def _parse_game_result(self, response): """ response is expected to be a JSON object """ result = {} # Standard fields for k, v in self._game_mapping.items(): try: # HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array #result[k] = response[v] result[k] = [response[v]] except KeyError as k: log.warn("Unable to find key: {0}".format(k)) except Exception as e: log.warn("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(e)) # Custom fields (i.e. ones that require special handling # HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array result['ReleaseYear'] = [self._parse_date(response['original_release_date'])] result['Developer'] = self._parse_developers(response['developers']) result['Publisher'] = self._parse_publishers(response['publishers']) result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(response['genres']) # FIXME TODO Artwork and images are quite cumbersome to get from giantbomb search results return result
def insertFile(self, fileName, gameId, fileType, romCollectionId, publisherId, developerId): log.debug("Begin Insert file: %s" % fileName) parentId = None # TODO console and romcollection could be done only once per RomCollection # fileTypeRow[3] = parent if fileType.parent == 'game': parentId = gameId elif fileType.parent == 'romcollection': parentId = romCollectionId elif fileType.parent == 'publisher': parentId = publisherId elif fileType.parent == 'developer': parentId = developerId"Inserting file with parent {0} (type {1})".format(parentId, fileType.parent)) fileRow = File(self.gdb).getFileByNameAndTypeAndParent(fileName,, parentId) if fileRow is None:"File does not exist in database. Insert file: %s" % fileName) f = File(self.gdb) try: f.insert((fileName,, parentId)) except Exception: log.warn("Error inserting into database: %s" % fileName) else:"File already exists in database: %s" % fileName)
def scanDescription(self, descFile, descParseInstruction, encoding): Logutil.log('scanDescription: %s' % descFile, util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) if(descFile.startswith('http://')): req = urllib2.Request(descFile) req.add_unredirected_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31') descFile = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() else: fh = open(str(descFile), 'r') descFile = #load xmlDoc as elementtree to check with xpaths tree = fromstring(descFile) #single result as dictionary result = {} rootElement = self.grammarNode.attrib.get('root') for node in tree.findall(rootElement): result = self.parseElement(node) result = self.replaceResultTokens(result) yield result
def __init__(self):"init DBUpdate") # self.scrapeResultsFile = ScrapeResultsLogFile() self.missingDescFile = MissingDescLogFile() self.missingArtworkFile = MissingArtworkLogFile() self.possibleMismatchFile = MismatchLogFile()
def onClick(self, controlId): log.debug("Begin onClick UIGameInfoView") if (controlId == CONTROL_BUTTON_PLAYGAME): self.launchEmu() log.debug("End onClick UIGameInfoView")
def delete(self, gameId): publisherId = self.getPublisherIdByGameId(gameId) if publisherId != None: obj = self.getObjectByQuery(self.publisherIdCountQuery, (publisherId,)) if (obj[0] < 2):"Delete Publisher with id %s" % str(publisherId)) self.deleteObjectByQuery(self.publisherDeleteQuery, (publisherId,))
def addScraperToSiteList(self, controlId, sites, romCollection):"addScraperToSiteList") control = self.getControlById(controlId) scraperItem = control.getSelectedItem() scraper = scraperItem.getLabel() if scraper == util.localize(32854): return sites #check if this site is already available for current RC for site in romCollection.scraperSites: if == scraper: sites.append(site) return sites siteRow = None siteRows = self.gui.config.tree.findall('Scrapers/Site') for element in siteRows: if element.attrib.get('name') == scraper: siteRow = element break if siteRow is None: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32021), util.localize(32022) % scraper) return None site, errorMsg = self.gui.config.readScraper(siteRow,, '', '', True, self.gui.config.tree) if site is not None: sites.append(site) return sites
def rescrape_selection(self):"rescrape_selection") romCollections = {} listSize = self.gui.getListSize() for i in range(0, listSize): listItem = self.gui.getListItem(i) romCollectionId = listItem.getProperty('romCollectionId') try: romCollection = romCollections[str(romCollectionId)] except: romCollection = self.gui.config.romCollections[str( romCollectionId)] romCollection.romPaths = [] files = File(self.gui.gdb).getRomsByGameId( listItem.getProperty('gameId')) try: filename = files[0][0] romCollection.romPaths.append(filename) romCollections[] = romCollection except: "Error getting filename for romCollectionId: {0}".format( romCollectionId)) self.gui.rescrapeGames(romCollections)
