 def to_func(self, mtd):
     buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
     if self.tltr.post_mtds:
         self.tltr.post_mtds = ''
     return util.get_and_close(buf)
    def print_obj_struct(self):
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()

        if self.tltr.obj_struct:            
            # pretty print
            i_flds = filter(lambda m: type(m) == FieldDeclaration, self.tltr.obj_struct.members) 
            flds = map(self.tltr.trans_fld, i_flds)
            lens = map(lambda f: len(f[0]), flds)
            m = max(lens) + 1
            buf.write("struct " + str(self.tltr.obj_struct) + " {\n")
            for f in flds:
                buf.write('  {} {}{}{};\n'.format(f[0],' '*(m-len(f[0])), f[1], f[2]))
            buf.write("struct Object {\n")
            buf.write("  int __cid;\n")
            buf.write("  Array_bit _array_bit;\n")            
            buf.write("  Array_char _array_char;\n")
            buf.write("  Array_int _array_int;\n")
            buf.write("  Array_float _array_float;\n")
            buf.write("  Array_double _array_double;\n")
            buf.write("  Array_Object _array_object;\n")            
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "Object.sk"), 'a') as f:
    def gen_main_sk(self, cls_sks):
        # main.sk that imports all the other sketch files
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()

        # --bnd-cbits: the number of bits for integer holes
        bits = max(5, int(math.ceil(math.log(len(self.mtds), 2))))
        buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-cbits {}";\n'.format(bits))

        # --bnd-unroll-amnt: the unroll amount for loops
        unroll_amnt = 35
        if unroll_amnt:
            buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-unroll-amnt {}";\n'.format(35))

        # --bnd-inline-amnt: bounds inlining to n levels of recursion
        inline_amnt = None # use a default value if not set
        # setting it 1 means there is no recursion
        if inline_amnt:
            buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-inline-amnt {}";\n'.format(inline_amnt))
            buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-bound-mode CALLSITE";\n')

        buf.write('pragma options "--fe-fpencoding AS_FIXPOINT";\n')

        sks = ['meta.sk', 'Object.sk', 'array.sk'] + cls_sks
        for sk in sks: buf.write("include \"{}\";\n".format(sk))

        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "main.sk"), 'w') as f:
    def gen_main_sk(self, cls_sks):
        # main.sk that imports all the other sketch files
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()

        # --bnd-cbits: the number of bits for integer holes
        bits = max(5, int(math.ceil(math.log(len(self.mtds), 2))))
        buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-cbits {}";\n'.format(bits))

        # --bnd-unroll-amnt: the unroll amount for loops
        unroll_amnt = 35
        if unroll_amnt:
            buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-unroll-amnt {}";\n'.format(35))

        # --bnd-inline-amnt: bounds inlining to n levels of recursion
        inline_amnt = None # use a default value if not set
        # setting it 1 means there is no recursion
        if inline_amnt:
            buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-inline-amnt {}";\n'.format(inline_amnt))
            buf.write('pragma options "--bnd-bound-mode CALLSITE";\n')

        buf.write('pragma options "--fe-fpencoding AS_FIXPOINT";\n')

        sks = ['meta.sk', 'Object.sk', 'array.sk'] + cls_sks
        for sk in sks: buf.write("include \"{}\";\n".format(sk))

        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "main.sk"), 'w') as f:
 def to_func(self, mtd):
     buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
     if self.tltr.post_mtds:
         self.tltr.post_mtds = ''
     return util.get_and_close(buf)
    def gen_object_sk(self):
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package Object;\n\n")

        self.bases = util.rm_subs(self.clss)
        filter(None, map(self.to_struct, self.bases))
        buf.write('Object Object_Object(Object self){\n return self;\n}\n\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "Object.sk"), 'w') as f:
    def gen_object_sk(self, is_ax_cls):
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package Object;\n\n")

        self.bases = util.rm_subs(self.clss)
        filter(None, map(partial(self.to_struct, is_ax_cls), self.bases))
        buf.write('Object Object_Object(Object self){\n return self;\n}\n\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "Object.sk"), 'w') as f:
    def print_obj_struct(self, is_ax_cls):
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()

        if self.tltr.obj_struct:            
            # pretty print
            i_flds = filter(lambda m: type(m) == FieldDeclaration, self.tltr.obj_struct.members) 
            flds = map(self.tltr.trans_fld, i_flds)
            lens = map(lambda f: len(f[0]), flds)
            m = max(lens) + 1
            buf.write("struct " + str(self.tltr.obj_struct) + " {\n")
            if is_ax_cls:
                for i in range(0, len(flds)):
                    f = flds[i]
                    typ = f[0]
                    if isinstance(i_flds[i].typee, PrimitiveType) and not(f[1] == '__cid' or f[1] == '_int' or f[1] == '_bit' or f[1] == '_double' or f[1] == '_float' or f[1] == '_char'):
                        typ = u'Object'
                    buf.write('  {} {}{}{};\n'.format(typ,' '*(m-len(typ)), f[1], f[2]))
                for i in range(0, len(flds)):                
                # for f in flds:
                    f = flds[i]
                    typ = f[0]
                    i_f = i_flds[i]
                    if isinstance(i_f.typee, ReferenceType):
                        if isinstance(i_f.typee.typee, ClassOrInterfaceType):
                            clss = utils.extract_nodes([ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration], self.prg)
                            clss = map(lambda a: a.name, filter(lambda c: c._axiom, clss))  
                            if i_f.typee.typee.name in clss:
                                typ = u'Object'
                    buf.write('  {} {}{}{};\n'.format(typ,' '*(m-len(typ)), f[1], f[2]))
            if is_ax_cls:
                buf.write("struct Object {\n")
                buf.write("  int __cid;\n")
                buf.write("  Array_bit _array_bit;\n")            
                buf.write("  Array_char _array_char;\n")
                buf.write("  Array_int _array_int;\n")
                buf.write("  Array_float _array_float;\n")
                buf.write("  Array_double _array_double;\n")
                buf.write("  Array_Object _array_object;\n")
                buf.write("  int _int;\n")
                buf.write("  bit _bit;\n")
                buf.write("  double _double;\n")
                buf.write("  char _char;\n")
                buf.write("  float _float;\n")            
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "Object.sk"), 'a') as f:
    def gen_cls_sk(self, cls):
        if cls.axiom:
            return self.gen_axiom_cls_sk(cls)

