def detect_daily_record_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict['MsgType'] == 'text' and msg_dict.has_key('MsgId')): return True username = "" service_name = msg_dict['ToUserName'] index_key = "%s_record_count" % (util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict['CreateTime'])) index_value = util.get_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, 0) index_value = int(index_value) + 1 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)
def detect_daily_record_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict["MsgType"] == "text" and msg_dict.has_key("MsgId")): return True username = "" service_name = msg_dict["ToUserName"] index_key = "%s_record_count" % (util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict["CreateTime"])) index_value = util.get_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, 0) index_value = int(index_value) + 1 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)
def detect_daily_unsubscribe_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict['MsgType'] == 'event' and msg_dict['Event'] == 'unsubscribe'): return True username = "" service_name = msg_dict['ToUserName'] index_key = "%s_unsubscribe_count" % (util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict['CreateTime'])) index_value = util.get_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, 0) index_value = int(index_value) + 1 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)
def detect_daily_unsubscribe_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict["MsgType"] == "event" and msg_dict["Event"] == "unsubscribe"): return True username = "" service_name = msg_dict["ToUserName"] index_key = "%s_unsubscribe_count" % (util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict["CreateTime"])) index_value = util.get_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, 0) index_value = int(index_value) + 1 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)
def detect_daily_valid_record_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict['MsgType'] == 'text' and msg_dict.has_key('MsgId') is False): return True content = msg_dict['Content'] if content.find("记好了") == -1: return True print "======= here ====" username = "" service_name = msg_dict['FromUserName'] index_key = "%s_valid_record_count" % (util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict['CreateTime'])) index_value = util.get_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, 0) index_value = int(index_value) + 1 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)
def detect_daily_valid_record_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict["MsgType"] == "text" and msg_dict.has_key("MsgId") is False): return True content = msg_dict["Content"] if content.find("记好了") == -1: return True print "======= here ====" username = "" service_name = msg_dict["FromUserName"] index_key = "%s_valid_record_count" % (util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict["CreateTime"])) index_value = util.get_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, 0) index_value = int(index_value) + 1 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)
def detect_daily_uniq_user_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict['MsgType'] == 'text' and msg_dict.has_key('MsgId')): return True conn = MySQLdb.connect(config.DB_HOST, config.DB_USERNAME, \ config.DB_PWD, config.DB_NAME, charset = 'utf8mb4', port = config.DB_PORT) date = util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict['CreateTime']) username = '' service_name = msg_dict['ToUserName'] index_key = "%s_uniq_user_count" % (date) # TODO: need to improve performance, instead of query the whole dataset sql_format = "select count(1) from userprofile " + \ "where index_key = '%s_visit_count' and service_name = '%s';" sql = sql_format % (date, service_name) out = util.query_sql(conn, sql) if len(out) == 0: index_value = 0 else: index_value = out[0][0] + 0 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)
def detect_daily_uniq_user_count(msg, msg_dict): if not (msg_dict["MsgType"] == "text" and msg_dict.has_key("MsgId")): return True conn = MySQLdb.connect( config.DB_HOST, config.DB_USERNAME, config.DB_PWD, config.DB_NAME, charset="utf8mb4", port=config.DB_PORT ) date = util.seconds_to_date(msg_dict["CreateTime"]) username = "" service_name = msg_dict["ToUserName"] index_key = "%s_uniq_user_count" % (date) # TODO: need to improve performance, instead of query the whole dataset sql_format = "select count(1) from userprofile " + "where index_key = '%s_visit_count' and service_name = '%s';" sql = sql_format % (date, service_name) out = util.query_sql(conn, sql) if len(out) == 0: index_value = 0 else: index_value = out[0][0] + 0 util.update_serviceprofile(service_name, index_key, index_value)