def sineModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, N, H, fs):
	Synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
	tfreq,tmag,tphase: frequencies, magnitudes and phases of sinusoids
	N: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
	returns y: output array sound
	hN = N//2                                               # half of FFT size for synthesis
	L = tfreq.shape[0]                                      # number of frames
	pout = 0                                                # initialize output sound pointer         
	ysize = H*(L+3)                                         # output sound size
	y = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow                                      # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                                  # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H]/bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # normalized synthesis window
	lastytfreq = tfreq[0,:]                                 # initialize synthesis frequencies
	ytphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(tfreq[0,:].size)       # initialize synthesis phases 
	for l in range(L):                                      # iterate over all frames
		if (tphase.size > 0):                                 # if no phases generate them
			ytphase = tphase[l,:] 
			ytphase += (np.pi*(lastytfreq+tfreq[l,:])/fs)*H     # propagate phases
		Y = UF.genSpecSines(tfreq[l,:], tmag[l,:], ytphase, N, fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum         
		lastytfreq = tfreq[l,:]                               # save frequency for phase propagation
		ytphase = ytphase % (2*np.pi)                         # make phase inside 2*pi
		yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))                       # compute inverse FFT
		y[pout:pout+N] += sw*yw                               # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
		pout += H                                             # advance sound pointer
	y = np.delete(y, range(hN))                             # delete half of first window
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))              # delete half of the last window 
	return y
def sineModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, N, H, fs):
	Synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
	tfreq,tmag,tphase: frequencies, magnitudes and phases of sinusoids
	N: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
	returns y: output array sound
	hN = N/2                                                # half of FFT size for synthesis
	L = tfreq.shape[0]                                      # number of frames
	pout = 0                                                # initialize output sound pointer         
	ysize = H*(L+3)                                         # output sound size
	y = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow                                      # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                                  # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H]/bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # normalized synthesis window
	lastytfreq = tfreq[0,:]                                 # initialize synthesis frequencies
	ytphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(tfreq[0,:].size)       # initialize synthesis phases 
	for l in range(L):                                      # iterate over all frames
		if (tphase.size > 0):                                 # if no phases generate them
			ytphase = tphase[l,:] 
			ytphase += (np.pi*(lastytfreq+tfreq[l,:])/fs)*H     # propagate phases
		Y = UF.genSpecSines(tfreq[l,:], tmag[l,:], ytphase, N, fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum         
		lastytfreq = tfreq[l,:]                               # save frequency for phase propagation
		ytphase = ytphase % (2*np.pi)                         # make phase inside 2*pi
		yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))                       # compute inverse FFT
		y[pout:pout+N] += sw*yw                               # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
		pout += H                                             # advance sound pointer
	y = np.delete(y, range(hN))                             # delete half of first window
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))              # delete half of the last window 
	return y
def stochasticResidualAnal(x, N, H, sfreq, smag, sphase, fs, stocf):
	Subtract sinusoids from a sound and approximate the residual with an envelope
	x: input sound, N: fft size, H: hop-size
	sfreq, smag, sphase: sinusoidal frequencies, magnitudes and phases
	fs: sampling rate; stocf: stochastic factor, used in the approximation
	returns stocEnv: stochastic approximation of residual

    hN = N // 2  # half of fft size
    x = np.append(
        x)  # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
    x = np.append(x,
                  np.zeros(hN))  # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
    bh = blackmanharris(N)  # synthesis window
    w = bh / sum(bh)  # normalize synthesis window
    L = sfreq.shape[0]  # number of frames, this works if no sines
    pin = 0
    for l in range(L):
        xw = x[pin:pin + N] * w  # window the input sound
        X = fft(fftshift(xw))  # compute FFT
        Yh = UF_C.genSpecSines(N * sfreq[l, :] / fs, smag[l, :], sphase[l, :],
                               N)  # generate spec sines
        Xr = X - Yh  # subtract sines from original spectrum
        mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hN]))  # magnitude spectrum of residual
        mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr),
                          mXr.size * stocf)  # decimate the mag spectrum
        if l == 0:  # if first frame
            stocEnv = np.array([mXrenv])
        else:  # rest of frames
            stocEnv = np.vstack((stocEnv, np.array([mXrenv])))
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    return stocEnv
def sinewaveSynth(freq, mag, N, H, fs):
  # Synthesis of a time-varying sinusoid
  # freq,mag, phase: frequency, magnitude and phase of sinusoid,
  # N: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
  # returns y: output array sound
  hN = N/2                                                # half of FFT size for synthesis
  L = freq.size                                           # number of frames
  pout = 0                                                # initialize output sound pointer         
  ysize = H*(L+3)                                         # output sound size
  y = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
  sw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize synthesis window
  ow = triang(2*H);                                       # triangular window
  sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow                                      # add triangular window
  bh = blackmanharris(N)                                  # blackmanharris window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
  sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H]/bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # normalized synthesis window
  lastfreq = freq[0]                                      # initialize synthesis frequencies
  phase = 0                                               # initialize synthesis phases 
  for l in range(L):                                      # iterate over all frames
    phase += (np.pi*(lastfreq+freq[l])/fs)*H            # propagate phases
    Y = UF.genSpecSines(freq[l], mag[l], phase, N, fs)    # generate sines in the spectrum         
    lastfreq = freq[l]                                    # save frequency for phase propagation
    yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))                       # compute inverse FFT
    y[pout:pout+N] += sw*yw                               # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
    pout += H                                             # advance sound pointer
  y = np.delete(y, range(hN))                             # delete half of first window
  y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))              # delete half of the last window 
  return y
def harmonicModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal harmonic model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
	maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
	returns y: output array sound

	hN = N/2                                                # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
	x = np.append(np.zeros(hM2),x)                          # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
	x = np.append(x,np.zeros(hM1))                          # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
	yh = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalize synthesis window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # window for overlap-add
	hfreqp = []
	f0t = 0
	f0stable = 0
	while pin<pend:             
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect peak locations     
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs * iploc/N
		f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable)  # find f0
		if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
				or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
			f0stable = f0t                                     # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
			f0stable = 0
		hfreq, hmag, hphase = harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs) # find harmonics
		hfreqp = hfreq
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)     # generate spec sines          
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                         # inverse FFT
		yh[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
		yh[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
		y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yh                           # overlap-add
		pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
	y = np.delete(y, range(hM2))                            # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hM1, y.size))             # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	return y
def harmonicModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal harmonic model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
	maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
	returns y: output array sound