def getArtworkForGame(self, romCollection, gamename, gamenameFromFile, gamedescription, foldername, publisher, developer): artWorkFound = False artworkfiles = {} artworkurls = {} for path in romCollection.mediaPaths:"FileType: {0}".format( # TODO replace %ROMCOLLECTION%, %PUBLISHER%, ... fileName = path.path.replace("%GAME%", gamenameFromFile) continueUpdate, artworkurls = self.getThumbFromOnlineSource(gamedescription,, fileName, artworkurls) if not continueUpdate: return False, {}, {} log.debug("Additional data path: %s" % path.path) files = self.resolvePath((path.path,), gamename, gamenameFromFile, foldername,, publisher, developer) if len(files) > 0: artWorkFound = True else: self.missingArtworkFile.add_entry(gamename, gamenameFromFile, artworkfiles[path.fileType] = files return artWorkFound, artworkfiles, artworkurls
def insertGameFromDesc(self, gamedescription, gamename, romCollection, filenamelist, foldername, isUpdate, gameId):"insertGameFromDesc") if gamedescription is not None: game = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Game') else: game = '' # if no game name has been scraped we expect that no results have been found if game == '': self.missingDescFile.add_entry(gamename) if __addon__.getSetting( util.SETTING_RCB_IGNOREGAMEWITHOUTDESC).upper() == 'TRUE': log.warn( "No description found for game '%s'. Game will not be imported." % gamename) return None gamedescription = {} gameId = self.insertData(gamedescription, gamename, romCollection, filenamelist, foldername, isUpdate, gameId) return gameId
def _parseSearchResults(self, response): """ Parse the json response from the Games/ByGameName API call Returns a list of dicts with id, title and releaseDate """ results = [] code = response['code'] status = response['status'] if code != 200 or status != "Success": log.error("thegamesdb returned an error. Code = %s, Status = %s" % (code, status)) return results data = response['data'] self.resultdata = {} for result in data['games']: results.append({ 'id': result['id'], 'title': result['game_title'], 'releaseDate': result['release_date'], 'SearchKey': [result['game_title']] }) #store result for later use in retrieve method self.resultdata[result['id']] = result"Found {0} results using json response: {1}".format( len(results), results)) return results
def get_scraper_by_name(self, sname): """Given a scraper name, returns the scraper class Args: sname: Name of the scraper, e.g. or MAME Raises: ConfigScraperSiteDoesNotExistException: No scraper matches the name """ try: target = self.scrapers[sname] except KeyError as e: raise ConfigScraperSiteDoesNotExistException("Unsupported scraper: {0}".format(sname)) log.debug("Instantiating scraper class {0} - {1}".format(sname, target)) try: module = __import__(target.lower()) class_ = getattr(module, target) instance = class_() except ImportError: log.error("Unable to find scraper {0}".format(sname)) raise return instance
def retrieve(self, gameid, platform=None): result = {} tree = ET.ElementTree() if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8') else: parser = ET.XMLParser() tree.parse(self._get_xml_path(), parser) #gameid is the exact name of the game used in element <description> game = tree.find('.//game[description="%s"]'%gameid) # Standard fields for k, v in self._game_mapping.items(): # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a # list, even if only one value is in that list try: result[k] = [game.find(v).text] # FIXME TODO When we remove the hack, this will be the code to use: # result[k] = game.find(v).text except Exception as e: # Typically this result doesn't have this field log.debug("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(k)) # Custom fields result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(game) return result
def get_scraper_by_name(self, sname): """Given a scraper name, returns the scraper class Args: sname: Name of the scraper, e.g. or MAME Raises: ConfigScraperSiteDoesNotExistException: No scraper matches the name """ try: target = self.scrapers[sname] except KeyError as e: raise ConfigScraperSiteDoesNotExistException( "Unsupported scraper: {0}".format(sname)) log.debug("Instantiating scraper class {0} - {1}".format( sname, target)) try: module = __import__(target.lower()) class_ = getattr(module, target) instance = class_() except ImportError: log.error("Unable to find scraper {0}".format(sname)) raise return instance
