def ensureSIFTFeatures(filepath, paramsSIFT, properties, csvDir, validateByFileExists=False): """ filepath: to the image from which SIFT features have been or have to be extracted. params: dict of registration parameters, including the key "scale". paramsSIFT: FloatArray2DSIFT.Params instance. csvDir: directory into which serialized features have been or will be saved. load: function to load an image as an ImageProcessor from the filepath. validateByFileExists: whether to merely check that the .obj file exists as a quick form of validation. First check if serialized features exist for the image, and if the Params match. Otherwise extract the features and store them serialized. Returns the ArrayList of Feature instances. """ path = os.path.join(csvDir, os.path.basename(filepath) + ".SIFT-features.obj") if validateByFileExists: if os.path.exists(path): return True # An ArrayList whose last element is a mpicbg.imagefeatures.FloatArray2DSIFT.Param # and all other elements are mpicbg.imagefeatures.Feature features = deserialize(path) if os.path.exists(path) else None if features: if features.get(features.size() - 1).equals(paramsSIFT): features.remove(features.size() - 1) # removes the Params syncPrintQ("Loaded %i SIFT features for %s" % (features.size(), os.path.basename(filepath))) return features else: # Remove the file: paramsSIFT have changed os.remove(path) # Else, extract de novo: try: # Extract features imp = loadImp(filepath) ip = imp.getProcessor() paramsSIFT = paramsSIFT.clone() ijSIFT = SIFT(FloatArray2DSIFT(paramsSIFT)) features = ArrayList() # of Feature instances ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ip, features) ip = None imp.flush() imp = None features.add( paramsSIFT ) # append Params instance at the end for future validation serialize(features, path) features.remove(features.size() - 1) # to return without the Params for immediate use syncPrintQ("Extracted %i SIFT features for %s" % (features.size(), os.path.basename(filepath))) except: printException() return features
def loadFloatProcessor(filepath, params, paramsSIFT, scale=True): try: fp = loadImp(filepath).getProcessor().convertToFloatProcessor() # Preprocess images: Gaussian-blur to scale down, then normalize contrast if scale: fp = Filter.createDownsampled(fp, params["scale"], 0.5, paramsSIFT.initialSigma) Util.normalizeContrast(fp) # TODO should be outside the if clause? return fp except: syncPrintQ(sys.exc_info())
def translate(self, dx, dy): a = zeros(2, 'l') self.interval.min(a) width = self.cell_dimensions[0] height = self.cell_dimensions[1] x0 = max(0, min(a[0] + dx, self.img_dimensions[0] - width)) y0 = max(0, min(a[1] + dy, self.img_dimensions[1] - height)) self.interval = FinalInterval([x0, y0], [x0 + width - 1, y0 + height - 1]) syncPrintQ(str(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(self.interval))) self.cache.clear()
def qualityControl(filepaths, csvDir, params, properties, paramsTileConfiguration, imp=None): """ Show a 3-column table with the indices of all compared pairs of sections and their pointmatches. """ rows = [] """ for task in loadPointMatchesTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, paramsTileConfiguration["n_adjacent"]): i, j, pointmatches = # pointmatches is a list rows.append([i, j, len(pointmatches)]) syncPrintQ("Counting pointmatches for sections %i::%i = %i" % (i, j, len(pointmatches))) """ # Same, in parallel: w = ParallelTasks("loadPointMatches") for i, j, pointmatches in w.chunkConsume( properties["n_threads"], loadPointMatchesTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, paramsTileConfiguration["n_adjacent"])): rows.append([i, j, len(pointmatches)]) syncPrintQ("Counting pointmatches for sections %i::%i = %i" % (i, j, len(pointmatches))) w.awaitAll() w.destroy() if imp is None: img_title = properties["srcDir"].split('/')[-2] imp = WindowManager.getImage(img_title) destroy = None setStackSlice = None print imp if imp: ob = SetStackSlice(imp) exe = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() exe.scheduleWithFixedDelay(ob, 0, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) else: print "image titled %s is not open." % img_title table, frame = showTable( rows, column_names=["section i", "section j", "n_pointmatches"], title="Number of pointmatches", onCellClickFn=ob.setFromTableCell) frame.addWindowListener(ExecutorCloser(exe)) return table, frame
def deserialize(filepath): f = None o = None obj = None try: f = FileInputStream(filepath) o = ObjectInputStream(f) obj = o.readObject() except: syncPrintQ(sys.exc_info()) finally: if f: f.close() if o: o.close() if obj is None: syncPrintQ("Failed to deserialize object at " + filepath) return obj