	hN = N/2                                                # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
	x = np.append(np.zeros(hM2),x)                          # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
	x = np.append(x,np.zeros(hM1))                          # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
	yh = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # overlapping window
	sw[int(hNs-H):int(hNs+H)] = int(ow)      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalize synthesis window
	sw[int(hNs-H):int(hNs+H)] = sw[int(hNs-H):int(hNs+H)] / bh[int(hNs-H):int(hNs+H)]     # window for overlap-add
	hfreqp = []
	f0t = 0
	f0stable = 0
	while pin<pend:             
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect peak locations     
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs * iploc/N
		f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable)  # find f0
		if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
				or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
			f0stable = f0t                                     # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
			f0stable = 0
		hfreq, hmag, hphase = harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs) # find harmonics
		hfreqp = hfreq
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)     # generate spec sines          
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                         # inverse FFT
		yh[:int(hNs-1)] = fftbuffer[int(hNs+1):]                        # undo zero-phase window
		yh[int(hNs-1):] = fftbuffer[:int(hNs+1)] 
		y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yh                           # overlap-add
		pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
	y = np.delete(y, range(hM2))                            # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hM1, y.size))             # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	return y
def sprModel(x, fs, w, N, t):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal plus residual model, one frame at a time
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	returns y: output sound, ys: sinusoidal component, xr: residual component

	hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
	ysw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	xrw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	ys = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	xr = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
	while pin<pend:  
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                                     # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                              # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                              # find peaks 
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)         # refine peak values		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                                  # convert peak locations to Hertz
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                              # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                        # window the input sound                                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                    # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                                 # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]                           
		X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                         # compute FFT for residual analysis
		Ys = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)        # generate spec of sinusoidal component          
		Xr = X2-Ys;                                                 # get the residual complex spectrum
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))                               # inverse FFT of sinusoidal spectrum
		ysw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                             # undo zero-phase window
		ysw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Xr))                               # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
		xrw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                             # undo zero-phase window
		xrw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
		ys[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*ysw                                      # overlap-add for sines
		xr[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*xrw                                      # overlap-add for residual
		pin += H                                                    # advance sound pointer
	y = ys+xr                                                     # sum of sinusoidal and residual components
	return y, ys, xr
def genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, N, fs):
	Generate a spectrum from a series of sine values, calling a C function
	ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase: sine peaks frequencies, magnitudes and phases
	N: size of the complex spectrum to generate; fs: sampling frequency
	returns Y: generated complex spectrum of sines

    Y = UF_C.genSpecSines(N * ipfreq / float(fs), ipmag, ipphase, N)
    return Y
def popMode(mX:np.ndarray, pX:np.ndarray=None, N:int=4096, H:int=1024, fs:int=44100, debug:int=0)->tuple:
    Returns the extracted parameters of first partial found in the spectrogram, 
    than removes it from mX.
     - mX: the input spectrogram in linear scale and with dftFrames as rows.
     - pX: phase spectrum, 0 angle phase if None.
     - N: fftsize
     - H: hopsample
     - fs: frequency sample
     - debug: shows the spectrograms plot

    if pX is None:
        pX = np.full(mX.shape, 0)                           # phases are 0 if there is no pX in input

    seam = findVerticalSeam(mX)
    argPeakMax = np.argmax([mX[i][j] for i, j in seam])
    decay, short_seam = backward_integration(seam, mX)      
    if not decay:
        return (0,)*4                                                                                           

    if debug:                                                # shows the seam on the spectrogram
        tmX = np.full(mX.shape, np.nan)                      # mX like matrix only for plot purpose
        for i, j in short_seam:
            tmX[i][j] = 1.0
        TS.stft_plot(mX, N, H, fs, show=False)
        TS.stft_plot(tmX, N, H, fs, show=True, mask=True)
    freq_bin, freq_mag, freq_phase = UF.peakInterp(mX[argPeakMax],pX[argPeakMax],seam[argPeakMax][1])

    for i, j in short_seam:
        if mX[i][j]<1e-05:

        f_bin, f_mag, f_phase = UF.peakInterp(mX[i],pX[i],j)
        if f_mag < 1e-05:
            f_mag = 1e-05

        f_mag = 20 * np.log10(f_mag) + 2                            # convert magnitude to dB (genSpecSines expect dB magnitudes)
        f_bin = f_bin * fs / N                                      # convert y or j-th column to frequency

        y = UF.genSpecSines(f_bin, f_mag, pX[i][j], N, 44100)       # generate a spectrum frame for the input frequencies and phases
        y = abs(y)[:N//2 + 1]                                       # positive half of the spectrum
        mX[i] = mX[i] - y                                           # subtract the generated frequencies
        mX[i][mX[i] <= 1e-06] = 1e-06                               # giving 10**(-120dB/20) to each element <=0 in linear scale

    if debug == 1:
        TS.stft_plot(mX, N, H, fs, show=True)

