def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, u' 商業電台 - ') t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors( doc, {'#divnewsTextDate', '#part6808_ctl00_lblDetailDate'}) t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M') + int( time.localtime().tm_sec) category = doc('#part8425_ctl00_divtitle').text() author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#divnewsTextContent p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#tdContent p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector( doc, '.newsTextContent2') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'CommercialRadio' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('h1').text() meta_txt = doc('.metaStuff').text() t = re.findall(ur'[^\s]+月.+', meta_txt)[0] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( t) + time.localtime().tm_hour * 3600 + time.localtime( ).tm_min * 60 + time.localtime().tm_sec category = doc('#crumbs a').text().split(' ')[-1] author = meta_txt.split(' ')[0] content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.entry p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.entry div') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Savantas' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur'熱血時報 \| ') author = doc(' a').text() t = doc('time[class="published"]').text() t_stamp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(str(doc('time[class="published"]').text()), "%m-%d-%Y"))) category = doc(' a').text() doc.remove('script') doc.remove('style') content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.article-body p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.article-body') if t_stamp >= int(time.mktime(time.strptime(str(time.localtime().tm_year) + str(time.localtime().tm_mon) + str( time.localtime().tm_mday), '%Y%m%d'))): t_stamp = int(time.time()) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'PassionTimes' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('.article-body img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = img.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u elif not re.match(r'http://.+', media_u): media_u = '' + media_u media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description='', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for a in doc('iframe').items(): if a.attr('src') and re.match(r'.*youtube\.com.+', a.attr('src')): media_u = a.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) if util.within_active_interval(6, 1200): _comments = util.get_filtered_facebook_comments_data('462543587117177', doc('div.fb-comments').attr('data-href'), task.url) if _comments: for _comment in _comments: item.media_list.append( self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=_comment['json_string'], type='comments', description='comments', created_at=item.fetched_at) )
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur' - .*') t = '' t_stamp = 0 if doc('time') or doc(''): t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors(doc, {'time', ''}) t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) + int(time.localtime().tm_sec) category = re.sub(ur'.*\s+', u'', doc('.dropdown-menu a').text()) author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#news-content') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.content span') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'HeadlineNews' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('.content .item img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = img.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for a in doc('iframe').items(): if a.attr('src') and re.match(r'.*youtube\.com.+', a.attr('src')): media_u = a.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) if util.within_active_interval(12, 600): _comments = util.get_filtered_facebook_comments_data('978368502211772', doc('div.fb-comments').attr('data-href'), task.url) if _comments: for _comment in _comments: item.media_list.append( self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=_comment['json_string'], type='comments', description='comments', created_at=item.fetched_at) )
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = '' t = '' t_stamp = 0 category = '' author = '' content = '' if instant_pattern.match(task.url): title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur' - 信報網站') t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors(doc, {''}) time_part = min_sec_pattern.findall(t)[0] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(time_part) + time.localtime().tm_sec category = doc('span.cate').text() content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#article-content p') elif daily_pattern.match(task.url) or headline_article_pattern.match(task.url): title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur' - .+') t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors(doc, {'#date'}) t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) + time.localtime().tm_hour*3600 + time.localtime().tm_min*60 + time.localtime().tm_sec category = doc('#hkej_navSubMenu_2014 .on').text() content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#article-content p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#article-detail-wrapper') content = re.sub(ur'(節錄)(.|\n|\t|\r)*', u'', content, re.M | re.I | re.U) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'HKEJ' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('#article-detail-wrapper p img, #article-detail-wrapper .hkej_detail_thumb_2014 img').items(): if img.parent('a').attr('href') != '': des = '' if img.parent('a') and img.parent('a').attr('title'): des = img.parent('a').attr('title') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=img.parent('a').attr('href'), type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for a in doc('iframe').items(): if a.attr('src') and re.match(r'.*youtube\.com.*', a.attr('src')): media_u = a.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media)
