def player_meets_enemy(board, player, enemies, npc): # util.clear_screen # pl.put_player_on_board(board, player) # ui.display_board(board) printing(player, enemies, npc) if player["inventory"]["bucks"] > enemies[npc]["price"]: if player["chunk"] >= enemies[npc]["supplies"][npcs.CURRENT_SUPPLIES]: when_chunk_bigger_than_supplies(player, enemies, npc) # if player["chunk"] < npc["supplies"] else: when_chunk_smaller_than_supplies(player, enemies, npc) check_player_attributes_values(player) if has_won(player, enemies, npc): printing(player, enemies, npc) after_defeating_enemy(board, player, enemies, npc) elif has_died(player): printing(player, enemies, npc) ui.print_message("You have died... Your belly: ", player["belly"]) util.press_any_key() raise SystemExit elif not has_won(player, enemies, npc): decide_next_move(player, enemies, npc) #if player["bucks"] < npc["price"] else: ui.print_message("You have not money enough. The price is", enemies[npc]["price"]) util.press_any_key()
def player_meets(board, player, future_x, future_y, enemies_coords, friends_coords, enemies, friends): npc = indicate_npc(future_x, future_y, enemies_coords, friends_coords, enemies, friends) if npc in friends: player_meets_friend(board, player, future_x, future_y, friends, npc) util.press_any_key() if npc in enemies: player_meets_enemy(board, player, enemies, npc)
def after_defeating_enemy(board, player, enemies, npc): print(f"{ui.PURPLE}You have won the fight!{ui.END} Your belly: ", player["belly"]) remove_enemy_from_board(board, npc, enemies, True) # rozszerzone dla beasta enemies[npc]["position"] = [] blocked_coords = specify_blocked_coords_list(board) remove_coords_defeated_enemy(npc, blocked_coords, enemies, True) # rozszerzone dla beasta util.press_any_key()
def main(): player = database_player.create_player() prepare_game_environment() util.clear_screen() ui.print_start_screen() util.press_any_key() # setting which board is the 1st to start the gameplay current_board = database_boards.board_list['1'] util.clear_screen() is_running = True while is_running: start(current_board, player) current_board = player_action(current_board, player) game_action(current_board, database_npc.food_challenges, player) util.clear_screen()
def when_chunk_bigger_than_supplies(player, enemies, npc): ratio = enemies[npc]["supplies"][npcs.CURRENT_SUPPLIES] / player["chunk"] if player["inventory"]["bucks"] >= enemies[npc]["price"] * ratio: player["inventory"]["bucks"] -= round(enemies[npc]["price"] * ratio, 2) enemies[npc]["supplies"][npcs.CURRENT_SUPPLIES] -= player["chunk"] player["belly"] += round(enemies[npc]["belly"] * ratio, 2) # printing(player,enemies,npc) # stop_attacking = True #if player["inventory"]["bucks"] < enemies[npc]["price"] * ratio else: player["belly"] += round(0.2 * player["chunk"], 2) # stres ścisnął żołądek # print("") # printing(player,enemies,npc) ui.print_message("Go away. You have not money enough. The price is", enemies[npc]["price"]) util.press_any_key()
def when_chunk_smaller_than_supplies(player, enemies, npc): if player["inventory"]["bucks"] >= enemies[npc]["price"]: player["inventory"]["bucks"] -= round(enemies[npc]["price"], 2) enemies[npc]["supplies"][npcs.CURRENT_SUPPLIES] -= player["chunk"] if enemies[npc]["type"] == "beast" and ( 15 < enemies[npc]["supplies"][npcs.CURRENT_SUPPLIES] < 31): ui.print_message( "Enemy has got angry. It has served you a spoilt ingridient. Your belly feels a chunk havier by", npcs.ENEMY_FACTOR) player["belly"] += round(enemies[npc]["belly"] * npcs.ENEMY_FACTOR, 2) # * player[factor obniżajacy] else: player["belly"] += round(enemies[npc]["belly"], 2) # * player[factor obniżajacy] return False else: ui.print_message("Go away. You have not money enough. The price is", enemies[npc]["price"]) util.press_any_key() # stop_attacking = True return True
def enemy_begins_fight(board, player, enemies, enemy): # pl.put_player_on_board(board, player) if player["inventory"]["bucks"] >= enemies[enemy]["price"]: player["inventory"]["bucks"] -= round(enemies[enemy]["price"], 2) else: player["inventory"]["bucks"] = 0 print( f"\nYou have already paid for entrace to '{enemies[enemy]['name']}'.") print(f"Now you have only: {player['inventory']['bucks']} bucks.") printing(player, enemies, enemy) # user_choice = input("Do you wat to order something? y/n\n") user_choice = "" while user_choice not in ["y", "n"]: user_choice = input("Would you like to order something? y/n\n") if user_choice.lower().strip() == "y": print( f"To make an order,try to get position of {enemies[enemy]['name']}" ) util.press_any_key() return elif user_choice.lower().strip() == "n": # enemies[enemy]['phase'] = "" return