    return 20*np.log10(freq_mag), decay * H / fs , freq_bin * fs / N, freq_phase     # convert and returns all values
def hpsModelSynth(hfreq, hmag, hphase, mYst, N, H, fs):
	# Synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus stochastic model
	# hfreq: harmonic frequencies, hmag:harmonic amplitudes, mYst: stochastic envelope
	# Ns: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate 
	# y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, yst: stochastic component
	hN = N/2                                                  # half of FFT size for synthesis
	L = hfreq[:,0].size                                       # number of frames
	nH = hfreq[0,:].size                                      # number of harmonics
	pout = 0                                                  # initialize output sound pointer         
	ysize = H*(L+4)                                           # output sound size
	yhw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize output sound frame
	ysw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize output sound frame
	yh = np.zeros(ysize)                                      # initialize output array
	yst = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(N)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                          # overlapping window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                                   # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                         # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                   # window for residual
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H] / bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # synthesis window for harmonic component
	sws = H*hanning(N)/2                                      # synthesis window for stochastic component
	lastyhfreq = hfreq[0,:]                                   # initialize synthesis harmonic frequencies
	yhphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(nH)                      # initialize synthesis harmonic phases     
	for l in range(L):
		yhfreq = hfreq[l,:]                                     # synthesis harmonics frequencies
		yhmag = hmag[l,:]                                       # synthesis harmonic amplitudes
		mYrenv = mYst[l,:]                                      # synthesis residual envelope
		if (hphase.size > 0):
			yhphase = hphase[l,:] 
			yhphase += (np.pi*(lastyhfreq+yhfreq)/fs)*H             # propagate phases
		lastyhfreq = yhfreq
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(yhfreq, yhmag, yhphase, N, fs)     # generate spec sines 
		mYs = resample(mYrenv, hN)                              # interpolate to original size
		mYs = 10**(mYs/20)                                      # dB to linear magnitude  
		pYs = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hN)                        # generate phase random values
		Ys = np.zeros(N, dtype = complex)
		Ys[:hN] = mYs * np.exp(1j*pYs)                         # generate positive freq.
		Ys[hN+1:] = mYs[:0:-1] * np.exp(-1j*pYs[:0:-1])        # generate negative freq.
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                           # inverse FFT of harm spectrum
		yhw[:hN-1] = fftbuffer[hN+1:]                         # undo zer-phase window
		yhw[hN-1:] = fftbuffer[:hN+1] 
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))                           # inverse FFT of stochastic approximation spectrum
		ysw[:hN-1] = fftbuffer[hN+1:]                           # undo zero-phase window
		ysw[hN-1:] = fftbuffer[:hN+1]
		yh[pout:pout+N] += sw*yhw                               # overlap-add for sines
		yst[pout:pout+N] += sws*ysw                             # overlap-add for stoch
		pout += H                                               # advance sound pointer
	y = yh+yst                                                # sum harmonic and stochastic components
	return y, yh, yst
def sinesynth(freqs: np.ndarray,
              mag: int = 0,
              N: int = 4096,
              H: int = 1024,
              T: float = 1.0,
              fs: int = 44100) -> tuple:
    Create a sound spectrum gived its frequencies and fft parameters
        :param freqs: numpy array of frequencies 
        :param mag: magnitude in dB, each dftFrame will substract 1/e to this value
        :param N: fftsize
        :param H: hopsize
        :param T: duration of the sound in seconds
        :param fs: frequency sample
        :return: magnitude spectrogram of the created sound using UF.genSpecSines() from SMS-tools
    tol = 1e-14  # threshold used to compute phase
    numFrames = int(T * fs /
                    H)  # number of dftFrames in the output spectrogram
    alpha = 20 * np.log10((1 / np.e)) / (
        fs / H) * 2.05  # the quantity of decrement (in dB) in each dftFrame
    hN = N // 2 + 1  # size of positive spectrum
    xmX = []
    xpX = []
    n_freq = freqs.shape[0]
    phases = np.array(
        [0] *
        n_freq)  # phase for every sine, assuming it is constant (0 to all)
    for i in range(numFrames):
        magnitudes = np.array([mag] * n_freq)  # magnitude array in dB
        X = UF.genSpecSines(
            freqs, magnitudes, phases, N,
            fs)  # using only the fftsize N, suppose window size W = N
        absX = abs(X[:hN])  # compute absolute value of positive side
        absX[absX <
             1e-06] = 1e-06  # handle log, you can use also np.finfo(float).eps
        mX = 20 * np.log10(
            absX)  # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies in dB
            np.abs(X[:hN].real) <
            tol] = 0.0  # for phase calculation set to 0 the small values
            np.abs(X[:hN].imag) <
            tol] = 0.0  # for phase calculation set to 0 the small values
        pX = np.unwrap(np.angle(
            X[:hN]))  # unwrapped phase spectrum of positive frequencies
        xmX.append(np.array(mX))  # append output to list
        mag += alpha
    xmX = np.array(xmX)
    xpX = np.array(xpX)
    return xmX, xpX
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, wList, NList, t, BList):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB 
	returns y: output array sound

	#-----synthesis params init-----             
	Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size
	yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window
	for i in range(3):
	#-----analysis params init-----             
		w = wList[i]
		N = NList[i]
		Bmin = BList[i][0]
		Bmax = BList[i][1]
		hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
		hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
		pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window       
		pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT	
		w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
		while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound 
			x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
			mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
			ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
			iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
			ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
			ipmag = ipmag[np.logical_and(ipfreq>=Bmin, ipfreq<Bmax)]
			ipphase = ipphase[np.logical_and(ipfreq>=Bmin, ipfreq<Bmax)]
			ipfreq = ipfreq[np.logical_and(ipfreq>=Bmin, ipfreq<Bmax)]
			Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
			fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
			yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
			yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
			y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
			pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer

	return y
def synth_rs(xr, f, m, p, recType, outDir, name, N=4096, H=128, fs=44100):
    hN = N // 2  # half of FFT size for synthesis
    L = f.shape[0]  # number of frames
    pout = 0  # initialize output sound pointer
    ysize = H * (L + 3)  # output sound size
    y = np.zeros(ysize)  # initialize output array
    sw = np.zeros(N)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hN - H:hN + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(N)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hN - H:hN +
       H] = sw[hN - H:hN + H] / bh[hN - H:hN +
                                   H]  # normalized synthesis window
    lastytfreq = f[0, :]  # initialize synthesis frequencies
    ytphase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(
        f[0, :].size)  # initialize synthesis phases
    err = int(163200 / H)  # Frame of error
    for l in range(L):
        if pout > y.shape[0] - N:  # break at penultimate frame
        if (p.size > 0):  # if no phases generate them
            ytphase = p[l, :]
            ytphase += (np.pi *
                        (lastytfreq + f[l, :]) / fs) * H  # propagate phases
        Y = UF.genSpecSines(f[l, :], m[l, :], ytphase, N,
                            fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        Y[np.isnan(Y)] = 0
        lastytfreq = f[l, :]  # save frequency for phase propagation
        yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))  # compute inverse FFT
        y[pout:pout + N] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pout += H  # advance sound pointer
    y = np.delete(y, range(hN))  # delete half of first window
    y = np.delete(y, range(y.size - hN,
                           y.size))  # delete half of the last window
    Sy = y.shape[0]
    Sxr = xr.shape[0]
    if Sy > Sxr:
        y = y[Sxr - Sy:]
    elif Sy < Sxr:
        xr = xr[Sxr - Sy:]
    yrs = y + xr
    os.chdir('/home/tgoodall/sms-tools/software/models/Overtone_Arrays/' +
             recType + '/' + outDir)
    outputFile = name + '.wav'
    UF.wavwrite(yrs, fs, outputFile)
    return yrs
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w, N, t, B):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: array of analysis windows, N: array of sizes of complex spectrum,
	t: threshold in negative dB, B: array of frequency bands
	returns y: output array sound

    hM1 = [int(math.floor((_w.size + 1) / 2)) for _w in w]  # half analysis window(s) size by rounding
    hM2 = [int(math.floor(_w.size / 2)) for _w in w]  # half analysis window(s) size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
    pin = max(hNs, max(hM1))  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, max(hM1))  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.array([])  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w = [_w / sum(_w) for _w in w]  # normalize analysis window(s)
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H : hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H : hNs + H] = sw[hNs - H : hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H : hNs + H]  # normalized synthesis window
    while pin < pend:  # while input sound pointer is within sound
        # -----analysis-----
        ipmag = ipphase = ipfreq = np.array([])  # initialize the synthesis arrays
        for i in range(0, len(w)):  # for each window, use some loop variables ('_' prefix)
            _hM1, _hM2, _w, _N, _B = (hM1[i], hM2[i], w[i], N[i], B[i])
            x1 = x[pin - _hM1 : pin + _hM2]  # select frame
            mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, _w, _N)  # compute dft
            ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # detect locations of peaks
            iploc, _ipmag, _ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)  # refine peak values by interpolation
            _ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(_N)  # convert peak locations to Hertz
            lo, hi = (_B[0], _B[1])  # low/high from band tuples [..(lo, hi)..]
            mask = (_ipfreq >= lo) * (_ipfreq < hi)  # mask for in-band components
            ipmag = np.append(ipmag, _ipmag * mask)  # mask and append components
            ipphase = np.append(ipphase, _ipphase * mask)
            ipfreq = np.append(ipfreq, _ipfreq * mask)
            # -----synthesis-----
        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[: hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1 :]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1 :] = fftbuffer[: hNs + 1]
        y[pin - hNs : pin + hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    return y
def sineModel(x, fs, w, N, t):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB 
	returns y: output array sound

