def validate(model, infile_base, passes, bits): ''' Trains a model on and evaluates it on Args: model - the model to validate with infile_base - bare input data name without path or extension pases - number of passes over data in training bits - the feature space shoul be of dimension 2**bits Output: prints AUC score on ''' for k in range(passes): print 'Pass %d' % k for file_num in range(4): train_set_name = '%s.%d' % (infile_base, file_num) print 'loading training file: ' + train_set_name x, y = util.load_sparse(train_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) model.partial_fit(x, y, classes=[0., 1.]) val_set_name = infile_base + '.4' print 'loading validation set...' x, y = util.load_sparse(val_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) dv = model.decision_function(x) score = roc_auc_score(y, dv) print 'AUC: %.4f' % score
def avg_validate(n_models, base_model, infile_base, passes, bits): ''' Runs a batch of linear models over to, with the input files presented to each in a random order. Produces a prediction by averaging. Prints out the AUC score of the average prediction on Args: n_models - the number of models to produce base_model - a model that is cloned to produce the models infile_base - bare input data name without path or extension pases - number of passes over data in training bits - the feature space shoul be of dimension 2**bits Output: prints AUC score on ''' models = [] orders = [] l = range(4) for k in range(n_models): model_k = base_model.__class__() model_k.set_params(**base_model.get_params()) models.append(model_k) random.shuffle(l) orders.append(l[:]) model_orders = zip(models, orders) for k in range(passes): print 'Pass %d' % k for (m, order) in model_orders: for file_num in order: train_set_name = '%s.%d' % (infile_base, file_num) print 'loading training file: ' + train_set_name x, y = util.load_sparse(train_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) m.partial_fit(x, y, classes=[0., 1.]) val_set_name = infile_base + '.4' print 'loading validation set...' x, y = util.load_sparse(val_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) dvs = np.zeros((len(y), n_models)) for (k, m) in enumerate(models): dvs[:, k] = m.decision_function(x) dv = dvs.mean(axis=1) score = roc_auc_score(y, dv) print 'AUC: %.4f' % score
def avg_run_all(n_models, base_model, infile_base, passes, bits, submit_id): ''' Runs a batch of linear models over the data, with the input files presented to each in a random order. Writes a submission based on the models averaged predictions. Args: n_models - the number of models to produce base_model - a model that is cloned to produce the models infile_base - bare input data name without path or extension pases - number of passes over data in training bits - the feature space shoul be of dimension 2**bits submit_id - the result is written as submissions/submission_<submit_id>.csv Writes: A submission at paths.SUBMIT/submisssion_<submit_id>.csv ''' models = [] orders = [] l = range(5) for k in range(n_models): model_k = base_model.__class__() model_k.set_params(**base_model.get_params()) models.append(model_k) random.shuffle(l) orders.append(l[:]) model_orders = zip(models, orders) for k in range(passes): print 'Pass %d' % k for (m, order) in model_orders: for file_num in order: train_set_name = '%s.%d' % (infile_base, file_num) print 'loading training file: ' + train_set_name x, y = util.load_sparse(train_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) m.partial_fit(x, y, classes=[0., 1.]) test_set_name = infile_base + '.5' print 'loading test set...' x, y = util.load_sparse(test_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) dvs = np.zeros((len(y), n_models)) for (k, m) in enumerate(models): dvs[:, k] = m.decision_function(x) dv = dvs.mean(axis=1) util.write_submission(dv, submit_id)
def test(model, infile_base, bits): ''' Predicts on with the provided model. Args: model - the model to predict with infile_base - bare input data name without path or extension bits - the feature space shoul be of dimension 2**bits Returns: predictions on ''' test_set_name = infile_base + '.5' print 'loading test set...' x, _ = util.load_sparse(test_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) dv = model.decision_function(x) return dv
def train(model, infile_base, passes, bits): ''' Trains a model on Args: model - the model to train infile_base - bare input data name without path or extension pases - number of passes over data in training bits - the feature space shoul be of dimension 2**bits Side-effects: model is trained ''' for k in range(passes): print 'Pass %d' % k for file_num in range(5): train_set_name = '%s.%d' % (infile_base, file_num) print 'loading training file: ' + train_set_name x, y = util.load_sparse(train_set_name, n_features=2**bits, verbose=False) model.partial_fit(x, y, classes=[0., 1.])