def extract(html, url, **kwargs):
    """ """
    logging.debug("*** extracting %s ***" % (url,))

    kw = { 'remove_comments': True }
    if 'encoding' in kwargs:
        kw['encoding'] = kwargs['encoding']
            foo = html.decode(kw['encoding'])
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # make it legal
            logging.warning("Invalid %s - cleaning up" %(kw['encoding'],))
            foo = html.decode(kw['encoding'],'ignore')
            html = foo.encode(kw['encoding'])

    parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(**kw)
    doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html, parser, base_url=url)

    [i.drop_tree() for i in util.tags(doc,'script','style')]

    # drop comment divs - they have a nasty habit of screwing things up
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#disqus_thread')]
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#comments, .comment')]

    # drop obvious structural cruft
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#header, #footer, #sidebar')]

    # nasty little hacks with no obvious general solutions:

    # Johnston Publishing sites - they have adverts embedded in the headline :-(
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('.sponsorPanel')]
    # www.shropshirestar.com
    # www.expressandstar.com
    # Have annoyingly-well marked up author links to featured articles in masthead
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#masthead-quote')]

    if 'independent.co.uk' in url:
        [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#side, .readNextWidget')]

#    html = UnicodeDammit(html, isHTML=True).markup
    headline_info = extract_headline(doc,url)
    headline_linenum = 0
    headline = None
    headline_node = None
    if headline_info is not None:
        headline_linenum = headline_info['sourceline']
        headline = headline_info['txt']
        headline_node = headline_info['node']

    pubdate, pubdate_node = extract_pubdate(doc,url,headline_linenum)

    authors = byline.extract(doc, url, headline_node, pubdate_node)

    return headline,authors,pubdate
def extract(html, url, **kwargs):
    """ """
    logging.debug("*** extracting %s ***" % (url, ))

    kw = {'remove_comments': True}
    if 'encoding' in kwargs:
        kw['encoding'] = kwargs['encoding']
            foo = html.decode(kw['encoding'])
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # make it legal
            logging.warning("Invalid %s - cleaning up" % (kw['encoding'], ))
            foo = html.decode(kw['encoding'], 'ignore')
            html = foo.encode(kw['encoding'])

    parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(**kw)
    doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html, parser, base_url=url)

    [i.drop_tree() for i in util.tags(doc, 'script', 'style')]

    # drop comment divs - they have a nasty habit of screwing things up
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#disqus_thread')]
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#comments, .comment')]

    # drop obvious structural cruft
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#header, #footer, #sidebar')]

    # nasty little hacks with no obvious general solutions:

    # Johnston Publishing sites - they have adverts embedded in the headline :-(
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('.sponsorPanel')]

    # www.shropshirestar.com
    # www.expressandstar.com
    # Have annoyingly-well marked up author links to featured articles in masthead
    [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#masthead-quote')]

    if 'independent.co.uk' in url:
        [i.drop_tree() for i in doc.cssselect('#side, .readNextWidget')]

#    html = UnicodeDammit(html, isHTML=True).markup
    headline_info = extract_headline(doc, url)
    headline_linenum = 0
    headline = None
    headline_node = None
    if headline_info is not None:
        headline_linenum = headline_info['sourceline']
        headline = headline_info['txt']
        headline_node = headline_info['node']

    pubdate, pubdate_node = extract_pubdate(doc, url, headline_linenum)

    authors = byline.extract(doc, url, headline_node, pubdate_node)

    return headline, authors, pubdate
    def pre_process_verbs(self, tagger="PerceptronTagger"):
        """This method extracts all verbs from each document in the documents collection

                tagger -- tagger choosed. It could be among the following:
              PerceptronTagger (default) and PatternTagger

        pt = util.get_tagger(tagger)
        for ndoc in self.documents.find():
            blob = pt(ndoc['text'])
            verbs = []
            for word in util.tags(blob):
                is_verb = len(Word(word['raw']).get_synsets(pos=VERB)) > 0
                if word['tag'] in util.PENN_VERBS_TAGS and is_verb:
                {'name': ndoc['name']}, {'$set': {'verbs': verbs}})
def extract(doc, url, headline_node, pubdate_node):
    """ Returns byline text """

    logging.debug("EXTRACTING BYLINE")

    all = list(doc.iter())

    candidates = {}

    bylineContainer = doc

    if 'independent.co.uk/voices' in url:
        foo = doc.cssselect('#top')
        if len(foo) == 1:
            bylineContainer = foo[0]

