文件: sample.py 项目: plum-umd/pasket
 def __init__(self, line, depth=0):
   self._depth = depth
   m = re.match(r"(>|<) (.*)\((.*)\)", line)
   if m: # m.group(1) = '>' or '<'
     self._pkg, self._cls, self._mtd = util.explode_mname(m.group(2))
     vals = map(op.methodcaller("strip"), m.group(3).split(','))
     self._vals = util.ffilter(vals) # to remove empty strings
     raise Exception("wrong call sequences", line)
 def __init__(self, line, depth=0):
     self._depth = depth
     m = re.match(r"(>|<) (.*)\((.*)\)", line)
     if m:  # m.group(1) = '>' or '<'
         self._pkg, self._cls, self._mtd = util.explode_mname(m.group(2))
         vals = map(op.methodcaller("strip"), m.group(3).split(','))
         self._vals = util.ffilter(vals)  # to remove empty strings
         raise Exception("wrong call sequences", line)
def rm_subs(clss):
  # { cname: Clazz(cname, ...), ... }
  decls = { cls.name: cls for cls in clss }

  # remove subclasses
  for cname in decls.keys():
    if util.is_collection(cname): continue
    cls = class_lookup(cname)
    if not cls.is_class: continue
    for sub in cls.subs:
      if sub.name in decls:
        logging.debug("{} < {}".format(sub.name, cname))
        del decls[sub.name]
    for sup in util.ffilter([cls.sup]):
      if sup in decls and cname in decls:
        logging.debug("{} < {}".format(cname, sup))
        del decls[cname]

  return decls.values()
def rm_subs(clss):
  # { cname: Clazz(cname, ...), ... }
  decls = { cls.name: cls for cls in clss }

  # remove subclasses
  for cname in decls.keys():
    if util.is_collection(cname): continue
    cls = class_lookup(cname)
    if not cls.is_class: continue
    if cls.is_aux: continue # virtual relations; don't remove sub classes
    for sub in cls.subs:
      if sub.name in decls:
        logging.debug("{} < {}".format(sub.name, cname))
        del decls[sub.name]
    for sup in util.ffilter([cls.sup]):
      if sup in decls and cname in decls:
        logging.debug("{} < {}".format(cname, sup))
        del decls[cname]

  return decls.values()
def gen_type_sk(sk_dir, bases):
  buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
  buf.write("package type;\n")

  cols, decls = util.partition(lambda c: util.is_collection(c.name), bases)
  decls = filter(lambda c: not util.is_array(c.name), decls)
  itfs, clss = util.partition(op.attrgetter("is_itf"), decls)
  logging.debug("# interface(s): {}".format(len(itfs)))
  logging.debug("# class(es): {}".format(len(clss)))
  # convert interfaces first, then usual classes
  buf.write('\n'.join(util.ffilter(map(to_struct, itfs))))
  buf.write('\n'.join(util.ffilter(map(to_struct, clss))))

  # convert collections at last
  logging.debug("# collection(s): {}".format(len(cols)))
  buf.write('\n'.join(map(col_to_struct, cols)))

  # argument number of methods
  arg_num = map(lambda mtd: len(mtd.params), methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id) {{
      return _{0}[id];
  """.format(C.typ.argNum, ", ".join(map(str, arg_num))))

  # argument types of methods
  def get_args_typ(mtd):
    def get_arg_typ(param): return str(class_lookup(param[0]).id)
    return '{' + ", ".join(map(get_arg_typ, mtd.params)) + '}'
  args_typ = map(get_args_typ, methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id, int idx) {{
      return _{0}[id][idx];
  """.format(C.typ.argType, ", ".join(args_typ)))

  # return type of methods
  def get_ret_typ(mtd):
    cls = class_lookup(mtd.typ)
    if cls: return cls.id
    else: return -1
  ret_typ = map(get_ret_typ, methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id) {{
      return _{0}[id];
  """.format(C.typ.retType, ", ".join(map(str, ret_typ))))