        mtds = utils.extract_nodes([MethodDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        cons = utils.extract_nodes([ConstructorDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        flds = utils.extract_nodes([FieldDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        s_flds = filter(td.isStatic, flds)

        cname = str(cls)
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package {};\n\n".format(cname))

        for fld in s_flds:
            f = self.tltr.trans_fld(fld)
            buf.write('{} {}{};\n'.format(f[0], f[1], f[2]))
            if cls == self.mcls and fld.variable.init and type(fld.variable.init) == GeneratorExpr: continue
            typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(fld.typee)
            if isinstance(fld.typee, ReferenceType) and fld.typee.arrayCount > 0:
                typ = 'Object'
            buf.write("{0} {1}_g() {{ return {1}; }}\n".format(typ, fld.name))
            buf.write("void {1}_s({0} {1}_s) {{ {1} = {1}_s; }}\n".format(typ, fld.name))

        etypes = cls.enclosing_types()
        if etypes: buf.write('Object self{};\n\n'.format(len(etypes)-1))
        # not a base class, not the harness class, and doesn't override the base constructor
        # if cls not in self.bases and str(cls) != str(self.mcls) and \
        if not filter(lambda c: len(c.parameters) == 0, cons):
            # these represent this$N (inner classes)
            if etypes:
                i = len(etypes)-1
                init = 'self{0} = self_{0};'.format(i)
                buf.write("Object {0}_{0}_{1}(Object self, Object self_{2}) {{\n"
                          "    {3}\n"
                          "    return self;\n"
                          "}}\n\n".format(str(cls), str(etypes[-1]), i, init))
                buf.write("Object {0}_{0}(Object self) {{\n"
                          "    return self;\n"

        for m in cons + mtds:
            if hasattr(m, 'interface') and m.parentNode.interface: continue
            buf.write(self.to_func(m) + os.linesep)

        cls_sk = cname + ".sk"
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, cls_sk), 'w') as f:
        return cls_sk
    def gen_meta_sk(self):
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package meta;\n\n")

        buf.write("// distinct class IDs\n")
        items = sorted(self.CLASS_NUMS.items())
        lens = map(lambda i: len(i[0]), items)
        m = max(lens)
        for k,v in items:
            if k not in utils.narrow:
                buf.write("int {k}() {s} {{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k=k, v=v, s=' '*(m-len(k))))

        buf.write("int {k}(){s}{{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k="Array", v="-1", s=' '*(m-len(k))))        
        buf.write('\n// Uninterpreted functions\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "meta.sk"), 'w') as f:
    def gen_meta_sk(self, is_ax_cls):
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package meta;\n\n")

        buf.write("// distinct class IDs\n")
        items = sorted(self.CLASS_NUMS.items())
        lens = map(lambda i: len(i[0]), items)
        m = max(lens)
        for k,v in items:
            if k not in utils.narrow:
                buf.write("int {k}() {s} {{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k=k, v=v, s=' '*(m-len(k))))

        if is_ax_cls:
            buf.write("int {k}(){s}{{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k="Array", v="-1", s=' '*(m-len(k))))        
            buf.write("int {k}(){s} {{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k="_int", v="-2", s=' '*(m-len(k))))        
            buf.write("int {k}(){s}{{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k="_char", v="-3", s=' '*(m-len(k))))        
            buf.write("int {k}(){s} {{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k="_bit", v="-4", s=' '*(m-len(k))))        
            buf.write("int {k}(){s}{{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k="_float", v="-5", s=' '*(m-len(k)-1)))        
            buf.write("int {k}(){s}{{ return {v}; }}\n".format(k="_double", v="-6", s=' '*(m-len(k)-2)))        
        buf.write('\n// Uninterpreted functions\n')
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, "meta.sk"), 'w') as f:
    def gen_axiom_cls_sk(self, cls):
        cname = str(cls)
        def gen_adt_constructor(mtd):
            name = mtd.name.capitalize()
            c = '    {}{} {{ '.format(name, ' '*(max_len+1-len(mtd.name)))
            if not mtd.default and not mtd.constructor:
                c += '{} self'.format(cls.name)
                if not mtd.parameters:
                    c += '; '
            if mtd.parameters and not mtd.constructor: c += '; '
            for p,t,n in zip(mtd.parameters, mtd.param_typs(), mtd.param_names()):
                typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
                if isinstance(t, ReferenceType) and t.arrayCount > 0:
                    # typ = "Array_"+typ
                    typ = u'Object'
                if p.typee.name in p.symtab:
                    typ_cls = p.symtab[p.typee.name]
                    if isinstance(typ_cls, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) and typ_cls.axiom:
                        typ = u'Object'

