    def test_get_relays_in_country(self):
        relays1 = util.get_relays_in_country("at")
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) > 0)

        relays2 = util.get_relays_in_country("AT")
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) == len(relays2))

        bogus = util.get_relays_in_country("foo")
        self.assertEqual(bogus, [])
    def test_get_relays_in_country(self):
        relays1 = util.get_relays_in_country("at")
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) > 0)

        relays2 = util.get_relays_in_country("AT")
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) == len(relays2))

        bogus = util.get_relays_in_country("foo")
        self.assertEqual(bogus, [])
    def test_get_relays_in_country(self):
            relays1 = util.get_relays_in_country("at")
        except Exception as err:
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) > 0)

            relays2 = util.get_relays_in_country("AT")
        except Exception as err:
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) == len(relays2))

            bogus = util.get_relays_in_country("foo")
        except Exception as err:
        self.assertEqual(bogus, [])
    def test_get_relays_in_country(self):
            relays1 = util.get_relays_in_country("at")
        except Exception as err:
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) > 0)

            relays2 = util.get_relays_in_country("AT")
        except Exception as err:
        self.assertTrue(len(relays1) == len(relays2))

            bogus = util.get_relays_in_country("foo")
        except Exception as err:
        self.assertEqual(bogus, [])
def get_exits(data_dir,
    """Load the Tor network consensus from DATA_DIR, and extract all exit
    relays that have the desired set of attributes.  Specifically:

     - requested_exits: If not None, must be a list of fingerprints,
       and only those relays will be included in the results.

     - country_code, version, nickname, address:
       If not None, only relays with the specified attributes
       will be included in the results.

     - bad_exit, good_exit: If True, the respective type of exit will
       be included.  At least one should be True, or else the results
       will be empty.

    These combine as follows:

           exit.fingerprint  IN requested_exits
       AND exit.country_code == country_code
       AND exit.version      == version
       AND exit.nickname     IN nickname
       AND exit.address      IN address
       AND (   (bad_exit AND exit.is_bad_exit)
            OR (good_exit AND NOT exit.is_bad_exit))

    In all cases, the criterion is skipped if the argument is None.

    Finally, 'destinations' is considered.  If this is None, all
    results from the above filter expression are returned.  Otherwise,
    'destinations' must be a set of (host, port) pairs, and only exits
    that will connect to *some* of these destinations will be included
    in the results.

    Returns a dictionary, whose keys are the selected relays' fingerprints.
    The value for each fingerprint is a set of (host, port) pairs that
    that exit is willing to connect to; this is always a subset of the
    input 'destinations' set.  (If 'destinations' was None, each value
    is a pseudo-set object for which '(host, port) in s' always
    returns True.)

    cached_consensus_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-consensus")
    cached_descriptors_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-descriptors")

    cached_consensus = get_cached_consensus(cached_consensus_path)
    have_exit_policy = get_exit_policies(cached_descriptors_path)

    # Drop all exit relays which have a descriptor, but either did not
    # make it into the consensus at all, or are not marked as exits there.
    class StubDesc(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.flags = frozenset()

    stub_desc = StubDesc()

    exit_candidates = [
        desc for fpr, desc in have_exit_policy.items()
        if stem.Flag.EXIT in cached_consensus.get(fpr, stub_desc).flags

        "In addition to %d exit relays, %d relays have non-empty exit "
        "policy but no exit flag.", len(exit_candidates),
        len(have_exit_policy) - len(exit_candidates))
    if not exit_candidates:
        log.warning("No relays have both a non-empty exit policy and an exit "
                    "flag. This probably means the cached network consensus "
                    "is invalid.")
        return {}

    if bad_exit and good_exit:
        pass  # All exits are either bad or good.
    elif bad_exit:
        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates
            if stem.Flag.BADEXIT in cached_consensus[desc.fingerprint].flags
        if not exit_candidates:
            log.warning("There are no bad exits in the current consensus.")
            return {}
    elif good_exit:
        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates if stem.Flag.BADEXIT not in
        if not exit_candidates:
            log.warning("There are no good exits in the current consensus.")
            return {}
        # This was probably a programming error.
        log.warning("get_exits() called with bad_exits=False and "
                    "good_exits=False; this always returns zero exits")
        return {}