def add_romfiles_to_db(self, romFiles, gameId): for romFile in romFiles: log.debug("Adding romfile to DB: %s" % romFile) fileType = FileType(),, fileType.parent = 0, "rcb_rom", "game" self.insertFile(romFile, gameId, fileType, None, None, None) del fileType
def update_artwork_cache(self, console_id, file_type_id):'cache_artwork') #cache all available artwork media_dict = self._cache_mediapaths_for_selection(console_id, {}) if console_id > 0: rom_collection = self.config.romCollections[str(console_id)] self.dialogheader = util.localize( 32954) + " (%i / %i): %s" % (1, 1, self._update_artwork_cache_for_romcollection( rom_collection, file_type_id, media_dict) else: rccount = 1 rclen = len(self.config.romCollections) for rcid in list(self.config.romCollections.keys()): self.progress_dialog.itemCount = rclen rom_collection = self.config.romCollections[str(rcid)] self.dialogheader = util.localize(32954) + " (%i / %i): %s" % ( rccount, rclen, continue_update = self._update_artwork_cache_for_romcollection( rom_collection, file_type_id, media_dict) if not continue_update: break rccount = rccount + 1'End cache_artwork')
def search(self, gamename, platform=None): #use description to search for the game name as the name attribute also contains the region #FIXME TODO #currently not working with MAME xml files as the rom files don't use the friendly game name pattern = "\<description\>(.*%s.*)\</description\>" % GameNameUtil( ).prepare_gamename_for_searchrequest(gamename) results = [] try: with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as xmlfile: for line in xmlfile: result =, line) if result: gamename = result.groups()[0] results.append({ 'id': gamename, 'title': gamename, 'SearchKey': [gamename] }) except Exception as e: log.error(e) raise return results
def open_json_url(self, **kwargs):'Retrieving url %s, params = %s' % (kwargs['url'], kwargs['params'])) try: r = requests.get(kwargs['url'], headers=self._headers, params=kwargs['params']) except ValueError as e: # Typically non-JSON response raise ScraperUnexpectedContentException( "Non-JSON response received") log.debug(u"Retrieving {0} as JSON - HTTP{1}".format( r.url, r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 401: # Mobygames and GiantBomb send a 401 if the API key is invalid raise ScraperUnauthorisedException("Invalid API key sent") if r.status_code == 429: raise ScraperExceededAPIQuoteException( "Scraper exceeded API key limits") if r.status_code == 500: raise ScraperWebsiteUnavailableException("Website unavailable") return r.json()
def updateSelectedRomCollection(self):"updateSelectedRomCollection") self.addScrapersToSiteList() # Image Placing Main control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_LIST_IMAGEPLACING_MAIN) imgPlacingItem = control.getSelectedItem() imgPlacingName = imgPlacingItem.getLabel() # HACK search key by value for item in list(config.imagePlacingDict.items()): if item[1] == imgPlacingName: imgPlacingName = item[0] imgPlacing, errorMsg = self.gui.config.readImagePlacing(imgPlacingName, self.gui.config.tree) self.selectedRomCollection.imagePlacingMain = imgPlacing # Image Placing Info control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_LIST_IMAGEPLACING_INFO) imgPlacingItem = control.getSelectedItem() imgPlacingName = imgPlacingItem.getLabel() # HACK search key by value for item in list(config.imagePlacingDict.items()): if item[1] == imgPlacingName: imgPlacingName = item[0] imgPlacing, errorMsg = self.gui.config.readImagePlacing(imgPlacingName, self.gui.config.tree) self.selectedRomCollection.imagePlacingInfo = imgPlacing # Update values for each of the buttons for btn in self._control_buttons: control = self.getControlById(btn['control']) setattr(self.selectedRomCollection, btn['value'], bool(control.isSelected()))