  # belonging class of methods
  belongs = map(lambda mtd: mtd.clazz.id, methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id) {{
      return _{0}[id];
  """.format(C.typ.belongsTo, ", ".join(map(str, belongs))))

  subcls = \
      map(lambda cls_i: '{' + ", ".join( \
          map(lambda cls_j: str(cls_i <= cls_j).lower(), classes()) \
      ) + '}', classes())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    bit {0}(int i, int j) {{
      return _{0}[i][j];
  """.format(C.typ.subcls, ", ".join(subcls)))

  ## sub type relations
  #subcls = []
  #for cls_i in classes():
  #  row = []
  #  for cls_j in classes():
  #    row.append(int(cls_i <= cls_j))
  #  subcls.append(row)

  ## sub type relations in yale format 
  #_, IA, JA = util.yale_format(subcls)
  #li, lj = len(IA), len(JA)
  #si = ", ".join(map(str, IA))
  #sj = ", ".join(map(str, JA))
  #  #define _iA {{ {si} }}
  #  #define _jA {{ {sj} }}
  #  int iA(int i) {{
  #    return _iA[i];
  #  }}
  #  int jA(int j) {{
  #    return _jA[j];
  #  }}
  #  bit subcls(int i, int j) {{
  #    int col_i = iA(i);
  #    int col_j = iA(i+1);
  #    for (int col = col_i; col < col_j; col++) {{
  #      if (j == jA(col)) return true;
  #    }}
  #    return false;
  #  }}

  with open(os.path.join(sk_dir, "type.sk"), 'w') as f:
    logging.info("encoding " + f.name)
def gen_type_sk(sk_dir, bases):
  buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
  buf.write("package type;\n")


  cols, decls = util.partition(lambda c: util.is_collection(c.name), bases)
  decls = filter(lambda c: not util.is_array(c.name), decls)
  itfs, clss = util.partition(op.attrgetter("is_itf"), decls)
  logging.debug("# interface(s): {}".format(len(itfs)))
  logging.debug("# class(es): {}".format(len(clss)))
  # convert interfaces first, then usual classes
  buf.write('\n'.join(util.ffilter(map(to_struct, itfs))))
  buf.write('\n'.join(util.ffilter(map(to_struct, clss))))

  # convert collections at last
  logging.debug("# collection(s): {}".format(len(cols)))
  buf.write('\n'.join(map(col_to_struct, cols)))

  # argument number of methods
  arg_num = map(lambda mtd: len(mtd.params), methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id) {{
      return _{0}[id];
  """.format(C.typ.argNum, ", ".join(map(str, arg_num))))

  # argument types of methods
  def get_args_typ(mtd):
    def get_arg_typ(param): return str(class_lookup(param[0]).id)
    return '{' + ", ".join(map(get_arg_typ, mtd.params)) + '}'
  args_typ = map(get_args_typ, methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id, int idx) {{
      return _{0}[id][idx];
  """.format(C.typ.argType, ", ".join(args_typ)))

  # return type of methods
  def get_ret_typ(mtd):
    cls = class_lookup(mtd.typ)
    if cls: return cls.id
    else: return -1
  ret_typ = map(get_ret_typ, methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id) {{
      return _{0}[id];
  """.format(C.typ.retType, ", ".join(map(str, ret_typ))))

  # belonging class of methods
  belongs = map(lambda mtd: mtd.clazz.id, methods())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    int {0}(int id) {{
      return _{0}[id];
  """.format(C.typ.belongsTo, ", ".join(map(str, belongs))))

  subcls = \
      map(lambda cls_i: '{' + ", ".join( \
          map(lambda cls_j: str(cls_i <= cls_j).lower(), classes()) \
      ) + '}', classes())
    #define _{0} {{ {1} }}
    bit {0}(int i, int j) {{
      return _{0}[i][j];
  """.format(C.typ.subcls, ", ".join(subcls)))

  ## sub type relations
  #subcls = []
  #for cls_i in classes():
  #  row = []
  #  for cls_j in classes():
  #    row.append(int(cls_i <= cls_j))
  #  subcls.append(row)

