def button_save_click(self, evt): attrName = self.tc_attrName.GetValue() if attrName.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入属性名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return productId = self.product["productId"] attrId = None if self.attr: attrId = self.attr["attrId"] if IsAttrNameExist(productId, attrId, attrName): wx.MessageBox(u'属性名称已存在,请检查', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return attrValue = self.tc_attrValue.GetValue() if attrValue.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入属性值', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return attrRemark = self.tc_attrRemark.GetValue() if self.attr: db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "update product_attr set attr_name = ?, attr_value = ?, remark = ?, utime = datetime('now') where attr_id = ?", [attrName, attrValue, attrRemark, attrId]) else: db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "insert into product_attr(product_id, attr_name, attr_value, remark, sort_no, ctime, cby, utime, uby) values(?, ?, ?, ?, (select ifnull(max(sort_no),0)+1 from product_attr where product_id = ?),datetime('now'),'',datetime('now'),'')", [productId, attrName, attrValue, attrRemark, productId]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_add_click(self, evt): shId = self.tc_shId.GetValue() if shId.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入仓库编号', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return if IsSHExist(shId): wx.MessageBox(u'仓库编号已存在,请检查', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return shName = self.tc_shName.GetValue() if shName.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入仓库名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return shAddr = self.tc_addr.GetValue() if shAddr.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入仓库地址', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return remark = self.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "insert into storehouse(sh_id, sh_name, sh_addr, remark, status, ctime, cby, utime, uby) values(?, ?, ?, ?, 1, datetime('now'),'',datetime('now'),'')", [shId, shName, shAddr, remark]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_del_click(self, evt): rows = self.m_grid1.GetCheckedRows() if not rows: wx.MessageBox(u'请勾选要删除的供应商', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return res = wx.MessageBox(u'确认要删除勾选的' + str(len(rows)) + '条数据吗', u'提示', wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) if res == wx.NO: return datas = self.m_grid1.GetGridData(rows=rows) sql = "delete from supplier where supplier_id in (" for index, data in enumerate(datas): id = int(data["supplierId"].replace("S", "")) sql += " " + str(id) if index < len(datas) - 1: sql += "," sql += ")" # 执行删除 db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute(sql) # 刷新table rows.sort(reverse=True) for row in rows: self.m_grid1.DeleteRows(pos=row)
def button_del_click(self, evt): rows = self.m_grid1.GetCheckedRows() if not rows: wx.MessageBox(u'请勾选要删除的库位', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return res = wx.MessageBox(u'确认要删除勾选的' + str(len(rows)) + '条数据吗', u'提示', wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) if res == wx.NO: return datas = self.m_grid1.GetGridData(rows=rows) sql = "delete from storehouse_location where sl_id in (" for index, data in enumerate(datas): sql += " '" + data["slId"] + "'" if index < len(datas) - 1: sql += "," sql += ")" # 执行删除 db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute(sql) # 刷新table rows.sort(reverse=True) for row in rows: self.m_grid1.DeleteRows(pos=row)
def DrawList(self): self.list.DeleteAllItems() sql = "select attach_id as attachId, " \ "product_id as productId, " \ "attach_name as attachName, " \ "attach_path as attachPath, " \ "attach_size as attachSize, " \ "remark as remark, " \ "ctime, " \ "cby, " \ "utime, " \ "uby " \ "from product_attach where product_id = ? order by ctime desc" print(sql) db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(sql, str(["productId"])) self.product_attach = result if result: for idx, data in enumerate(result): index = self.list.InsertItem(idx, data["attachName"]) self.list.SetItem(index, 1, data["attachSize"]) self.list.SetItem(index, 2, data["ctime"]) self.list.SetItem(index, 3, data["remark"])
def button_update_click(self, evt): productCategory = GetDicTypeByName( self.page1.product_category_dict, self.page1.choice_productCategoryName.GetStringSelection()) productCode = self.page1.tc_productCode.GetValue() if productCode.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入商品编码', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return if IsProductCodeExist(["productId"], productCode): wx.MessageBox(u'商品编码已存在,请检查', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return productName = self.page1.tc_productName.GetValue() if productName.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入商品名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return productDesc = self.page1.tc_productDesc.GetValue() remark = self.page1.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "update product set product_code = ?, product_name = ?, product_desc = ?, product_category = ?, remark = ?, utime = datetime('now') where product_id = ?", [ productCode, productName, productDesc, productCategory, remark,["productId"] ]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_add_click(self, evt): dlg = StoreHouseLocationDialog(None, title="新增库位信息") res = dlg.ShowModal() if res == wx.ID_OK: db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(self.GenQuerySql(offset=0, pageSize=1)) self.m_grid1.InsertRows(data=result) dlg.Destroy()