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'.article_tit h1'}, ur'\s*|.*') if item.title == '': item.title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur'\s*|.*') item.t = doc('meta[name=artpdate]').attr('content') item.t_stamp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(item.t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = doc('meta[name=catname]').attr('content') = doc('meta[name=author]').attr('content') content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.article_content__module p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'li.article_summary_pt') item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'HK01' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('.article__body__content img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '' and not img.parents('.related_article'): media_u = img.attr('src') if media_u != '//': des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for img in doc('.article__body__content object[data-gallery-image="true"]').items(): if img.attr('data'): media_u = img.attr('data') des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for a in doc('iframe').items(): if a.attr('src') and re.match(r'.*youtube\.com.+', a.attr('src')): media_u = a.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) if util.within_active_interval(6, 1200): _comments = util.get_filtered_facebook_comments_data('1651866545051541', doc('div.fb-comments').attr('data-href'), task.url) if _comments: for _comment in _comments: item.media_list.append( self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=_comment['json_string'], type='comments', description='comments', created_at=item.fetched_at) ) '''
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title( doc, {'h1', 'font.heading', 'font[size="+2"]'}) t = util.get_day_string(offset=self.OFFSET) t_stamp = util.get_day_stamp(self.OFFSET) category = '' if cat_pattern.findall(task.url): cat_word = cat_pattern.findall(task.url)[0] category = doc('.' + cat_word).text() if category == '': category = re.sub(ur' .*', u'', doc('td font').text()) author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.newsText p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#contentAD1 p') if content == '': _doc = doc('#contentAD1') _doc.remove('table') _doc.remove('span') content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(_doc, 'div') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'dd') if content == '': content = doc('.caption').next_all('p').text() if content == '': _doc = doc.parent('.caption').parent() _doc.remove('table').remove('span') content = _doc.text() if content == '': _doc = doc('.caption').parent() content = _doc.remove('table').text() if content == '': content = doc('.summaryPara').text() item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'SunDaily' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1.entry-title'}) t = doc('meta[property="article:published_time"]').attr('content') t_stamp = 0 if t: t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) category = '' cat_find_res = cat_pattern.findall(task.url) if cat_find_res: category = cat_find_res[0] category = u'科技/' + category author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#content div.entry p:not(.meta)') content = re.sub(ur'(來源:|來源:|Tags:).+', u'', content) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Unwire' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1 a'}) t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors(doc, {'span.postdate'}) t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) + int( time.localtime().tm_sec) category = doc('span.postcat a').text() author = doc('span.postauthor a').text() content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div p') content = re.sub(ur'投稿:[.\n\r\t]*.*', u'', content, re.M | re.U | re.I) content = re.sub(ur'則留言[.\n\r\t]*', u'', content, re.M | re.U | re.I) content = re.sub(ur'大道之行也,天下為公,選賢與能,講信修睦。---《禮運.大同》[.\n\r\t]*', u'', content, re.M | re.U | re.I) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'VJMedia' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc( '#container img.size-full, #container img.size-large').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') elif img.siblings('p'): des = img.siblings('p').text() media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=img.attr('src'), type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for iframe in doc('iframe').items(): if iframe.attr('src') and re.match(r'.*youtube\.com.+', iframe.attr('src')): media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=iframe.attr('src'), type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) if util.within_active_interval(6, 1200): _comments = util.get_filtered_facebook_comments_data( '214585295294555', doc('div.fb-comments').attr('data-href'), task.url) if _comments: for _comment in _comments: item.media_list.append( self.NewsItem.MediaItem( media_url=_comment['json_string'], type='comments', description='comments', created_at=item.fetched_at))
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1'}) t_divs = doc('h1').siblings('div').items() t = '' t_stamp = 0 for _div in t_divs: if _div.css('color') == 'rgb(128, 128, 128)': t = _div.text() t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) + int( time.localtime().tm_sec) break category = u'电子' author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.href_txt_blog2') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'HKGolden' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): response.encoding = 'big5' doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('p.bigheading').text().split(' ')[-1] with self.url_time_dict_lock: t = self.url_time_dict[task.url] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) + time.localtime( ).tm_hour * 3600 + time.localtime().tm_min * 60 category = '' author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'p:not(.bigheading)') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Y28' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): response.encoding = 'utf-8' doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('#page-h1').text() t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors(doc, {'h5 small'}, {date_pattern}) t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( t) + time.localtime().tm_hour * 3600 + time.localtime( ).tm_min * 60 + time.localtime().tm_sec category = doc('h5 small a').text() author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.content-show p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Bauhinia' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur' - 香港新浪') t = doc('').text() t_stamp = int( time.mktime(time.strptime(t.encode('utf-8'), '%Y年%m月%d日 %H:%M'))) scripts = doc('script').text() category = '' if re.findall(cat_pattern, scripts): category = re.findall(cat_pattern, scripts)[0] author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, ' p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Sina' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('.news-body img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = img.attr('src') if not ad_url_pattern.findall(media_u): des = '' if img.parent().attr('data-caption'): des = img.parent().attr('data-caption') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for a in doc('iframe').items(): if a.attr('src') and re.match(r'.*youtube\.com.+', a.attr('src')): media_u = a.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) if util.within_active_interval(6, 1200): _comments = util.get_filtered_facebook_comments_data( '114907575364430', doc('div.fb-comments').attr('data-href'), task.url) if _comments: for _comment in _comments: item.media_list.append( self.NewsItem.MediaItem( media_url=_comment['json_string'], type='comments', description='comments', created_at=item.fetched_at))