    # TODO: early-out for special cases (eg hAtom author, rel="author")
    for el in util.tags(bylineContainer, 'a', 'p', 'span', 'div', 'li', 'h3',
                        'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'td', 'strong'):

        authors, score = parse_byline(el, all, headline_node)

        if score > 1.5:
            # could be a date in it still
            #txt = util.strip_date(txt).strip()

            # reconstiute
            txt = u" and ".join([a['name'] for a in authors])
            candidates[el] = {'element': el, 'score': score, 'raw_byline': txt}

    if candidates:
        results = sorted(candidates.values(),
                         key=lambda item: item['score'],
        logging.debug(" byline rankings (top 10):")
        for r in results[:10]:
            logging.debug("  %.3f: '%s'" % (r['score'], r['raw_byline']))
        return unicode(results[0]['raw_byline']).strip()

    return None
def extract(doc, url, headline_node, pubdate_node):
    """ Returns byline text """

    logging.debug("EXTRACTING BYLINE")

    all = list(doc.iter())

    candidates = {}


    if 'independent.co.uk/voices' in url:
        foo = doc.cssselect('#top')
        if len(foo)==1:
            bylineContainer = foo[0]

    # TODO: early-out for special cases (eg hAtom author, rel="author")
    for el in util.tags(bylineContainer, 'a','p','span','div','li','h3','h4','h5','h6','td','strong'):

        authors, score = parse_byline(el, all, headline_node)

        if score>1.5:
            # could be a date in it still
            #txt = util.strip_date(txt).strip()

            # reconstiute
            txt = u" and ".join([a['name'] for a in authors])
            candidates[el] = {'element':el, 'score': score, 'raw_byline': txt}

    if candidates:
        results = sorted(candidates.values(), key=lambda item: item['score'], reverse=True)
        logging.debug( " byline rankings (top 10):")
        for r in results[:10]:
            logging.debug("  %.3f: '%s'" % (r['score'], r['raw_byline']))
        return unicode(results[0]['raw_byline']).strip()

    return None
def extract_headline(doc,url):

    logging.debug("extracting headline")

    candidates = {}

    for h in util.tags(doc,'h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','div','span','td','th'):
        score = 1
        txt = unicode(h.text_content()).strip()
        txt = u' '.join(txt.split())
        if len(txt)==0:

        txt_norm = util.normalise_text(txt)

        if len(txt)>=500:

        logging.debug(" headline: consider %s '%s'" % (h.tag,txt,))

        # TODO: should run all these tests over a real corpus of articles
        # and work out proper probability-based scoring!

        # TEST: length of headline
        # TODO - get a proper headline-length frequency curve from
        # journalisted and score according to probability
        if len(txt)>=20 and len(txt)<60:
            logging.debug("  len in [20,60)")
            score +=1
        elif len(txt)>=25 and len(txt)<40:
            logging.debug("  len in [25,40)")
            score += 2

        if h.tag in ('h1','h2','h3','h4'):
            logging.debug("  significant heading (%s)" % (h.tag,))
            score += 2
        if h.tag in ('span','td'):
            logging.debug("  -2 less headline-y element (%s)" % (h.tag,))
            score -= 2

        # TEST: does it appear in <title> text?
        title = unicode(getattr(doc.find('.//title'), 'text', ''))
        if title is not None:
            if txt_norm in util.normalise_text(title):
                logging.debug("  appears in <title>")
                score += 3

        # TEST: likely-looking class or id
        if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('class','')):
            logging.debug("  likely class")
            score += 2
        if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('id','')):
            logging.debug("  likely id")
            score += 2