def IsProductCodeExist(productId, productCode): sql = "select 1 from product where product_code = '" + productCode + "'" if productId: sql += " and product_id != " + str(productId) db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(sql) return result
def GetDicTypeDict(): dic = {} db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( "select dic_key as key, dic_value as value from sys_dictionary where dic_type = ? order by dic_key", [DIC_TYPE_VALUE]) for e in result: dic[e["key"]] = e["value"] return dic
def GetSHDict(): dic = {} db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( " select t1.sh_id as key, t1.sh_id || '-' || (case when t1.status = 1 then t1.sh_name else t1.sh_name || '(失效)' end) as value " " from storehouse t1 " " order by t1.ctime desc") for e in result: dic[e["key"]] = e["value"] return dic
def button_search_click(self, evt): name = self.supplier_name_text.GetValue() phone = self.supplier_phone_text.GetValue() if name.strip() == '': name = None if phone.strip() == '': phone = None db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(self.GenQuerySql(supplierName=name, supplierPhone=phone)) self.m_grid1.ReDrawTable(result)
def button_search_click(self, evt): id = self.sh_id_text.GetValue() name = self.sh_name_text.GetValue() if id.strip() == '': id = None if name.strip() == '': name = None db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(self.GenQuerySql(shId=id, shName=name)) self.m_grid1.ReDrawTable(result)
def button_add_click(self, evt): name = self.page1.tc_name.GetValue() if name.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入供应商名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return addr = self.page1.tc_addr.GetValue() phone = self.page1.tc_phone.GetValue() email = self.page1.tc_email.GetValue() remark = self.page1.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "insert into supplier(supplier_name, supplier_addr, phone_number, email, remark, ctime, cby, utime, uby) values('" + name + "','" + addr + "','" + phone + "','" + email + "','" + remark + "',datetime('now'),'',datetime('now'),'')") self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def IsAttrNameExist(productId, attrId, attrName): sql = "select 1 from product_attr where attr_name = '" + attrName + "'" if productId: sql += " and product_id = " + str(productId) if attrId: sql += " and attr_id != " + str(attrId) db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(sql) return result
def button_update_click(self, evt): slName = self.tc_slName.GetValue() if slName.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入库位名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return shId = GetDicTypeByName(self.sh_dict, self.sh_choice.GetStringSelection()) remark = self.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "update storehouse_location set sh_id = ?, sl_name = ?, remark = ?, utime = datetime('now') where sl_id = ?", [shId, slName, remark,["slId"]]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def DrawTable(self): self.m_grid1.SetRowBackgroundColourChangeEnable(True) item1 = qtable.MenuBarItem("查看/修改\tF2", self.update) self.m_grid1.AddPopupMenuItem(item1) item2 = qtable.MenuBarItem("设置", None) item2.AddChild(qtable.MenuBarItem("有效", self.valid_status)) item2.AddChild(qtable.MenuBarItem("失效", self.invalid_status)) self.m_grid1.AddPopupMenuItem(item2) self.m_grid1.AddHotKey(wx.WXK_F2, self.update) db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(self.GenQuerySql()) self.m_grid1.DrawTable(qtable.GridData(self.m_grid1, columns, result))
def button_search_click(self, evt): shId = GetDicTypeByName(self.sh_dict, self.sh_name_choice.GetStringSelection()) slId = self.sl_id_text.GetValue() slName = self.sl_name_text.GetValue() if slId.strip() == '': slId = None if slName.strip() == '': slName = None db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute(self.GenQuerySql(shId=shId, slId=slId, slName=slName)) self.m_grid1.ReDrawTable(result)
def button_search_click(self, evt): dicTypeName = self.dic_type_choice.GetStringSelection() dicValue = self.dic_value_text.GetValue() dicType = None if dicTypeName.strip() != '': dicType = GetDicTypeByName(dicTypeName) if dicValue.strip() == '': dicValue = None db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( self.GenQuerySql(dicType=dicType, dicValue=dicValue)) self.m_grid1.ReDrawTable(result)
def button_add_click(self, evt): typeName = self.tc_dicType.GetValue() if typeName.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入字典类型', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return if IsDicTypeAndValueExist(DIC_TYPE_VALUE, typeName): wx.MessageBox(u'字典类型已存在,请检查', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "insert into sys_dictionary(dic_type, dic_value, remark, status, ctime, cby, utime, uby) values(?, ?, ?, 1,datetime('now'),'',datetime('now'),'')", [DIC_TYPE_VALUE, typeName, ""]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_add_click(self, evt): dlg = DictionaryDialog(None, title="新增字典信息") res = dlg.ShowModal() if res == wx.ID_OK: db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( self.GenQuerySql(offset=0, pageSize=1, orderby=["ctime desc"])) self.m_grid1.InsertRows(data=result) # 检查字典类型是否有改变 choice = self.dic_type_choice.GetItems() for item in DIC_TYPE_LIST.items(): if item[1] not in choice: self.dic_type_choice.AppendItems([item[1]]) dlg.Destroy()
def GetProductCategoryDict(): dic = {} db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( " select t1.dic_key as key, t1.dic_value as value " " from sys_dictionary t1 " " inner join sys_dictionary t2 " " on t2.dic_key = t1.dic_type " " where t2.dic_type = ?" " and t2.dic_value = ? " " and t1.status = 1 " " order by t1.dic_key", ["_$1", PRODUCT_CATEGORY_VALUE]) for e in result: dic[e["key"]] = e["value"] return dic
