def draw_violin(dataset, posns, alpha=1, color='royalblue', meanmarker="*"):
        Draw a violin to the current plot.
        Color the mean point.
        (Shared helper for `violin_plot` and `double_violin`)
    ## Add data
    vp = plt.violinplot(dataset, positions=posns, showmeans=True, showextrema=True, showmedians=True)
    ## Re-color bodies
    for v in vp['bodies']:
    ## Draw mean markers
    # Make original mean line invisible
    # Draw data points
    for i in range(len(dataset)):
        plt.plot([posns[i]] * len(dataset[i]), dataset[i], "r+")
    ## Re-color median, min, max lines to be black
    for field in ['cmaxes', 'cmins', 'cbars', 'cmedians']:
    # Draw the mean marker
    for i in range(len(dataset)):
        plt.plot(posns[i], [np.average(dataset[i])], color='w', marker=meanmarker, markeredgecolor='k')
    # Draw confidence interval (should be optional)
    for i in range(len(dataset)):
        stat = util.stats_of_row(dataset[i])
        plt.errorbar(posns[i], stat["mean"], yerr=stat["ci"][1] - stat["mean"], ecolor="magenta", capthick=4)
 def of_tab(self, tabfile):
         Initialize `stats_by_config` table from the spreadsheet `tabfile`
         tabfile, None, lambda acc, row: self.set_stats(row[0], util.stats_of_row([int(v) for v in row[1:]]))
 def stats_of_predicate(self, pred):
         Return an array of the experimental results
         for each configuration matching `pred`.
     unflattened = [self.stats_of_config(cfg)
                   for cfg in self.all_configurations()
                   if pred(cfg)]
     return util.stats_of_row([x for st in unflattened for x in st["raw"]])
 def sample_stats(self, pred, tag):
         Get statistics about the samples matching predicate `pred`
     all_samples = [(k,v['raw']) for (k,v) in self.stats_by_config.items() if pred(k)]
     configs = [k for (k,_) in all_samples]
     vals    = [v for (k,vs) in all_samples for v in vs]
     stat = util.stats_of_row(vals)
     return [tag
            ,round(stat["mean"], 2)
            ,round(stat["variance"], 2)
            ,"%s~\\textendash~%s" % (round(stat["ci"][0], 2), round(stat["ci"][1], 2))
            ,round(math.sqrt(stat["variance"]) / math.sqrt(len(vals)), 2)
            ,round(jarque_bera(vals)[0], 2)]
 def results_of_config(self, config):
     # Execute the config for a pre-set number of iterations
     return util.stats_of_row(self.run_config(config))
 def results_of_config(self, config):
     return util.fold_file(
         lambda acc, row: acc or (util.stats_of_row([int(x) for x in row[1:]]) if row[0] == config else None),