def serialize(obj, filepath): if not Serializable.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass()): syncPrintQ("Object doesn't implement Serializable: " + str(obj)) return False f = None o = None try: f = FileOutputStream(filepath) o = ObjectOutputStream(f) o.writeObject(obj) o.flush() f.getFD().sync() # ensure file is written to disk return True except: syncPrintQ(sys.exc_info()) finally: if o: o.close() if f: f.close()
def extractSIFTMatches(filepath1, filepath2, params, paramsSIFT, properties, csvDir): # Skip if pointmatches CSV file exists already: csvpath = os.path.join( csvDir, basename(filepath1) + '.' + basename(filepath2) + ".pointmatches.csv") if os.path.exists(csvpath): return False try: # Load from CSV files or extract features de novo features1 = ensureSIFTFeatures(filepath1, paramsSIFT, properties, csvDir) features2 = ensureSIFTFeatures(filepath2, paramsSIFT, properties, csvDir) #syncPrintQ("Loaded %i features for %s\n %i features for %s" % (features1.size(), os.path.basename(filepath1), # features2.size(), os.path.basename(filepath2))) # Vector of PointMatch instances sourceMatches = FloatArray2DSIFT.createMatches( features1, features2, params.get( "max_sd", 1.5), # max_sd: maximal difference in size (ratio max/min) TranslationModel2D(), params.get( "max_id", Double.MAX_VALUE), # max_id: maximal distance in image space params.get("rod", 0.9)) # rod: ratio of best vs second best syncPrintQ("Found %i SIFT pointmatches for %s vs %s" % (sourceMatches.size(), os.path.basename(filepath1), os.path.basename(filepath2))) # Store pointmatches savePointMatches(os.path.basename(filepath1), os.path.basename(filepath2), sourceMatches, csvDir, params) return True except: printException()
def makeLinkedTiles(filepaths, csvDir, params, paramsSIFT, n_adjacent, properties): if properties.get("precompute", True): ensurePointMatches(filepaths, csvDir, params, paramsSIFT, n_adjacent, properties) try: tiles = [Tile(TranslationModel2D()) for _ in filepaths] # FAILS when running in parallel, for mysterious reasons related to jython internals, perhaps syncPrint fails #w = ParallelTasks("loadPointMatches") #for i, j, pointmatches in w.chunkConsume(properties["n_threads"], loadPointMatchesTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent)): syncPrintQ("Loading all pointmatches.") if properties.get("use_SIFT"): params = {"rod": params["rod"]} for task in loadPointMatchesTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent): i, j, pointmatches = syncPrintQ("%i, %i : %i" % (i, j, len(pointmatches))) tiles[i].connect(tiles[j], pointmatches) # reciprocal connection syncPrintQ("Finished loading all pointmatches.") return tiles except Exception as e: print i, j print e finally: #w.destroy() pass
def preload(cachedCellImg, loader, block_size, filepaths, exe): """ Find which is the last cell index in the cache, identify to which block (given the blockSize[2] AKA Z dimension) that index belongs to, and concurrently load all cells (sections) that the Z dimension of the blockSize will need. If they are already loaded, these operations are insignificant. """ try: # The is a ConcurrentHashMap with Long keys, aka numbers cache = cachedCellImg.getCache() f1 = cache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "cache") # LoaderCacheAsCacheAdapter.cache f1.setAccessible(True) softCache = f1.get(cache) cache = None f2 = softCache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "map") # f2.setAccessible(True) keys = sorted(f2.get(softCache).keySet()) if 0 == len(keys): return first = max(0, keys[-1] - (keys[-1] % block_size[2])) last = min(len(filepaths), first + block_size[2]) - 1 keys = None syncPrintQ("### Preloading %i-%i ###" % (first, last)) futures = [] for index in xrange(first, last + 1): futures.append( exe.submit(TimeItTask(softCache.get, index, loader))) softCache = None # Wait for all loaded_any = False count = 0 while len(futures) > 0: r, t = futures.pop(0).get() # waits for the image to load if t > 1000: # in miliseconds. Less than this is for sure a cache hit, more a cache miss and reload loaded_any = True r = None # t in miliseconds syncPrintQ("preloaded index %i in %f ms" % (first + count, t)) count += 1 if not loaded_any: syncPrintQ("Completed preloading %i-%i" % (first, first + block_size[2] - 1)) except: syncPrintQ(sys.exc_info())