    # Filter conditions are checked from cheapest to most expensive.
    if address or nickname or version or requested_exits:
        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates
            if ((not address or address in desc.address) and (
                not nickname or nickname in desc.nickname) and (
                    not version or version == str(desc.tor_version)) and
                (not requested_exits or desc.fingerprint in requested_exits))
    if not exit_candidates:
        log.warning("No exit relays meet basic filter conditions.")
        return {}

    if country_code:
            relay_fprs = frozenset(util.get_relays_in_country(country_code))
        except Exception as err:
            log.warning("get_relays_in_country() failed: %s" % err)
            relay_fprs = []

        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates if desc.fingerprint in relay_fprs
    if not exit_candidates:
        log.warning("No exit relays meet country-code filter condition.")
        return {}

    if not destinations:

        class UniversalSet(object):
            """A universal set contains everything, but cannot be enumerated.

            If the caller of get_exits does not specify destinations,
            its return value maps all fingerprints to a universal set,
            so that it can still fulfill the contract of returning a
            dictionary of the form { fingerprint : set(...) }.
            def __nonzero__(self):
                return True

            def __contains__(self, obj):
                return True

            # __len__ is obliged to return a positive integer.
            def __len__(self):
                return sys.maxsize

        us = UniversalSet()
        exit_destinations = {desc.fingerprint: us for desc in exit_candidates}
        exit_destinations = {}
        for desc in exit_candidates:
            policy = have_exit_policy[desc.fingerprint].exit_policy
            ok_dests = frozenset(d for d in destinations
                                 if policy.can_exit_to(*d))
            if ok_dests:
                exit_destinations[desc.fingerprint] = ok_dests

    log.info("%d out of %d exit relays meet all filter conditions." %
             (len(exit_destinations), len(have_exit_policy)))
    return exit_destinations
def get_exits(data_dir,
              good_exit=True, bad_exit=False,
              version=None, nickname=None, address=None, country_code=None,
              requested_exits=None, destinations=None):
    """Load the Tor network consensus from DATA_DIR, and extract all exit
    relays that have the desired set of attributes.  Specifically:

     - requested_exits: If not None, must be a list of fingerprints,
       and only those relays will be included in the results.

     - country_code, version, nickname, address:
       If not None, only relays with the specified attributes
       will be included in the results.

     - bad_exit, good_exit: If True, the respective type of exit will
       be included.  At least one should be True, or else the results
       will be empty.

    These combine as follows:

           exit.fingerprint  IN requested_exits
       AND exit.country_code == country_code
       AND exit.version      == version
       AND exit.nickname     IN nickname
       AND exit.address      IN address
       AND (   (bad_exit AND exit.is_bad_exit)
            OR (good_exit AND NOT exit.is_bad_exit))

    In all cases, the criterion is skipped if the argument is None.

    Finally, 'destinations' is considered.  If this is None, all
    results from the above filter expression are returned.  Otherwise,
    'destinations' must be a set of (host, port) pairs, and only exits
    that will connect to *some* of these destinations will be included
    in the results.

    Returns a dictionary, whose keys are the selected relays' fingerprints.
    The value for each fingerprint is a set of (host, port) pairs that
    that exit is willing to connect to; this is always a subset of the
    input 'destinations' set.  (If 'destinations' was None, each value
    is a pseudo-set object for which '(host, port) in s' always
    returns True.)

    cached_consensus_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-consensus")
    cached_descriptors_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-descriptors")

    cached_consensus = get_cached_consensus(cached_consensus_path)
    have_exit_policy = get_exit_policies(cached_descriptors_path)

