    def collectDataFromRoot(self, data):
        # Make sure we're processing data for our server, and not some other
        # server that happened to be at the same IP.
        if self.uuid != data.attrib.get('machineIdentifier'):
                "Got a reachability response, but from a different server")
            return False

        self.serverClass = data.attrib.get('serverClass')
        self.supportsAudioTranscoding = data.attrib.get(
            'transcoderAudio') == '1'
        self.supportsVideoTranscoding = data.attrib.get(
            'transcoderVideo') == '1' or data.attrib.get(
        self.supportsVideoRemuxOnly = data.attrib.get(
            'transcoderVideoRemuxOnly') == '1'
        self.supportsPhotoTranscoding = data.attrib.get(
            'transcoderPhoto') == '1' or (
                not data.attrib.get('transcoderPhoto') and not self.synced
                and not self.isSecondary())
        self.allowChannelAccess = data.attrib.get(
            'allowChannelAccess') == '1' or (
                not data.attrib.get('allowChannelAccess') and self.owned
                and not self.synced and not self.isSecondary())
        self.supportsScrobble = not self.isSecondary() or self.synced
        self.allowsMediaDeletion = not self.synced and self.owned and data.attrib.get(
            'allowMediaDeletion') == '1'
        self.multiuser = data.attrib.get('multiuser') == '1'
        self.name = data.attrib.get('friendlyName') or self.name
        self.platform = data.attrib.get('platform')

        # TODO(schuyler): Process transcoder qualities

        self.rawVersion = data.attrib.get('version')
        if self.rawVersion:
            self.versionNorm = util.normalizedVersion(self.rawVersion)

        features = {
            'mkvTranscode': '',
            'themeTranscode': '',
            'allPartsStreamSelection': '',
            'claimServer': '',
            'streamingBrain': '1.2.0'

        for f, v in features.items():
            if util.normalizedVersion(v) <= self.versionNorm:
                self.features[f] = True

        appMinVer = plexapp.INTERFACE.getGlobal('minServerVersionArr',
        self.isSupported = self.isSecondary(
        ) or util.normalizedVersion(appMinVer) <= self.versionNorm

            "Server information updated from reachability check: {0}".format(

        return True
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        plexresource.PlexResource.__init__(self, data)
        self.accessToken = None
        self.multiuser = False
        self.isSupported = None
        self.hasFallback = False
        self.supportsAudioTranscoding = False
        self.supportsVideoTranscoding = False
        self.supportsPhotoTranscoding = False
        self.supportsVideoRemuxOnly = False
        self.supportsScrobble = True
        self.allowsMediaDeletion = False
        self.allowChannelAccess = False
        self.activeConnection = None
        self.serverClass = None

        self.pendingReachabilityRequests = 0
        self.pendingSecureRequests = 0

        self.features = {}
        self.librariesByUuid = {}

        self.server = self
        self.session = http.Session()

        self.owner = None
        self.owned = False
        self.synced = False
        self.sameNetwork = False
        self.uuid = None
        self.name = None
        self.platform = None
        self.versionNorm = None
        self.rawVersion = None
        self.transcodeSupport = False

        if data is None:

        self.owner = data.attrib.get('sourceTitle')
        self.owned = data.attrib.get('owned') == '1'
        self.synced = data.attrib.get('synced') == '1'
        self.sameNetwork = data.attrib.get('publicAddressMatches') == '1'
        self.uuid = data.attrib.get('clientIdentifier')
        self.name = data.attrib.get('name')
        self.platform = data.attrib.get('platform')
        self.rawVersion = data.attrib.get('productVersion')
        self.versionNorm = util.normalizedVersion(self.rawVersion)
        self.transcodeSupport = data.attrib.get('transcodeSupport') == '1'