        # TEST: does it appear in likely looking <meta> tags?
        # eg:
        # <meta property="og:title" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/>
        # <meta name="Headline" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/>
        for meta in doc.findall('.//meta'):
            n = meta.get('name', meta.get('property', ''))
            if pats.headline['metatags'].search(n):
                meta_content = util.normalise_text(unicode(meta.get('content','')))
                if meta_content != '':
                    if txt_norm==meta_content:
                        logging.debug("  match meta")
                        score += 3
                    elif txt_norm in meta_content:
                        logging.debug("  contained by meta")
                        score += 1

        # TEST: does it match slug part of url?
        slug = re.split('[-_]', util.get_slug(url).lower())
        parts = [util.normalise_text(part) for part in txt.split()]
        parts = [part for part in parts if part!='']
        if len(parts) > 1:
            matched = [part for part in parts if part in slug]

            value = (5.0*len(matched) / len(parts)) # max 5 points
            if value > 0:
                logging.debug("  match slug (%01f)" % (value,))
                score += value

        # TODO: other possible tests
        # TEST: is it near top of article container?
        # TEST: is it just above article container?
        # TEST: is it non-complex html (anything more complex than <a>)
        # TEST: is it outside likely sidebar elements?

        if txt not in candidates or score > candidates[txt]:
            candidates[txt] = {'txt':txt, 'score':score, 'sourceline':h.sourceline, 'node':h}

    if not candidates:
        return None

    # sort
    out = sorted(candidates.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['score'], reverse=True)

    return out[0][1]
def extract_pubdate(doc, url, headline_linenum):
    """ returns date,linenum """
    candidates = {}

    logging.debug("extracting pubdate")

    # TODO: try some definitive meta tags first?
    # "DCSext.articleFirstPublished"
    # "DC.date.issued"
    # "last-modified"

    # check for date in slug
    for pat in pats.pubdate['url_datefmts']:
        m = pat.search(url)
        if m is not None:
            d = datetime.datetime( int(m.group('year')), int(m.group('month')), int(m.group('day')) )
            logging.debug("  using %s from url" % (d,))
            return d,None

    meta_dates = set()
    for meta in doc.findall('.//meta'):
        n = meta.get('name', meta.get('property', ''))
        if pats.pubdate['metatags'].search(n):
            logging.debug(" date: consider meta name='%s' content='%s'" % (n,meta.get('content','')))
            fuzzy = fuzzydate.parse_datetime(meta.get('content',''))
            if not fuzzy.empty_date():

#    if len(meta_dates)==1:
#        # only one likely-looking <meta> entry - lets go with it
#        d = list(meta_dates)[0]
#        logging.debug("  using %s from <meta>" % (d,))
#        return d,None

    # start looking through whole page
    for e in util.tags(doc,'p','span','div','li','td','th','h4','h5','h6','font'):
        txt = unicode(e.text_content()).strip()
        txt = u' '.join(txt.split())

        # discard anything too short or long
        if len(txt)<6 or len(txt) > 150:

        score = 1
        dt = extract_date(txt)
        if dt is None:
        logging.debug(" date: considering %s '%s'" % (e.tag,txt))

        # TEST: proximity to headline in html
        if headline_linenum>0 and e.sourceline>0:
            dist = e.sourceline - headline_linenum
            if dist >-10 and dist <25:
                logging.debug("  near headline")
                score += 1

        # TEST: likely class or id?
        if pats.pubdate['classes'].search(e.get('class','')):
            logging.debug("  likely class")
            score += 1
        if pats.pubdate['classes'].search(e.get('id','')):
            logging.debug("  likely id")
            score += 1
        # in byline is also a good indicator
        if pats.byline['classes'].search(e.get('class','')):
            logging.debug("  likely class")
            score += 1
        if pats.byline['classes'].search(e.get('id','')):
            logging.debug("  likely id")
            score += 1

        # TEST: also appears in likely <meta> tags?
        if dt.date() in meta_dates:
            logging.debug("  appears in <meta>")
            score += 1

        # TEST: not within likely-looking comment container?
        in_comment = False
        foo = e.getparent()
        while foo is not None:
            if pats.pubdate['comment_classes'].search(foo.get('class','')):
                in_comment = True
            foo = foo.getparent()
        if not in_comment:
            logging.debug("  not inside likely comment")
            score += 1

