def _createCurrentSeriesEntries(self, table): """ Creates the entry widgets used to specify the current series and the associated labels, and adds them to the given table. """ data = ( (2, '_startingCurrent', gettext('_Starting Current')), (3, '_currentIncrement', gettext('Current _Increment')), (4, '_maxCurrent', gettext('_Maximum Current'))) for row, name, labelText in data: entry, box = createNumberEntryWithUnit(gettext('mA')) entry.set_text(str(getattr(self, name))) entry.connect( 'focus-out-event', self._handleFocusOutEvent, name) entry.connect( 'key-press-event', self._handleSpecialKeyPresses, name) setattr(self, name + 'Entry', entry) label = createMnemonicLabel(entry, '\t' + labelText) table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row + 1) table.attach(box, 1, 2, row, row + 1) self._currentSeriesWidgets.append(label) self._currentSeriesWidgets.append(box)
def _createSingleCurrentWidgets(self, table): """ Creates the radio button for single current mode and the entry for the current and adds them to the given table. """ self._singleCurrentRadioButton = gtk.RadioButton( None, gettext('Use _a Single Heating Current'), use_underline=True) # The signal handler is connected to the current series radio button. entry, box = createNumberEntryWithUnit(gettext('mA')) entry.set_text(str(self._singleCurrent)) entry.connect( 'focus-out-event', self._handleFocusOutEvent, '_singleCurrent') entry.connect( 'key-press-event', self._handleSpecialKeyPresses, '_singleCurrent') box.set_sensitive(False) table.attach( alignLeft(self._singleCurrentRadioButton), 0, 1, 0, 1, yoptions=0) table.attach(box, 1, 2, 0, 1) self._singleCurrentEntry = entry self._singleCurrentWidgets = [box]
def _createStatusBar(self): """ Creates the status bar shown at the very bottom of the window. """ pro = self._progressWidgetWrapper.handler self._progressBar = gtk.ProgressBar() self._progressBar.set_no_show_all(True) self._statusLabel = gtk.Label() self._statusLabel.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) textNoWait = gettext('%(action)s') text = textNoWait + gettext(': %(stageTimeLeft)s remaining') pro.addStageProgressBar(self._progressBar, showText=False) pro.addProgressLabel(self._statusLabel, text, textNoWait) self._statusBar = gtk.HBox() self._statusBar.set_spacing(widgets.PANEL_BORDER_WIDTH) self._statusBar.pack_start(self._statusLabel) self._statusBar.pack_start(self._progressBar, expand=False) self._mainBox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), expand=False) self._mainBox.pack_start(self._statusBar, expand=False)
def _createTable(self): table = gtk.Table(rows=7, columns=2) table.set_border_width(PANEL_BORDER_WIDTH) thresholdsCaption = gtk.Label() thresholdsCaption.set_markup(gettext('<b>Safe Limits</b>')) table.attach(alignLeft(thresholdsCaption), 0, 2, 0, 1) currentsCaption = gtk.Label() currentsCaption.set_markup(gettext('<b>Heating Currents</b>')) table.attach(alignLeft(currentsCaption), 0, 2, 4, 5) for text, unit, name, index in DATA: default = getattr(self._system, name) entry, box = createNumberEntryWithUnit(unit, default) label = createMnemonicLabel(entry, text) setattr(self, name, default) setattr(self, name + 'Entry', entry) entry.connect('focus-out-event', self._handleParameterChange, name) entry.connect('key-press-event', self._handleSpecialKeys, name) table.attach(label, 0, 1, index, index + 1) table.attach(box, 1, 2, index, index + 1) table.set_col_spacing(0, LABEL_WIDGET_SPACING) table.set_row_spacing(3, PANEL_SPACING) tableAlignment = gtk.Alignment() tableAlignment.add(table) self._mainBox.pack_start(tableAlignment)
def parse_test(self, x1): x2 = x1.getElementsByTagName("name")[0] = self.sub_variables(gettext(x2.childNodes)) x = x1.getElementsByTagName("outdir") if x: x2 = x[0] self.outdir = self.sub_variables(gettext(x2.childNodes))