                c += '{} {}; '.format(typ, n)
            c += '}\n'
            return c
        # Generates Object Wrapper Functions for ADT Constructors
        def gen_obj_constructor(mtd):
            mtd_param_typs = mtd.param_typs()
            if mtd.constructor:
                for t in mtd_param_typs:
                    mtd.name += '_'+self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
            name = mtd.name
            (ptyps, pnms) = (map(lambda t: self.tltr.trans_ty(t), mtd.param_typs()), map(str, mtd.param_names()))
            ptyps_name = cp.deepcopy(ptyps)
            for i in range(0, len(ptyps)):
                ptyp = ptyps[i]
                p = mtd.parameters[i]
                if p.typee.name in p.symtab:
                    typ_cls = p.symtab[p.typee.name]
                    if isinstance(typ_cls, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) and typ_cls.axiom:
                        ptyps[i] = u'Object'
            for i in range(0,len(ptyps)):
                if isinstance(mtd_param_typs[i], ReferenceType):
                    if mtd_param_typs[i].arrayCount > 0:
                        # ptyps[i] = "Array_"+ptyps[i]
                        if str(mtd_param_typs[i]) == 'byte':
                            ptyps_name[i] = 'byte'
                        ptyps[i] = 'Object'                        
            params = ', '.join(map(lambda p: ' '.join(p), zip(ptyps, pnms)))
            c = 'Object '
            if name == cname.lower():
                mtd_name = cname + "_" + cname
            elif len(name) > 6 and name[len(name)-6:] == "_Empty" and name[0:len(name)-6] == cname.lower():
                mtd_name = cname + "_" + cname                
                mtd_name = name #str(name.lower())
            typ_params = '_'.join(ptyps_name)
            if not mtd.default and not mtd.constructor:
                mtd_name += '_Object'
                if mtd.parameters:
                    mtd_name += '_{}'.format(typ_params)
            c += '{}'.format(mtd_name)
            c += '('
            if not mtd.default:
                if not mtd.constructor:
                    c += 'Object self'
                    if mtd.parameters: c += ', '
                c += '{}) {{\n    '.format(params)
                c += ') {\n    '
            c += 'return new Object(__cid={}(), _{}=new {}('.format(cls.name, cls.name.lower(), name.capitalize())
            if not mtd.default and not mtd.constructor:
                c += 'self=self._{}'.format(cls.name.lower())
            for i in range(0, len(pnms)):
                n = pnms[i]
                if i == 0 and mtd.constructor:
                    c += '{0}={0}'.format(n)
                    c += ', {0}={0}'.format(n)
            c += '));\n}\n\n'
            return c

        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package {};\n\n".format(cname))

        # Creates list of adt "functions" (i.e. constructors from top of java file)
        #   including bang functions
        mtds = utils.extract_nodes([MethodDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        adt_mtds = filter(lambda m: m.adt, mtds)
        non_adt_mtds = filter(lambda m: not m.adt, mtds)

        # Write all non axiom / adt functions to file (like static functions)
        for m in non_adt_mtds:
            buf.write(self.to_func(m) + os.linesep)        
        # add bang functions for non-pure methods
        for (m,i) in zip(adt_mtds, xrange(len(adt_mtds))):
            if not m.pure:
                if not m.constructor:
                    mtd = cp.copy(m)
                    mtd.name = m.name + 'b'
                    mtd.pure = True
                    adt_mtds.insert(i+1, mtd)
                # else:
                #     m.name += 'b'
                #     m.pure = False

        # add default constructor if one isn't provided
        #   i.e. user didn't write constructor at top of Java file
        # default = filter(lambda m: cname == m.name, adt_mtds)
        default = None
        if not default:
            default_name = cname.lower();
            if cname == cname.lower().capitalize():
                default_name += "_Empty"
            m = MethodDeclaration({u'@t':u'MethodDeclaration', u'name':default_name,
            # set this to pure so we don't generate a bang constructor and default...
            # so we know it's default
            m.pure = True
            m.default = True
            adt_mtds = [m] + adt_mtds                                

        # I like to format
        max_len = max(map(lambda m: len(m.name), adt_mtds))

        # Create ADT constructors for all methods and wraps them in ADT struct
        #  Also create a dictionary for object constructors for symbol table reference
        cons = map(gen_obj_constructor, adt_mtds)
        adt_cons = map(gen_adt_constructor, adt_mtds)
        adt = 'adt {} {{\n{}}}\n\n{}'.format(cname, ''.join(adt_cons), ''.join(cons))

        # Updates n's symbol table to include parents symbol table items
        def cpy_sym(n, *args):
            if n.parentNode: n.symtab = dict(n.parentNode.symtab.items() +
        # Iterates through ADT constructors
        #   Creates a dictionary of xforms using constructor names
        #   Keys are the xform name (of the form "xform_"+adt_name)
        #   Values are MethodDeclarations with lots of ugly looking formatting 
        xforms = {}
        for a in adt_mtds:
            xnm = u'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            x = Xform.gen_xform(a.get_coid(), xnm, adt_mtds,

            _self = Parameter({u'id':{u'name':u'self'},
                                   u'type':{u'@t':u'ClassOrInterfaceType', u'name':cname},},)
            x.parameters = [_self] + map(cp.copy, a.parameters)
            x.adtName = str(a)
            x.add_parent_post(cls, True)
            xforms[xnm] = x

        # Applies cpy_sym to all children of this class and all children of those
        #    Updates symbol table of each of these children to include parent's
        #    symbol table
        map(partial(utils.walk, cpy_sym), cls.childrenNodes)
        # create xform dispatch method
        #    i.e. calls the right xform depending on type of ADT
        dispatch = Xform.gen_xform(cls, u'xform', adt_mtds,

        # Builds up return and body of dispatch function
        for a in adt_mtds:
            xnm = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            xf = xforms[xnm]
            ret = ReturnStmt({u'expr':{u'@t':u'MethodCallExpr',

            for p in xf.parameters:
                if p.idd.name == 'self' and a.constructor:
                    v = LiteralExpr({u'name':u'{}'.format(p.idd.name),},)
                    if not a.default:
                        v = LiteralExpr({u'name':u'self.{}'.format(p.idd.name),},)
                        v = LiteralExpr({u'name':u'{}'.format(p.idd.name),},)
                v.typee = p.typee
            body = dispatch.get_xform()
            body.add_body([a.name.capitalize()], [ret], adt_mtds)

