def averageCost(data, costF_idx, medoids_idx, cacheOn=False):
	Compute the average cost of medoids based on certain cost function and do the clustering
	# Init the cluster
	size = len(data)
	total_cost = {}
	medoids = {}
	for idx in medoids_idx:
		medoids[idx] = []
		total_cost[idx] = 0.0

	# Compute the distance and do the clustering
	for i in range(size):
		choice = -1
		# Make a big number
		min_cost = float('inf')
		for m in medoids:
			if cacheOn == True:
				# Check for cache
				tmp = distances_cache.get((m,i), None)
			if cacheOn == False or tmp == None:
				if costF_idx == 0:
					# euclidean_distance
					tmp = euclidean_distance(data[m], data[i])
				elif costF_idx == 1:
					# manhattan_distance
					tmp = manhattan_distance(data[m], data[i])
				elif costF_idx == 2:
					# pearson_distance
					tmp = pearson_distance(data[m], data[i])
					print('Error: unknown cost function idx: ' % (costF_idx))
			if cacheOn == True:
				# Save the distance for acceleration
				distances_cache[(m,i)] = tmp
			# Clustering
			if tmp < min_cost:
				choice = m
				min_cost = tmp
		# Done the clustering
		total_cost[choice] += min_cost

	# Compute the average cost
	avg_cost = 0.0
	for idx in medoids_idx:
		avg_cost += total_cost[idx] / len(medoids[idx])

	# Return the average cost and clustering
	return(avg_cost, medoids)
def averageCost(data, costF_idx, medoids_idx, cacheOn=False):
	Compute the average cost of medoids based on certain cost function and do the clustering
	# Init the cluster
	size = len(data)
	total_cost = {}
	medoids = {}
	for idx in medoids_idx:
		medoids[idx] = []
		total_cost[idx] = 0.0

	# Compute the distance and do the clustering
	for i in range(size):
		choice = -1
		# Make a big number
		min_cost = float('inf')
		for m in medoids:
			if cacheOn == True:
				# Check for cache
				tmp = distances_cache.get((m,i), None)
			if cacheOn == False or tmp == None:
				if costF_idx == 0:
					# euclidean_distance
					tmp = euclidean_distance(data[m], data[i])
				elif costF_idx == 1:
					# manhattan_distance
					tmp = manhattan_distance(data[m], data[i])
				elif costF_idx == 2:
					# pearson_distance
					tmp = pearson_distance(data[m], data[i])
					print('Error: unknown cost function idx: ' % (costF_idx))
			if cacheOn == True:
				# Save the distance for acceleration
				distances_cache[(m,i)] = tmp
			# Clustering
			if tmp < min_cost:
				choice = m
				min_cost = tmp
		# Done the clustering
		total_cost[choice] += min_cost

	# Compute the average cost
	avg_cost = 0.0
	for idx in medoids_idx:
		avg_cost += total_cost[idx] / len(medoids[idx])

	# Return the average cost and clustering
	return(avg_cost, medoids)
文件: 项目: akors/pycluster
def targetFunction(data, costF_idx, medoids_idx, cacheOn=False, distDict={},
                   simDict={}, affinities={}, costType=CostType,
    Compute the average cost of medoids based on certain cost function
    and do the clustering given the medoids
    if costType not in ["total", "average", "modularity"]:
        print "unknown target function - check the global variables in the code"

    # Init the cluster
    size = len(data)
    total_cost = {}
    medoids = {}
    for idx in medoids_idx:
        medoids[idx] = []
        total_cost[idx] = 0.0
    assignErrors = []

    # Compute the distance and do the clustering
    for i in range(size):
        choice = -1
        # Make a big number
        min_cost = float('inf')
        # medoids themselves are also included into resulting cluster lists
        for m in medoids:
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Check for cache
                tmp = distances_cache.get((m,i), None)
            if cacheOn == False or tmp == None:
                if costF_idx == 0:
                    # euclidean_distance
                    tmp = euclidean_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 1:
                    # manhattan_distance
                    tmp = manhattan_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 2:
                    # pearson_distance
                    tmp = pearson_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 3:
                    # direct_distance
                    tmp = direct_distance(data[m], data[i], distDict)
                elif costF_idx == 4:
                    # similarity_distance
                    tmp = similarity_distance(data[m], data[i], simDict)
                    print('Error: unknown cost function idx: ' % (costF_idx))
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Save the distance for acceleration
                distances_cache[(m,i)] = tmp
            # Clustering