def GetExistAttach(self, productId, paths): db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( "select attach_id, attach_name, attach_path from product_attach where product_id = ?", [productId]) attachDict = {} for attachInfo in result: attachDict[attachInfo["attach_name"]] = attachInfo exist_dict = {} for path in paths: filename = os.path.basename(path) if attachDict.keys().__contains__(filename): exist_dict[filename] = attachDict[filename] return exist_dict
def button_update_click(self, evt): name = self.page1.tc_name.GetValue() if name.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入供应商名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return id = int(self.page1.tc_id.GetValue().replace("S", "")) addr = self.page1.tc_addr.GetValue() phone = self.page1.tc_phone.GetValue() email = self.page1.tc_email.GetValue() remark = self.page1.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "update supplier set supplier_name = ?, supplier_addr = ?, phone_number = ?, email = ?, remark = ?, utime = datetime('now') where supplier_id = ?", [name, addr, phone, email, remark, id]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def GetCustomerTypeDict(): dic = {} db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( " select t1.dic_key as key, t1.dic_value as value " " from sys_dictionary t1 " " inner join sys_dictionary t2 " " on t2.dic_key = t1.dic_type " " where t2.dic_type = ?" " and t2.dic_value = ? " " and t1.status = 1 " " order by t1.dic_key", ["_$1", CUSTOMER_TYPE_VALUE]) for e in result: dic[e["key"]] = e["value"] return dic
def button_add_click(self, evt): dicType = GetDicTypeByName( self.choice_dicTypeName.GetStringSelection()) dicValue = self.tc_dicValue.GetValue() remark = self.tc_remark.GetValue() if dicValue.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入字典值', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return if IsDicTypeAndValueExist(dicType, dicValue): wx.MessageBox(u'字典已存在,请检查', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "insert into sys_dictionary(dic_type, dic_value, remark, status, ctime, cby, utime, uby) values(?, ?, ?, 1,datetime('now'),'',datetime('now'),'')", [dicType, dicValue, remark]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_add_click(self, evt): name = self.page1.tc_name.GetValue() if name.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入客户名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return customerType = GetDicTypeByName( self.page1.customer_type_dict, self.page1.customer_type_choice.GetStringSelection()) addr = self.page1.tc_addr.GetValue() phone = self.page1.tc_phone.GetValue() email = self.page1.tc_email.GetValue() remark = self.page1.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "insert into customer(customer_type, customer_name, customer_addr, phone_number, email, remark, ctime, cby, utime, uby) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, datetime('now'),'',datetime('now'),'')", [customerType, name, addr, phone, email, remark]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_search_click(self, evt): customerType = GetDicTypeByName( self.customer_type_dict, self.customer_type_choice.GetStringSelection()) name = self.customer_name_text.GetValue() phone = self.customer_phone_text.GetValue() if name.strip() == '': name = None if phone.strip() == '': phone = None db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() result = db.execute( self.GenQuerySql(customerType=customerType, customerName=name, customerPhone=phone)) self.m_grid1.ReDrawTable(result)
def button_update_click(self, evt): dicType = GetDicTypeByName( self.choice_dicTypeName.GetStringSelection()) dicValue = self.tc_dicValue.GetValue() remark = self.tc_remark.GetValue() if dicValue.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入字典值', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return if IsDicTypeAndValueExist(dicType, dicValue): wx.MessageBox(u'字典已存在,请检查', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "update sys_dictionary set dic_type = ?, dic_value = ?, remark = ?, utime = datetime('now') where dic_key = ?", [dicType, dicValue, remark,["dicKey"]]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_update_click(self, evt): shName = self.tc_shName.GetValue() if shName.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入仓库名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return shAddr = self.tc_addr.GetValue() if shAddr.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入仓库地址', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return remark = self.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "update storehouse set sh_name = ?, sh_addr = ?, remark = ?, utime = datetime('now') where sh_id = ?", [shName, shAddr, remark,["shId"]]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
def button_update_click(self, evt): name = self.page1.tc_name.GetValue() if name.strip() == '': wx.MessageBox(u'请输入客户名称', u'错误', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return id = int(self.page1.tc_id.GetValue().replace("A", "")) customerType = GetDicTypeByName( self.page1.customer_type_dict, self.page1.customer_type_choice.GetStringSelection()) addr = self.page1.tc_addr.GetValue() phone = self.page1.tc_phone.GetValue() email = self.page1.tc_email.GetValue() remark = self.page1.tc_remark.GetValue() db = sqliteUtil.EasySqlite() db.execute( "update customer set customer_type = ?, customer_name = ?, customer_addr = ?, phone_number = ?, email = ?, remark = ?, utime = datetime('now') where customer_id = ?", [customerType, name, addr, phone, email, remark, id]) self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)