(nfl_data['DateTime'], format='%A %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p') nfl_data['time'] = nfl_data['DateTime'].apply( lambda x: convert_tz(x, est_to_utc=True)) nfl_data.drop(['DateTime', 'Date', 'Time'], axis=1, inplace=True) nfl_data.reset_index(inplace=True) nfl_data['group_col'] = nfl_data['index'].apply(lambda i: i + 2 if i % 2 == 0 else i + 1) nfl_data['Spread'] = nfl_data['Spread'].str.replace('PK', '0') nfl_data['Spread'] = nfl_data['Spread'].astype(float) nfl_data['Spread'] = nfl_data['Spread'].apply(lambda x: x if x <= 0 else np.nan) nfl_data = nfl_data.groupby('group_col').apply(fill_in_all_spreads) nfl_data.Spread.fillna(nfl_data.reverse_spread, inplace=True) nfl_data['Teams'] = nfl_data['Teams'].str.replace(' «', '') return nfl_data.drop(['index', 'reverse_spread'], axis=1)
def update_games_with_score(weekly_scores_df, current_week, prod_str): """ :param weekly_scores_df: :return: """ exist_games_q = """ select id, home_team_id, away_team_id, home_spread from games where week = {} and game_status not in ('Final', 'Final (OT)') or game_status is NULL and '{}' >= time;""".format( current_week, convert_tz(, est_to_utc=True).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) exist_games_df = pd.read_sql(exist_games_q, prod_str) weekly_scores_df = pd.merge(weekly_scores_df, exist_games_df, how='left', on=['home_team_id', 'away_team_id']) weekly_scores_df = weekly_scores_df[ (weekly_scores_df['home_team_score'].notnull()) & (weekly_scores_df['away_team_score'].notnull()) & (weekly_scores_df['home_spread'].notnull())] weekly_scores_df = weekly_scores_df.apply(calc_spread_winner, axis=1) final_games = weekly_scores_df[weekly_scores_df['game_live'] == 0] live_game = weekly_scores_df[(weekly_scores_df['game_live'] == 1)] if len(final_games) > 0: for i, row in final_games.iterrows(): update_q = """ UPDATE games SET spread_winner_id = {0}, moneyline_winner_id = {1}, push = {2}, home_team_score = {3}, away_team_score = {4}, game_status = '{5}' WHERE id = {6}""".format( row['spread_winner_id'] if pd.notnull(row['spread_winner_id']) else "NULL", row['moneyline_winner_id'], row['push'], row['home_team_score'], row['away_team_score'], row['game_status'], row['id']) for x in range(0, 2): while True: try: update(prod_str, update_q) except DatabaseError: continue break if not live_game.empty: for i, row in live_game.iterrows(): update_q = """ UPDATE games SET home_team_score = {0}, away_team_score = {1}, game_status = '{2}' WHERE id = {3}""".format(row['home_team_score'], row['away_team_score'], row['game_status'], row['id']) for x in range(0, 2): while True: try: update(prod_str, update_q) except DatabaseError: continue break
def is_there_game_on(current_week, prod_str): """ :return: """ games = pd.read_sql( 'select time from games where week = {} order by time ASC;'.format( current_week), prod_str) games['start_time'] = games['time'].apply(convert_tz) games['end_time'] = games['start_time'] + td(hours=4) now = convert_tz( games['game_happening'] = games.apply( lambda row: 1 if row['start_time'] <= now <= row['end_time'] else 0, axis=1) return 1 if any(games['game_happening']) else 0