def createActionGroup(mainWindowHandler): """ Creates a :class:`gtk.ActionGroup` object with the actions that are required to create the main window's menu. The actions that are created are added to ``mainWindowHandler._actions``. """ actionGroup = gtk.ActionGroup('actions') # FILE MENU _makeMenuAction('file', gettext('_File'), actionGroup) QuitAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) # SYSTEM MENU _makeMenuAction('system', gettext('_System'), actionGroup) EditSystemProperiesAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) # CALIBRATION MENU _makeMenuAction('calibrate', gettext('_Calibrate'), actionGroup) ShowCalibrationDialogAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) LoadCalibrationDataAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) SaveCalibrationDataAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) SaveCalibrationDataAsAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) ClearCalibrationDataAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) import gui.debug gui.debug.createDebugActions(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) return actionGroup
def _createWidgets(self, buttonStock, useLabel): """ Creates the widgets this class is responsible for. """ unit = gettext('°C') self._entry, unitBox = widgets.createNumberEntryWithUnit(unit) self._entry.connect('changed', util.WeakMethod(self._textChanged)) if useLabel: label = gtk.Label(gettext('_Temperature Measurement')) label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5) label.set_use_underline(True) label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._entry) self._box = gtk.HBox() self._box.set_spacing(widgets.SPACING['wide']) self._box.pack_start(label) self._box.pack_start(unitBox) else: self._box = unitBox self._box.set_sensitive(False) self._button = gtk.Button(stock=buttonStock) self._button.set_sensitive(False) self._button.connect('clicked', util.WeakMethod(self._buttonClicked)) hierarchyChanged = util.WeakMethod(self._hierarchyChanged) self._box.connect('hierarchy-changed', hierarchyChanged) self._button.connect('hierarchy-changed', hierarchyChanged)
def makeList(currents): si = tuple(util.stringFromFloat(i, 2, True) for i in currents) if len(currents) == 1: return si[0] if len(currents) == 2: return si[0] + gettext(' and ') + si[1] else: return gettext(', ').join(si[:-1]) + gettext(', and ') + si[-1]
def addDefaultStageProgressLabel(self, label): """ A convenience method that calls :meth:`addProgressLabel` with a suitable template for a label that is to show the progress of the ongoing calibration stage. """ self.addProgressLabel( label, gettext(u'%(action)s \u2014 %(stageTimeLeft)s remaining'), gettext(u'%(action)s'))
def addDefaultTotalProgressLabel(self, label): """ A convenience method that calls :meth:`addProgressLabel` with a suitable template for a label that is to show the calibration procedure's total progress. """ self.addProgressLabel( label, gettext('Total time remaining: %(totalTimeLeft)s'), gettext('%(emptyString)s'))
def parse_variables(self, x1): variables = {} for i in range(len(x1.childNodes)): n = x1.childNodes[i] if n.nodeType == n.ELEMENT_NODE and n.nodeName == "name": name = gettext(n.childNodes) m = x1.childNodes[i + 1] assert m.nodeName == "value" value = gettext(m.childNodes) variables[name] = value i += 1 return variables
def parse_topology(self, x1): x2 = x1.getElementsByTagName("project")[0] = self.sub_variables(gettext(x2.childNodes)) x2 = x1.getElementsByTagName("experiment")[0] self.eid = self.sub_variables(gettext(x2.childNodes)) x2 = x1.getElementsByTagName("nsfile")[0] self.nsfile = self.sub_variables(gettext(x2.childNodes)) if not os.path.exists(self.nsfile): raise "ns-2 file %s does not exist" % self.nsfile x2 = x1.getElementsByTagName("eipsfile")[0] self.eipsfile = self.sub_variables(gettext(x2.childNodes)) x2 = x1.getElementsByTagName("iipsfile")[0] self.iipsfile = self.sub_variables(gettext(x2.childNodes))
