def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None):
   toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos)
   toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x)
   # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos
   toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading))

   # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos
   toTargetDistance = toTarget.length()

   # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading
   if targetHeading is None:
      toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0
      toTargetHeadingTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading))
   # approximate time it takes to avoid robots on the way
   avoidTime = 0
   if toTargetDistance > 400 :
       robots = Global.robotObstaclesList()
       for robot in robots:
           robotPos = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(robot.pos)
           toRobot = robotPos.minus(myPos)
           dist = toRobot.length()
           heading = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toRobot.heading() - toTargetHeading))
           # further away robots are less relevant
           distValue = min(1, dist / toTargetDistance)
           # robots aren't in the way are less relevant
           headingValue = min(1, heading / (math.pi/2))
           # heading is more relevant than distance, has enough weighting to revert striker bonus time
           combinedValue = (1 - distValue ** 4)*(1 - headingValue ** 2) * 3
           if combinedValue > avoidTime :
               avoidTime = combinedValue
   return toTargetTurn/TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance/WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn/CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE + avoidTime
   def _tick(self, x, y, theta, urgency=0, keepFacing=False, relative=False, useAvoidance=True, useOnlySonarAvoid=False):

      urgency = min(1.0, urgency)

      self.keepFacing = keepFacing

      # Convert everything to relative.
      if relative:
         vectorToTarget = Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y)
         facingTurn = theta
         vectorToTarget, facingTurn = FieldGeometry.globalPoseToRobotRelativePose(Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y), theta)

      facingTurn = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(facingTurn)
      self.currentTarget = vectorToTarget
      targetHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(vectorToTarget.heading())
      # forward/left are used for final adjustments, rotate to mean pos after the turn is made
      if vectorToTarget.isShorterThan(400) or keepFacing:
         forward = vectorToTarget.x * cos(-facingTurn) - vectorToTarget.y * sin(-facingTurn)
         left = vectorToTarget.x * sin(-facingTurn) + vectorToTarget.y * cos(-facingTurn)
         forward = vectorToTarget.x
         left = vectorToTarget.y
      self.currentState.urgency = urgency
      self.currentState.tick(forward, left, targetHeading, facingTurn)
    def _tick(self,
        #       LedOverride.override(LedOverride.leftEye,
        #       LedOverride.override(LedOverride.rightEye,
        self.keepFacing = keepFacing

        # Save destination for walkingTo = int(x) = int(y)
        if relative:
            new = FieldGeometry.addRrToRobot(Global.myPose(), x, y)
   = int(new[0])
   = int(new[1])

        # Convert everything to relative.
        if relative:
            vectorToTarget = Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y)
            facingTurn = theta
            for i in range(0, len(extraObstacles)):
                    i] = FieldGeometry.globalPointToRobotRelativePoint(
            vectorToTarget, facingTurn = FieldGeometry.globalPoseToRobotRelativePose(
                Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y), theta)

        # always keep heading the same after avoidance
        facingTurn = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(facingTurn)
        targetHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(vectorToTarget.heading())

        if useAvoidance:
            vectorToTarget = self.calculateDestinationViaObstacles(
                vectorToTarget, extraObstacles)

        # avoidance doesn't change which way robot's facing
        self.currentTarget = vectorToTarget
        forward = vectorToTarget.x
        left = vectorToTarget.y

        self.currentState.urgency = urgency
        # myPose = Global.myPose()
        # print "Pos: (%5.0f, %5.0f < %2.2f) - CurrTarget: (%5.0f, %5.0f < %2.2f) fac?%s, rel?%s, flt: (%4.0f, %4.0f < T%2.2f, F%2.2f)" % (
        #    myPose.x, myPose.y, degrees(myPose.theta), x, y, degrees(theta), "Y" if keepFacing else "N", "Y" if relative else "N", forward, left, degrees(targetHeading), degrees(facingTurn)
        # )
        self.currentState.tick(forward, left, targetHeading, facingTurn)
def getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall=True):
    intervalInSeconds = 1
    numSecondsForward = 1.0  # Estimate the ball position up to 1 second away
    numIterations = int(round(numSecondsForward / intervalInSeconds))
    FRICTION = 0.9  # friction per second

    ballVel = Global.ballWorldVelHighConfidence()
    ballPos = Global.ballWorldPos()
    myHeading = Global.myHeading()

    # If he ball is moving slowly, just chase the ball directly
    if ballVel.isShorterThan(10.0):
        return ballPos

    # Dont bother chasing a moving ball if its quite close.
    if Global.ballDistance() < 600.0:
        return ballPos


    robotPos = Global.myPos()

    interceptPoint = ballPos
    bestChasePoint = ballPos.clone()

    seconds = 0.0
    for i in xrange(0, numIterations):
        seconds += intervalInSeconds


        toIntercept = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos)
        toInterceptHeading = math.atan2(toIntercept.y, toIntercept.x)