def player_action(current_board, player): # change_board = False player_turn = True while player_turn: key = engine.get_key() if key == 'q': player_turn = False raise ExitException elif key == 'i': print(player['inventory']) engine.use_inventory(player) util.press_any_key() util.clear_screen() start(current_board, player) continue else: future_x, future_y = engine.get_move_coords(player, key) engine.remove_player_from_board(current_board, player) if engine.can_move_player_to(current_board, player, future_x, future_y): # moves the player to the next / previous board(s) / if has the district_pass if database_boards.is_cell_exit(current_board, future_x, future_y): if engine.player_has_item(player, database_items.district_pass): current_board = engine.go_to_next_board( current_board, player, future_x, future_y, database_boards.board_list) player_turn = False # change_board = True else: print('You need to find a district pass first... (#)') util.press_any_key() else: enemies_coords = engine.get_coords( current_board, database_npc.food_challenges) friends_coords = engine.get_coords(current_board, database_npc.friends, True) if engine.is_meet(future_x, future_y, enemies_coords, friends_coords): engine.player_meets(current_board, player, future_x, future_y, enemies_coords, friends_coords, database_npc.food_challenges, database_npc.friends) if current_board[future_x][ future_y] == database_boards.BOARD_FIELD_SIGN: engine.move_player_to(player, future_x, future_y) player_turn = False else: player_turn = True else: engine.move_player_to(player, future_x, future_y) if current_board[future_x][ future_y] in database_items.item_database: engine.put_item_into_the_inv( player, database_items.item_database[ current_board[future_x][future_y]]) print( f"You have added sth special to your backpack.\n") util.press_any_key() player_turn = False return current_board
def main(): util.clear_screen() player = database_player.create_player() board_list = database_boards.create_boards() current_board = board_list['1'] npc_dictionary = {} is_running = True npc = None while is_running: x, y = player['position'] future_x = x future_y = y print('Current Howling Forest Region: ', extras.board_level_info(board_list, current_board)) extras.how_is_the_hp(player) extras.print_player_stats(player) if npc: extras.how_is_the_npc_hp(npc) if engine.fight_is_over: npc = None database_player.put_player_on_board(current_board, player) ui.display_board(current_board) key = util.key_pressed() if key == 'q': is_running = False elif key == 'w': future_x = x - 1 elif key == 's': future_x = x + 1 elif key == 'a': future_y = y - 1 elif key == 'd': future_y = y + 1 elif key == 'i': print(player['inventory']) util.press_any_key() elif key == 'h': util.press_any_key() elif key == 'k': item = database_items.small_hp_potion engine.use_item_from_inventory(player, item) elif key == 'l': item = database_items.small_hp_potion engine.use_item_from_inventory(player, item) else: pass engine.remove_player_from_board(current_board, player) database_player # moves the player to the next/previous board(s) if has the teleportation orb // put items to inv if engine.can_move_player_to(current_board, player, future_x, future_y): engine.idle_hp_regeneration(player, future_x, future_y) if database_boards.is_cell_exit(current_board, future_x, future_y): if engine.player_has_item(player, database_items.teleportation_orb): for key in board_list: if current_board[future_x][future_y] == key: current_board = board_list[key] break if future_y == 0: player[ 'position'] = future_x, future_y + database_boards.BOARD_WIDTH - 2 else: player[ 'position'] = future_x, future_y - database_boards.BOARD_WIDTH + 2 database_player.put_player_on_board(current_board, player) else: print( 'You need to find the teleportation orb first... (#)') util.press_any_key() else: engine.move_player_to(player, future_x, future_y) if current_board[future_x][ future_y] in database_items.item_database: item = database_items.item_database[current_board[future_x] [future_y]] if item['type'] == 'sword': engine.choose_weapon_to_use(player, item) elif item['type'] == 'shield': engine.choose_shield_to_use(player, item) elif item['type'] == 'upgrade': engine.add_upgrade_to_stats(player, item) else: engine.put_item_into_the_inv(player, item) elif engine.is_occupied_by_npc(current_board, future_x, future_y): npc_key = extras.encode_location(board_list, current_board, future_x, future_y) if npc_key in npc_dictionary: npc = npc_dictionary[npc_key] else: npc = database_npc.npc_database[current_board[future_x] [future_y]].copy() npc_dictionary[npc_key] = npc extras.how_is_the_npc_hp(npc) engine.player_vs_npc(player, npc, future_x, future_y) if player['hp'] == 0: is_running = False util.clear_screen()