        # Writes dispatch function

        # Gets all the axiom declarations 
        ax_mtds = utils.extract_nodes([AxiomDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)

        for a in ax_mtds:
            xnm = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            xf = xforms[xnm]
            xf.name = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)

            index = 0
            for (param,xparam) in zip(a.parameters, xf.parameters):
                xf2 = []
                # if param.method:
                #     if param.method.parameters:
                depth = 1 if index == 0 else 2
                index += 1
                while param.method and param.method.parameters:
                    name_with_args = param.method.name
                    if name_with_args == cls.name:
                        # name_with_args += '_Object_Object'
                        if len(param.method.parameters) > 0:
                            for param2 in param.method.parameters:                        
                                # name_with_args += '_'+str(param2.typee)
                                name_with_args += '_'+self.tltr.trans_ty(param2.typee)
                            name_with_args += '_Empty'
                    xf2 = filter(lambda m: m.name == name_with_args, adt_mtds)
                    xf2 = xf2[0]
                    params2 = param.method.parameters[1:]
                    if xf2.constructor:
                        params2 = param.method.parameters
                    for (xp, ap) in zip(xf2.parameters, params2):
                        name = xparam.name
                        old_name = '#'+ap.name+"_axparam#"
                        if not old_name in xf.symtab: 
                            xf.symtab[old_name] = ((name+u'_')*(depth-1))+name+u'.'+xp.name
                    if not xf2.constructor:
                        ap_name = param.method.parameters[0].name
                        name = u'self' #ap_name
                        xf.symtab['#'+ap_name+"_axparam#"] = ((name+u'_')*(depth-1))+name+u'.self'
                    param = param.method.parameters[0]
                    depth += 1
        # populate individual xforms with axioms
        for a in ax_mtds:
            xnm = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            xf = xforms[xnm]
            xf.name = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            # rename xf parameters to correspond to axiom declaration, not adt
            #    (i.e. parameters representing xforms must access their fields through
            #    correct names, some parameters must be renamed
            for (xp,ap) in zip(xf.parameters, a.parameters):
                # Filters out first argument (i.e. the bang ADT structure)
                if ap.idd:
                    # xp.name = ap.name
                    # ap.name = xp.name
                    a.symtab[ap.name].name = xp.name
            # add a symbol table items to xf
            #   this will give it access to the argument names of a
            #   then updates xf children with 
            xf.symtab = dict(a.symtab.items() + xf.symtab.items())
            map(partial(utils.walk, cpy_sym), xf.childrenNodes)

            #    without this it isn't able to resolve the string type of the
            #    function. not sure why...
            a.symtab = dict(xf.symtab.items() + a.symtab.items())
            map(partial(utils.walk, cpy_sym), a.childrenNodes)
            # returns empty switch statement to be filled by axioms declarations
            #   of the axiom "a"
            #   TODO: add depth argument here for nested structures
            body = xf.get_xform()

            # iterate through body of axiom declarations of a, translate
            #    them to appropriate IRs (i.e. JSON dicts)
            a.body.stmts = self.tltr.trans_xform(a.name, body, a.body.stmts)

            casess = []
            for i in range(0, len(a.parameters)):
                # Find the right instance for which case this should be in the
                #    resulting switch statement
                decs = utils.extract_nodes([AxiomDeclaration], a.parameters[i])

                decs2 = filter(lambda m: m.name.split('_')[0] == a.parameters[i].name and a.parameters[i].name == cls.name, adt_mtds)
                # Add the empty constructor to the declarations if needed
                if not a.parameters[0].method:

                cases = []
                if a.parameters[i].method and len(decs2) > 0:
                    for d in decs2:
                        params = a.parameters[i].method.parameters
                        name = a.parameters[i].method.name
                        for p in params:
                            name += '_'+self.tltr.trans_ty(p.typee).lower()
                    cases = map(lambda d: d.name.capitalize(), decs)
            # add cases to body
            body.add_body_nested(casess, a.body.stmts, adt_mtds, xf.parameters)
        for v in xforms.values():
        cls_sk = cname + ".sk"
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, cls_sk), 'w') as f:
        return cls_sk
    def gen_axiom_cls_sk(self, cls, is_ax_cls):
        cname = str(cls)

        ax_mtds = utils.extract_nodes([AxiomDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)

        def gen_adt_constructor(mtd):
            name = mtd.name
            mtd_param_typs = mtd.param_typs()            
            # if mtd.constructor:
            #     name += u'_Object'
            for t in mtd_param_typs:
                typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
                if typ == u'Object' or str(t) == u'byte': typ = str(t)
                # if typ in map(str, cls.typeParameters):
                #     typ = u'Object'
                name += '_'+typ
                # if mtd.constructor:
                #     name += '_'+typ
            name = name.capitalize()
            c = '    {}{} {{ '.format(name, ' '*(max_len+1-len(mtd.name)))
            if not mtd.default and not mtd.constructor:
                c += '{} self'.format(cls.name)
                if not mtd.parameters:
                    c += '; '
            if mtd.parameters and not mtd.constructor: c += '; '
            for p,t,n in zip(mtd.parameters, mtd.param_typs(), mtd.param_names()):
                typ = u'Object'
                if not is_ax_cls:
                    typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
                    if isinstance(t, ReferenceType) and t.arrayCount > 0:
                        typ = "Array_"+typ
                    if isinstance(t, ReferenceType) and isinstance(t.typee, ClassOrInterfaceType) and str(t.typee) in map(lambda c: c.name, self.ax_clss) and not self.is_ax_cls:
                        typ = u'Object'
                # if p.typee.name in p.symtab:
                #     typ_cls = p.symtab[p.typee.name]
                #     if isinstance(typ_cls, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) and typ_cls.axiom:
                #         typ = u'Object'