    # Drop all exit relays which have a descriptor, but either did not
    # make it into the consensus at all, or are not marked as exits there.
    class StubDesc(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.flags = frozenset()
    stub_desc = StubDesc()

    exit_candidates = [
        for fpr, desc in have_exit_policy.iteritems()
        if stem.Flag.EXIT in cached_consensus.get(fpr, stub_desc).flags

    log.info("%d relays have non-empty exit policy but no exit flag.",
             len(have_exit_policy) - len(exit_candidates))
    if not exit_candidates:
        log.warning("No relays have both a non-empty exit policy and an exit "
                    "flag. This probably means the cached network consensus "
                    "is invalid.")
        return {}

    if bad_exit and good_exit:
        pass  # All exits are either bad or good.
    elif bad_exit:
        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates
            if stem.Flag.BADEXIT in cached_consensus[desc.fingerprint].flags
        if not exit_candidates:
            log.warning("There are no bad exits in the current consensus.")
            return {}
    elif good_exit:
        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates
            if stem.Flag.BADEXIT not in cached_consensus[desc.fingerprint].flags
        if not exit_candidates:
            log.warning("There are no good exits in the current consensus.")
            return {}
        # This was probably a programming error.
        log.warning("get_exits() called with bad_exits=False and "
                    "good_exits=False; this always returns zero exits")
        return {}

    # Filter conditions are checked from cheapest to most expensive.
    if address or nickname or version or requested_exits:
        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates
            if ((not address or address in desc.address) and
                (not nickname or nickname in desc.nickname) and
                (not version or version == str(desc.tor_version)) and
                (not requested_exits or desc.fingerprint in requested_exits))
    if not exit_candidates:
        log.warning("No exit relays meet basic filter conditions.")
        return {}

    if country_code:
            relay_fprs = frozenset(util.get_relays_in_country(country_code))
        except Exception as err:
            log.warning("get_relays_in_country() failed: %s" % err)
            relay_fprs = []

        exit_candidates = [
            desc for desc in exit_candidates
            if desc.fingerprint in relay_fprs
    if not exit_candidates:
        log.warning("No exit relays meet country-code filter condition.")
        return {}

    if not destinations:
        class UniversalSet(object):
            """A universal set contains everything, but cannot be enumerated.

            If the caller of get_exits does not specify destinations,
            its return value maps all fingerprints to a universal set,
            so that it can still fulfill the contract of returning a
            dictionary of the form { fingerprint : set(...) }.
            def __nonzero__(self): return True

            def __contains__(self, obj): return True

            # __len__ is obliged to return a positive integer.
            def __len__(self): return sys.maxsize
        us = UniversalSet()
        exit_destinations = {
            desc.fingerprint: us for desc in exit_candidates}
        exit_destinations = {}
        for desc in exit_candidates:
            policy = have_exit_policy[desc.fingerprint].exit_policy
            ok_dests = frozenset(d for d in destinations
                                 if policy.can_exit_to(*d))
            if ok_dests:
                exit_destinations[desc.fingerprint] = ok_dests

    log.info("%d out of %d exit relays meet all filter conditions."
             % (len(exit_destinations), len(have_exit_policy)))
    return exit_destinations
def get_exits(data_dir, country_code=None, bad_exit=False,
              version=None, nickname=None, address=None, hosts=[]):

    cached_consensus = {}
    have_exit_policy = {}
    have_exit_flag = {}

    cached_consensus_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-consensus")
    cached_descriptors_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-descriptors")

    # First, read the file "cached_descriptors" in order to get the full exit
    # policy of all relays instead of just the summary which might be
    # insufficient.

        for desc in stem.descriptor.parse_file(cached_descriptors_path):
            if desc.exit_policy.is_exiting_allowed():
                have_exit_policy[desc.fingerprint] = desc
    except IOError as err:
        logger.critical("File \"%s\" could not be read: %s" %
                        (cached_descriptors_path, err))

    # Now, also read the file "cached_consensus" to see which relays got the
    # "Exit" flag from the directory authorities.

        for desc in stem.descriptor.parse_file(cached_consensus_path):
            cached_consensus[desc.fingerprint] = desc
            if stem.Flag.EXIT in desc.flags:
                have_exit_flag[desc.fingerprint] = desc
    except IOError as err:
        logger.critical("File \"%s\" could not be read: %s" %
                        (cached_descriptors_path, err))

    # Drop all exit relays for which we have a descriptor but which did not
    # make it into the consensus.

    have_exit_policy = {fpr: desc for fpr, desc in have_exit_policy.iteritems()
                        if fpr in cached_consensus}

    exit_candidates = list(have_exit_policy.values())

    set_diff = set(have_exit_policy.keys()) - set(have_exit_flag.keys())
    logger.info("%d relays have non-empty exit policy but no exit flag." %

    if hosts:
        def can_exit_to(desc):
            for (ip_addr, port) in hosts:

                # Use the full exit policy for the given descriptor.

                desc = have_exit_policy.get(desc.fingerprint, None)
                assert desc
                if not desc.exit_policy.can_exit_to(ip_addr, port):
                    return False

            return True

        exit_candidates = filter(can_exit_to, exit_candidates)

    if address:
        exit_candidates = filter(lambda desc: address in desc.address,

    if nickname:
        exit_candidates = filter(lambda desc: nickname in desc.nickname,

    if bad_exit:
        exit_candidates = filter(lambda desc: stem.Flag.BADEXIT in

    if version:
        exit_candidates = filter(lambda desc: str(desc.tor_version) == version,

    if country_code:

        # Get fingerprint of all relays in desired country.

        relay_fprs = util.get_relays_in_country(country_code)

        all_exit_fprs = [desc.fingerprint for desc in exit_candidates]
        exit_fprs = filter(lambda fpr: fpr in all_exit_fprs, relay_fprs)
        return len(exit_fprs), exit_fprs

    return (len(have_exit_policy),
            [desc.fingerprint for desc in exit_candidates])
def get_exits(data_dir,
    Extract exit relays with given attributes from consensus.

    Attempts to get the consensus from the provided data directory and extracts
    all relays with the given attributes.

    cached_consensus = {}
    have_exit_policy = {}
    have_exit_flag = {}

    cached_consensus_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-consensus")
    cached_descriptors_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "cached-descriptors")

    # First, read the file "cached_descriptors" in order to get the full exit
    # policy of all relays instead of just the summary which might be
    # insufficient.

        for desc in stem.descriptor.parse_file(cached_descriptors_path):
            if desc.exit_policy.is_exiting_allowed():
                have_exit_policy[desc.fingerprint] = desc
    except IOError as err:
        logger.critical("File \"%s\" could not be read: %s" %
                        (cached_descriptors_path, err))

    # Now, also read the file "cached_consensus" to see which relays got the
    # "Exit" flag from the directory authorities.

        for desc in stem.descriptor.parse_file(cached_consensus_path):
            cached_consensus[desc.fingerprint] = desc
            if stem.Flag.EXIT in desc.flags:
                have_exit_flag[desc.fingerprint] = desc
    except IOError as err:
        logger.critical("File \"%s\" could not be read: %s" %
                        (cached_descriptors_path, err))

    # Drop all exit relays for which we have a descriptor but which did not
    # make it into the consensus.

    have_exit_policy = {
        fpr: desc
        for fpr, desc in have_exit_policy.iteritems()
        if fpr in cached_consensus

    exit_candidates = list(have_exit_policy.values())

    set_diff = set(have_exit_policy.keys()) - set(have_exit_flag.keys())
    logger.info("%d relays have non-empty exit policy but no exit flag." %

    if hosts:

        def can_exit_to(desc):
            for (ip_addr, port) in hosts:

                # Use the full exit policy for the given descriptor.

                desc = have_exit_policy.get(desc.fingerprint, None)
                assert desc
                if not desc.exit_policy.can_exit_to(ip_addr, port):
                    return False

            return True

        exit_candidates = filter(can_exit_to, exit_candidates)

    if address:
        exit_candidates = filter(lambda desc: address in desc.address,

    if nickname:
        exit_candidates = filter(lambda desc: nickname in desc.nickname,

    if bad_exit:
        exit_candidates = filter(
            lambda desc: stem.Flag.BADEXIT in cached_consensus[
                desc.fingerprint].flags, exit_candidates)

    if version:
        exit_candidates = filter(lambda desc: str(desc.tor_version) == version,

    if country_code:

        # Get fingerprint of all relays in desired country.

        relay_fprs = util.get_relays_in_country(country_code)

        all_exit_fprs = [desc.fingerprint for desc in exit_candidates]
        exit_fprs = filter(lambda fpr: fpr in all_exit_fprs, relay_fprs)
        return len(exit_fprs), exit_fprs

    return (len(have_exit_policy),
            [desc.fingerprint for desc in exit_candidates])