    hN = N / 2  # size of positive spectrum
    hM1 = int(math.floor(
        (w.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size / 2))  # half analysis window size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
    pin = max(hNs, hM1)  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w = w / sum(w)  # normalize analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                     H]  # normalized synthesis window
    while pin < pend:  # while input sound pointer is within sound
        x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]  # select frame
        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)  # compute dft
        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # detect locations of peaks
        pmag = mX[ploc]  # get the magnitude of the peaks
        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(
            mX, pX, ploc)  # refine peak values by interpolation
        ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(N)  # convert peak locations to Hertz
        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns,
                            fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        y[pin - hNs:pin +
          hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    return y
def sineModel(x, fs, w, N, t):
  # Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
  # x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum,
  # t: threshold in negative dB 
  # returns y: output array sound
  hN = N/2                                                # size of positive spectrum
  hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
  hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
  Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
  H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
  hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size
  pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window       
  pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
  yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
  y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
  w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
  sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
  ow = triang(2*H);                                       # triangular window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
  bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window
  while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound 
    x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
    mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
    ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                    # detect locations of peaks
    pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
    iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
    plocs = iploc*Ns/N                                    # adapt peak locations to size of synthesis FFT
    Y = UF.genSpecSines(fs*plocs/N, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)    # generate sines in the spectrum         
    fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
    yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
    yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
    y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
    pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
  return y
def sineSubtraction(x, N, H, sfreq, smag, sphase, fs):
	Subtract sinusoids from a sound
	x: input sound, N: fft-size, H: hop-size
	sfreq, smag, sphase: sinusoidal frequencies, magnitudes and phases
	returns xr: residual sound

    hN = N // 2  # half of fft size
    x = np.append(
        x)  # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
    x = np.append(x,
                  np.zeros(hN))  # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
    bh = blackmanharris(N)  # blackman harris window
    w = bh / sum(bh)  # normalize window
    sw = np.zeros(N)  # initialize synthesis window
    sw[hN - H:hN + H] = triang(2 * H) / w[hN - H:hN + H]  # synthesis window
    L = sfreq.shape[0]  # number of frames, this works if no sines
    xr = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    pin = 0
    for l in range(L):
        xw = x[pin:pin + N] * w  # window the input sound
        X = fft(fftshift(xw))  # compute FFT
        Yh = UF_C.genSpecSines(N * sfreq[l, :] / fs, smag[l, :], sphase[l, :],
                               N)  # generate spec sines
        Xr = X - Yh  # subtract sines from original spectrum
        xrw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Xr)))  # inverse FFT
        xr[pin:pin + N] += xrw * sw  # overlap-add
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    xr = np.delete(
        range(hN))  # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
    xr = np.delete(xr, range(
        xr.size - hN,
        xr.size))  # delete half of last window which was added in stftAnal
    return xr
    sw = np.zeros(N)
    ow = triang(2 * H)
    sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow
    bh = blackmanharris(N)
    bh = bh / sum(bh)
    sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H] / bh[hN-H:hN+H]
    lastytfreq = tfreq[0,:]
    ytphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(tfreq[0,:].size)
    for l in range(L): # iterate over all frames
        if (tphase.size > 0):
            ytphase = tphase[l, :]
    # propogate phases
    ytphase += (np.pi * (lastytfreq + tfreq[l, :])/fs) * H

        Y = UF.genSpecSines(tfreq[l,:], tmag[l, :], ytphase, N, fs)
        lastytfreq = tfreq[l,:] # save frequency for phase propogation
        ytphase = ytphase % (2*np.pi)
        yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))
        # overlap add and apply a synthesis window
        y[pout:pout+N] += sw * yw
        pout += H

    # delete half of first window
    y = np.delete(y, range(hN))
    # delete half of last window
    y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))
    return y

inputFile = '../../sounds/oboe-A4.wav'
window = 'hamming'
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, multi_w, multi_N, t, multi_B):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    returns y: output array sound

    bands = range(len(multi_B))                                     # to iterate over bands

    N = max(multi_N)

    multi_w_size = np.array([multi_w[i].size for i in bands])
    multi_hM1 = np.floor((multi_w_size + 1)/2.0).astype(int)                     # half analysis window size by rounding
    multi_hM2 = np.floor(multi_w_size / 2.0).astype(int)                         # half analysis window size by floor

    Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size

    multi_pin = np.maximum(hNs, multi_hM1)                    # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    multi_pend = x.size - multi_pin                           # last sample to start a frame

    fftbuffer_combined = np.zeros(N)

    yw_combined = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y_combined = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array

    multi_w = [multi_w[i] / sum(multi_w[i]) for i in bands]                                          # normalize analysis window

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

    while (multi_pin<multi_pend).all():                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound

        multi_x1 = [x[(multi_pin[i] - multi_hM1[i]) : (multi_pin[i] + multi_hM2[i])] for i in bands]                               # select frame

        multi_mX = []
        multi_pX = []
        for i in bands:
            mXi, pXi = DFT.dftAnal(multi_x1[i], multi_w[i], multi_N[i])

        multi_ploc = []
        for i in bands:
            ploci = UF.peakDetection(multi_mX[i], t)                        # detect locations of peaks

        multi_ipmag = []
        multi_ipphase = []
        multi_ipfreq = []
        for i in bands:
            iploci, ipmagi, ipphasei = UF.peakInterp(multi_mX[i], multi_pX[i], multi_ploc[i])   # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreqi = fs*iploci/float(multi_N[i])                            # convert peak locations to Hertz

        # count first for array allocation
        num_ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    num_ip += 1

        ipfreq_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipmag_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipphase_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    ipfreq_combined[ip] = f
                    ipmag_combined[ip] = multi_ipmag[i][p]
                    ipphase_combined[ip] = multi_ipphase[i][p]
                    ip += 1