                c += '{} {}; '.format(typ, n)
            c += '}\n'
            return c
        # Generates Object Wrapper Functions for ADT Constructors
        def gen_obj_constructor(mtd):
            mtd_param_typs = mtd.param_typs()
            name = mtd.name
            mtd_name2 = mtd.name
            if mtd.constructor:
                name += u'_Object'
            for t in mtd_param_typs:
                typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
                if typ == u'Object' or str(t) == u'byte': typ = str(t)
                # if typ in map(str, cls.typeParameters):
                #     typ = u'Object'
                mtd_name2 += '_'+typ
                if mtd.constructor:
                    name += '_'+typ
            ptyps = []
            ptyps_name = []
            for t in mtd_param_typs:
                if isinstance(t, ReferenceType) and isinstance(t.typee, ClassOrInterfaceType) and str(t.typee) in map(lambda c: c.name, self.ax_clss) and not self.is_ax_cls:
                    typ = u'Object'
                    typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
                if typ == u'Object' or str(t) == u'byte': typ = str(t)
            pnms = map(str, mtd.param_names())
            # (ptyps, pnms) = (map(lambda t: self.tltr.trans_ty(t), mtd.param_typs()), map(str, mtd.param_names()))
            # ptyps_name = cp.deepcopy(ptyps)
            if is_ax_cls:
                for i in range(0, len(ptyps)):
                    ptyps[i] = u'Object'
            #     ptyp = ptyps[i]
            #     p = mtd.parameters[i]
            #     if p.typee.name in p.symtab:
            #         typ_cls = p.symtab[p.typee.name]
            #         if isinstance(typ_cls, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) and typ_cls.axiom:
            #             ptyps[i] = u'Object'
            if not is_ax_cls:
                for i in range(0,len(ptyps)):
                    if isinstance(mtd_param_typs[i], ReferenceType):
                        if mtd_param_typs[i].arrayCount > 0:
                            ptyps[i] = "Array_"+ptyps[i]
            params = ', '.join(map(lambda p: ' '.join(p), zip(ptyps, pnms)))
            c = 'Object '
            if (not is_ax_cls and mtd_name2.split('_')[0] in map(lambda x: x.name, ax_mtds)) and not mtd.boxedRet:
                # c = str(mtd.typee) + u' '
                c = self.tltr.trans_ty(mtd.typee) + u' '
            if isinstance(mtd.typee, ReferenceType) and mtd.typee.arrayCount > 0 and (not is_ax_cls and not mtd.boxedRet and not mtd.is_bang):
                c = u'Array_'+self.tltr.trans_ty(mtd.typee) + u' '
            if name == cname.lower():
                mtd_name = cname + "_" + cname
            elif len(name) > 6 and name[len(name)-6:] == "_Empty" and name[0:len(name)-6] == cname.lower():
                mtd_name = cname + "_" + cname                
                mtd_name = name #str(name.lower())
            typ_params = '_'.join(ptyps_name)
            if not mtd.default and not mtd.constructor:
                mtd_name += '_Object'
                if mtd.parameters:
                    mtd_name += '_{}'.format(typ_params)

            c += '{}'.format(mtd_name)
            c += '('
            if not mtd.default:
                if not mtd.constructor:
                    c += 'Object self'
                    if mtd.parameters: c += ', '
                c += '{}) {{\n    '.format(params)
                c += ') {\n    '
            if mtd_name2.split('_')[0] not in map(lambda x: x.name, ax_mtds):
                if mtd_name2.split('_')[0].endswith('b'):
                    c += 'self._{0}=new {1}('.format(cls.name.lower(), mtd_name2.capitalize())
                    if not mtd.default and not mtd.constructor:
                        c += 'self=self._{}'.format(cls.name.lower())
                    for i in range(0, len(pnms)):
                        n = pnms[i]
                        if i == 0 and mtd.constructor:
                            c += '{0}={0}'.format(n)
                            c += ', {0}={0}'.format(n)
                    c += ');\n'
                    c +='return self;\n}\n\n'
                    c += 'return new Object(__cid={}(), _{}=new {}('.format(cls.name, cls.name.lower(), mtd_name2.capitalize())
                    if not mtd.default and not mtd.constructor:
                        c += 'self=self._{}'.format(cls.name.lower())
                    for i in range(0, len(pnms)):
                        n = pnms[i]
                        if i == 0 and mtd.constructor:
                            c += '{0}={0}'.format(n)
                            c += ', {0}={0}'.format(n)
                    c += '));\n}\n\n'
                mname = mtd_name2.split('_')[0]
                ptypes = '_'.join(mtd_name2.split('_')[1:])
                c += 'return xform_{}_{}'.format(mname, cls.name)
                if ptypes != '':
                    c +='_{}'.format(ptypes)
                # c += '(self._{}'.format(cls.name.lower())
                c += '(self'
                if not is_ax_cls and not mtd.boxedRet:
                    c += u'._'+str(cls).lower()
                if pnms != []:
                    c += ', {}'.format(','.join(pnms))
                c += ');\n}\n\n'
            return c

        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package {};\n\n".format(cname))

        # Creates list of adt "functions" (i.e. constructors from top of java file)
        #   including bang functions
        mtds = utils.extract_nodes([MethodDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        adt_mtds = filter(lambda m: m.adt, mtds)
        non_adt_mtds = filter(lambda m: not m.adt, mtds)