def updateSelectedRomCollection(self):"updateSelectedRomCollection") sites = [] sites = self.addScraperToSiteList(CONTROL_LIST_SCRAPER1, sites, self.selectedRomCollection) self.selectedRomCollection.scraperSites = sites # Image Placing Main control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_LIST_IMAGEPLACING_MAIN) imgPlacingItem = control.getSelectedItem() imgPlacingName = imgPlacingItem.getLabel() # HACK search key by value for item in config.imagePlacingDict.items(): if item[1] == imgPlacingName: imgPlacingName = item[0] imgPlacing, errorMsg = self.gui.config.readImagePlacing(imgPlacingName, self.gui.config.tree) self.selectedRomCollection.imagePlacingMain = imgPlacing # Image Placing Info control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_LIST_IMAGEPLACING_INFO) imgPlacingItem = control.getSelectedItem() imgPlacingName = imgPlacingItem.getLabel() # HACK search key by value for item in config.imagePlacingDict.items(): if item[1] == imgPlacingName: imgPlacingName = item[0] imgPlacing, errorMsg = self.gui.config.readImagePlacing(imgPlacingName, self.gui.config.tree) self.selectedRomCollection.imagePlacingInfo = imgPlacing # Update values for each of the buttons for btn in self._control_buttons: control = self.getControlById(btn['control']) setattr(self.selectedRomCollection, btn['value'], bool(control.isSelected()))
def __get_archive_file_name(self, filename):"ArchiveHandler.__get_archive_file_name") archive_file_name = 'archive://%(archive_file)s' % { 'archive_file': quote_plus(xbmcvfs.translatePath(filename)) } log.debug("archive_file_name: {0}".format(archive_file_name)) return archive_file_name
def retrieve(self, gameid, platform): result = {} if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.nfo_file): return result fh = xbmcvfs.File(self.nfo_file) game = ET.fromstring( fh.close() # Standard fields for k, v in self._game_mapping.items(): # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a # list, even if only one value is in that list try: result[k] = [game.find(v).text] # FIXME TODO When we remove the hack, this will be the code to use: # result[k] = game.find(v).text except Exception: # Typically this result doesn't have this field log.debug("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(k)) # Custom fields result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(game) return result
def retrieve(self, gameid, platform): result = {} if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.nfo_file): return result game = ET.ElementTree() if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8') else: parser = ET.XMLParser() game.parse(self.nfo_file, parser) # Standard fields for k, v in self._game_mapping.items(): # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a # list, even if only one value is in that list try: result[k] = [game.find(v).text] # FIXME TODO When we remove the hack, this will be the code to use: # result[k] = game.find(v).text except Exception as e: # Typically this result doesn't have this field log.debug("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(k)) # Custom fields result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(game) return result
def _parseGameResult(self, game): result = {} # Standard fields for k, v in self._game_mapping.items(): # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a # list, even if only one value is in that list try: result[k] = [game[v]] except Exception: # Typically this result doesn't have this field log.debug("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(k)) # Custom fields # Adjust the date releaseDate = game['release_date'] if releaseDate is not None: result['ReleaseYear'] = [self._parse_date(releaseDate)] result['Genre'] = self._parse_lookup_data( game['genres'], self.genres['data']['genres']) result['Developer'] = self._parse_lookup_data( game['developers'], self.developers['data']['developers']) result['Publisher'] = self._parse_lookup_data( game['publishers'], self.publishers['data']['publishers']) """ # Prefix images with base url for image in ['fanart', 'boxfront', 'boxback', 'screenshot', 'clearlogo']: try: result['Filetype' + image] = ["" + result['Filetype' + image][0]] except KeyError: log.warn("Image type {0} not present in retrieve results".format(image)) """ return result
def __audioSuspend(self): if __addon__.getSetting( util.SETTING_RCB_SUSPENDAUDIO).upper() == 'TRUE': log.debug("Suspending audio") xbmc.executebuiltin("PlayerControl(Stop)") xbmc.enableNavSounds(False) xbmc.audioSuspend()
def _parse_search_results(self, response): """ response is expected to be a JSON object """ log.debug("Parsing response for search results: {0}".format(response)) results = [] if response['number_of_total_results'] == 0: log.warn("No results found") return results for result in response['results']: try: year = self._parse_date(result['release_date']) results.append({ 'id': result['guid'], 'title': result['name'], 'releaseDate': year, 'SearchKey': [result['name']] }) except KeyError: log.warn("Unable to find expected field in response") except Exception as e: log.warn("Error parsing field: {0}".format(e)) log.debug("Found {0} results using requests JSON parser: {1}".format( len(results), results)) return results