            # Randomization for nodes/points isolated from all the medoids
            # in order to assign them to random clusters. Hope averaging will
            # be able to glean cases for which some medoids did appear in the
            # same connected component, and group those nodes together.
            if tmp==0.0 and min_cost==0.0: # no connection to either medoid
                rv = bernoulli.rvs(1./len(medoids_idx), size=1)
                if rv[0]==1.: choice = m
            elif tmp < min_cost:
                #if tmp < min_cost:
                choice = m
                min_cost = tmp
        # Done the clustering
        if choice == -1:
            print "ERROR: the node cannot be assigned"
            total_cost[choice] += min_cost

    # Compute the target function
    if costType == "total":
        #print total_cost
        return(sum(total_cost.values()), medoids)

    elif costType == "average":
    # Compute the average cost
        avg_cost = 0.0
        for idx in medoids_idx:
            avg_cost += total_cost[idx] / len(medoids[idx])
        # Return the average cost and clustering
        return(avg_cost, medoids)

    elif costType == "modularity":
        # If the points are named, display the names
        if namedPoints == True:
            named_medoids = {}
            for medID in medoids_idx:
                named_medoids[data[medID]] = []
                for pointID in medoids[medID]:
            # "-" because we maximize modularity
            mod = -modularity(data, COST=costF_idx, distDict=distDict, edgeDict=affinities, medoids=named_medoids)
            mod = -modularity(data, COST=costF_idx, distDict=distDict, edgeDict=affinities, medoids=medoids)
        print "modularity computed"

        print "unknown target function"

    if len(assignErrors) > 0:
        print "unassigned nodes: ", assignErrors
        print "no unassigned nodes, all right"

    return(mod, medoids)
def targetFunction(data,
    Compute the average cost of medoids based on certain cost function
    and do the clustering given the medoids
    if costType not in ["total", "average", "modularity"]:
        print "unknown target function - check the global variables in the code"
        return (1)

    # Init the cluster
    size = len(data)
    total_cost = {}
    medoids = {}
    for idx in medoids_idx:
        medoids[idx] = []
        total_cost[idx] = 0.0
    assignErrors = []

    # Compute the distance and do the clustering
    for i in range(size):
        choice = -1
        # Make a big number
        min_cost = float('inf')
        # medoids themselves are also included into resulting cluster lists
        for m in medoids:
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Check for cache
                tmp = distances_cache.get((m, i), None)
            if cacheOn == False or tmp == None:
                if costF_idx == 0:
                    # euclidean_distance
                    tmp = euclidean_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 1:
                    # manhattan_distance
                    tmp = manhattan_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 2:
                    # pearson_distance
                    tmp = pearson_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 3:
                    # direct_distance
                    tmp = direct_distance(data[m], data[i], distDict)
                elif costF_idx == 4:
                    # similarity_distance
                    tmp = similarity_distance(data[m], data[i], simDict)
                    print('Error: unknown cost function idx: ' % (costF_idx))
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Save the distance for acceleration
                distances_cache[(m, i)] = tmp
            # Clustering

            # Randomization for nodes/points isolated from all the medoids
            # in order to assign them to random clusters. Hope averaging will
            # be able to glean cases for which some medoids did appear in the
            # same connected component, and group those nodes together.
            if tmp == 0.0 and min_cost == 0.0:  # no connection to either medoid
                rv = bernoulli.rvs(1. / len(medoids_idx), size=1)
                if rv[0] == 1.: choice = m
            elif tmp < min_cost:
                #if tmp < min_cost:
                choice = m
                min_cost = tmp
        # Done the clustering
        if choice == -1:
            print "ERROR: the node cannot be assigned"
            total_cost[choice] += min_cost

    # Compute the target function
    if costType == "total":
        #print total_cost
        return (sum(total_cost.values()), medoids)

    elif costType == "average":
        # Compute the average cost
        avg_cost = 0.0
        for idx in medoids_idx:
            avg_cost += total_cost[idx] / len(medoids[idx])
        # Return the average cost and clustering
        return (avg_cost, medoids)

    elif costType == "modularity":
        # If the points are named, display the names
        if namedPoints == True:
            named_medoids = {}
            for medID in medoids_idx:
                named_medoids[data[medID]] = []
                for pointID in medoids[medID]:
            # "-" because we maximize modularity
            mod = -modularity(data,
            mod = -modularity(data,
        print "modularity computed"

        print "unknown target function"
        return (1)

    if len(assignErrors) > 0:
        print "unassigned nodes: ", assignErrors
        print "no unassigned nodes, all right"

    return (mod, medoids)
def totalCost(data,
    Compute the total cost and do the clustering based on certain cost function
    (that is, assign each data point to certain cluster given the medoids)
    # Init the cluster
    size = len(data)
    total_cost = 0.0
    medoids = {}
    for idx in medoids_idx:
        medoids[idx] = []
    # medoids['unassigned'] = []
    unassigned = []
    tmp = None