def parse_nodegroup(self, x2): e = {} x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("nodes")[0] e["vnns"] = self.parse_nodes(self.sub_variables(gettext( x3.childNodes))) x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("cmd")[0] e["cmd"] = self.dart_dir_sub(self.sub_variables(gettext( x3.childNodes))) if x3.hasAttribute("time"): e["time"] = int(self.dart_getAttribute(x3, "time")) else: e["time"] = 0 return e
def parse(self, pathname): doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(pathname) x1 = doc.getElementsByTagName("topologies")[0] for x2 in x1.getElementsByTagName("topology"): t = {} x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("name")[0] t["name"] = gettext(x3.childNodes) x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("nrouters")[0] t["nrouters"] = int(gettext(x3.childNodes)) x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("nhosts")[0] t["nhosts"] = int(gettext(x3.childNodes)) x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("ns2")[0] t["ns2"] = gettext(x3.childNodes) self.topologies.append(t)
def parse_commonfiles(self, x1): for x2 in x1.getElementsByTagName("dir"): x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("src")[0] src = self.sub_variables(gettext(x3.childNodes)) type = self.xml_read_type(x3) x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("dst")[0] dst = self.sub_variables(self.dart_dir_sub(gettext(x3.childNodes))) self.commondirs[src] = {"dst": dst, "type": type} for x2 in x1.getElementsByTagName("file"): x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("src")[0] src = self.sub_variables(gettext(x3.childNodes)) type = self.xml_read_type(x3) x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("dst")[0] dst = self.sub_variables(self.dart_dir_sub(gettext(x3.childNodes))) self.commonfiles[src] = {"dst": dst, "type": type}
def __init__(self, cpt, unit): Item.__init__(self) cnode = cpt.getElementsByTagName("type")[0] self.type = gettext(cnode.childNodes) if self.type != "Torso-Mounted Cockpit": self.console = cnode.attributes["commandconsole"].value else: self.console = "FALSE" self.c_weight = 0 self.unit = unit # Reference to parent unit # Check for legal cockpit type, save data ident = False for i in COCKPIT: if (i[0] == self.type): ident = True self.wgt = i[1] self.r_level = i[2] self.cost = i[3] if not ident: error_exit((self.type)) # Hack: Add console weight if self.console == "TRUE": self.c_weight = 3
def __init__(self, gyr, etype, erating): Item.__init__(self) # We need engine info for calculations self.gtype = gettext(gyr.childNodes) self.g_base = int(gyr.attributes["techbase"].value) # Check for legal gyro type, save data ident = False for i in GYRO: if (i[0] == self.gtype and i[1] == self.g_base): ident = True self.gyro_bv = i[2] gweightm = i[3] self.r_level = i[4] self.cost = i[5] if not ident: error_exit((self.gtype, self.g_base)) # Calculate weight rating = erating # Hack: Make sure Primitive Engines get right gyro weight if etype == "Primitive Fusion Engine": rating *= 1.2 rating = ceil_5(rating) base_weight = ceil(float(rating) / 100.0) self.weight = gweightm * base_weight
def __init__(self, eng, unit): Item.__init__(self) self.erating = int(eng.attributes["rating"].value) self.e_base = int(eng.attributes["techbase"].value) self.etype = gettext(eng.childNodes) self.speed = self.erating / unit.weight self.unit = unit # Reference to parent unit # A note on primitive engines: # It seems like using engine rating directly does give # the right speed, even if rules says otherwise # This looks like an internal SSW issue, so # assume that the weight of these engines are incorrect # Check for legal engine type, save data ident = False for i in ENGINE: if (i[0] == self.etype and i[1] == self.e_base): ident = True self.eng_bv = i[2] if self.unit.type == "CV": self.eweight = i[3](ceil_5(self.erating - self.get_suspension_factor())) else: self.eweight = i[3](ceil_5(self.erating)) self.r_level = i[4] self.cost = i[5] self.short = i[6] if not ident: error_exit((self.etype, self.e_base))