def keyPressed(self, event): try: dx, dy =, (0, 0)) if dx + dy == 0: return syncPrintQ("Translating source") if event.isShiftDown(): dx *= self.shift dy *= self.shift if event.isAltDown(): dx *= self.alt dy *= self.alt syncPrintQ("... by x=%i, y=%i" % (dx, dy)) self.cellGet.translate(dx, dy) self.imp.updateAndDraw() event.consume() except: syncPrintQ(str(sys.exc_info()))
def extractBlockMatches(filepath1, filepath2, params, paramsSIFT, properties, csvDir, exeload, load): """ filepath1: the file path to an image of a section. filepath2: the file path to an image of another section. params: dictionary of parameters necessary for BlockMatching. exeload: an ExecutorService for parallel loading of image files. load: a function that knows how to load the image from the filepath. return False if the CSV file already exists, True if it has to be computed. """ # Skip if pointmatches CSV file exists already: csvpath = os.path.join( csvDir, basename(filepath1) + '.' + basename(filepath2) + ".pointmatches.csv") if os.path.exists(csvpath): return False try: # Load files in parallel futures = [ exeload.submit(Task(load, filepath1)), exeload.submit(Task(load, filepath2)) ] fp1 = futures[0].get( ) # FloatProcessor, already Gaussian-blurred, contrast-corrected and scaled! fp2 = futures[1].get() # FloatProcessor, idem # Define points from the mesh sourcePoints = ArrayList() # List to fill sourceMatches = ArrayList( ) # of PointMatch from filepath1 to filepath2 # Don't use blockmatching if the dimensions are different use_blockmatching = fp1.getWidth() == fp2.getWidth() and fp1.getHeight( ) == fp2.getHeight() # Fill the sourcePoints mesh = TransformMesh(params["meshResolution"], fp1.width, fp1.height) PointMatch.sourcePoints(mesh.getVA().keySet(), sourcePoints) syncPrintQ("Extracting block matches for \n S: " + filepath1 + "\n T: " + filepath2 + "\n with " + str(sourcePoints.size()) + " mesh sourcePoints.") # Run BlockMatching.matchByMaximalPMCCFromPreScaledImages( fp1, fp2, params["scale"], # float params["blockRadius"], # X params["blockRadius"], # Y params["searchRadius"], # X params["searchRadius"], # Y params["minR"], # float params["rod"], # float params["maxCurvature"], # float sourcePoints, sourceMatches) # At least some should match to accept the translation if len(sourceMatches) < max(20, len(sourcePoints) / 5) / 2: syncPrintQ( "Found only %i blockmatching pointmatches (from %i source points)" % (len(sourceMatches), len(sourcePoints))) syncPrintQ( "... therefore invoking SIFT pointmatching for:\n S: " + basename(filepath1) + "\n T: " + basename(filepath2)) # Can fail if there is a shift larger than the searchRadius # Try SIFT features, which are location independent # # Images are now scaled: load originals futures = [ exeload.submit( Task(loadFloatProcessor, filepath1, params, paramsSIFT, scale=False)), exeload.submit( Task(loadFloatProcessor, filepath2, params, paramsSIFT, scale=False)) ] fp1 = futures[0].get() # FloatProcessor, original fp2 = futures[1].get() # FloatProcessor, original # Images can be of different size: scale them the same way area1 = fp1.width * fp1.height area2 = fp2.width * fp2.height if area1 == area2: paramsSIFT1 = paramsSIFT.clone() paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize = int( max(properties.get("SIFT_max_size", 2048), fp1.width * params["scale"])) paramsSIFT1.minOctaveSize = int(paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize / pow(2, paramsSIFT1.steps)) paramsSIFT2 = paramsSIFT1 else: bigger, smaller = (fp1, fp2) if area1 > area2 else (fp2, fp1) target_width_bigger = int( max(1024, bigger.width * params["scale"])) if 1024 == target_width_bigger: target_width_smaller = int(1024 * float(smaller.width) / bigger.width) else: target_width_smaller = smaller.width * params["scale"] # paramsSIFT1 = paramsSIFT.clone() paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize = target_width_bigger paramsSIFT1.minOctaveSize = int(paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize / pow(2, paramsSIFT1.steps)) paramsSIFT2 = paramsSIFT.clone() paramsSIFT2.maxOctaveSize = target_width_smaller paramsSIFT2.minOctaveSize = int(paramsSIFT2.maxOctaveSize / pow(2, paramsSIFT2.steps)) ijSIFT1 = SIFT(FloatArray2DSIFT(paramsSIFT1)) features1 = ArrayList() # of Point instances ijSIFT1.extractFeatures(fp1, features1) ijSIFT2 = SIFT(FloatArray2DSIFT(paramsSIFT2)) features2 = ArrayList() # of Point instances ijSIFT2.extractFeatures(fp2, features2) # Vector of PointMatch instances sourceMatches = FloatArray2DSIFT.createMatches( features1, features2, params.get( "max_sd", 1.5), # max_sd: maximal difference in size (ratio max/min) TranslationModel2D(), params.get("max_id", Double.MAX_VALUE ), # max_id: maximal distance in image space params.get("rod", 0.9)) # rod: ratio of best vs second best # Store pointmatches savePointMatches(os.path.basename(filepath1), os.path.basename(filepath2), sourceMatches, csvDir, params) return True except: printException()
