def helper_l(binary, instr):
    rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32])
    imm19 = binary[8:27]
    opc = binary[0:2]
    signed = False

    if (opc == '00'):
        size = 4
    elif (opc == '01'):
        size = 8
    elif (opc == '10'):
        size = 4
        signed = True

    offset = utilFunc.signExtend(imm19 + '00', 64)
    offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64)

    address = armdebug.getPC() + offset
    dataSize = size * 8

    data = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize)

    if (data == const.TRAP):
        print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed"
        print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction"

    if (signed):
        data = utilFunc.signExtend(data, 64)
    instr += str(rtKey) + ", #" + str(offset)
    utilFunc.finalize(rtKey, data.zfill(64), instr, '0')
def helper_l(binary, instr):
    rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32])
    imm19 = binary[8:27]
    opc = binary[0:2]
    signed = False
    if(opc == '00'):
        size = 4
    elif(opc == '01'):
        size = 8
    elif(opc == '10'):
        size = 4
        signed = True
    offset = utilFunc.signExtend(imm19 + '00', 64)
    offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64)
    address = armdebug.getPC() + offset
    dataSize = size * 8
    data = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize)
    if(data == const.TRAP):
            print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed"
            print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction"
        data = utilFunc.signExtend(data, 64)
    instr += str(rtKey) + ", #" + str(offset)
    utilFunc.finalize(rtKey, data.zfill(64), instr, '0')
def helper_all(binary, opc, size, wback, postIndex, offset, rtKey, rnKey,
               scale, instr):
    if (opc[0] == '0'):
        if (opc[1] == '1'):
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE
        if (size == '11'):
            regSize = 64
            regSize = 32
        signed = False
        if (size == '11'):
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_PREFETCH
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD
            if opc[1] == '1':
                regSize = 32
                regSize = 64
            signed = True

    dataSize = 8 << scale

    '''wb_unknown = False
    rt_unknown = False'''  # commenting - assuming them to be false always

    address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1')
    address = utilFunc.uInt(address)
    if not (postIndex):
        address = address + offset

    if (memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE):
        data = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0')
        utilFunc.storeToMemory(data, address, dataSize)

    elif (memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD):
        data = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize)
        if (data == const.TRAP):
            print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed"
            print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction"
        if (signed):
            data = utilFunc.signExtend(data, regSize)
            data = utilFunc.zeroExtend(data, regSize)

    utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data.zfill(64), '0')

    if (wback):
        if postIndex:
            address = address + offset
        address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64)
        utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1')

def helper_all(binary, opc, size, wback, postIndex, offset, rtKey, rnKey, scale, instr):
    if(opc[0] == '0'):
        if(opc[1] == '1'):
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE
        if(size == '11'):
            regSize = 64
            regSize = 32
        signed = False
        if(size == '11'):
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_PREFETCH
            memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD
            if opc[1] == '1':
                regSize = 32
                regSize = 64
            signed = True
    dataSize = 8 << scale
    '''wb_unknown = False
    rt_unknown = False'''  # commenting - assuming them to be false always 
    address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1')
    address = utilFunc.uInt(address)
    if not(postIndex):
        address = address + offset
    if(memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE):
        data = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0')
        utilFunc.storeToMemory(data, address, dataSize)
    elif(memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD):
        data = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize)
        if(data == const.TRAP):
            print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed"
            print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction"            
            data = utilFunc.signExtend(data, regSize)
            data = utilFunc.zeroExtend(data, regSize)
    utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data.zfill(64), '0')
        if postIndex:
            address = address + offset
        address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64)
        utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1')
def helper_reg_prei(binary, instr):
    rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32])
    rnKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[22:27])
    imm9 = binary[11:20]
    opc = binary[8:10]
    size = binary[0:2]
    wback = True
    postIndex = False
    scale = utilFunc.uInt(size)
    offset = utilFunc.signExtend(imm9, 64)
    offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64)
    instr += str(rtKey) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]!"
    helper_all(binary, opc, size, wback, postIndex, offset, rtKey, rnKey, scale, instr)
def helper_reg_prei(binary, instr):
    rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32])
    rnKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[22:27])
    imm9 = binary[11:20]
    opc = binary[8:10]
    size = binary[0:2]
    wback = True
    postIndex = False
    scale = utilFunc.uInt(size)
    offset = utilFunc.signExtend(imm9, 64)
    offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64)
    instr += str(rtKey) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]!"
    helper_all(binary, opc, size, wback, postIndex, offset, rtKey, rnKey,
               scale, instr)
def helper_rp(wback, postIndex, binary, instr):
    rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32])
    rnKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[22:27])
    rt2Key = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[17:22])