  ## sub type relations in yale format 
  #_, IA, JA = util.yale_format(subcls)
  #li, lj = len(IA), len(JA)
  #si = ", ".join(map(str, IA))
  #sj = ", ".join(map(str, JA))
  #  #define _iA {{ {si} }}
  #  #define _jA {{ {sj} }}
  #  int iA(int i) {{
  #    return _iA[i];
  #  }}
  #  int jA(int j) {{
  #    return _jA[j];
  #  }}
  #  bit subcls(int i, int j) {{
  #    int col_i = iA(i);
  #    int col_j = iA(i+1);
  #    for (int col = col_i; col < col_j; col++) {{
  #      if (j == jA(col)) return true;
  #    }}
  #    return false;
  #  }}

  with open(os.path.join(sk_dir, "type.sk"), 'w') as f:
    logging.info("encoding " + f.name)
def to_func(smpls, mtd):
  buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
  if C.mod.GN in mtd.mods: buf.write(C.mod.GN + ' ')
  elif C.mod.HN in mtd.mods: buf.write(C.mod.HN + ' ')
  ret_ty = trans_ty(mtd.typ)
  cname = unicode(repr(mtd.clazz))
  mname = mtd.name
  arg_typs = mtd.param_typs
  buf.write(ret_ty + ' ' + trans_mname(cname, mname, arg_typs) + '(')

  def trans_param( (ty, nm) ):
    return ' '.join([trans_ty(ty), nm])

  # for instance methods, add "this" pointer into parameters
  if mtd.is_static:
    params = mtd.params[:]
    self_ty = trans_ty(unicode(repr(mtd.clazz)))
    params = [ (self_ty, C.SK.self) ] + mtd.params[:]

  # add "logging" flag into parameters
  # to check log conformity only if invocations cross the boundary
  if not mtd.is_init and not mtd.is_clinit:
    params.append( (C.SK.z, u"logging") )

  if len(params) > 0:
    buf.write(", ".join(map(trans_param, params)))
  buf.write(") {\n")

  # once function signature is dumped out, remove "logging" flag
  if not mtd.is_init and not mtd.is_clinit:

  clss = util.flatten_classes([mtd.clazz], "subs")
  logged = (not mtd.is_init) and sample.mtd_appears(smpls, clss, mtd.name)
  mid = unicode(repr(mtd))
  m_ent = mid + "_ent()"
  m_ext = mid + "_ext()"
  if logged:
    global _mids

  if logged: # logging method entry (>)
    _log_params = map(log_param, params)
    _retrievals, _hashes = util.split([(u'', m_ent)] + _log_params)
    ent_retrievals = util.ffilter(_retrievals)
    ent_hashes = util.ffilter(_hashes)
      int[P] __params = {{ {} }};
      if (logging) check_log@log(__params);
    """.format(u''.join(ent_retrievals), u", ".join(ent_hashes)))

  is_void = C.J.v == mtd.typ
  if mtd.body:
    if not is_void and not mtd.is_init:
      bodies = mtd.body[:-1] # exclude the last 'return' statement
    else: bodies = mtd.body
    buf.write('\n'.join(map(partial(trans_s, mtd), bodies)))

  if logged: # logging method exit (<)
    _log_params = []
    if mtd.body and not is_void and not mtd.is_init:
      ret_v = mtd.body[-1].e
      ret_u = unicode(trans_e(mtd, ret_v))
      # retrieve the return value to a temporary variable
        {} __ret = {};
      """.format(ret_ty, ret_u))
      # then, try to obtain a hash from that temporary variable
      _log_params.append(log_param( (ret_ty, u"__ret") ))

    _retrievals, _hashes = util.split([(u'', m_ext)] + _log_params)
    ext_retrievals = util.ffilter(_retrievals)
    ext_hashes = util.ffilter(_hashes)
      __params = {{ {} }};
      if (logging) check_log@log(__params);
    """.format(u''.join(ext_retrievals), u", ".join(ext_hashes)))

  if mtd.body and not is_void and not mtd.is_init:
    if logged:
      # return the return value stored at the temporary variable
      buf.write("return __ret;")
      buf.write(trans_s(mtd, mtd.body[-1]))

  if mtd.is_init:
    evt_srcs = map(util.sanitize_ty, sample.evt_sources(smpls))
    cname = unicode(repr(mtd.clazz))
    if cname in evt_srcs:
      global _inits
    buf.write("\nreturn {};".format(C.SK.self))

  return buf.getvalue()