文件: misc.py 项目: tnarg/trelby
    def addList(self, descr, parent, sizer, items, doBtns, isFirst, pad=0):
        sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, descr), 0, wx.TOP, pad)

        if doBtns:
            hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

            if isFirst:
                funcs = [self.OnSet1, self.OnClear1, self.OnToggle1]
                funcs = [self.OnSet2, self.OnClear2, self.OnToggle2]

            tmp = wx.Button(parent, -1, "Set")
            wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, tmp.GetId(), funcs[0])

            tmp = wx.Button(parent, -1, "Clear")
            hsizer.Add(tmp, 0, wx.LEFT, 10)
            wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, tmp.GetId(), funcs[1])

            tmp = wx.Button(parent, -1, "Toggle")
            hsizer.Add(tmp, 0, wx.LEFT, 10)
            wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, tmp.GetId(), funcs[2])

            sizer.Add(hsizer, 0, wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 5)

        tmp = wx.CheckListBox(parent, -1)

        longest = -1
        for i in range(len(items)):
            it = items[i]

            tmp.Check(i, it.selected)

            if isFirst:
                if longest != -1:
                    if len(it.text) > len(items[longest].text):
                        longest = i
                    longest = 0

        w = -1
        if isFirst:
            h = len(items)
            if longest != -1:
                w = util.getTextExtent(tmp.GetFont(), "[x] " + items[longest].text)[0] + 15
            h = min(10, len(items))

        # don't know of a way to get the vertical spacing of items in a
        # wx.CheckListBox, so estimate it at font height + 5 pixels, which
        # is close enough on everything I've tested.
        h *= util.getFontHeight(tmp.GetFont()) + 5
        h += 5
        h = max(25, h)

        util.setWH(tmp, w, h)
        sizer.Add(tmp, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        return tmp
文件: namesdlg.py 项目: 4thguy/trelby
    def __init__(self, parent):
        wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1,
            style = wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_VIRTUAL | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL |
                    wx.LC_HRULES | wx.LC_VRULES)

        self.sex = ["Female", "Male"]

        self.InsertColumn(0, "Name")
        self.InsertColumn(1, "Type")
        self.InsertColumn(2, "Sex")
        self.SetColumnWidth(0, 120)
        self.SetColumnWidth(1, 120)

        # we can't use wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE since this is a virtual control,
        # so calculate the size ourselves since we know the longest string
        # possible.
        w = util.getTextExtent(self.GetFont(), "Female")[0] + 15
        self.SetColumnWidth(2, w)

        util.setWH(self, w = 120*2 + w + 25)
    def __init__(self, parent):
                             style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_VIRTUAL
                             | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL | wx.LC_HRULES | wx.LC_VRULES)

        self.sex = ["Female", "Male"]

        self.InsertColumn(0, "Name")
        self.InsertColumn(1, "Type")
        self.InsertColumn(2, "Sex")
        self.SetColumnWidth(0, 120)
        self.SetColumnWidth(1, 120)

        # we can't use wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE since this is a virtual control,
        # so calculate the size ourselves since we know the longest string
        # possible.
        w = util.getTextExtent(self.GetFont(), "Female")[0] + 15
        self.SetColumnWidth(2, w)

        util.setWH(self, w=120 * 2 + w + 25)
文件: cfgdlg.py 项目: G33kX/trelby
    def updateFontLb(self):
        names = ["Normal", "Bold", "Italic", "Bold-Italic"]

        # keep track if all fonts have the same width
        widths = set()

        for i in range(len(names)):
            nfi = wx.NativeFontInfo()
            nfi.FromString(getattr(self.cfg, self.fontsLb.GetClientData(i)))

            ps = nfi.GetPointSize()
            s = nfi.GetFaceName()

            self.fontsLb.SetString(i, "%s: %s, %d" % (names[i], s, ps))

            f = wx.FontFromNativeInfo(nfi)
            widths.add(util.getTextExtent(f, "iw")[0])

        if len(widths) > 1:
            self.errText.SetLabel("Fonts have different widths")
            self.errText.SetForegroundColour((255, 0, 0))
            self.errText.SetLabel("Fonts have matching widths")
文件: config.py 项目: spate/trelby
    def __init__(self, cfgGl):

        if not ConfigGui.constantsInited:
            ConfigGui.bluePen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0, 0, 255))
            ConfigGui.redColor = wx.Colour(255, 0, 0)
            ConfigGui.blackColor = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)