        # Write all non axiom / adt functions to file (like static functions)
        for m in non_adt_mtds:
            buf.write(self.to_func(m) + os.linesep)        
        # add bang functions for non-pure methods
        for (m,i) in zip(adt_mtds, xrange(len(adt_mtds))):
            if not m.pure:
                if not m.constructor:
                    mtd = cp.copy(m)
                    mtd.name = m.name + 'b'
                    mtd.pure = True
                    mtd.is_bang = True
                    adt_mtds.insert(i+1, mtd)
                # else:
                #     m.name += 'b'
                #     m.pure = False

        # add default constructor if one isn't provided
        #   i.e. user didn't write constructor at top of Java file
        # default = filter(lambda m: cname == m.name, adt_mtds)
        default = None
        if not default:
            default_name = cname.lower();
            if cname == cname.lower().capitalize():
                default_name += "_Empty"
            m = MethodDeclaration({u'@t':u'MethodDeclaration', u'name':default_name,
            # set this to pure so we don't generate a bang constructor and default...
            # so we know it's default
            m.pure = True
            m.default = True
            adt_mtds = [m] + adt_mtds                                

        # I like to format
        max_len = max(map(lambda m: len(m.name), adt_mtds))
        # Create ADT constructors for all methods and wraps them in ADT struct
        #  Also create a dictionary for object constructors for symbol table reference
        cons = map(gen_obj_constructor, adt_mtds)
        adt_cons = map(gen_adt_constructor, adt_mtds)
        adt = 'adt {} {{\n{}}}\n\n{}'.format(cname, ''.join(adt_cons), ''.join(cons))

        # updates n's symbol table to include parents symbol table items
        def cpy_sym(n, *args):
            if n.parentNode: n.symtab = dict(n.parentNode.symtab.items() +
        # Iterates through ADT constructors
        #   Creates a dictionary of xforms using constructor names
        #   Keys are the xform name (of the form "xform_"+adt_name)
        #   Values are MethodDeclarations with lots of ugly looking formatting 
        xforms = {}
        for a in adt_mtds:
            xnm = u'xform_{}'.format(a.name_no_nested(False))
            x = Xform.gen_xform(a.get_coid(), xnm, adt_mtds,
                                  u'id':{u'name':u'selff',},},], is_ax_cls, a)

            # _self = Parameter({u'id':{u'name':u'selff'},
            #                        u'type':{u'@t':u'ClassOrInterfaceType', u'name':cname}},)
            _self = Parameter({u'id':{u'name':u'selff'},
                                   u'type':{u'@t': u'ReferenceType', u'type': {u'@t':u'ClassOrInterfaceType', u'name':cname},},},)
            x.parameters = [_self] + map(cp.copy, a.parameters)
            x.adtName = str(a)
            x.add_parent_post(cls, True)
            x.boxedRet = a.boxedRet
            xforms[xnm] = x

        # Applies cpy_sym to all children of this class and all children of those
        #    Updates symbol table of each of these children to include parent's
        #    symbol table
        map(partial(utils.walk, cpy_sym), cls.childrenNodes)
        # # create xform dispatch method
        # #    i.e. calls the right xform depending on type of ADT
        # dispatch = Xform.gen_xform(cls, u'xform', adt_mtds,
        #                            [{u'@t':u'Parameter',
        #                              u'type':{u'@t':u'ClassOrInterfaceType',u'name':cname},
        #                              u'id':{u'name':u'self',},},],)
        # dispatch.add_parent_post(cls)

        # # Builds up return and body of dispatch function
        # for a in adt_mtds:
        #     xnm = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name_no_nested(False))
        #     xf = xforms[xnm]
        #     ret = ReturnStmt({u'expr':{u'@t':u'MethodCallExpr',
        #                                u'name':xnm,u'type':{u'@t':u'ClassOrInterfaceType',
        #                                                     u'name':'Object',},
        #                                u'args':[],},},)

        #     for p in xf.parameters:
        #         if p.idd.name == 'self' and a.constructor:
        #             v = LiteralExpr({u'name':u'{}'.format(p.idd.name),},)
        #         else:
        #             if not a.default:
        #                 v = LiteralExpr({u'name':u'self.{}'.format(p.idd.name),},)
        #             else:
        #                 v = LiteralExpr({u'name':u'{}'.format(p.idd.name),},)
        #         v.typee = p.typee
        #         ret.expr.childrenNodes.append(v)
        #         ret.expr.args.append(v)
        #     body = dispatch.get_xform()
        #     # body.add_body([a.name.capitalize()], [ret], adt_mtds)
        #     body.add_body([a.name_no_nested(False).capitalize()], [ret], adt_mtds)

        # Writes dispatch function
        # buf.write(self.tltr.trans(dispatch))

        # Gets all the axiom declarations 
        ax_mtds = utils.extract_nodes([AxiomDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)

        # for a in adt_mtds:
        #     print("HERE22: "+str(a.name_no_nested(False)))

        # def set_param_names(self, xparams, params, mtd, xf, depth):
        #     for (xp, ap) in zip(xparams, params):
        #         name = mtd.name
        #         if name == u'selff': name = u'self'
        #         old_name = '#'+ap.name+"_axparam#"
        #         if not old_name in xf.symtab: 
        #             xf.symtab[old_name] = ((name+u'_')*(depth-1))+name+u'.'+xp.name

        # def set_param_names2(self, param, xparam, depth, cls):            
        #     if param.method and param.method.parameters:
        #         name_with_args = param.method.name
        #         if len(param.method.parameters) > 0:
        #             nested_params = param.method.parameters
        #             # Checking for constructor w/ no args
        #             if name_with_args != cls.name:
        #                 nested_params = nested_params[1:]
        #             for param2 in nested_params:
        #                 t = param2.typee
        #                 typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
        #                 if typ == u'Object' or str(t) == u'byte': typ = str(t)
        #                 name_with_args += '_'+typ
        #         if name_with_args == cls.name and len(param.method.parameters) == 0:
        #             name_with_args += '_Empty'