def __init__(self, system): self.simulation = system._interface self.window = gtk.Window() self.window.set_size_request(250, 100) self.window.set_title(gettext('Magic Pyrometer')) self.label = gtk.Label() self.window.add(self.label) gobject.timeout_add(250, self._update)
def run(self): parent = self.mainWindowHandler._window message = gettext('Really clear the calibration data?') if widgets.askUser(parent, message): # TODO: Should not create a new object! # Actually, should create a new object! newCD = self.system.calibrationData = newCD
def _createWindow(self): self._window = gtk.Window() self._window.set_type_hint(gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG) self._window.set_title(gettext('Production System Properties')) self._window.connect('delete_event', self._delete) self._mainBox = gtk.VBox() self._window.add(self._mainBox)
def _updateTable(self, calibrationData): """ Updates the table containing the functions. `calibrationData` needs to be complete. """ variables = ( gettext('<i>T</i>'), gettext('<i>I</i>'), gettext('<i>U</i>')) for i in xrange(3): prefix = '_' + self.FUNCTIONS[i] nameLabel = getattr(self, prefix + 'NameLabel') alignment = getattr(self, prefix + 'NameLabelAlignment') functionLabel = getattr(self, prefix + 'FunctionLabel') c = getattr(calibrationData, self.FUNCTIONS[i] + 'Coefficients') functionLabel.set_markup(self._formatPolynomial(c, variables[i])) self._adjustNameLabelPosition(nameLabel, alignment, functionLabel)
def createDebugActions(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup): _makeMenuAction('debug', gettext('_Debug'), actionGroup) MagicCalibrationAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) FakeCalibrationAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) ShowMagicPyrometerAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) SetCalibrationSpeedNormalAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) SetCalibrationSpeed5Action(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) SetCalibrationSpeed10Action(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) SetCalibrationSpeed25Action(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup) CollectGarbageAction(mainWindowHandler, actionGroup)
def _confirmAbort(self): """ Shows a dialog that asks the user to confirm the abortion of the calibration procedure, and aborts it if the reply is affirmative. """ answer = widgets.askUser(self._window, gettext( 'Are you sure you want to abort the calibration procedure?')) if answer: self._system.abortCalibration() return answer
def _createWindow(self): """ Creates the dialog's :class:`gtk.Window` and :attr:`_mainBox`. """ self._window = gtk.Window() self._window.set_title(gettext('Calibration')) self._window.set_default_size(*DIALOG_SIZE) self._window.connect('delete_event', util.WeakMethod(self._close)) self._mainBox = gtk.VBox() self._window.add(self._mainBox)
def __init__(self, node): = get_child_data(node, "name") self.typ = get_child_data(node, "type") self.rear = False self.turret = False # Extract tonnage for variable weight gear tons = node.getElementsByTagName("tons") if (tons): self.wgt = float(gettext(tons[0].childNodes)) # Handle no info, we use 0.0 to indicate we get the weight from tables else: self.wgt = 0.0 # Handle location info lnd = node.getElementsByTagName("location") # Normal case, no split if (lnd): lnode = lnd[0] self.loc = gettext(lnode.childNodes) if self.loc == "Turret": self.turret = True # Split location else: self.loc = [] lnd = node.getElementsByTagName("splitlocation") for lnode in lnd: lnr = int(lnode.attributes["number"].value) loc_temp = gettext(lnode.childNodes) self.loc.append((loc_temp, lnr)) # Check for rear-mounted stuff if[0:4] == "(R) ": self.rear = True =[4:] # Also check if turret-mounted elif[0:4] == "(T) ": self.turret = True =[4:]