        # How far we need to turn to point at the interceptPoint
        toInterceptTurn = abs(
            MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toInterceptHeading - myHeading))

        timeToTurn = toInterceptTurn / TURN_RATE
        timeToWalk = toIntercept.length() / WALK_RATE

        canReach = (timeToTurn + timeToWalk) <= seconds

        # Calculate difference in heading to the current ball position and the intersect position
        # to make sure we don't turn too far and lose sight of the ball
        v1 = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos).normalised()
        v2 = ballPos.minus(robotPos).normalised()
        heading = v1.absThetaTo(v2)

        if maintainCanSeeBall and heading > math.radians(75):
            return bestChasePoint

        if canReach:
            return bestChasePoint
            bestChasePoint = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(interceptPoint)

    return bestChasePoint
def getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall = True):
   intervalInSeconds = 1
   numSecondsForward = 1.0 # Estimate the ball position up to 1 second away
   numIterations = int(round(numSecondsForward / intervalInSeconds))
   FRICTION = 0.9 # friction per second

   ballVel = Global.ballWorldVelHighConfidence()
   ballPos = Global.ballWorldPos()
   myHeading = Global.myHeading()

   # If he ball is moving slowly, just chase the ball directly
   if ballVel.isShorterThan(10.0):
      return ballPos

   # Dont bother chasing a moving ball if its quite close.
   if Global.ballDistance() < 600.0:
      return ballPos


   robotPos = Global.myPos()
   interceptPoint = ballPos
   bestChasePoint = ballPos.clone()

   seconds = 0.0
   for i in xrange(0, numIterations):
      seconds += intervalInSeconds


      toIntercept = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos)
      toInterceptHeading = math.atan2(toIntercept.y, toIntercept.x)
      # How far we need to turn to point at the interceptPoint
      toInterceptTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toInterceptHeading - myHeading))

      timeToTurn = toInterceptTurn / TURN_RATE
      timeToWalk = toIntercept.length() / WALK_RATE

      canReach = (timeToTurn + timeToWalk) <= seconds
      # Calculate difference in heading to the current ball position and the intersect position
      # to make sure we don't turn too far and lose sight of the ball
      v1 = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos).normalised()
      v2 = ballPos.minus(robotPos).normalised()
      heading = v1.absThetaTo(v2)

      if maintainCanSeeBall and heading > math.radians(75):
         return bestChasePoint

      if canReach:
         return bestChasePoint
         bestChasePoint = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(interceptPoint)

   return bestChasePoint
def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None):
   toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos)
   toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x)
   # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos
   toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading))

   # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos
   toTargetDistance = toTarget.length()

   # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading
   if targetHeading is None:
      toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0
      toTargetHeadingTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading))
   return toTargetTurn/TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance/WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn/CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE
def calculateTimeToReachBall():
    opponentGoal = ENEMY_GOAL_CENTER
    interceptPoint = getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall=False)
    interceptToGoal = opponentGoal.minus(interceptPoint)
    interceptToGoalHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(
        math.atan2(interceptToGoal.y, interceptToGoal.x))
    return calculateTimeToReachPose(Global.myPos(), Global.myHeading(),
                                    interceptPoint, interceptToGoalHeading)
def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None):
    toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos)
    toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x)

    # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos
    toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading))

    # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos
    toTargetDistance = toTarget.length()

    # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading
    if targetHeading is None:
        toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0
        toTargetHeadingTurn = abs(
            MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading))

    return toTargetTurn / TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance / WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn / CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE
    def _tick(self,

        urgency = min(1.0, urgency)

        self.keepFacing = keepFacing

        # Convert everything to relative.
        if relative:
            vectorToTarget = Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y)
            facingTurn = theta
            vectorToTarget, facingTurn = FieldGeometry.globalPoseToRobotRelativePose(
                Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y), theta)

        facingTurn = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(facingTurn)

        self.currentTarget = vectorToTarget
        targetHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(vectorToTarget.heading())

        # forward/left are used for final adjustments, rotate to mean pos after the turn is made
        if vectorToTarget.isShorterThan(400) or keepFacing:
            forward = vectorToTarget.x * cos(
                -facingTurn) - vectorToTarget.y * sin(-facingTurn)
            left = vectorToTarget.x * sin(
                -facingTurn) + vectorToTarget.y * cos(-facingTurn)
            forward = vectorToTarget.x
            left = vectorToTarget.y

        self.currentState.urgency = urgency
        self.currentState.tick(forward, left, targetHeading, facingTurn)
def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None):
    toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos)
    toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x)

    # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos
    toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading))

    # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos
    toTargetDistance = toTarget.length()

    # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading
    if targetHeading is None:
        toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0
        toTargetHeadingTurn = abs(
            MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading))

    # approximate time it takes to avoid robots on the way
    avoidTime = 0
    if toTargetDistance > 400:
        robots = Global.robotObstaclesList()
        for robot in robots:
            robotPos = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(robot.pos)
            toRobot = robotPos.minus(myPos)
            dist = toRobot.length()
            heading = abs(
                MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toRobot.heading() - toTargetHeading))
            # further away robots are less relevant
            distValue = min(1, dist / toTargetDistance)
            # robots aren't in the way are less relevant
            headingValue = min(1, heading / (math.pi / 2))
            # heading is more relevant than distance, has enough weighting to revert striker bonus time
            combinedValue = (1 - distValue**4) * (1 - headingValue**2) * 3
            if combinedValue > avoidTime:
                avoidTime = combinedValue

    return toTargetTurn / TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance / WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn / CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE + avoidTime
def angleToTeamBallToGoal(teamBallPos, robotPos):
    heading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(
        math.atan2(teamBallPos.y - robotPos.y, teamBallPos.x - robotPos.x))
    goalDir = angleToGoal(teamBallPos)
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalDir - (robotPos.theta + heading))
def angleToGoalRight(absCoord):
    phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ENEMY_GOAL_INNER_RIGHT,
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToOwnGoal(absCoord):
    phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(OWN_GOAL_BEHIND_CENTER,
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToBallToOwnGoal(absCoord):
    ball = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
    ballRR = blackboard.localisation.ballPosRR
    goalDir = angleToOwnGoal(ball)
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalDir -
                                    (absCoord.theta + ballRR.heading))
def angleToGoalRight(absCoord):
   phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ENEMY_GOAL_INNER_RIGHT, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord))
   return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToPenalty(absCoord):
    phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ENEMY_PENALTY_CENTER,
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def ballAngleToPoint(point):
   ballPos = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
   return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(math.atan2(point[1] - ballPos.y, point[0] - ballPos.x))
def myAngleToGoalShot(commitToKick=Kick.MIDDLE):
   goalAngle = angleToGoalShot(Global.ballWorldPos(), Global.myPose(), blackboard.localisation.robotObstacles, commitToKick)
   return (MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalAngle[0] - Global.myHeading()), goalAngle[2])
def myAngleToGoalShot(commitToKick=Kick.MIDDLE):
    goalAngle = angleToGoalShot(Global.ballWorldPos(), Global.myPose(),
    return (MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalAngle[0] - Global.myHeading()),
def angleBetweenBallAndGoalCenter():
   ballPos = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
   ballVec = Vector2D.Vector2D(ballPos.x, ballPos.y)
   goalCenter = OWN_GOAL_CENTER
   phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ballVec, goalCenter)
   return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def calculateTimeToReachBall():
   opponentGoal = ENEMY_GOAL_CENTER
   interceptPoint = getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall = False)
   interceptToGoal = opponentGoal.minus(interceptPoint)
   interceptToGoalHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(math.atan2(interceptToGoal.y, interceptToGoal.x))
   return calculateTimeToReachPose(Global.myPos(), Global.myHeading(), interceptPoint, interceptToGoalHeading)
def angleToOwnGoal(absCoord):
   phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(OWN_GOAL_BEHIND_CENTER, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord))
   return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToBallToOwnGoal(absCoord):
  ball = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
  ballRR = blackboard.localisation.ballPosRR
  goalDir = angleToOwnGoal(ball)
  return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalDir - (absCoord.theta + ballRR.heading))
def ballAngleToPoint(point):
    ballPos = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(
        math.atan2(point[1] - ballPos.y, point[0] - ballPos.x))
def angleToPenalty(absCoord):
   phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ENEMY_PENALTY_CENTER, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord))
   return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleBetweenBallAndGoalCenter():
    ballPos = blackboard.localisation.ballPos
    ballVec = Vector2D.Vector2D(ballPos.x, ballPos.y)
    goalCenter = OWN_GOAL_CENTER
    phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ballVec, goalCenter)
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToPoint(point, absCoord):
    phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(point, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord))
    return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToPoint(point, absCoord):
   phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(point, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord))
   return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToTeamBallToGoal(teamBallPos, robotPos):
  heading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(math.atan2(teamBallPos.y - robotPos.y, teamBallPos.x - robotPos.x))
  goalDir = angleToGoal(teamBallPos)
  return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalDir - (robotPos.theta + heading))