        # TEST: indicative text? ("posted on" , "last updated" etc...)
        if pats.pubdate['pubdate_indicator'].search(txt):
            logging.debug("  text indicative of pubdate")
            score += 1

        # TEST: date appears in url? eg "http://blah.com/blahblah-20100801-blah.html"
        if re.compile("%d[-_/.]?0?%d[-_/.]?0?%d" % (dt.year,dt.month,dt.day)).search(url):
            logging.debug("  full date appears in url")
            score += 2
        elif re.compile("%d[-_/.]?0?%d" % (dt.year,dt.month)).search(url):
            logging.debug("  year and month appear in url")
            score += 1

        if dt.date() not in candidates or score>candidates[dt.date()]['score']:
            candidates[dt.date()] = {'datetime': dt, 'score': score, 'node': e}

    if not candidates:
        return None,None

    out = sorted(candidates.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['score'], reverse=True)
#    print "========="
#    pprint( out[:5] )
#    print "========="
    best = out[0][1]
    return best['datetime'],best['node']
def extract_headline(doc, url):

    logging.debug("extracting headline")

    candidates = {}

    for h in util.tags(doc, 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'div', 'span',
                       'td', 'th'):
        score = 1
        txt = unicode(h.text_content()).strip()
        txt = u' '.join(txt.split())
        if len(txt) == 0:

        txt_norm = util.normalise_text(txt)

        if len(txt) >= 500:

        logging.debug(" headline: consider %s '%s'" % (

        # TODO: should run all these tests over a real corpus of articles
        # and work out proper probability-based scoring!

        # TEST: length of headline
        # TODO - get a proper headline-length frequency curve from
        # journalisted and score according to probability
        if len(txt) >= 20 and len(txt) < 60:
            logging.debug("  len in [20,60)")
            score += 1
        elif len(txt) >= 25 and len(txt) < 40:
            logging.debug("  len in [25,40)")
            score += 2

        if h.tag in ('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4'):
            logging.debug("  significant heading (%s)" % (h.tag, ))
            score += 2
        if h.tag in ('span', 'td'):
            logging.debug("  -2 less headline-y element (%s)" % (h.tag, ))
            score -= 2

        # TEST: does it appear in <title> text?
        title = unicode(getattr(doc.find('.//title'), 'text', ''))
        if title is not None:
            if txt_norm in util.normalise_text(title):
                logging.debug("  appears in <title>")
                score += 3

        # TEST: likely-looking class or id
        if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('class', '')):
            logging.debug("  likely class")
            score += 2
        if pats.headline['classes'].search(h.get('id', '')):
            logging.debug("  likely id")
            score += 2

        # TEST: does it appear in likely looking <meta> tags?
        # eg:
        # <meta property="og:title" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/>
        # <meta name="Headline" content="Dementia checks at age 75 urged"/>
        for meta in doc.findall('.//meta'):
            n = meta.get('name', meta.get('property', ''))
            if pats.headline['metatags'].search(n):
                meta_content = util.normalise_text(
                    unicode(meta.get('content', '')))
                if meta_content != '':
                    if txt_norm == meta_content:
                        logging.debug("  match meta")
                        score += 3
                    elif txt_norm in meta_content:
                        logging.debug("  contained by meta")
                        score += 1

        # TEST: does it match slug part of url?
        slug = re.split('[-_]', util.get_slug(url).lower())
        parts = [util.normalise_text(part) for part in txt.split()]
        parts = [part for part in parts if part != '']
        if len(parts) > 1:
            matched = [part for part in parts if part in slug]

            value = (5.0 * len(matched) / len(parts))  # max 5 points
            if value > 0:
                logging.debug("  match slug (%01f)" % (value, ))
                score += value

        # TODO: other possible tests
        # TEST: is it near top of article container?
        # TEST: is it just above article container?
        # TEST: is it non-complex html (anything more complex than <a>)
        # TEST: is it outside likely sidebar elements?