def insertGame(self, game_row, isUpdate, gameId, allowUpdate): #HACK: delete first element as we do not want to insert or update the id del game_row[0] # Check if exists and insert/update as appropriate; move this functionality to the Game object try: if not isUpdate:"Game does not exist in database. Insert game: %s" % game_row[DataBaseObject.COL_NAME]) Game(self.gdb).insert(game_row) return self.gdb.cursor.lastrowid else: if allowUpdate: # check if we are allowed to update with null values allowOverwriteWithNullvalues = __addon__.getSetting( util.SETTING_RCB_ALLOWOVERWRITEWITHNULLVALUES).upper() == 'TRUE'"allowOverwriteWithNullvalues: {0}".format(allowOverwriteWithNullvalues))"Game does exist in database. Update game: %s" % game_row[DataBaseObject.COL_NAME]) #remove id from column list columns = Game.FIELDNAMES[1:] Game(self.gdb).update(columns, game_row, gameId, allowOverwriteWithNullvalues) else: u"Game does exist in database but update is not allowed for current rom collection. game: %s" % game_row[DataBaseObject.COL_NAME]) return gameId except Exception as exc: log.error(u"An error occured while adding game '%s'. Error: %s" % (game_row[DataBaseObject.COL_NAME], exc)) return None
def _parse_game_result(self, response): """ response is expected to be a JSON object """ result = {} # Standard fields for k, v in self._game_mapping.items(): try: # HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array #result[k] = response[v] result[k] = [response[v]] except KeyError as k: log.warn("Unable to find key: {0}".format(k)) except Exception as e: log.warn("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(e)) # Custom fields (i.e. ones that require special handling # HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array result['ReleaseYear'] = [ self._parse_date(response['original_release_date']) ] result['Developer'] = self._parse_developers(response['developers']) result['Publisher'] = self._parse_publishers(response['publishers']) result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(response['genres']) # FIXME TODO Artwork and images are quite cumbersome to get from giantbomb search results return result
def addRomCollection(self, configObj): Logutil.log("Begin addRomCollection", util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) consoleList = sorted(WebScraper().consoleDict.keys()) new_id = 1 rcIds = configObj.romCollections.keys() rcIds.sort() #read existing rom collection ids and names for rcId in rcIds: #remove already configured consoles from the list if configObj.romCollections[rcId].name in consoleList: consoleList.remove(configObj.romCollections[rcId].name) #find highest id if int(rcId) > int(new_id): new_id = rcId new_id = int(new_id) + 1 # Add new rom collections success, romCollections = self.addRomCollections(new_id, configObj, consoleList, True) if not success:"Action canceled. Config.xml will not be written") return False, util.localize(32172) # Update config file configWriter = ConfigXmlWriter(False) success, message = configWriter.writeRomCollections(romCollections, False) #create artwork directories for all rom collections helper.createArtworkDirectories(romCollections)"End addRomCollection") return success, message
def readImagePlacing(self, imagePlacingName, tree): #fileTypeForRow = None fileTypeForRows = tree.findall('ImagePlacing/fileTypeFor') fileTypeForRow = next((element for element in fileTypeForRows if element.attrib.get('name') == imagePlacingName), None) if fileTypeForRow is None: Logutil.log('Configuration error. ImagePlacing/fileTypeFor %s does not exist in config.xml' % str(imagePlacingName), util.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) return None, util.localize(32005) imagePlacing = ImagePlacing() = imagePlacingName for attr in ['fileTypesForGameList', 'fileTypesForGameListSelected', 'fileTypesForMainView1', 'fileTypesForMainView2', 'fileTypesForMainView3', 'fileTypesForMainViewBackground', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoBig', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLowerLeft', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLower', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoUpper', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoRight', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLeft', 'fileTypesForMainViewVideoWindowBig', 'fileTypesForMainViewVideoWindowSmall', 'fileTypesForMainViewVideoFullscreen']: # Hack - class attribute fileTypesForXXX doesn't match XML key fileTypeForXXX val = self.readFileTypeForElement(fileTypeForRow, attr.replace('fileTypesFor', 'fileTypeFor'), tree) log.debug("Reading imageplacing for {0}: {1}".format(attr, val)) setattr(imagePlacing, attr, val) return imagePlacing, ''
