def add_operation(self): ''' add operation ''' type_ = self.liste_type[self.box_type.currentIndex()] magasin = self.liste_magasin[self.box_mag.currentIndex()] produit = self.liste_produit[self.box_prod.currentIndex()] nbr_carton = self.nbr_carton.text() date_ = self.date_.text() day, month, year = date_.split('/') dt = datetime_ = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(dt.hour), int(dt.minute), int(dt.second), int(dt.microsecond)) if unicode(self.nbr_carton.text()) != "": r = remaining(type_, nbr_carton,, if r[0] == None: raise_error(_(u"error"), r[1]) else: report = Rapport(unicode(type_), int(nbr_carton), datetime_) report.magasin = magasin report.produit = produit report.restant = r[0] session.add(report) session.commit() self.nbr_carton.clear() self.table_op.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) else: raise_error(_(u"error"), _(u"Donnez le nbre de carton"))
def add_operation(self): ''' add operation ''' type_ = self.liste_type[self.box_type.currentIndex()] magasin = self.liste_magasin[self.box_mag.currentIndex()] produit = self.liste_produit[self.box_prod.currentIndex()] qte_utilise = self.qte_utilise.text() date_ = self.date_.text() day, month, year = date_.split('/') dt = datetime_ = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(dt.hour), int(dt.minute), int(dt.second), int(dt.microsecond)) if unicode(self.qte_utilise.text()) != "": strap = StockRapport() strap.type_ = unicode(type_) strap.magasin = magasin strap.produit = produit strap.qte_utilise = int(qte_utilise) strap.date_rapp = datetime_ strap.restant = 0 self.qte_utilise.clear() self.table_op.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) else: raise_error(_(u"error"), _(u"Give the quantity used"))
def add_chiks(self): ''' add operation ''' date_ = self.date_report.text() day, month, year = date_.split('/') dt = chicken_coop = self.list_chicken_coop[self.chicken_coop.currentIndex()] print datetime_ = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(dt.hour), int(dt.minute), int(dt.second), int(dt.microsecond)) if unicode(self.nb_death.text()) != "": ps = PsRapport() ps.nb_death = int(self.nb_death.text()) ps.weight = int(self.weight.text()) ps.nb_eggs = int(self.nb_eggs.text()) ps.date_report = datetime_ ps.psarrivage = self.nb_death.clear() self.nb_eggs.clear() self.weight.clear() self.chiks_table.refresh_() else: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"Give the number of the death"))
def add_operation(self): ''' add operation ''' if unicode( != "": magasin = Magasin(unicode( session.add(magasin) session.commit() self.stori_table.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) else: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"Give the name of the store"))
def add_operation(self): ''' add operation ''' if unicode( != "": magasin = Magasin() = unicode( magasin.qte_maxi_stok = int(self.qte_maxi_stok.text()) self.qte_maxi_stok.clear() self.stori_table.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) else: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"Give the name of the store"))
def export_command_as_excel(comm): destination = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(QtGui.QWidget(), _(u"Save Excel Export as..."), "%s.xls" % .strftime('%x %Hh%M'), "*.xls") if not destination: return try: write_command_xls(destination, comm) raise_success(_(u"Success"), _(u"Les données ont été exportées correctement.")) except IOError: raise_error(u"La commande n'a pas pu être exportée.", u"Vérifiez le chemin de destination puis re-essayez.\n\n" u"Demandez de l'aide si le problème persiste.")