        #         xf = filter(lambda m: name_with_args.startswith(m.name), adt_mtds)[0]
        #             params2 = param.method.parameters[1:]
        #             if xf2.constructor:
        #                 params2 = param.method.parameters
        #             for (xp, ap) in zip(xf2.parameters, params2):
        #                 name = xparam.name
        #                 if name == 'selff': name = u'self'
        #             if not xf2.constructor:
        #                 ap_name = param.method.parameters[0].name
        #                 name = u'self' #ap_name
        #                 xf.symtab['#'+ap_name+"_axparam#"] = ((name+u'_')*(depth-1))+name+u'.self'
        #             param = param.method.parameters[0]
        #             depth += 1
        def set_param_names(a, xf, adt_mtds, depth, xf_sym, name, xnames):
            xf_params = xf.parameters
            if len(xf_params) == len(a.parameters)-1:
                first_param = LiteralExpr({u'name':u'selff',},)
                xf_params = [first_param]+xf_params
            for (param, xparam) in zip(a.parameters, xf_params):
                if not param.method or not param.method.parameters:
                    if name == 'selff': name = u'self'
                    old_name = '#'+param.name+"_axparam#"
                    if not old_name in xf_sym.symtab:
                        xname = xparam.name
                        if xname == u'selff': xname = u'self'
                        if depth != 0:
                            if depth == 1 and name == u'self':
                                xname = name+u'.'+xname
                                if name == u'self':
                                    xname = ((name+u'_')*(depth-1))+name+u'.'+xname
                                    xname = ((name+u'_')*(depth))+name+u'.'+xname
                                poss_names = filter(lambda n: len(n.split('_')) == depth+1, xnames)
                                if len(poss_names) > 0:
                                    new_xname = poss_names[0].split('.')[0]
                                    xname = new_xname+u'.'+xname.split('.')[-1]
                        xf_sym.symtab[old_name] = xname
                    xf2 = filter(lambda m: param.method.name == m.name.split('_')[0], adt_mtds)[0]
                    if depth == 0:
                        set_param_names(param.method, xf2, adt_mtds, depth+1, xf_sym, xparam.name, xnames)
                        if xparam.name != u'selff':
                        set_param_names(param.method, xf2, adt_mtds, depth+1, xf_sym, name, xnames)

        for a in ax_mtds:
            a.name = a.name_no_nested(False, [])            
            xnm = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            xf = xforms[xnm]
            xf.name = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            set_param_names(a, xf, adt_mtds, 0, xf, u'self', [])            
            # index = 0
            # for (param,xparam) in zip(a.parameters, xf.parameters):
            #     xf2 = []
            #     # if param.method:
            #     #     if param.method.parameters:
            #     depth = 1 if index == 0 else 2
            #     index += 1
            #     while param.method and param.method.parameters:
            #         name_with_args = param.method.name
            #         # name_with_args += '_Object_Object'
            #         if len(param.method.parameters) > 0:
            #             params2 = param.method.parameters
            #             if name_with_args != cls.name:
            #                 params2 = params2[1:]
            #             for param2 in params2:
            #                 # name_with_args += '_'+str(param2.typee)
            #                 t = param2.typee
            #                 typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(t)
            #                 if typ == u'Object' or str(t) == u'byte': typ = str(t)
            #                 name_with_args += '_'+typ
            #         if name_with_args == cls.name and len(param.method.parameters) == 0:
            #             name_with_args += '_Empty'
            #         # xf2 = filter(lambda m: m.name == name_with_args, adt_mtds)
            #         xf2 = filter(lambda m: name_with_args.startswith(m.name), adt_mtds)
            #         xf2 = xf2[0]
            #         params2 = param.method.parameters[1:]
            #         if xf2.constructor:
            #             params2 = param.method.parameters
            #         for (xp, ap) in zip(xf2.parameters, params2):
            #             name = xparam.name
            #             if name == 'selff': name = u'self'
            #             old_name = '#'+ap.name+"_axparam#"
            #             if not old_name in xf.symtab: 
            #                 xf.symtab[old_name] = ((name+u'_')*(depth-1))+name+u'.'+xp.name
            #         if not xf2.constructor:
            #             ap_name = param.method.parameters[0].name
            #             name = u'self' #ap_name
            #             xf.symtab['#'+ap_name+"_axparam#"] = ((name+u'_')*(depth-1))+name+u'.self'
            #         param = param.method.parameters[0]
            #         depth += 1
        # populate individual xforms with axioms
        for a in ax_mtds:
            xnm = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            xf = xforms[xnm]
            xf.name = 'xform_{}'.format(a.name)
            # rename xf parameters to correspond to axiom declaration, not adt
            #    (i.e. parameters representing xforms must access their fields through
            #    correct names, some parameters must be renamed
            for (xp,ap) in zip(xf.parameters, a.parameters):
                # Filters out first argument (i.e. the bang ADT structure)
                if ap.idd:
                    xp_name = xp.name if xp.name != u'selff' else u'self'
                    # xp.name = ap.name
                    # ap.name = xp.name
                    a.symtab[ap.name].name = xp_name

            # add a symbol table items to xf
            #   this will give it access to the argument names of a
            #   then updates xf children with 
            xf.symtab = dict(a.symtab.items() + xf.symtab.items())
            map(partial(utils.walk, cpy_sym), xf.childrenNodes)

            #    without this it isn't able to resolve the string type of the
            #    function. not sure why...
            a.symtab = dict(xf.symtab.items() + a.symtab.items())
            map(partial(utils.walk, cpy_sym), a.childrenNodes)

