def get_curr_first_lemma_verb(arg_clauses, clause_index, parse_dict):
    DocID = arg_clauses.DocID
    sent_index = arg_clauses.sent_index

    verb_pos = ["VB", "VBD", "VBG", "VBN", "VBP", "VBZ"]
    curr_clause = arg_clauses.clauses[clause_index]  # ([1,2,3],yes)

    word_list = []
    pos_list = []
    for index in curr_clause[0]:
        word = parse_dict[DocID]["sentences"][sent_index]["words"][index][0]
        pos = parse_dict[DocID]["sentences"][sent_index]["words"][index][1][

    be_have_words = [
        "have", "has", "had", "'ve", "'d", "is", "am", "are", "was", "were",
        "been", "be", "'s", "'re", "'m"

    # verb, but exclude: be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if pos in verb_pos and word not in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word
    # only be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if word in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word

    return "NULL"
def get_curr_first_lemma_verb(arg_clauses, clause_index, parse_dict):
    DocID = arg_clauses.DocID
    sent_index = arg_clauses.sent_index

    verb_pos = ["VB", "VBD", "VBG", "VBN", "VBP", "VBZ"]
    curr_clause = arg_clauses.clauses[clause_index]  # ([1,2,3],yes)

    word_list = []
    pos_list = []
    for index in curr_clause[0]:
        word = parse_dict[DocID]["sentences"][sent_index]["words"][index][0]
        pos = parse_dict[DocID]["sentences"][sent_index]["words"][index][1]["PartOfSpeech"]

    be_have_words = [

    # verb, but exclude: be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if pos in verb_pos and word not in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word
    # only be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if word in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word

    return "NULL"
def _get_main_verb(relation, Arg, parse_dict):

    verb_pos = ["VBD", "VBN"] + ["VB", "VBP", "VBZ"] + ["VBG"]

    be_have_words = ["have", "has", "had", "'ve", "'d", "is", "am", "are", "was", "were", "been", "be", "'s", "'re", "'m"]

    word_list = get_Arg_Words_List(relation, Arg, parse_dict)
    pos_list = get_Arg_POS_List(relation, Arg, parse_dict)

    # verb, but not: be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if pos in verb_pos and word not in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word
    # only: be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if word in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word

    return "None"
def _get_main_verb(relation, Arg, parse_dict):

    verb_pos = ["VBD", "VBN"] + ["VB", "VBP", "VBZ"] + ["VBG"]

    be_have_words = [
        "have", "has", "had", "'ve", "'d", "is", "am", "are", "was", "were",
        "been", "be", "'s", "'re", "'m"

    word_list = get_Arg_Words_List(relation, Arg, parse_dict)
    pos_list = get_Arg_POS_List(relation, Arg, parse_dict)

    # verb, but not: be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if pos in verb_pos and word not in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word
    # only: be have
    for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list):
        if word in be_have_words:
            word = util.lemma_word(word, pos)
            return word

    return "None"