def save(self): """ Calcul du restant en stock après une operation.""" from util import raise_success, raise_error last_reports = StockRapport.filter(produit__libelle=self .produit.libelle,, date_rapp__lt=self.date_rapp) \ .order_by(('date_rapp','desc')) previous_remaining = 0 self.restant = 0 try: last_reports = last_reports.get() except: last_reports = None if last_reports == None and self.type_ == _(u"inout"): raise_error(_(u"error"), \ _(u"Il n'existe aucun %s dans le magasin %s") % \ (self.produit.libelle, return False if last_reports: previous_remaining = last_reports.restant if self.type_ == _(u"input"): self.restant = previous_remaining + self.qte_utilise if self.type_ == _(u"inout"): self.restant = previous_remaining - self.qte_utilise if self.restant < 0: print self.qte_utilise, previous_remaining raise_error(_(u"error"), _(u"On peut pas utilisé %d puis qu'il ne reste que %d") % \ (self.qte_utilise, previous_remaining)) return False else: self.restant = self.qte_utilise super(StockRapport, self).save() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------# next_reports = StockRapport.filter(produit__libelle=self.produit \ .libelle,, \ date__gt=self.date_rapp).order_by(('date_rapp', 'asc')) try: next_reports = next_reports.get() except: next_reports = None if next_reports:
def export_database_as_excel(): destination = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(QtGui.QWidget(), _(u"Save Excel Export as..."), "%s.xls" % .strftime(u"%X %Hh%M"), "*.xls") if not destination: return try: write_xls(destination) raise_success(u"Les données ont été exportées correctement.", u"Conservez ce fichier précieusement car il contient " u"toutes vos données.\n\n" u"Exportez vos données régulièrement.") except IOError: raise_error(u"La base de données n'a pas pu être exportée.", u"Vérifiez le chemin de destination puis re-essayez.\n\n" u"Demandez de l'aide si le problème persiste.")
def add_operation(self): ''' add operation ''' unite_ = self.liste_unite[self.box_unite.currentIndex()] if unicode(self.libelle.text()) != "": if unicode(unite_) != "": produit = Produit() produit.libelle = unicode(self.libelle.text()) produit.unite = unicode(unite_) self.libelle.clear() self.table_op.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"The product %s " u" was recorded") % produit.libelle) else: raise_error(_(u"error"), \ _(u"Give the room number in the box")) else: raise_error(_(u"Error"), _(u"Give the name of the product"))
def export_database_as_file(): destination = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(QtGui.QWidget(), _(u"Sauvegarder la base de Donnée."), u"%s.db" %\ .strftime(u'%x-%Hh%M'), "*.db") if not destination: return None try: shutil.copyfile(model.DB_FILE, destination) raise_success(u"Les données ont été exportées correctement.", u"Conservez ce fichier précieusement car il " u"contient toutes vos données.\n" u"Exportez vos données régulièrement.") except IOError: raise_error(u"La base de données n'a pas pu être exportée.", u"Vérifiez le chemin de destination puis re-essayez.\n\n" u"Demandez de l'aide si le problème persiste.")
def save(self): """ Calcul du restant en stock après une operation.""" from util import raise_success, raise_error try: last_reports = PsRapport.filter(psarrivage__chicken_coop_id= \ self.psarrivage).order_by(('date_report', 'desc')) except: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"Ce poulailler est vide")) return False previous_remaining = 0 self.remaining = 0 try: last_report = last_reports.get() except: last_report = None if last_report: previous_remaining = last_report.remaining self.remaining = previous_remaining - self.nb_death if self.remaining < 0: raise_error(_(u"error"), \ _(u"On peut pas utilisé %d puis qu'il ne reste que %d") % \ (self.nb_death, previous_remaining)) return False else: self.remaining = self.psarrivage.nb_total_chiks - self.nb_death super(PsRapport, self).save() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------# next_reports = PsRapport.filter(psarrivage=self.psarrivage, \ date_report__gt=self.date_report) \ .order_by(('date_report', 'asc')) try: next_reports = next_reports.get() except: next_reports = None if next_reports:
def add_chickencoop(self): ''' add operation ''' date_ = day, month, year = date_.split('/') dt = datetime_ = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(dt.hour), int(dt.minute), int(dt.second), int(dt.microsecond)) if unicode(self.num.text()) != "": poussin = ChickenCoop() poussin.type_ = int(self.type_.currentIndex()) poussin.num = int(self.num.text()) poussin.nbr_sujet_maxi = int(self.nbr_sujet_maxi.text()) = datetime_ self.num.clear() self.nbr_sujet_maxi.clear() self.poussin_table.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) else: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"Give the name of the store"))