            ConfigGui.constantsInited = True

        # convert cfgGl.MyColor -> cfgGui.wx.Colour
        for it in cfgGl.cvars.color.itervalues():
            c = getattr(cfgGl, it.name)
            tmp = wx.Colour(c.r, c.g, c.b)
            setattr(self, it.name, tmp)

        # key = line type, value = wx.Colour
        self._lt2textColor = {}

        for t in getTIs():
            self._lt2textColor[t.lt] = getattr(self, "text%sColor" % t.name)

        self.textPen = wx.Pen(self.textColor)
        self.textHdrPen = wx.Pen(self.textHdrColor)

        self.workspaceBrush = wx.Brush(self.workspaceColor)
        self.workspacePen = wx.Pen(self.workspaceColor)

        self.textBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.textBgColor)
        self.textBgPen = wx.Pen(self.textBgColor)

        self.pageBorderPen = wx.Pen(self.pageBorderColor)
        self.pageShadowPen = wx.Pen(self.pageShadowColor)

        self.selectedBrush = wx.Brush(self.selectedColor)
        self.selectedPen = wx.Pen(self.selectedColor)

        self.cursorBrush = wx.Brush(self.cursorColor)
        self.cursorPen = wx.Pen(self.cursorColor)

        self.noteBrush = wx.Brush(self.noteColor)
        self.notePen = wx.Pen(self.noteColor)

        self.autoCompPen = wx.Pen(self.autoCompFgColor)
        self.autoCompBrush = wx.Brush(self.autoCompBgColor)
        self.autoCompRevPen = wx.Pen(self.autoCompBgColor)
        self.autoCompRevBrush = wx.Brush(self.autoCompFgColor)

        self.pagebreakPen = wx.Pen(self.pagebreakColor)
        self.pagebreakNoAdjustPen = wx.Pen(self.pagebreakNoAdjustColor,
                                           style = wx.DOT)

        self.tabTextPen = wx.Pen(self.tabTextColor)
        self.tabBorderPen = wx.Pen(self.tabBorderColor)

        self.tabBarBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.tabBarBgColor)
        self.tabBarBgPen = wx.Pen(self.tabBarBgColor)

        self.tabNonActiveBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.tabNonActiveBgColor)
        self.tabNonActiveBgPen = wx.Pen(self.tabNonActiveBgColor)

        # a 4-item list of FontInfo objects, indexed by the two lowest
        # bits of pml.TextOp.flags.
        self.fonts = []

        for fname in ["fontNormal", "fontBold", "fontItalic",
            fi = FontInfo()

            s = getattr(cfgGl, fname)

            # evil users can set the font name to empty by modifying the
            # config file, and some wxWidgets ports crash hard when trying
            # to create a font from an empty string, so we must guard
            # against that.
            if s:
                nfi = wx.NativeFontInfo()

                # On Mac, a pointsize of 0 for nfi will result in a crash
                if nfi.GetPointSize() > 0:
                    fi.font = wx.FontFromNativeInfo(nfi)

                    # likewise, evil users can set the font name to "z" or
                    # something equally silly, resulting in an
                    # invalid/non-existent font. on wxGTK2 and wxMSW we can
                    # detect this by checking the point size of the font.
                    # wxGTK1 chooses some weird chinese font and I can't find
                    # a way to detect that, but it's irrelevant since we'll
                    # rip out support for it in a few months.
                    if fi.font.GetPointSize() == 0:
                        fi.font = None
                    fi.font = None

            # if either of the above failures happened, create a dummy
            # font and use it. this sucks but is preferable to crashing or
            # displaying an empty screen.
            if not fi.font:
                fi.font = wx.Font(10, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL,
                                  encoding = wx.FONTENCODING_ISO8859_1)
                setattr(cfgGl, fname, fi.font.GetNativeFontInfo().ToString())