        Y_combined = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq_combined, ipmag_combined, ipphase_combined, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer_combined = np.real(ifft(Y_combined))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw_combined[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer_combined[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw_combined[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer_combined[:hNs+1]
        y_combined[multi_pin[0]-hNs:multi_pin[0]+hNs] += sw*yw_combined                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        multi_pin += H

    return y_combined
import stft as STFT
import sineModel as SM
import utilFunctions as UF
Ns = 256
hNs = Ns//2
yw = np.zeros(Ns)
fs = 44100
freqs = np.array([1000.0, 4000.0, 8000.0])
amps = np.array([.6, .4, .6])
phases = ([0.5, 1.2, 2.3])
yploc = Ns*freqs/fs
ypmag = 20*np.log10(amps/2.0)
ypphase = phases

Y = UF.genSpecSines(freqs, ypmag, ypphase, Ns, fs)       
mY = 20*np.log10(abs(Y[:hNs]))
pY = np.unwrap(np.angle(Y[:hNs]))
y= fftshift(ifft(Y))*sum(blackmanharris(Ns))
plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 5))
plt.plot(fs*np.arange(Ns/2)/Ns, mY, 'r', lw=1.5)
plt.axis([0, fs/2.0,-100,0])
plt.title("mY, freqs (Hz) = 1000, 4000, 8000; amps = .6, .4, .6")

pY[pY==0]= np.nan
plt.plot(fs*np.arange(Ns/2)/Ns, pY, 'c', lw=1.5)
plt.axis([0, fs/2.0,-.01,3.0])
plt.title("pY, phases (radians) = .5, 1.2, 2.3")
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w1, w2, w3, N1, N2, N3, t, B1, B2, B3):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the multi resolution sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w1, w2 & w3: analysis window, N1, N2, & N3: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    B1, B2, & B3: different bandwith for given windows
    returns y: output array sound
    import dftModel as DFT
    import utilFunctions as UF  # sms-tool https://github.com/MTG/sms-tools
    import numpy as np

    w = [w1, w2, w3]  # build the arrays for loop
    N = [N1, N2, N3]
    plocinic = [0, np.floor(B1 * N2 / fs),
                np.floor(B2 * N3 / fs)]  #ploc inicial for all B
    plocfin = [
        np.ceil(B1 * N1 / fs),
        np.ceil(B2 * N2 / fs),
        np.ceil(B3 * N3 / fs)
    ]  #ploc final for all B
    signal = np.zeros(len(x))  # build the output signal
    for i in range(3):
        hM1 = int(math.floor(
            (w[i].size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
        hM2 = int(math.floor(w[i].size /
                             2))  # half analysis window size by floor
        Ns = N[i]  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
        H = Ns // 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
        hNs = Ns // 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
        pin = max(hNs, hM1)  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
        pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(N[i])  # initialize buffer for FFT
        yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
        y = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
        w[i] = w[i] / sum(w[i])  # normalize analysis window
        sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
        ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
        sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular windows
        bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
        bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
        sw[hNs - H:hNs +
           H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                         H]  # normalized synthesis window
        while pin < pend:  # while input sound pointer is within sound
            # -----analysis-----
            x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]  # select frame
            mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w[i], N[i])  # compute dft
            ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # detect locations of peaks
            ploc = ploc[(ploc >= plocinic[i]) &
                        (ploc <= plocfin[i])]  # filter ploc's out of range B
            iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(
                mX, pX, ploc)  # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(N[i])
            # -----synthesis-----
            Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns,
                                fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
            fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
            yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
            yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
            y[pin - hNs:pin +
              hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
            pin += H  # advance sound pointer
        signal = signal + y  # sum of signals at different bandwith
    return signal
maxnpeaksTwm = 5
minSineDur = .1
harmDevSlope = 0.01
Ns = 512
H = Ns//4
x1 = x[pos-hM1:pos+hM2]
x2 = x[pos-Ns//2-1:pos+Ns//2-1]

mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc) 
ipfreq = fs*iploc/N
f0 = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0)
hfreqp = []
hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0, nH, hfreqp, fs, harmDevSlope)
Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs) 
mYh = 20 * np.log10(abs(Yh[:Ns//2]))     
pYh = np.unwrap(np.angle(Yh[:Ns//2])) 
X2 = fft(fftshift(x2*bh/sum(bh)))        
Xr = X2-Yh 
mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:Ns//2]))     
pXr = np.unwrap(np.angle(Xr[:Ns//2])) 
xrw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Xr))) * H * 2
yhw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Yh))) * H * 2

maxplotfreq = 8000.0

plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 7))
plt.plot(np.arange(M), x[pos-hM1:pos+hM2]*w, lw=1.5)
w = get_window('blackman', M)
hM1 = int(math.floor((M + 1) / 2))
hM2 = int(math.floor(M / 2))

x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]
mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
ipfreq = fs * iploc / N
f0 = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, 0)
hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0, nH, [],
                                           fs, harmDevSlope)

Ns = 512
hNs = 256
Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns,
                     fs)  #Yh is the complete spectrum for the component

wr = get_window('blackman', Ns)
xw2 = x[pin - hNs - 1:pin + hNs - 1] * wr / sum(
    wr)  # only 512 samples around the pointer
# centered everything around zero
fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]
fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]
X2 = fft(fftbuffer)
Xr = X2 - Yh

mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))
mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr), int(mXr.size * stocf))
stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs)
    2))  # zero-phase windowing is essential here, for correct subtraction
hM2 = int(math.floor(M / 2))

x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]
mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
ipfreq = fs * iploc / N  # convert to Hz
f0 = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0,
              0)  # find best candidate for f0
hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0, nH, [],
                                           fs, harmDevSlope)

Ns = 512
hNs = 256  # Ns / 2
Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)  # uses blackman harris lobe
# Yh is the complete spectrum of the harmonic components

wr = get_window('blackmanharris',
                Ns)  # must use same window and size as harmonic spectrum
xw2 = x[pin - hNs - 1:pin + hNs - 1] * wr / sum(wr)
fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]  # zero-phase windowing
fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]
X2 = fft(fftbuffer)
Xr = X2 - Yh

mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))
mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr), mXr.size * stocf)
stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs)
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, windows, fftSizes, t, bands):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using a multi-resolution sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, 
	s: sampling frequency, 
	w: analysis windows, 
	fftSizes: sizes of complex spectrum, 
	t: threshold in negative dB,
	bands: bands of the sounds for multi-resolution analysis

	returns y: output array sound

    # Resynthesis values
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns // 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns // 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame

    x = np.array(x)  # Convert input to numpy array

    # Create output buffers for all the bands
    y1 = np.zeros(x.size)
    y2 = np.zeros(x.size)
    y3 = np.zeros(x.size)
    outputArrays = np.array([y1, y2, y3])

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                     H]  # normalized synthesis window

    # Compute analysis/synthesis 3 times with each window/fft/band
    for i in range(0, 3):

        #-----variable inits-----

        # Get the current window bounds (rounding up/floor down)
        hM1 = int(math.floor((windows[i].size + 1) / 2))
        hM2 = int(math.floor(windows[i].size / 2))