def retrieve(self, gameid, platform=None): result = {} fh = xbmcvfs.File(self._get_xml_path()) tree = ET.fromstring( fh.close() #gameid is the exact name of the game used in <description> or @name (for platforms with MAME style names) searchpattern = './/game[description="%s"]' % gameid if platform in self._MAME_style_platforms: searchpattern = './/game[@name="%s"]' % gameid game = tree.find(searchpattern) # Standard fields for k, v in self._game_mapping.items(): # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a # list, even if only one value is in that list try: result[k] = [game.find(v).text] # FIXME TODO When we remove the hack, this will be the code to use: # result[k] = game.find(v).text except Exception: # Typically this result doesn't have this field log.debug("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(k)) # Custom fields result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(game) return result
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Don't put GUI sensitive stuff here (as the xml hasn't been read yet)"init ContextMenu") self.gui = kwargs["gui"] self.doModal()
def delete(self, gameId): yearId = self.getYearIdByGameId(gameId) if yearId != None: obj = self.getObjectByQuery(self.yearIdCountQuery, (yearId,)) if obj[0] < 2:"Delete Year with id %s" % str(yearId)) self.deleteObjectByQuery(self.yearDeleteQuery, (yearId,))
def buildMediaTypeList(self, configObj, isUpdate): #build fileTypeList fileTypeList = [] if isUpdate: fileTypes = configObj.tree.findall('FileTypes/FileType') else: #build fileTypeList configFile = util.joinPath(util.getAddonInstallPath(), 'resources', 'database', 'config_template.xml') if not xbmcvfs.exists(configFile): log.error( "File config_template.xml does not exist. Place a valid config file here: " + str(configFile)) return None, util.localize(32040) tree = ElementTree().parse(configFile) fileTypes = tree.findall('FileTypes/FileType') for fileType in fileTypes: name = fileType.attrib.get('name') if name != None: mediaType = fileType.find('type') if mediaType != None and mediaType.text == 'video': name = name + ' (video)' fileTypeList.append(name) return fileTypeList, ''
def delete(self, gameId): developerId = self.getDeveloperIdByGameId(gameId) if developerId != None: obj = self.getObjectByQuery(self.developerIdCountQuery, (developerId,)) if obj[0] < 2:"Delete Developer with id %s" % str(developerId)) self.deleteObjectByQuery(self.developerDeleteQuery, (developerId,))
def search(self, gamename, platform=None): #use description to search for the game name as the name attribute also contains the region pattern = "\<description\>(.*%s.*)\</description\>" % GameNameUtil( ).prepare_gamename_for_searchrequest(gamename) if platform in self._MAME_style_platforms: pattern = 'name="(.*%s.*)"' % GameNameUtil( ).prepare_gamename_for_searchrequest(gamename) results = [] try: fh = xbmcvfs.File(self._get_xml_path()) text = text = util.html_unescape(text) fh.close() for line in text.splitlines(): #HACK: Apostrophes are removed in prepare_gamename_for_searchrequest. So we also have to do it here. result =, line.replace("'", "")) if result: gamename = result.groups()[0] results.append({ 'id': gamename, 'title': gamename, 'SearchKey': [gamename] }) except Exception as e: log.error(e) raise return results
def search(self, gamename, platform=None): """ Ignore platform """ # Newer versions support multi systems, $info=XXX indicates an arcade ROM startmarker = "$info=%s," %gamename gamedata = False data = "" historyfile_path = self._get_history_path() try: with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as historyfile: for line in historyfile: if line.startswith(startmarker): gamedata = True if gamedata: data += line if line.startswith("$end"): gamedata = False except Exception as e: log.error(e) raise try: # Note the regex has to search for either Windows-style line endings (\r\n) or Unix-style (\n) # Earlier history.dat files had 3 line breaks, newer versions have 2 # We also rename manufacturer and Publisher, and Description is all data between the bio heading and the first # subheading (e.g. - TECHNICAL - or - CONTRIBUTE -). The romset entry is delimited by the $end. # Japanese (or other foreign titles) have the translated name in brackets underneath. # Newer versions have an age-based reference (e.g. A 24-year-old SNK Neo-Geo MVS Cart) between the $bio # and title line pattern = r"\$bio(\r?