            # on Mac, the width of a fixed width font can be non-integer.
            # (points != pixels) In order to find out an appropriate
            # approximation, we get the length of a long string and divide it
            # by the number of characters.
            fx, fy = util.getTextExtent(fi.font, "".ljust(100, "O"))
            fx = float(fx) / 100.0

            fi.fx = max(1, fx)
            fi.fy = max(1, fy)

    def addList(self, descr, parent, sizer, items, doBtns, isFirst, pad=0):
        sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, -1, descr), 0, wx.TOP, pad)

        if doBtns:
            hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

            if isFirst:
                funcs = [self.OnSet1, self.OnClear1, self.OnToggle1]
                funcs = [self.OnSet2, self.OnClear2, self.OnToggle2]

            tmp = wx.Button(parent, -1, "Set")
            wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, tmp.GetId(), funcs[0])

            tmp = wx.Button(parent, -1, "Clear")
            hsizer.Add(tmp, 0, wx.LEFT, 10)
            wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, tmp.GetId(), funcs[1])

            tmp = wx.Button(parent, -1, "Toggle")
            hsizer.Add(tmp, 0, wx.LEFT, 10)
            wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, tmp.GetId(), funcs[2])

            sizer.Add(hsizer, 0, wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 5)

        tmp = wx.CheckListBox(parent, -1)

        longest = -1
        for i in range(len(items)):
            it = items[i]

            tmp.Check(i, it.selected)

            if isFirst:
                if longest != -1:
                    if len(it.text) > len(items[longest].text):
                        longest = i
                    longest = 0

        w = -1
        if isFirst:
            h = len(items)
            if longest != -1:
                w = util.getTextExtent(tmp.GetFont(),
                                       "[x] " + items[longest].text)[0] + 15
            h = min(10, len(items))

        # don't know of a way to get the vertical spacing of items in a
        # wx.CheckListBox, so estimate it at font height + 5 pixels, which
        # is close enough on everything I've tested.
        h *= util.getFontHeight(tmp.GetFont()) + 5
        h += 5
        h = max(25, h)

        util.setWH(tmp, w, h)
        sizer.Add(tmp, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        return tmp
    def __init__(self, cfgGl):

        if not ConfigGui.constantsInited:
            ConfigGui.bluePen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0, 0, 255))
            ConfigGui.redColor = wx.Colour(255, 0, 0)
            ConfigGui.blackColor = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)

            ConfigGui.constantsInited = True

        # convert cfgGl.MyColor -> cfgGui.wx.Colour
        for it in cfgGl.cvars.color.itervalues():
            c = getattr(cfgGl, it.name)
            tmp = wx.Colour(c.r, c.g, c.b)
            setattr(self, it.name, tmp)

        # key = line type, value = wx.Colour
        self._lt2textColor = {}

        for t in getTIs():
            self._lt2textColor[t.lt] = getattr(self, "text%sColor" % t.name)

        self.textPen = wx.Pen(self.textColor)
        self.textHdrPen = wx.Pen(self.textHdrColor)

        self.workspaceBrush = wx.Brush(self.workspaceColor)
        self.workspacePen = wx.Pen(self.workspaceColor)

        self.textBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.textBgColor)
        self.textBgPen = wx.Pen(self.textBgColor)

        self.pageBorderPen = wx.Pen(self.pageBorderColor)
        self.pageShadowPen = wx.Pen(self.pageShadowColor)

        self.selectedBrush = wx.Brush(self.selectedColor)
        self.selectedPen = wx.Pen(self.selectedColor)

        self.searchBrush = wx.Brush(self.searchColor)
        self.searchPen = wx.Pen(self.searchColor)

        self.cursorBrush = wx.Brush(self.cursorColor)
        self.cursorPen = wx.Pen(self.cursorColor)

        self.noteBrush = wx.Brush(self.noteColor)
        self.notePen = wx.Pen(self.noteColor)