    imm7 = binary[10:17]
    l = binary[9]
    opc = binary[0:2]

    if (l == '1'):
        memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD
        memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE

    signed = (opc[1] != '0')
    scale = 2 + utilFunc.uInt(opc[0])

    dataSize = 8 << scale
    offset = utilFunc.lsl(utilFunc.signExtend(imm7, 64), scale)
    offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64)

    dbytes = dataSize / 8

    address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1')
    address = utilFunc.uInt(address)

    if not (postIndex):
        address = address + offset

    type = binary[7:9]
    if (opc == '00'):
        r = 'w'
    if (opc == '10'):
        r = 'x'

    if (type == '01'):
        instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) + ", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(
            rnKey) + "], #" + str(offset)
    if (type == '11'):
        instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) + ", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(
            rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]!"
    if (type == '10'):
        instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) + ", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(
            rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]"

    if (memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE):
        data1 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0')
        data2 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[17:22], '0')
        utilFunc.storeToMemory(data1, address, dataSize)
        utilFunc.storeToMemory(data2, address + dbytes, dataSize)

    elif (memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD):
        data1 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize)
        data2 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address + dbytes, dataSize)

        if (data1 == const.TRAP or data2 == const.TRAP):
            print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed"
            print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction"

        if (signed):
            data1 = utilFunc.signExtend(data1, 64)
            data2 = utilFunc.signExtend(data2, 64)

        utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data1.zfill(64), '0')
        utilFunc.setRegValue(rt2Key, data2.zfill(64), '0')

    if (wback):
        if postIndex:
            address = address + offset
        address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64)
        utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1')

def helper_rp(wback, postIndex, binary, instr):
     rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32])
     rnKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[22:27])
     rt2Key = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[17:22])
     imm7 = binary[10:17]
     l = binary[9]     
     opc = binary[0:2]
     if(l == '1'):
         memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD
         memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE

     signed = (opc[1] != '0')
     scale = 2 + utilFunc.uInt(opc[0])
     dataSize = 8 << scale
     offset = utilFunc.lsl(utilFunc.signExtend(imm7, 64), scale)
     offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64)
     dbytes = dataSize / 8;
     address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1')
     address = utilFunc.uInt(address)
     if not(postIndex):
        address = address + offset
     type = binary[7:9]
     if(opc == '00'):
         r = 'w'
     if(opc == '10'):
         r = 'x'
     if(type == '01'):
         instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) +", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + "], #" + str(offset) 
     if(type == '11'):
         instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) +", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]!"   
     if(type == '10'):
         instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) +", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]"
     if(memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE):
        data1 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0')
        data2 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[17:22], '0')  
        utilFunc.storeToMemory(data1, address, dataSize)
        utilFunc.storeToMemory(data2, address + dbytes, dataSize)
     elif(memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD):
        data1 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize)
        data2 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address + dbytes, dataSize)
        if(data1 == const.TRAP or data2 == const.TRAP):
            print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed"
            print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction"
            data1 = utilFunc.signExtend(data1, 64)
            data2 = utilFunc.signExtend(data2, 64)
        utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data1.zfill(64), '0')
        utilFunc.setRegValue(rt2Key, data2.zfill(64), '0')
         if postIndex:
            address = address + offset
         address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64)            
         utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1')