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h2'}) t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors(doc, {'div.dateforarticle'}) t_stamp = 0 if relative_time_pattern.match(t): t_stamp = self._get_timestamp_from_relative_time_str(t) elif absolute_time_pattern.match(t): t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) + int( time.localtime().tm_sec) category = '新聞' author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#mymain') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'AM730' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('h1').text() t = '' category = '' with self.time_cat_dict_lock: if task.url in self.time_cat_dict: t = self.time_cat_dict[task.url][0] category = self.time_cat_dict[task.url][1] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( t) + time.localtime().tm_hour * 3600 + time.localtime( ).tm_min * 60 + time.localtime().tm_sec author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#content p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'HKEDB' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'.article-title'}) t = '' with self.url_time_dict_lock: t = self.url_time_dict[task.url] print t t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) + time.localtime().tm_hour*3600 + time.localtime().tm_min*60 + time.localtime().tm_sec category = '新聞發佈' author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.article-content') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'NewCenturyForum' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): response.encoding = 'utf-8' doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'.article-header h1'}) t = doc('.date').text() if date_pattern.findall(t): t = date_pattern.findall(t)[0] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) category = doc('.now-here').text() author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.article p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'JD Online' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1.conttit'}) t = util.get_time_string_from_selectors(doc, {'div.pubtime'}) t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) category = 'hk' author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.contentbox p') content = re.sub(r'READMORE\: .+\n', '', content) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'ChinaDaily' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('div.contentbox img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = '' + re.sub(r'.+(?=attachement)', '', img.attr('src')) des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') elif img.siblings('p'): des = img.siblings('p').text() media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media)
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur' – 都市日報') author = '' category = doc('.mobile-page-name span').text() # tags = doc('meta[name=keywords]').attr('content') content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector( doc, '.main-content .content p') t = doc('.main-content .date p').text() t = re.sub(ur'\(.+?\)', '', t) t = re.sub(ur'上午', 'AM', t) t = re.sub(ur'下午', 'PM', t) t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'MetroHK' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('table[id=table15] strong').text() t = doc('table[id=table23]').text() year = re.findall(t_pattern, t)[0] mon = int(re.findall(ur'\d{1,2}(?= *月)', t)[0]) day = int(re.findall(ur'\d{1,2}(?= *日)', t)[0]) t_stamp = int( time.mktime( time.strptime(year + ('%02d' % mon) + ('%02d' % day), '%Y%m%d'))) current_date = str( time.localtime().tm_year) + ('%02d' % time.localtime().tm_mon) + ( '%02d' % time.localtime().tm_mday) if t_stamp >= int(time.mktime(time.strptime(current_date, "%Y%m%d"))): t_stamp = int(time.time()) category = doc('table[id=table22] strong').text() author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'founder-content p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Macao' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('h4').text() t = doc('#ContentPlaceHolder1_IndividualNewsList_lblTime_0').text() t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t, time_format='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') category = '' cat = doc('title').text() if cat_pattern.findall(cat): category = cat_pattern.findall(cat)[0] author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector( doc, '#ContentPlaceHolder1_IndividualNewsList_lblContent_0') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'MetroFinance' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER = '' if news_id_pattern.findall(task.url): = (news_id_pattern.findall(task.url)[0])[2:]
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): response.encoding = 'utf-8' doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1'}) t_stamp = 0 t_stamp_url = doc('meta[property="og:image:url"]').attr('content') if t_stamp_url: f_res = url_stamp_pattern.findall(t_stamp_url) if f_res: t_stamp = int(f_res[0]) t = '' if t_stamp: t = time.ctime(t_stamp) else: t = doc(' i.fa-calendar').parent('li').text() t_stamp = self.get_stamp_from_relative_timestr(t) category = doc(' i.fa-tags').siblings('a').text() author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'HKSilicon' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1'}) t = doc('meta[property="article:published_time"]').attr('content') t_stamp = 0 if t: t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) category = '' author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#main-content .entry-content p') content = re.sub(ur'繼續閱讀[\n\s\S.]*', '', content) item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'UBeat' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('figure.entry-thumbnail img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = img.attr('src') des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media)