        self.autoCompPen = wx.Pen(self.autoCompFgColor)
        self.autoCompBrush = wx.Brush(self.autoCompBgColor)
        self.autoCompRevPen = wx.Pen(self.autoCompBgColor)
        self.autoCompRevBrush = wx.Brush(self.autoCompFgColor)

        self.pagebreakPen = wx.Pen(self.pagebreakColor)
        self.pagebreakNoAdjustPen = wx.Pen(self.pagebreakNoAdjustColor,

        self.tabTextPen = wx.Pen(self.tabTextColor)
        self.tabBorderPen = wx.Pen(self.tabBorderColor)

        self.tabBarBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.tabBarBgColor)
        self.tabBarBgPen = wx.Pen(self.tabBarBgColor)

        self.tabNonActiveBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.tabNonActiveBgColor)
        self.tabNonActiveBgPen = wx.Pen(self.tabNonActiveBgColor)

        # a 4-item list of FontInfo objects, indexed by the two lowest
        # bits of pml.TextOp.flags.
        self.fonts = []

        for fname in [
                "fontNormal", "fontBold", "fontItalic", "fontBoldItalic"
            fi = FontInfo()

            s = getattr(cfgGl, fname)

            # evil users can set the font name to empty by modifying the
            # config file, and some wxWidgets ports crash hard when trying
            # to create a font from an empty string, so we must guard
            # against that.
            if s:
                nfi = wx.NativeFontInfo()

                fi.font = wx.FontFromNativeInfo(nfi)

                # likewise, evil users can set the font name to "z" or
                # something equally silly, resulting in an
                # invalid/non-existent font. on wxGTK2 and wxMSW we can
                # detect this by checking the point size of the font.
                # wxGTK1 chooses some weird chinese font and I can't find
                # a way to detect that, but it's irrelevant since we'll
                # rip out support for it in a few months.
                if fi.font.GetPointSize() == 0:
                    fi.font = None

            # if either of the above failures happened, create a dummy
            # font and use it. this sucks but is preferable to crashing or
            # displaying an empty screen.
            if not fi.font:
                fi.font = wx.Font(10,
                setattr(cfgGl, fname, fi.font.GetNativeFontInfo().ToString())

            fx, fy = util.getTextExtent(fi.font, "O")

            fi.fx = max(1, fx)
            fi.fy = max(1, fy)

文件: config.py 项目: HuBandiT/trelby
    def __init__(self, cfgGl):

        if not ConfigGui.constantsInited:
            ConfigGui.bluePen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0, 0, 255))
            ConfigGui.redColor = wx.Colour(255, 0, 0)
            ConfigGui.blackColor = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)

            ConfigGui.constantsInited = True

        # convert cfgGl.MyColor -> cfgGui.wx.Colour
        for it in cfgGl.cvars.color.itervalues():
            c = getattr(cfgGl, it.name)
            tmp = wx.Colour(c.r, c.g, c.b)
            setattr(self, it.name, tmp)

        # key = line type, value = wx.Colour
        self._lt2textColor = {}

        for t in getTIs():
            self._lt2textColor[t.lt] = getattr(self, "text%sColor" % t.name)

        self.textPen = wx.Pen(self.textColor)
        self.textHdrPen = wx.Pen(self.textHdrColor)

        self.workspaceBrush = wx.Brush(self.workspaceColor)
        self.workspacePen = wx.Pen(self.workspaceColor)

        self.textBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.textBgColor)
        self.textBgPen = wx.Pen(self.textBgColor)

        self.pageBorderPen = wx.Pen(self.pageBorderColor)
        self.pageShadowPen = wx.Pen(self.pageShadowColor)

        self.selectedBrush = wx.Brush(self.selectedColor)
        self.selectedPen = wx.Pen(self.selectedColor)

        self.cursorBrush = wx.Brush(self.cursorColor)
        self.cursorPen = wx.Pen(self.cursorColor)

        self.noteBrush = wx.Brush(self.noteColor)
        self.notePen = wx.Pen(self.noteColor)

        self.autoCompPen = wx.Pen(self.autoCompFgColor)
        self.autoCompBrush = wx.Brush(self.autoCompBgColor)
        self.autoCompRevPen = wx.Pen(self.autoCompBgColor)
        self.autoCompRevBrush = wx.Brush(self.autoCompFgColor)