def loadImp(filepath): """ Returns an ImagePlus """ syncPrintQ("Loading image " + filepath) return IJ.openImage(filepath)
def ensurePointMatches(filepaths, csvDir, params, paramsSIFT, n_adjacent, properties): """ If a pointmatches csv file doesn't exist, will create it. """ w = ParallelTasks("ensurePointMatches", exe=newFixedThreadPool(properties["n_threads"])) exeload = newFixedThreadPool() try: if properties.get("use_SIFT", False): syncPrintQ("use_SIFT is True") # Pre-extract SIFT features for all images first # ensureSIFTFeatures returns the features list so the Future will hold it in memory: can't hold onto them # therefore consume the tasks in chunks: chunk_size = properties["n_threads"] * 2 count = 1 for result in w.chunkConsume( chunk_size, # tasks to submit before starting to wait for futures (Task(ensureSIFTFeatures, filepath, paramsSIFT, properties, csvDir, validateByFileExists=properties.get( "SIFT_validateByFileExists")) for filepath in filepaths)): count += 1 if 0 == count % chunk_size: syncPrintQ( "Completed extracting or validating SIFT features for %i images." % count) w.awaitAll() syncPrintQ( "Completed extracting or validating SIFT features for all images." ) # Compute pointmatches across adjacent sections count = 1 for result in w.chunkConsume( chunk_size, generateSIFTMatches(filepaths, n_adjacent, params, paramsSIFT, properties, csvDir)): count += 1 syncPrintQ("Completed SIFT pointmatches %i/%i" % (count, len(filepaths) * n_adjacent)) else: # Use blockmatches syncPrintQ("using blockmatches") loadFPMem = SoftMemoize(lambda path: loadFloatProcessor( path, params, paramsSIFT, scale=True), maxsize=properties["n_threads"] + n_adjacent) count = 1 for result in w.chunkConsume( properties["n_threads"], pointmatchingTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, paramsSIFT, n_adjacent, exeload, properties, loadFPMem)): if result: # is False when CSV file already exists syncPrintQ("Completed %i/%i" % (count, len(filepaths) * n_adjacent)) count += 1 syncPrintQ("Awaiting all remaining pointmatching tasks to finish.") w.awaitAll() syncPrintQ("Finished all pointmatching tasks.") except: printException() finally: exeload.shutdown() w.destroy()
def savePointMatches(img_filename1, img_filename2, pointmatches, directory, params, coords_header=["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"]): filename = basename(img_filename1) + '.' + basename( img_filename2) + ".pointmatches.csv" path = os.path.join(directory, filename) msg = [str(len(pointmatches))] ra = None try: """ with open(path, 'w') as csvfile: w = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) # First two rows: parameter names and values keys = params.keys() msg.append("keys: " + ",".join(map(str, keys))) msg.append("vals: " + ",".join(str(params[key]) for key in keys)) #for pm in pointmatches: # msg.append(", ".join(map(str, PointMatches.asRow(pm)))) w.writerow(keys) w.writerow(tuple(params[key] for key in keys)) # PointMatches header if 0 == len(pointmatches): # Can't know whether there are 2 or 3 dimensions per coordinate w.writerow(coords_header) else: w.writerow(PointMatches.csvHeader(next(iter(pointmatches)))) # support both lists and sets # One PointMatch per row for pm in pointmatches: w.writerow(PointMatches.asRow(pm)) # Ensure it's written csvfile.flush() os.fsync(csvfile.fileno()) """ # DEBUG write differently, the above FAILS for ~20 out of 130,000 files lines = [] keys = params.keys() lines.append(",".join(map(str, keys))) lines.append(",".join(map(str, (params[key] for key in keys)))) header = coords_header if 0 == len(pointmatches) \ else PointMatches.csvHeader(next(iter(pointmatches))) lines.append(",".join(header)) for pm in pointmatches: p1 = pm.getP1().getW() # a double[] array p2 = pm.getP2().getW() # a double[] array lines.append("%f,%f,%f,%f" % (p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1])) body = "\n".join(lines) ra = RandomAccessFile(path, 'rw') ra.writeBytes(body) ra.getFD().sync() # ensure it's written except: syncPrintQ("Failed to save pointmatches at %s\n%s" % (path, "\n".join(msg))) printException() if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) finally: if ra is not None: ra.close()