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('#News_Body_Title').text() t = '' if doc('#News_Body_Time'): t = date_pattern.findall(str(doc('#News_Body_Time')))[0] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( t) + time.localtime().tm_hour * 3600 + time.localtime( ).tm_min * 60 + time.localtime().tm_sec category = doc('.Top_Index_A a:last-child').text() author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#News_Body_Txt_A p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'FMCOPRC' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur'\s*\|.*') t = doc('div.article-content-wrap').text() t_stamp = int( time.mktime(time.strptime(t.encode('utf-8'), '%Y/%m/%d — %H:%M'))) cat_href = cat_pattern.findall(task.url)[0] category = doc('ul[id=mainMenuUL] a[href="' + cat_href + '"]').text() author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc.remove('style'), 'div.article-content p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'StandNews' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('.article-content-wrap img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '' and not ad_image_pattern.match( img.attr('src')): des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=img.attr('src'), type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for iframe in doc('.article-content-wrap iframe').items(): if iframe.attr('src') and youtube_pattern.match( iframe.attr('src')): media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=iframe.attr('src'), type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) if util.within_active_interval(6, 1200): _comments = util.get_filtered_facebook_comments_data( '1534089350179685', doc('div.fb-comments').attr('data-href'), task.url) if _comments: for _comment in _comments: item.media_list.append( self.NewsItem.MediaItem( media_url=_comment['json_string'], type='comments', description='comments', created_at=item.fetched_at))
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, u' - BBC 中文网| BBC Zhongwen') t = '' t_stamp = 0 if doc('.story-body .mini-info-list .date').attr('data-datetime'): t = doc('.story-body .mini-info-list .date').attr('data-datetime') t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( t) + time.localtime().tm_sec elif doc('.timeline-status h3') and date_pattern.findall( doc('.timeline-status h3').text()): t = date_pattern.findall(doc('.timeline-status h3').text())[0] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( t) + time.localtime().tm_sec elif doc('.story-body .date strong') and date_pattern.findall( doc('.story-body .date strong').text()): t = date_pattern.findall(doc('.story-body .date strong').text())[0] t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( t) + time.localtime().tm_sec category = doc('meta[property="article:section"]').attr('content') author = doc('span.byline__name').text() content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector( doc, 'div[property="articleBody"] p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector( doc, '.article-wrapper p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.map-body p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'BBC Chinese' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1'}, r' The Standard$') pl = doc('.heading .pull-left') pl.remove('span') t = pl.text().split(' | ')[1] if t: t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) else: t_stamp = 0 category = pl.text().split(' | ')[0] author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.content p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.content') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Standard' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('div.content img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = img.attr('src') des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') elif img.siblings('p'): des = img.siblings('p').text() media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media)
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'title'}, ur'\s*-\s*(香港文匯報|香港文匯網)') t = doc('').text() t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) current_date = str( time.localtime().tm_year) + ('%02d' % time.localtime().tm_mon) + ( '%02d' % time.localtime().tm_mday) if t_stamp >= int(time.mktime(time.strptime(current_date, "%Y%m%d"))): t_stamp = util.get_now() category = '' if re.findall(cat_pattern, doc('span.current').text().encode('utf-8')): category = re.findall( cat_pattern, doc('span.current').text().encode('utf-8'))[-1] author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div[id=main-content] p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'WenWei' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('.imgtxt img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = img.attr('src') des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media) for a in doc('iframe').items(): if a.attr('src') and re.match(r'.*youtube\.com.+', a.attr('src')): media_u = a.attr('src') if re.match(r'//.+', media_u): media_u = 'http:' + media_u media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='youtube', description='youtube', created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media)
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): response.encoding = 'utf-8' doc = self.get_doc(response) title = doc('h1').text() t = doc('span.time').text() if t == '': t = doc('#pubtime').text() t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string(t) category = '港澳' author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '.article p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, '#content p') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'Xinhua' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER for img in doc('.article img').items(): if img.attr('src') != '': media_u = re.sub(r'/[^/]+\.htm', '/', task.url) + img.attr('src') des = '' if img.attr('alt'): des = img.attr('alt') elif img.siblings('p'): des = img.siblings('p').text() media = self.NewsItem.MediaItem(media_url=media_u, type='image', description=des, created_at=item.fetched_at) item.media_list.append(media)
def normal_item_solver(self, item, task, response): doc = self.get_doc(response) title = util.get_filtered_title(doc, {'h1'}) t = doc('time.published').text() t_stamp = util.get_timestamp_from_string( doc('time.published').attr('datetime'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+0800') category = doc('#navBar').text() if category == '' and cat_pattern_in_url.findall(task.url): category = cat_pattern_in_url.findall(task.url)[0] author = '' content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.newsLeading p') if content == '': content = util.get_paragraphs_from_selector(doc, 'div.newsLeading') item.raw = doc.text() item.title = title item.t = t item.t_stamp = t_stamp item.fetched_at = task.fetched_at item.category = category = author item.content = content item.url = task.url item.source = 'NowNews' item.task_no = self.BATCH_NUMBER if util.within_active_interval(6, 1200): _comments = util.get_filtered_facebook_comments_data( '515076798590105', doc('div.fb-comments').attr('data-href'), task.url) if _comments: for _comment in _comments: item.media_list.append( self.NewsItem.MediaItem( media_url=_comment['json_string'], type='comments', description='comments', created_at=item.fetched_at))