def edit_prod(self): produit = session.query(Produit)\ .filter(Produit.libelle == \ .filter(Produit.nbr_piece ==\ .all()[0] lib = unicode(self.new_produit.text()) nbr = self.new_nbr_piece.text() if lib != "": if unicode(nbr) != "": is_double = session.query(Produit)\ .filter(Produit.libelle==lib).all() == [] if is_double: produit = Produit(lib, int(nbr)) session.add(produit) session.commit() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"The product has been changing")) self.cancel() else: raise_error(_(u"error"), \ _(u"Ce produit existe déjà")) else: raise_error(_(u"error"), \ _(u"Give the room number in the box")) else: raise_error(_(u"Error"), _(u"Give the name of the product"))
def add_operation(self): ''' add operation ''' lib = unicode(self.libelle.text()) nbr = self.nbre_piece.text() if lib != "": if unicode(nbr) != "": is_double = session.query(Produit)\ .filter(Produit.libelle==lib).all() == [] if is_double: produit = Produit(lib, int(nbr)) session.add(produit) session.commit() self.libelle.clear() self.nbre_piece.clear() self.table_op.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"The product %s " u" was recorded") % produit.libelle) else: raise_error(_(u"error"), \ _(u"Ce produit existe déjà")) else: raise_error(_(u"error"), \ _(u"Give the room number in the box")) else: raise_error(_(u"Error"), _(u"Give the name of the product"))
def add_chiks(self): ''' add operation ''' date_ = self.date_arriver.text() day, month, year = date_.split('/') dt = chicken_coop = self.list_chicken_coop[self.chicken_coop.currentIndex()] datetime_ = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(dt.hour), int(dt.minute), int(dt.second), int(dt.microsecond)) if unicode(self.nb_total_chiks.text()) != "" : if int(self.nb_total_chiks.text()) >= chicken_coop.nbr_sujet_maxi: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"%s can take only %s chicks") \ % (chicken_coop.full_name(), chicken_coop.nbr_sujet_maxi)) else: if chicken_coop.status == 1: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"%s est occupée") \ % (chicken_coop.full_name())) else: ps = PsArrivage() ps.race = unicode(self.race.text()) ps.nb_total_chiks = int(self.nb_total_chiks.text()) ps.arrival_date = datetime_ ps.chicken_coop = chicken_coop ps.chicken_coop.status = 1 self.nb_total_chiks.clear() self.race.clear() self.chiks_table.refresh_() raise_success(_(u"Confirmation"), _(u"Registered operation")) else: raise_error(_("Error"), _(u"Give the number of the chiks"))
def convert(TMP_FOLDER, infile, outfile, outsize, outfstype, inPWD=None, outPWD=None, out_mount_options=None): source = "%s/source" % TMP_FOLDER target = "%s/target" % TMP_FOLDER sh << "mkdir %(source)s %(target)s" > None sh.r == 0 or raise_error() mount(infile, source, pwd=inPWD) if outfile.startswith("/dev/"): print "outfile startswith /dev/" stdout = sh << "blockdev --getsize64 %(outfile)s" > str outsize = "%s" % int(stdout) print "size changed to %s = sizeof(%s)" % (outsize, outfile) while True: outfile_tmp = raw_input('write path for outfile_tmp:') print "tmpfile: %s" % outfile_tmp if os.path.exists(outfile_tmp): print "file %s exist, try another file path" else: break else: outfile_tmp = "%s.tmp" % outfile print "creating outfile" create(outfile_tmp, outsize, outfstype, pwd=outPWD) print "mounting outfile (%s)" % out_mount_options mount(outfile_tmp, target, pwd=outPWD, options=out_mount_options) print "copying files to new image" sh << "cd %(source)s; cp2 ./ %(target)s" > None sh.r == 0 or raise_error() print "copy task completed" print "umounting source" sh << "umountlist %(source)s | sh" > None print "umounting tmp disk" sh << "umountlist %(target)s | sh" > None sh.r == 0 or raise_error() if outfile == infile: print "FIXME: convert to same file incomplete" raise_error() # print "temporarily umounting source" # source_umount_list = sh << "umountlist %(source)s" > str # run("umount %s" % source) or exit(1) if outfile.startswith("/dev/") and not outfile.startswith("/dev/shm/"): answer = "" while answer != "yes": print "command : dd2 if=%s of=%s" % (outfile_tmp, outfile) answer = raw_input('write yes for run this command: ') print "copying to device" sh << "dd2 if=%(outfile_tmp)s of=%(outfile)s oflag=direct bs=64K" > None sh << "rm -f %(outfile_tmp)s" > None else: sh << "mv %(outfile_tmp)s %(outfile)s" > None if outfile == infile: print "FIXME: convert to same file incomplete" raise_error() # print "umounting source" # run("%s" % source_umount_list) sh << "rmdir %(TMP_FOLDER)s/source" > None sh << "rmdir %(TMP_FOLDER)s/target" > None