        if txt not in candidates or score > candidates[txt]:
            candidates[txt] = {
                'txt': txt,
                'score': score,
                'sourceline': h.sourceline,
                'node': h

    if not candidates:
        return None

    # sort
    out = sorted(candidates.items(),
                 key=lambda item: item[1]['score'],

    return out[0][1]
def extract_pubdate(doc, url, headline_linenum):
    """ returns date,linenum """
    candidates = {}

    logging.debug("extracting pubdate")

    # TODO: try some definitive meta tags first?
    # "DCSext.articleFirstPublished"
    # "DC.date.issued"
    # "last-modified"

    # check for date in slug
    for pat in pats.pubdate['url_datefmts']:
        m = pat.search(url)
        if m is not None:
            d = datetime.datetime(int(m.group('year')), int(m.group('month')),
            logging.debug("  using %s from url" % (d, ))
            return d, None

    meta_dates = set()
    for meta in doc.findall('.//meta'):
        n = meta.get('name', meta.get('property', ''))
        if pats.pubdate['metatags'].search(n):
            logging.debug(" date: consider meta name='%s' content='%s'" %
                          (n, meta.get('content', '')))
            fuzzy = fuzzydate.parse_datetime(meta.get('content', ''))
            if not fuzzy.empty_date():

#    if len(meta_dates)==1:
#        # only one likely-looking <meta> entry - lets go with it
#        d = list(meta_dates)[0]
#        logging.debug("  using %s from <meta>" % (d,))
#        return d,None

# start looking through whole page
    for e in util.tags(doc, 'p', 'span', 'div', 'li', 'td', 'th', 'h4', 'h5',
                       'h6', 'font'):
        txt = unicode(e.text_content()).strip()
        txt = u' '.join(txt.split())

        # discard anything too short or long
        if len(txt) < 6 or len(txt) > 150:

        score = 1
        dt = extract_date(txt)
        if dt is None:
        logging.debug(" date: considering %s '%s'" % (e.tag, txt))

        # TEST: proximity to headline in html
        if headline_linenum > 0 and e.sourceline > 0:
            dist = e.sourceline - headline_linenum
            if dist > -10 and dist < 25:
                logging.debug("  near headline")
                score += 1

        # TEST: likely class or id?
        if pats.pubdate['classes'].search(e.get('class', '')):
            logging.debug("  likely class")
            score += 1
        if pats.pubdate['classes'].search(e.get('id', '')):
            logging.debug("  likely id")
            score += 1
        # in byline is also a good indicator
        if pats.byline['classes'].search(e.get('class', '')):
            logging.debug("  likely class")
            score += 1
        if pats.byline['classes'].search(e.get('id', '')):
            logging.debug("  likely id")
            score += 1

        # TEST: also appears in likely <meta> tags?
        if dt.date() in meta_dates:
            logging.debug("  appears in <meta>")
            score += 1

        # TEST: not within likely-looking comment container?
        in_comment = False
        foo = e.getparent()
        while foo is not None:
            if pats.pubdate['comment_classes'].search(foo.get('class', '')):
                in_comment = True
            foo = foo.getparent()
        if not in_comment:
            logging.debug("  not inside likely comment")
            score += 1

        # TEST: indicative text? ("posted on" , "last updated" etc...)
        if pats.pubdate['pubdate_indicator'].search(txt):
            logging.debug("  text indicative of pubdate")
            score += 1

        # TEST: date appears in url? eg "http://blah.com/blahblah-20100801-blah.html"
        if re.compile("%d[-_/.]?0?%d[-_/.]?0?%d" %
                      (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)).search(url):
            logging.debug("  full date appears in url")
            score += 2
        elif re.compile("%d[-_/.]?0?%d" % (dt.year, dt.month)).search(url):
            logging.debug("  year and month appear in url")
            score += 1

        if dt.date(
        ) not in candidates or score > candidates[dt.date()]['score']:
            candidates[dt.date()] = {'datetime': dt, 'score': score, 'node': e}

    if not candidates:
        return None, None

    out = sorted(candidates.items(),
                 key=lambda item: item[1]['score'],
    #    print "========="
    #    pprint( out[:5] )
    #    print "========="
    best = out[0][1]
    return best['datetime'], best['node']