def _createCurrentSeriesRadioButton(self, table): """ Creates the radio button for current series mode and adds it to the given table. """ self._currentSeriesRadioButton = gtk.RadioButton( self._singleCurrentRadioButton, gettext('Use a S_eries of Heating Currents'), use_underline=True) self._currentSeriesRadioButton.set_active(True) self._currentSeriesRadioButton.connect( 'toggled', self._handleRadioToggle) table.attach(alignLeft(self._currentSeriesRadioButton), 0, 2, 1, 2)
def _createButtonBar(self): """ Creates the button bar shown at the bottom of the window. """ self._closeButton = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_CLOSE) self._closeButton.connect('clicked', util.WeakMethod(self._close)) self._runCalibrationButton = widgets.createHalfStockButton( gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, gettext('_Run Calibration')) self._runCalibrationButton.connect('clicked', util.WeakMethod(self._runCalibrationClicked)) self._runCalibrationButton.set_no_show_all(True) self._abortCalibrationButton = widgets.createHalfStockButton( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gettext('Abort Calibration')) self._abortCalibrationButton.connect('clicked', util.WeakMethod(self._abortCalibrationClicked)) self._abortCalibrationButton.set_no_show_all(True) calibrationButtonBox = widgets.createButtonBox( self._runCalibrationButton, self._abortCalibrationButton) applyButton = self._temperatureEntryHandler.button temperatureBoxAlignment = gtk.Alignment( xalign=1.0, yalign=0.5, xscale=0.0) temperatureBoxAlignment.add( buttonBarBox = gtk.HBox() buttonBarBox.pack_start(calibrationButtonBox, expand=False) buttonBarBox.pack_start(temperatureBoxAlignment, expand=True) buttonBarBox.pack_end(widgets.createButtonBox( applyButton, self._closeButton), expand=False) self._mainBox.pack_start(buttonBarBox, expand=False)
def parse_faultgroup(self, x2): e = {} x3 = x2.getElementsByTagName("nodes")[0] e["vnns"] = self.parse_nodes(self.sub_variables(gettext( x3.childNodes))) nodefaults = x2.getElementsByTagName("nodefault") if not nodefaults: raise "Must specify a fault of some type" if len(nodefaults) > 1: raise "Only one fault per faultgroup" if nodefaults: nodefault = nodefaults[0] e["type"] = "node" e["subtype"] = self.dart_getAttribute(nodefaults[0], "type") e["time"] = int(self.dart_getAttribute(nodefaults[0], "time")) return e
def run(self): # TODO: Move body elsewhere? gc.collect() garbage = gc.garbage if garbage: txt = gettext('The following unreachable objects cannot be freed:') for g in garbage: txt += '\n%s\n' % g dialog = gtk.MessageDialog( mainWindowHandler.window, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, txt) dialog.destroy()
def _createWidgets(self): self.handler.widget.show_all() self.handler.widget.hide() self.handler.widget.set_no_show_all(True) self._noCalibrationLabel = gtk.Label( gettext('The production system is not being calibrated.')) self._noCalibrationLabel.set_line_wrap(True) self._noCalibrationLabel.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER) self._noCalibrationLabel.set_no_show_all(True) # TODO: Use predefined container from widgets? self._widget = gtk.HBox() self._widget.set_border_width(12) self._widget.pack_start(self.handler.widget) self._widget.pack_start(self._noCalibrationLabel)
def _createWidgets(self): """ Creates the widgets this class is responsible for. """ widgets = ( self._createFunctionTable(), gtk.Label(gettext('The production system is not calibrated.'))) self._widget = createPanel(*widgets, yalign=0.5, xscale=1.0) self._widget.show_all() # The widget needs to have a reference to this instance to prevent it # from being reclaimed as garbage while the widget is still alive. self._widget.functionWidgetHandler = self for w in widgets: w.set_no_show_all(True) self._functionTable, self._notCalibratedLabel = widgets