        # Get start/end pin for current window
        pin = max(hNs, hM1)
        pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)

        # Normalize window
        w = windows[i] / sum(windows[i])

        # Get current FFT size and init FFT buffer
        N = fftSizes[i]
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)

        # Pick up/down bin limits
        binCutoffUpLimit = (np.ceil(bands[i] * N / fs)) - 1
        if i == 0:
            binCutoffDownLimit = 0
            binCutoffDownLimit = np.ceil(bands[i - 1] * N / fs)

        while pin < pend:


            # Get the frame with current window size
            x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]

            # Get the spectra for each frame sizes using windows with their respective FFT sizes
            mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)

            # Only get the part of the spectrum we're interested in for the current band
            mXFilt = mX.copy()
            mXFilt[binCutoffDownLimit:] = -120
            mXFilt[:binCutoffUpLimit] = -120

            # Get the peaks out of each spectrum
            ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)

            # Refine peak values by interpolation
            iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)

            # Convert peak locations to Hertz
            ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(N)

            Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns,
                                fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
            fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
            yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
            yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
            # Place sample to respective output array
                i][pin - hNs:pin +
                   hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
            pin += H  # advance sound pointer

        # Sum the content of the three time-domain-bandlimited output arrays into final output array
        out = outputArrays.sum(axis=0)
        # Scale down the final output (optimally I would have windowed-out for the filtering process)
        out *= 0.3

    return out
文件: test5.py 项目: klarsongs/ASPMA
from scipy.fftpack import ifft
from scipy.signal import blackmanharris, triang, get_window

(fs, x) = UF.wavread('../../sounds/oboe-A4.wav')
Ns = 512
hNs = Ns / 2
H = Ns / 4
M = 511
t = -70.0
w = get_window('hamming', M)
x1 = x[0.8 * fs:0.8 * fs + M]
mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, Ns)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(Ns)
Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)
y = np.real(ifft(Y))

# synthesis window = triangle window / blackman-harris window
sw = np.zeros(Ns)
ow = triang(Ns / 2)
sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow
bh = blackmanharris(Ns)
bh = bh / sum(bh)
sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs + H]

yw = np.zeros(Ns)
yw[:hNs - 1] = y[hNs + 1:]
yw[hNs - 1:] = y[:hNs + 1]
yw *= sw
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w, N, t,B):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
	returns y: output array sound
	MODIFIED by RJL for Audio Signal Processing course on coursera to allow for multi resolutions
	w=[w1,w2,w3] are the windows for the three bands (with corresponding fft size N= [N1,N2,N3]).
	The bands are defined by the boundaries B= [Ba,Bb].  I.e Band 1 is 0<= f< Ba, band 2 is Ba <= f < Bb,
	and band 3 is Bb <= f < 22050.  (The assignement instructions suggested as input three 'bands' but only two
	numbers are requred here.)

	# Note: For production code would need to make sure the arguments are lists of the correct size Here

	hM1s = [int(math.floor((aw.size+1)/2)) for aw in w]     # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2s = [int(math.floor(aw.size/2)) for aw in w]         # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns//4                                               # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns//2                                             # half of synthesis FFT size
	pin = max(hNs, max(hM1s))                               # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, max(hM1s))                     # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffers = [np.zeros(n) for n in N]                   # initialize buffers for FFTs
	yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
	w = [aw / sum(aw) for aw in w]                                          # normalize analysis windows
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

	B = [(0,B[0]),(B[0],B[1]),(B[1],22050)]							# set up bands
	ipfreq = [0,0,0]
	ipphase =[0,0,0]
	ipmag =[0,0,0]
	while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound
	#-----analysis----- Basically unchanged but done three times, ecept i get rid of frequencies not in band

		for i in range(0,3):								# here we mandate three bands!
			x1 = x[pin-hM1s[i]:pin+hM2s[i]]                               # select frame
			mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w[i], N[i])                        # compute dft
			ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
			iploc, ipmagt, ipphaset = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
			ipfreqt = fs*iploc/float(N[i])                            # convert peak locations to Her

			indexes = [j for (j,f) in enumerate(ipfreqt) if f >= B[i][0] and f < B[i][1] ]    # filter out of band peaks
			ipfreq[i] = ipfreqt[indexes]			# There must be an easier way, but here are rebuild
			ipphase[i] = ipphaset[indexes]			# with only the indexes where the freq is in range
			ipmag[i] = ipmagt[indexes]
		# Combine the peaks into single combined analysis. This is verbose but clear

		ipfreqC = np.concatenate((ipfreq[0],ipfreq[1],ipfreq[2]))
		ipphaseC =  np.concatenate((ipphase[0] , ipphase[1] ,ipphase[2]))
		ipmagC =  np.concatenate((ipmag[0],ipmag[1],ipmag[2]))

	#-----synthesis-----   completely unchanged.
		# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
		Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreqC, ipmagC, ipphaseC, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
		yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
		yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
		y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
		pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
	return y
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, multi_w, multi_N, t, multi_B):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    returns y: output array sound

    bands = range(len(multi_B))  # to iterate over bands

    N = max(multi_N)

    multi_w_size = np.array([multi_w[i].size for i in bands])
    multi_hM1 = np.floor((multi_w_size + 1) / 2.0).astype(
        int)  # half analysis window size by rounding
    multi_hM2 = np.floor(multi_w_size / 2.0).astype(
        int)  # half analysis window size by floor

    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2  # half of synthesis FFT size

    multi_pin = np.maximum(
        hNs, multi_hM1)  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    multi_pend = x.size - multi_pin  # last sample to start a frame

    fftbuffer_combined = np.zeros(N)

    yw_combined = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y_combined = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array

    multi_w = [multi_w[i] / sum(multi_w[i])
               for i in bands]  # normalize analysis window

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                     H]  # normalized synthesis window

    while (multi_pin <
           multi_pend).all():  # while input sound pointer is within sound

        multi_x1 = [
            x[(multi_pin[i] - multi_hM1[i]):(multi_pin[i] + multi_hM2[i])]
            for i in bands
        ]  # select frame

        multi_mX = []
        multi_pX = []
        for i in bands:
            mXi, pXi = DFT.dftAnal(multi_x1[i], multi_w[i], multi_N[i])

        multi_ploc = []
        for i in bands:
            ploci = UF.peakDetection(multi_mX[i],
                                     t)  # detect locations of peaks

        multi_ipmag = []
        multi_ipphase = []
        multi_ipfreq = []
        for i in bands:
            iploci, ipmagi, ipphasei = UF.peakInterp(
                multi_mX[i], multi_pX[i],
                multi_ploc[i])  # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreqi = fs * iploci / float(
                multi_N[i])  # convert peak locations to Hertz