\n){2}" \ "(?P<AgeRef>.*?(\r?\n){2})?" \ "(?P<Game>.*?) \(c\) (?P<ReleaseYear>\d{4}) (?P<Publisher>.*?)\.(\r?\n)" \ "(\((?P<Translation>.*?)\))?(\r?\n){1,2}" \ "(?P<Description>.*?)(\r?\n){2,3}" \ "- [A-Z]" rdata =, data, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE) if rdata is None: raise ScraperNoSearchResultsFoundException("Unable to find %s in MAME history dat file" %gamename) except Exception as e: print "Error searching for game %s using regex: %s" %(gamename, str(e)) return [] self.resultdata = [rdata.groupdict()] self.resultdata[0]['id'] = self.resultdata[0]['Game'] self.resultdata[0]['SearchKey'] = self.resultdata[0]['Game'] # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a # list, even if only one value is in that list for k, v in self.resultdata[0].iteritems(): self.resultdata[0][k] = [v] return self.resultdata
def walkDownPath(self, files, romPath, maxFolderDepth):"alkDownPath romPath: %s" % romPath) files = self.walkDown(files, romPath, maxFolderDepth)"files after walkDown = %s" % files) return files
def updateControls(self):'updateControls') control = self.getControlById(CONTROL_LIST_ROMCOLLECTIONS) selectedRomCollectionName = str(control.getSelectedItem().getLabel()) self.selectedRomCollection = self.gui.config.getRomCollectionByName(selectedRomCollectionName)
def add_genres_to_db(self, genreIds, gameId): # If the genre-game link doesn't exist in the DB, create it for genreId in genreIds: genreGame = GenreGame(self.gdb).getGenreGameByGenreIdAndGameId(genreId, gameId) if genreGame is None: log.debug("Inserting link between game %s and genre %s" % (str(gameId), str(genreId))) GenreGame(self.gdb).insert((genreId, gameId)) del genreGame
def __init__(self): self.env = (os.environ.get("OS", "win32"), "win32", )[os.environ.get("OS", "win32") == "xbox"] log.debug("Running environment detected as {0}".format(self.env)) # Do we need to escape commands before executing? self.escapeCmd = __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_ESCAPECOMMAND).upper() == 'TRUE' self.romCollection = None
def selectScrapersInList(self, sitesInRomCollection, sitesInList):"selectScrapersInList") if len(sitesInRomCollection) >= 1: self.selectItemInList(sitesInRomCollection[0].name, CONTROL_LIST_SCRAPER1) else: self.selectItemInList(util.localize(32854), CONTROL_LIST_SCRAPER1)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):"init Edit Rom Collection") self.gui = kwargs["gui"] self.romCollections = self.gui.config.romCollections self.scraperSites = self.gui.config.scraperSites self.doModal()
def open_xml_url(self, **kwargs):'Retrieving url %s, params = %s' %(kwargs['url'], kwargs['params'])) r = requests.get(kwargs['url'], headers=self._headers, params=kwargs['params']) log.debug(u"Retrieving {0} as XML - HTTP{1}".format(r.url, r.status_code)) # Need to ensure we are sending back Unicode text return r.text.encode('utf-8')
def __getEncoding(self): # HACK: sys.getfilesystemencoding() is not supported on all systems (e.g. Android) try: encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() except Exception as e: log.warn("Unable to get filesystem encoding, defaulting to UTF-8") encoding = 'utf-8' return encoding
def selectItemInList(self, options, itemName, controlId):'selectItemInList') for i in range(0, len(options)): option = options[i] if itemName == option: control = self.getControlById(controlId) control.selectItem(i) break
def findFilesByGameDescription(self, key, fileDict):"searching for Key: %s" % key) try: filename = fileDict[key]"result found: %s" % filename) except KeyError: filename = None return filename
def compareNames(self, gamename, searchkey, checkSubtitle): if checkSubtitle: if searchkey.find(gamename) > -1:"%s is a subtitle of %s. Using result %s" % (gamename, searchkey, searchkey)) return True else: if gamename == searchkey:"Perfect match. Using result %s" % searchkey) return True return False
def onInit(self):'onInit Remove Rom Collection') # Rom Collections'build rom collection list') self.addItemsToList(CONTROL_LIST_ROMCOLLECTIONS, self.gui.config.getRomCollectionNames()) # Delete Options rcDeleteOptions = [util.localize(32137), util.localize(32138)] self.addItemsToList(CONTROL_LIST_DELETEOPTIONS, rcDeleteOptions, properties=['RCollection', 'Roms']) self.updateControls()
def resolveParseResult(self, result, itemName): resultValue = u'' try: resultValue = result[itemName][0].strip() if type(resultValue) == str: resultValue = resultValue.decode('utf-8') except Exception, (exc): log.warn(u"Error while resolving item: %s: %s" % (itemName, exc))