            # returns empty switch statement to be filled by axioms declarations
            #   of the axiom "a"
            body = xf.get_xform()

            if any(map(lambda p: p.method, a.parameters)):                        
                # iterate through body of axiom declarations of a, translate
                #    them to appropriate IRs (i.e. JSON dicts)
                a.body.stmts = self.tltr.trans_xform(a.name, body, a.body.stmts)
            casess = []

            for i in range(0, len(a.parameters)):
                # Find the right instance for which case this should be in the
                #    resulting switch statement
                decs = utils.extract_nodes([AxiomDeclaration], a.parameters[i])

                # decs = filter(lambda m: m.adt and m.name_no_nested() == a.parameters[i].name_no_nested(), adt_mtds)
                # cases = map(lambda d: d.name_no_nested().capitalize(), decs)
                decs2 = filter(lambda m: m.name.split('_')[0] == a.parameters[i].name and a.parameters[i].name == cls.name, adt_mtds)
                # Add the empty constructor to the declarations if needed
                if not a.parameters[0].method:
                cases = []
                if a.parameters[i].method and len(decs2) > 0:
                    for d in decs2:
                        # params = a.parameters[i].method.parameters
                        # name = a.parameters[i].method.name
                        # for p in params:
                        #     name += '_'+self.tltr.trans_ty(p.typee).lower()
                        name = a.parameters[i].method.name_no_nested(d.constructor, adt_mtds).capitalize()
                        # cases.append(name)
                        cases.append((name, i))
                    for d in decs:
                        if isinstance(d, AxiomDeclaration):
                            # cases.append(d.name_no_nested(False, adt_mtds).capitalize())
                            cases.append((d.name_no_nested(False, adt_mtds).capitalize(), i))
                            # cases.append(d.name_no_nested(False).capitalize())
                            cases.append((d.name_no_nested(False).capitalize(), i))
                    # cases = map(lambda d: d.name_no_nested(False, adt_mtds).capitalize(), decs)
            # add cases to body
            if any(map(lambda p: p.method, a.parameters)):                            
                body.add_body_nested(casess, a.body.stmts, adt_mtds, xf.parameters, cls, a, self.is_ax_cls)

        for v in xforms.values():
        cls_sk = cname + ".sk"
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, cls_sk), 'w') as f:
        return cls_sk
    def gen_cls_sk(self, cls, is_ax_cls):
        if cls.axiom:
            if is_ax_cls:
                return self.gen_axiom_cls_sk(cls, self.is_ax_cls)
        mtds = utils.extract_nodes([MethodDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        cons = utils.extract_nodes([ConstructorDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        flds = utils.extract_nodes([FieldDeclaration], cls, recurse=False)
        s_flds = filter(td.isStatic, flds)

        # filter out non-static fields with initial values
        ns_flds = filter(lambda f: not td.isStatic(f) and f.variable.init, flds)
        # add initializer to all constructors for non-static fields defined
        #   in global space
        for fld in ns_flds:
            f = self.tltr.trans_fld(fld)
            for con in cons:
                tar = NameExpr()
                tar.name = 'self.{}'.format(f[1])
                expr = AssignExpr()
                expr.target = tar
                expr.value = fld.variable.init
                expr.op = u'assign'
                assignExpr = ExpressionStmt()
                assignExpr.expr = expr
                if con.body == None:
                    con.body = BlockStmt({u'stmts': [assignExpr]})
        cname = str(cls)
        buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
        buf.write("package {};\n\n".format(cname))

        for fld in s_flds:
            f = self.tltr.trans_fld(fld)
            typ = f[0]
            if self.is_ax_cls:
                typ = u'Object'
            buf.write('{} {}{};\n'.format(typ, f[1], f[2]))
            if cls == self.mcls and fld.variable.init and type(fld.variable.init) == GeneratorExpr: continue
            if not is_ax_cls:
                typ = self.tltr.trans_ty(fld.typee)
                if isinstance(fld.typee, ReferenceType) and fld.typee.arrayCount > 0:
                    if is_ax_cls:
                        typ = 'Object'
                        typ = 'Array_{}'.format(typ)
            buf.write("{0} {1}_g() {{ return {1}; }}\n".format(typ, fld.name))
            buf.write("void {1}_s({0} {1}_s) {{ {1} = {1}_s; }}\n".format(typ, fld.name))

        etypes = cls.enclosing_types()
        if etypes: buf.write('Object self{};\n\n'.format(len(etypes)-1))
        # not a base class, not the harness class, and doesn't override the base constructor
        # if cls not in self.bases and str(cls) != str(self.mcls) and \
        if not filter(lambda c: len(c.parameters) == 0, cons):
            # these represent this$N (inner classes)
            if etypes:
                i = len(etypes)-1
                init = 'self{0} = self_{0};'.format(i)
                buf.write("Object {0}_{0}_{1}(Object self, Object self_{2}) {{\n"
                          "    {3}\n"
                          "    return self;\n"
                          "}}\n\n".format(str(cls), str(etypes[-1]), i, init))
                if not ns_flds:
                    buf.write("Object {0}_{0}(Object self) {{\n"
                              "    return self;\n"
                    fld_vals = list(map(lambda f: self.tltr.trans(f.variable.init), ns_flds))
                    trans_ns_flds = list(map(self.tltr.trans_fld, ns_flds))
                    trans_ns_flds = zip(trans_ns_flds, fld_vals)
                    stmts = list(map(lambda f: "    self.{0}={1};\n".format(f[0][1],f[1]), trans_ns_flds))
                    stmts = "".join(stmts)
                    buf.write("Object {0}_{0}(Object self) {{\n{1}"
                              "    return self;\n"
                              "}}\n\n".format(str(cls), stmts))

        for m in cons + mtds:
            if hasattr(m, 'interface') and m.parentNode.interface: continue
            buf.write(self.to_func(m) + os.linesep)

        cls_sk = cname + ".sk"
        with open(os.path.join(self.sk_dir, cls_sk), 'w') as f:
        return cls_sk