        # count first for array allocation
        num_ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i - 1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    num_ip += 1

        ipfreq_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipmag_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipphase_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i - 1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    ipfreq_combined[ip] = f
                    ipmag_combined[ip] = multi_ipmag[i][p]
                    ipphase_combined[ip] = multi_ipphase[i][p]
                    ip += 1

        Y_combined = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq_combined, ipmag_combined,
                                     ipphase_combined, Ns,
                                     fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer_combined = np.real(ifft(Y_combined))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw_combined[:hNs -
                    1] = fftbuffer_combined[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw_combined[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer_combined[:hNs + 1]
            multi_pin[0] - hNs:multi_pin[0] +
            hNs] += sw * yw_combined  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        multi_pin += H

    return y_combined
def sineModelMultiRes_combined(x, fs, multi_w, multi_N, t, multi_B):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    returns y: output array sound

    # fallback for original code
    w = multi_w[0]
    N = multi_N[0]

    bands = range(len(multi_B))  # to iterate over bands

    hM1 = int(math.floor(
        (w.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size / 2))  # half analysis window size by floor
    multi_w_size = np.array([multi_w[i].size for i in bands])
    multi_hM1 = np.floor((multi_w_size + 1) / 2.0).astype(
        int)  # half analysis window size by rounding
    multi_hM2 = np.floor(multi_w_size / 2.0).astype(
        int)  # half analysis window size by floor

    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2  # half of synthesis FFT size

    pin = max(hNs, hM1)  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
    multi_pin = np.maximum(
        hNs, multi_hM1)  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    multi_pend = x.size - multi_pin  # last sample to start a frame

    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)  # initialize buffer for FFT
    fftbuffer_combined = np.zeros(N)
    #multi_fftbuffer = [np.array(multi_N[i]) for i in bands]

    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array

    yw_combined = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y_combined = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array

    w = w / sum(w)  # normalize analysis window
    multi_w = [multi_w[i] / sum(multi_w[i])
               for i in bands]  # normalize analysis window

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                     H]  # normalized synthesis window

    while pin < pend and (multi_pin < multi_pend
                          ).all():  # while input sound pointer is within sound

        x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]  # select frame
        multi_x1 = [
            x[(multi_pin[i] - multi_hM1[i]):(multi_pin[i] + multi_hM2[i])]
            for i in bands
        ]  # select frame

        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)  # compute dft
        multi_mX = []
        multi_pX = []
        for i in bands:
            mXi, pXi = DFT.dftAnal(multi_x1[i], multi_w[i], multi_N[i])

        # we could apply the filters for the bands here already ...

        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # detect locations of peaks
        #pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
        multi_ploc = []
        #multi_pmag = []
        for i in bands:
            ploci = UF.peakDetection(multi_mX[i],
                                     t)  # detect locations of peaks
            #pmagi = multi_mX[i][ploci]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks

        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(
            mX, pX, ploc)  # refine peak values by interpolation
        ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(N)  # convert peak locations to Hertz
        #multi_iploc = []
        multi_ipmag = []
        multi_ipphase = []
        multi_ipfreq = []
        for i in bands:
            iploci, ipmagi, ipphasei = UF.peakInterp(
                multi_mX[i], multi_pX[i],
                multi_ploc[i])  # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreqi = fs * iploci / float(
                multi_N[i])  # convert peak locations to Hertz

        # ... but we shall decide here!
        print "--------------------------------------"
        print ipfreq
        print ipmag
        print ipphase
        ipfreq_combined = []
        ipmag_combined = []
        ipphase_combined = []
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:

        #ipfreq = np.array(ipfreq_combined)
        #ipmag = np.array(ipmag_combined)
        #ipphase = np.array(ipphase_combined)

        # count first for array allocation
        num_ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i - 1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    num_ip += 1

        ipfreq_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipmag_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipphase_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i - 1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    ipfreq_combined[ip] = f
                    ipmag_combined[ip] = multi_ipmag[i][p]
                    ipphase_combined[ip] = multi_ipphase[i][p]
                    ip += 1
        print "--------------------------------------"
        print ipfreq_combined
        print ipmag_combined
        print ipphase_combined

        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns,
                            fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        y[pin - hNs:pin +
          hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        #print y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs]
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer

        Y_combined = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq_combined, ipmag_combined,
                                     ipphase_combined, Ns,
                                     fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer_combined = np.real(ifft(Y_combined))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw_combined[:hNs -
                    1] = fftbuffer_combined[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw_combined[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer_combined[:hNs + 1]
            pin - hNs:pin +
            hNs] += sw * yw_combined  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        #print y_combined[pin-hNs:pin+hNs]
        multi_pin += H

    return y, y_combined
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w_seq, N_seq, t, B_seq):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    using multi-resolution approach.
    x: input array sound, fs: sample rate
    w: sequence of three analysis windows
    N: sequence of three sizes of complex spectrum
    t: threshold in negative dB
    B: sequence of three frequency bands, represented as (min Hz, max Hz) tuples
    returns y: output array sound

    assert len(w_seq) == len(
        N_seq), "w_seq and N_seq must be sequences of the same size"
    assert len(w_seq) == len(
        B_seq), "w_seq and B_seq must be sequences of the same size"
    k = len(w_seq)

    # Each analysis frame should be the same length as the largest window
    # but each hop should be the same length as the smallest window
    min_window_size = min([item.size for item in w_seq])
    max_window_size = max([item.size for item in w_seq])
    logger.debug("min_window_size {}".format(min_window_size))
    logger.debug("max_window_size {}".format(max_window_size))

    hM1 = int(math.floor(min_window_size + 1) /
              2)  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(min_window_size /
                         2))  # half analysis window size by floor

    hM1_max = int(math.floor(max_window_size + 1) / 2)
    hM2_max = int(math.floor(max_window_size / 2))

    max_N = max(N_seq)

    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
    pin = max(hNs, hM1)  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - pin  # last sample to start a frame
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                     H]  # normalized synthesis window

    for i in range(len(w_seq)):
        w_seq[i] = w_seq[i] / sum(w_seq[i])  # normalize analysis windows

    logger.debug("Hop size {}".format(H))

    while pin < pend:  # while input sound pointer is within sound
        #logger.debug("pin {}".format(pin))

        # -----analysis-----
        iplocs = [None] * k
        ipmags = [None] * k
        ipphases = [None] * k
        ipfreqs = [None] * k

        # The frame of audio to analyse must be as wide as the largest window
        x1 = get_frame(x, pin, max_window_size)

        # For each band perform analysis with specified FFT size and window.
        for i, (w, N) in enumerate(zip(w_seq, N_seq)):
            iplocs[i], ipmags[i], ipphases[i], ipfreqs[i] = analysis(
                x1, fs, w, N, t)