def getScrapingMode(self): mode = 0 scrape_options = {util.SCRAPING_OPTION_AUTO_ACCURATE_TXT: 0, util.SCRAPING_OPTION_INTERACTIVE_TXT: 1} try: mode = scrape_options[__addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_SCRAPINGMODE)] except KeyError: pass"Scraping mode: {0}".format(mode)) return mode
def walkDown(self, files, romPath, maxFolderDepth):"Running walkdown on: %s" % romPath) dirs, newFiles, dirname, filemask = self.getFilesByWildcardExt(romPath) files.extend(newFiles) for dir in dirs: newRomPath = util.joinPath(dirname, dir, filemask) maxFolderDepth = maxFolderDepth - 1 if (maxFolderDepth > 0): self.walkDown(files, newRomPath, maxFolderDepth) return files
def _parse_screenshots_result(self, response): result = {} screenshots = response['screenshots'] if len(screenshots) == 0: log.warn("No screenshots found in mobygames response") return result #HACK: always return the first screenshot. We could add support for multiple screenshots or screenshot selection. screenshot = screenshots[0] result['Filetypescreenshot'] = [screenshot['image']] return result
def insertFile(self, fileName, gameId, fileType, romCollectionId, publisherId, developerId): log.debug("Begin Insert file: %s" % fileName) parentId = None # TODO console and romcollection could be done only once per RomCollection # fileTypeRow[3] = parent if fileType.parent == 'game': parentId = gameId elif fileType.parent == 'romcollection': parentId = romCollectionId elif fileType.parent == 'publisher': parentId = publisherId elif fileType.parent == 'developer': parentId = developerId"Inserting file with parent {0} (type {1})".format(parentId, fileType.parent)) fileRow = File(self.gdb).getFileByNameAndTypeAndParent(fileName,, parentId) if fileRow is None:"File does not exist in database. Insert file: %s" % fileName) f = File(self.gdb) try: f.insert((fileName,, parentId)) except Exception, (exc): log.warn("Error inserting into database: %s" % fileName)
def __handleCompressedFile(self, gui, filext, rom, emuParams):"__handleCompressedFile") # Note: Trying to delete temporary files (from zip or 7z extraction) from last run # Do this before launching a new game. Otherwise game could be deleted before launch tempDir = os.path.join(util.getTempDir(), 'extracted', # check if folder exists if not xbmcvfs.exists(tempDir +'\\'):"Create temporary folder: " +tempDir) xbmcvfs.mkdir(tempDir) try: if xbmcvfs.exists(tempDir +'\\'):"Trying to delete temporary rom files") #can't use xbmcvfs.listdir here as it seems to cache the file list and RetroPlayer won't find newly created files anymore files = os.listdir(tempDir) for f in files: #RetroPlayer places savestate files next to the roms. Don't delete these files. fname, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if(ext not in ('.sav', '.xml', '.png')): xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(tempDir, f)) except Exception, (exc): log.error("Error deleting files after launch emu: " + str(exc)) gui.writeMsg(util.localize(32036) + ": " + str(exc))
def _parse_date(self, datestr): """Extract the year from a given date string using a given format. This function is used to cater for an edge case identified in Args: datestr: Input date Returns: Year as a %Y format string """ if datestr is None: return '1970' x = None for fmt2 in ["%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m", "%Y", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%d/%m/%Y", "%m/%d/%Y"]: try: x = datetime.strptime(datestr, fmt2).strftime("%Y") break except ValueError as e: # Skip to the next format log.warn("ValueError in parseDate: %s" %e) except TypeError as e: log.warn("Unable to parse date using strptime, falling back to time function") try: x = datetime(*(time.strptime(datestr, fmt2)[0:6])).strftime("%Y") break except ValueError as ve: log.warn("Unable to parse date %s using %s, try next format. %s" %(datestr, fmt2, ve)) if x is not None: return x else: log.warn(u"Unexpected date format: {0}".format(datestr)) return u"1970"
def __executeCommand(self, cmd): # change working directory path = os.path.dirname(self.romCollection.emulatorCmd) if os.path.isdir(path): try: os.chdir(path) except OSError: log.warn("Unable to chdir to {0}".format(path)) if self.romCollection.usePopen: import subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.encode(self.__getEncoding()), shell=True) process.wait() else: os.system(cmd.encode(self.__getEncoding()))