async def ban(self, ctx, *, msg): parser = Arguments(allow_abbrev=True, prog='sudo ban') parser.add_argument('user', type=choices.user(ctx.message.server)) await args = await parser.do_parse(, msg) if not args: return self.con.execute('DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?', (,)) await, 7) await, '\U00002705')
async def unregister(self, ctx, *, msg): parser = Arguments(allow_abbrev=True, prog='sudo register') parser.add_argument('user', type=choices.user(ctx.message.server), help='The Discord user you wish to unlink a Nitro Type account from.') await args = await parser.do_parse(, msg) if not args: return nitro_name = nt_name_for_discord_id(, self.con) if not nitro_name: await'That user does not have a Nitro Type account associated with their Discord account.') return self.con.execute('DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?', (,)) await, '\U00002705') await, *list(filter(lambda r: not in env['ROLE_NAMES'], args.user.roles)))
async def team(self, ctx, *, msg): """ { "usage": "team tag", "cooldown": 30, "arguments": [ { "name": "tag", "type": "string", "value": "The tag of the team you wish to retrieve information for." } ] } """ parser = Arguments(allow_abbrev=True, prog='stats') parser.add_argument('tag', help='Does stuff') await args = await parser.do_parse(, msg) if not args: return t = await Team.get(args.tag) if not t: await'A Nitro Type team with that tag does not exist.') return founded_on = t.created_at.strftime('%b %d, %Y').replace(' 0', ' ') e = discord.Embed(colour=t.tag_colour) e.description = u'\u200B' if not t.other_requirements else t.other_requirements e.set_author(name=t.display_name, url=t.url, icon_url='') e.add_field(name='Enrollment', value=f'{t.enrollment.capitalize()}\n**Speed: **{t.min_speed}\n**Level: **{t.min_level}') e.add_field(name='About', value=f'**Founded On: **{founded_on}\n**Captain: **{t.captain_display_name or t.captain_username}\n**Member Count: **{t.member_count}') t.board_season.add_field(e) t.board_daily.add_field(e) t.board_weekly.add_field(e) t.board_monthly.add_field(e) await, embed=e)
async def register(self, ctx, *, msg): parser = Arguments(allow_abbrev=True, prog='sudo register') parser.add_argument('user', type=choices.user(ctx.message.server), help='The Discord user you wish to associate a Nitro Type account to.') parser.add_argument('username', help='The Nitro Type account you with to associate the Discord account with.') await args = await parser.do_parse(, msg) if not args: return c = self.con.cursor() c.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? OR nitro_name LIKE ? LIMIT 1', (, args.username)) u = c.fetchone() if u: if u['id'] == await'That user already has a Nitro Type account associated with their Discord account.') elif u['nitro_name'].lower() == args.username.lower(): await'That Nitro Type account is already associated to another\'s Discord account.') return racer = await Racer.get(args.username) if not racer: await'A Nitro Type account with the user name **{args.username}** does not exist.') return self.con.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?)', (, racer.username)) await, '\U00002705') await racer.apply_roles(, args.user)
async def racer(self, ctx, *, msg=''): """ { "usage": "racer [user]", "cooldown": 30, "arguments": [ { "name": "user", "type": "mention | int", "value": "The user you wish to get a racer card for. If omitted racer information with be retrieved for command user." } ] } """ parser = Arguments(allow_abbrev=True, prog='racer') parser.add_argument('user', type=choices.nt_user(ctx.message.server),, nargs='?') await args = await parser.do_parse(, msg) if not args: return try: racer = await self._get_racer(args.user) except Exception as e: await return e = racer.setup_embed() e.add_field(name='Current Car', value=f"{}", inline=False) e.add_field(name='Money', value=f"${,}") e.add_field(name='Nitros Owned', value=f"{racer.nitros:,}") e.add_field(name='Level', value=racer.level) e.add_field(name='Profile Views', value=f'{racer.profile_views:,}') await, embed=e)