    # Compute the distance and do the clustering
    for i in xrange(size):
        choice = -1
        # Make a big number
        min_cost = float('inf')
        for m in medoids:
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Check for cache
                tmp = distances_cache.get((m, i), None)
            if cacheOn == False or tmp == None:
                if costF_idx == 0:
                    # euclidean_distance
                    tmp = euclidean_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 1:
                    # manhattan_distance
                    tmp = manhattan_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 2:
                    # pearson_distance
                    tmp = pearson_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 3:
                    # direct_distance
                    tmp = direct_distance(data[m], data[i], distDict)
                elif costF_idx == 4:
                    # similarity_distance
                        tmp = similarity_distance(data[m], data[i], simDict)
                        print m, i
                        print data[m]
                        print data[i]
                    print('Error: unknown cost function idx: %d' % (costF_idx))
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Save the distance for acceleration
                distances_cache[(m, i)] = tmp
            # Clustering
            if tmp < min_cost:
                choice = m
                min_cost = tmp
        # Done the clustering
        if min_cost == 0:  # 0 similarity to all the medoids
            unassigned.append(i)  # medoids['unassigned'].append(i)
        total_cost += min_cost

    if acceleration == 2:
        transformed_medoids = {}  #dict(medoids)
        for i, m in enumerate(medoids.keys()):
            #print i, m
            transformed_medoids[str(i)] = {'med': m, 'nodes': medoids[m]}
            #transformed_medoids[i] = transformed_medoids.pop(m)
        return (total_cost, transformed_medoids)

    # Return the total cost and clustering
    return (total_cost, medoids)
文件: 项目: akors/pycluster
def totalCost(data, costF_idx, medoids_idx, cacheOn=CacheOn, distDict={}, simDict={}, acceleration=0):
    Compute the total cost and do the clustering based on certain cost function
    (that is, assign each data point to certain cluster given the medoids)
    # Init the cluster
    size = len(data)
    total_cost = 0.0
    medoids = {}
    for idx in medoids_idx:
        medoids[idx] = []
    # medoids['unassigned'] = []
    unassigned = []
    tmp = None

    # Compute the distance and do the clustering
    for i in xrange(size):
        choice = -1
        # Make a big number
        min_cost = float('inf')
        for m in medoids:
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Check for cache
                tmp = distances_cache.get((m, i), None)
            if cacheOn == False or tmp == None:
                if costF_idx == 0:
                    # euclidean_distance
                    tmp = euclidean_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 1:
                    # manhattan_distance
                    tmp = manhattan_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 2:
                    # pearson_distance
                    tmp = pearson_distance(data[m], data[i])
                elif costF_idx == 3:
                    # direct_distance
                    tmp = direct_distance(data[m], data[i], distDict)
                elif costF_idx == 4:
                    # similarity_distance
                        tmp = similarity_distance(data[m], data[i], simDict)
                        print m, i
                        print data[m]
                        print data[i]
                    print('Error: unknown cost function idx: %d' % (costF_idx))
            if cacheOn == True:
                # Save the distance for acceleration
                distances_cache[(m, i)] = tmp
            # Clustering
            if tmp < min_cost:
                choice = m
                min_cost = tmp
        # Done the clustering
        if min_cost == 0:  # 0 similarity to all the medoids
            unassigned.append(i)  # medoids['unassigned'].append(i)
        total_cost += min_cost

    if acceleration == 2:
        transformed_medoids = {} #dict(medoids)
        for i, m in enumerate(medoids.keys()):
            #print i, m
            transformed_medoids[str(i)] = {'med': m, 'nodes': medoids[m]}
            #transformed_medoids[i] = transformed_medoids.pop(m)
        return (total_cost, transformed_medoids)

    # Return the total cost and clustering
    return (total_cost, medoids )