        self.pagebreakPen = wx.Pen(self.pagebreakColor)
        self.pagebreakNoAdjustPen = wx.Pen(self.pagebreakNoAdjustColor,
                                           style = wx.DOT)

        self.tabTextPen = wx.Pen(self.tabTextColor)
        self.tabBorderPen = wx.Pen(self.tabBorderColor)

        self.tabBarBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.tabBarBgColor)
        self.tabBarBgPen = wx.Pen(self.tabBarBgColor)

        self.tabNonActiveBgBrush = wx.Brush(self.tabNonActiveBgColor)
        self.tabNonActiveBgPen = wx.Pen(self.tabNonActiveBgColor)

        # a 4-item list of FontInfo objects, indexed by the two lowest
        # bits of pml.TextOp.flags.
        self.fonts = []

        for fname in ["fontNormal", "fontBold", "fontItalic",
            fi = FontInfo()

            s = getattr(cfgGl, fname)

            # evil users can set the font name to empty by modifying the
            # config file, and some wxWidgets ports crash hard when trying
            # to create a font from an empty string, so we must guard
            # against that.
            if s:
                nfi = wx.NativeFontInfo()

                fi.font = wx.FontFromNativeInfo(nfi)

                # likewise, evil users can set the font name to "z" or
                # something equally silly, resulting in an
                # invalid/non-existent font. on wxGTK2 and wxMSW we can
                # detect this by checking the point size of the font.
                if fi.font.GetPointSize() == 0:
                    fi.font = None

            # if either of the above failures happened, create a dummy
            # font and use it. this sucks but is preferable to crashing or
            # displaying an empty screen.
            if not fi.font:
                fi.font = wx.Font(10, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
                setattr(cfgGl, fname, fi.font.GetNativeFontInfo().ToString())

            fx, fy = util.getTextExtent(fi.font, "O")

            fi.fx = max(1, fx)
            fi.fy = max(1, fy)

文件: cfgdlg.py 项目: G33kX/trelby
    def __init__(self, parent, cfg, applyFunc, isGlobal):
        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, "", style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.applyFunc = applyFunc

        global cfgFrame
        cfgFrame = self

        vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        self.listbook = MyListBook(self)
        w = util.getTextExtent(self.listbook.GetFont(), "Formatting")[0]
        util.setWH(self.listbook, w + 20, 200)

        hsizer.Add(self.listbook, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        self.panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)

        hsizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        if isGlobal:
            self.SetTitle("Settings dialog")

            self.AddPage(GlobalAboutPanel, "About")
            self.AddPage(ColorsPanel, "Colors")
            self.AddPage(DisplayPanel, "Display")
            self.AddPage(ElementsGlobalPanel, "Elements")
            self.AddPage(KeyboardPanel, "Keyboard")
            self.AddPage(MiscPanel, "Misc")
            self.SetTitle("Script settings dialog")

            self.AddPage(ScriptAboutPanel, "About")
            self.AddPage(ElementsPanel, "Elements")
            self.AddPage(FormattingPanel, "Formatting")
            self.AddPage(PaperPanel, "Paper")
            self.AddPage(PDFPanel, "PDF")
            self.AddPage(PDFFontsPanel, "PDF/Fonts")
            self.AddPage(StringsPanel, "Strings")

        size = self.listbook.GetContainingSize()

        hsizer.SetItemMinSize(self.panel, *size)


        # it's unclear whether SetSelection sends an event on all
        # platforms or not, so force correct action.

        vsizer.Add(hsizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        vsizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self, -1), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 5)

        hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        hsizer.Add((1, 1), 1)

        applyBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "Apply")
        hsizer.Add(applyBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

        cancelBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "Cancel")
        hsizer.Add(cancelBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

        okBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "OK")
        hsizer.Add(okBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

        vsizer.Add(hsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)


        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, applyBtn.GetId(), self.OnApply)
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, cancelBtn.GetId(), self.OnCancel)
        wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, okBtn.GetId(), self.OnOK)