async def _help(self, ctx, *, msg=''): """ { "usage": "help [command] [--page|-p num]", "cooldown": 10, "arguments": [ { "name": "command", "type": "string", "value": "The command you need help with. Leave blank this would if you want to see a list of commands." } ], "options": [ { "name": "--page|p", "type": "int", "value": "The help page you wish to retrieve. Starts at 1." } ] } """ parser = Arguments(allow_abbrev=False, prog='help') parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('-p', '--page', type=int, default=1) await args = await parser.do_parse(, msg) if not args: return e = discord.Embed() if not args.command: if Meta.write_help_to_embed(,, e): m = await, embed=e) await, '\U000025c0') await, '\U000025b6') return cmd = if not cmd or cmd.hidden: await'Command not found.') j = json.loads( e.title = e.description = cmd.description + u'\n\u200B' e.add_field(name='Usage', value=f'!{j["usage"]}') if cmd.aliases: e.add_field(name='Aliases', value=', '.join(cmd.aliases)) e.add_field(name='Cooldown', value=f'{j.get("cooldown", 0)} Seconds') for a in j.get('arguments', []): e.add_field(name=f'{a["name"]}: {a["type"]}', value=a['value'], inline=False) for a in j.get('options', []): e.add_field(name=f'{a["name"]}: {a["type"]}', value=a['value'], inline=False) await, embed=e)
import importlib import sys from util import Arguments if __name__ == '__main__': args = Arguments() player = args.get('player', 'agent') screen = args.get('screen', 'medium') steps = args.get_int('steps', None) train = args.get('train', None) speed = args.get('speed', 'fast' if train else 'slow') restart = args.get_int('restart', None) output = args.get('output', 'graphics') from frogger.settings import settings settings['use_graphics'] = (output.lower() != 'text') from frogger.frogger import Frogger game = Frogger(screen) if player != 'human': agent_module = importlib.import_module(player) agent = agent_module.Agent(train=train) game.add_agent(agent) scores =, speed=speed, restart=restart) print('\t'.join([str(score) for score in scores]))
async def stats(self, ctx, *, msg=''): """ { "usage": "stats [user]", "cooldown": 30, "arguments": [ { "name": "user", "type": "mention | int", "value": "The user you wish to get stats for. If omitted stats information with be retrieved for command user." } ] } """ parser = Arguments(allow_abbrev=True, prog='stats') parser.add_argument('user', type=choices.nt_user(ctx.message.server),, nargs='?') await args = await parser.do_parse(, msg) if not args: return try: racer = await self._get_racer(args.user) except Exception as e: await return e = racer.setup_embed() e.add_field(name='Member Since', value=racer.created_at.strftime('%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p').replace(' 0', ' ')) e.add_field(name='Avg Speed', value=f'{racer.avg_speed:,} WPM') e.add_field(name='Highest Speed', value=f'{racer.highest_speed:,} WPM') e.add_field(name='Longest Session', value=f'{racer.longest_session:,}') e.add_field(name='Races Played', value=f'{racer.total_races:,}') e.add_field(name='Nitros Used', value=f'{racer.nitros_used:,}') e.add_field(name='Money', value=f'**Earned: **${racer.money_earned:,}\n**Spent: **${racer.money_spent:,}') e.add_field(name='Medals', value=f'\U0001f947 x{racer.medals_gold:,}\n\U0001f948 x{racer.medals_silver:,}\n\U0001f949 x{racer.medals_bronze:,}') racer.board_daily.add_field(e) racer.board_weekly.add_field(e) racer.board_monthly.add_field(e) racer.board_season.add_field(e) # Creating the racing log graph fig = plt.figure() count = len(racer.races) medals = fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='#00000000', xticklabels=[''] * count, yticklabels=[''] * count, frameon=None) line = fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='#00000000', xticklabels=[''] * count, yticklabels=[''] * count, frameon=None) for i, race in enumerate(racer.races): medals.scatter(i, race.wpm, color=race.medal_colour) line.plot(range(count), [race.wpm for race in racer.races], zorder=0) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.38, top=0.61, right=1, left=0) with BytesIO() as buf: plt.savefig(buf, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor='#00000000', format='PNG') plt.close() link = await upload_to_imgur(buf) if link: e.set_image(url=link) await, embed=e)