def combine_stations() -> Iterable[List[str]]:
    'Combine the two railway station datasets by telecode.'
    stations = AttrDict()
    names = {}
    stations_95306 = hyfw.dfs()
    stations_12306 = kyfw.stations()

    for s in stations_95306:
        pinyin = s['PYM'].lower()
        if len(pinyin) > 3:
            pinyin = pinyin[:2] + pinyin[-1]
        elif len(pinyin) < 3:
            pinyin = ''

        name, telecode = s['ZMHZ'], s['DBM']
        stations[telecode] = [pinyin, name, s['TMIS'], s['SSJC']]
        names[name] = telecode

    for s in stations_12306:
        old = stations.get(s.telecode)
        new = [s.pinyin_code, s.name, '', '']

        if s.name in names and s.telecode != names[s.name]:
            conflict = '%s/%s -> %s/%s' % (names[s.name], new, s.telecode, old)
            if s.telecode in stations:
                conflict = 'Name conflict: %s -> ?' % conflict
                conflict = 'Solved conflict: %s' % conflict
                old = stations[s.telecode] = stations.pop(names[s.name])
                old[:2] = new[:2]

        elif s.telecode in stations and s.name != stations[s.telecode][1]:
            new[-2] = tmis(s.name).get(s.name, '')
            conflict = '%s/(%s => %s)' % (s.telecode, old, new)

            if new[-2] and old[-2] != new[-2]:  # TMIS codes conflict
                conflict = 'Ambiguous telecode: %s' % conflict
                conflict = 'Solved conflict: %s' % conflict
                old[:2] = new[:2]

            if s.telecode not in stations:
                stations[s.telecode] = [''] * 4
            stations[s.telecode][:2] = new[:2]

        # resolve merge conflicts manually
        shell(dict(vars(), s=stations), '\n%s' % conflict)

    for k, v in stations.items():
        # drop telecodes with spaces
        # so those can be used as temporary names in conflict solving
        v.insert(2, '' if ' ' in k else k)
        yield v
    def explain(self, info: AttrDict) -> str:
        'Convert the query result to a human-readable text message.'
        # remove trailing whitespace and null values
        for k, v in info.items():
            info[k] = str(v).rstrip()
            if info[k] in ['0', '-1', '发货人']:
                info[k] = ''

        # rename some fields to fit into the template
        converters = {
            'fz': 'cdyStation',
            'dz': 'destStation',
            'pm': 'cdyName',
            'xh': 'carNo',
            'xt': 'arrDepId',
            'carType': 'carKind',
            'tyrName': 'shpName',
            'conName': 'shpName',
            'wbID': 'wbNbr',
        for k, v in converters.items():
            info[k] = info.get(k, '')
            info[v] = info.get(v) or info[k]

        if info.conName == info.shpName:
            info.conName = ''
        elif info.conName:
            info.conName = ',发往' + info.conName

        if info.xh:
            info.carKind = '集装箱'
            info.carLE = 'L' if info.cdyName else 'E'
        elif info.carType.startswith(info.carKind):
            info.carKind = '车辆'

        if not info.cdyName:
            status = ''
        elif info.carLE == 'L':
            status = '负责运送{wbNbr[单号为 {} 的]}{cdyName}'
            if info.cdyName[-1:].isdigit():
                info.cdyName += '型集装箱'
            status = '当前状态为{cdyName}{wbNbr[,运单号为 {}]}'
            if info.cdyName.endswith('空'):
                info.cdyName += '车'
        if info.get('trainId'):
            info.train = ' %s 次列车' % info.trainId

        info.arrDep = {
            'A': '到达',
            'D': '离开',
            '在站': '到达',
            '在途': '离开',
        }.get(info.arrDepId, '到达')

        explanation = '''
        截至 {eventDate} 时为止,您查询的{shpName[由{}托运{conName}的]}
        {carNo[ {} 号]}{carType[ {} 型]}{carKind}
        {train[现被编入{}]}{trainOrder[机后第 {} 位]}{train[,]}
        {dzlc[,距离终点站{destStation}站还有 {} km]}。
        ''' % status
        return self.format(strip_lines(explanation), **info)