def __init__(self, enh, weight, eng_rating): Item.__init__(self) # Save engine weight self.eng_rating = eng_rating if enh is None: self.etb = 2 self.enhancement = "---" else: enode = enh.getElementsByTagName("type")[0] self.enhancement = gettext(enode.childNodes) self.etb = int(enh.attributes["techbase"].value) # Check for legal enhancement type, save data ident = False for i in ENHANCEMENT: if (i[0] == self.enhancement and i[1] == self.etb): ident = True self.enhweight = i[2](weight) if not ident: error_exit((self.enhancement, self.etb))
def _createUsedCurrentsComboBox(self, table): """ Creates the combo box used to specify whether currents with existing measurements should be skipped and the associated label, and adds them to the given table. """ self._usedCurrentsComboBox = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self._usedCurrentsComboBox.append_text('Skip') self._usedCurrentsComboBox.append_text('Replace Measurements') self._usedCurrentsComboBox.set_active(0) usedCurrentsLabel = createMnemonicLabel( self._usedCurrentsComboBox, '\t' + gettext('_Previously Used Currents')) table.attach(usedCurrentsLabel, 0, 1, 5, 6) table.attach(self._usedCurrentsComboBox, 1, 2, 5, 6) self._currentSeriesWidgets.append(usedCurrentsLabel) self._currentSeriesWidgets.append(self._usedCurrentsComboBox)
def _addFileFilters(chooser, type): """ Creates two :class:`gtk.FileFilters` -- one that matches all files, and one that matches a known type of files -- and adds them to the given :class:`gtk.FileChooserDialog`. ``type`` must be one of the file types listed in :data:`FILE_TYPES`, where this function looks up a human-readable description for that type of file and its extension. """ name, extension, module = FILE_TYPES[type] pattern = "*." + extension filterAll = gtk.FileFilter() filterAll.set_name(gettext("All Files")) filterAll.add_pattern("*") chooser.add_filter(filterAll) filterMatching = gtk.FileFilter() filterMatching.set_name("%s (%s)" % (name, pattern)) filterMatching.add_pattern(pattern) chooser.add_filter(filterMatching) chooser.set_filter(filterMatching)
def __init__(self, jets, weight): Item.__init__(self) self.weight = weight # Mech weight, not JJ weight # Handle default if jets is None: self.jump = 0 self.jjtype = "" self.r_level = 0 else: self.jump = int(jets.attributes["number"].value) jnode = jets.getElementsByTagName("type")[0] self.jjtype = gettext(jnode.childNodes) # Check for legal jump-jet type, if jump-jets are mounted, save data if self.jump > 0: ident = False for i in JUMP_JET: if i[0] == self.jjtype: ident = True self.heat = i[1] self.r_level = i[2] self.cost = i[3] if not ident: error_exit(self.jjtype)
def parse_script(self, x1): x2 = x1.getElementsByTagName("script")[0] script = self.sub_variables(self.dart_dir_sub(gettext(x2.childNodes))) return script
############################################################################### # CONSTANTS # ############################################################################### #: The minimum size of the charts in pixels, as a tuple #: :samp:`({width}, {height})`. CHART_SIZE = (400, 330) #: A tuple that lists the text of the dimension labels for heating current, #: heating temperature, and temperature sensor voltage. Strings of the form #: :samp:`'{numerator} / {denominator}'` are displayed as a proper fraction. #: Pango Markup Language tags are supported. DIMENSION_LABEL_TEXTS = ( gettext('<i>I</i> / mA'), gettext('<i>T</i> / °C'), gettext('<i>U</i> / V')) #: A tuple that lists the colors used for the graphs that show heating #: current, heating temperature, and temperature sensor voltage, as #: X11 color names (e.g. ``'blanched almond'``) or hexadecimal strings #: (e.g. ``'#FFEBCD'``). #: #: If these colors are changed, the captions need to be adjusted as well. COLORS = ('orange', 'red', 'blue') #: A tuple of the captions used for the measurements chart, temperature chart, #: and current chart if the estimation function could be fitted. #: Pango Markup Language tags are supported. COMPLETE_CAPTIONS = (