        # For each band, pick detected frequencies inside the band. Ignore detected frequencies outside band.
        # Aggregate the detected frequencies (and associated magnitude, phase) into a single set of values.
        final_ipmag = np.array([])
        final_ipphase = np.array([])
        final_ipfreq = np.array([])
        for ipmag, ipphase, ipfreq, (freq_min,
                                     freq_max) in zip(ipmags, ipphases,
                                                      ipfreqs, B_seq):
            for pmag, pphase, pfreq in zip(ipmag, ipphase, ipfreq):
                if freq_min <= pfreq < freq_max:
                    final_ipmag = np.append(final_ipmag, pmag)
                    final_ipphase = np.append(final_ipphase, pphase)
                    final_ipfreq = np.append(final_ipfreq, pfreq)
                    #logger.debug("Add {} Hz from range ({}, {})".format(pfreq, freq_min, freq_max))

        # -----synthesis-----
        Y = UF.genSpecSines(final_ipfreq, final_ipmag, final_ipphase, Ns,
                            fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        y[pin - hNs:pin +
          hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin += H
    return y
def spsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, stocf):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal plus stochastic model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
	returns y: output sound, ys: sinusoidal component, yst: stochastic component

	hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
	ysw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	ystw = np.zeros(Ns)                                           # initialize output sound frame
	ys = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	yst = np.zeros(x.size)                                        # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
	sws = H*hanning(Ns)/2                                         # synthesis window for stochastic

	while pin<pend:  
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                                     # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                              # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                              # find peaks 
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)         # refine peak values		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                                  # convert peak locations to Hertz
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                              # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                        # window the input sound                                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                    # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                                 # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]                           
		X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                         # compute FFT for residual analysis
		Ys = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)        # generate spec of sinusoidal component          
		Xr = X2-Ys;                                                 # get the residual complex spectrum
		mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))                          # magnitude spectrum of residual
		mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr), mXr.size*stocf)    # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf                     
		stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs)                             # interpolate to original size
		pYst = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hNs)                          # generate phase random values
		Yst = np.zeros(Ns, dtype = complex)
		Yst[:hNs] = 10**(stocEnv/20) * np.exp(1j*pYst)              # generate positive freq.
		Yst[hNs+1:] = 10**(stocEnv[:0:-1]/20) * np.exp(-1j*pYst[:0:-1])  # generate negative freq.

		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))                               # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
		ysw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                             # undo zero-phase window
		ysw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 

		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yst))                              # inverse FFT of stochastic spectrum
		ystw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                            # undo zero-phase window
		ystw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]

		ys[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*ysw                                      # overlap-add for sines
		yst[ri:ri+Ns] += sws*ystw                                   # overlap-add for stochastic
		pin += H                                                    # advance sound pointer
	y = ys+yst                                                    # sum of sinusoidal and residual components
	return y, ys, yst
def hprModel_2(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, hfreq, hmag, hphase, outVocalURI,
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus residual model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
	maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
	maxhd: max. relative deviation in harmonic detection (ex: .2)
	returns y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, xr: residual component

    hN = N / 2  # size of positive spectrum
    hM1 = int(math.floor(
        (w.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size / 2))  # half analysis window size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2
    pin = max(hNs,
              hM1)  # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yhw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    xrw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    yh = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    xr = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w = w / sum(w)  # normalize analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # overlapping window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # synthesis window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalize synthesis window
    wr = bh  # window for residual
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs + H]
    hfreqp = []
    f0t = 0
    i = 0
    while pin < pend and i < len(hfreq):

        hfreqp = hfreq
        ri = pin - hNs - 1  # input sound pointer for residual analysis
        xw2 = x[ri:ri + Ns] * wr  # window the input sound
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)  # reset buffer
        fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]  # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
        fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]
        X2 = fft(
            fftbuffer)  # compute FFT of input signal for residual analysis

        Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq[i, :], hmag[i, :], hphase[i, :], Ns,
                             fs)  # generate sines

        # soft masking
        Yh, Xr = softMask(X2, Yh, i)

        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))  # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
        yhw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yhw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]

        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Xr))  # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
        xrw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        xrw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        yh[ri:ri + Ns] += sw * yhw  # overlap-add for sines
        xr[ri:ri + Ns] += sw * xrw  # overlap-add for residual
        pin += H
        i += 1  # advance sound pointer

# sum of harmonic and residual components
    UF.wavwrite(yh, fs, outVocalURI)
    print 'written file ' + outVocalURI

    UF.wavwrite(xr, fs, outbackGrURI)
    print 'written file ' + outbackGrURI

    return yh, xr
def sineModel_MultiRes(x, fs, w1, w2, w3, N1, N2, N3, t, B1, B2, B3):
    Week 10, Project:  A multi-resolution sinusoidal model
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    Using Multi-resolution sine model
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    N1, N2, N3: size of the 3 complex spectrum
    B1, B2, B3: Frequency band edges (Upper limits) of the 3 frequency bands
    [0 - B1] is the first frequency band
    [B1 - B2] is the second frequency band
    [B2 - B3] is the third frequency band

    returns y: output array sound

    hM1_1 = int(math.floor(
        (w1.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis for 1st window size by rounding
    hM1_2 = int(math.floor(w1.size /
                           2))  # half analysis for 1st  window size by floor
    hM2_1 = int(math.floor(
        (w2.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis for 2nd window size by rounding
    hM2_2 = int(math.floor(w2.size /
                           2))  #half analysis for 2nd  window size by floor
    hM3_1 = int(math.floor(
        (w3.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis for 3rd window size by rounding
    hM3_2 = int(math.floor(w3.size /
                           2))  #half analysis for 3rd  window size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns // 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns // 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
    pin = max(hNs, hM1_1, hM2_1,
              hM3_1)  # init sound pointer in middle of biggest anal window
    pend = x.size - pin  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(max(N1, N2, N3))  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w_1 = w1 / sum(w1)  # normalize the 1st analysis window
    w_2 = w2 / sum(w2)  # normalize the 2nd analysis window
    w_3 = w3 / sum(w3)  # normalize the 3rd analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                     H]  # normalized synthesis window

    while pin < pend:  # while input sound pointer is within sound
        # -----analysis-----
        x1 = x[pin - hM1_1:pin + hM1_2]  # select frame for window size 1
        x2 = x[pin - hM2_1:pin + hM2_2]  # select frame for window size2
        x3 = x[pin - hM3_1:pin + hM3_2]  # select frame for window size3
        mX1, pX1 = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w1, N1)  # compute dft for 1st frame
        mX2, pX2 = DFT.dftAnal(x2, w2, N2)  # compute dft for 2nd frame
        mX3, pX3 = DFT.dftAnal(x3, w3, N3)  # compute dft for 3rd frame
        ploc1 = UF.peakDetection(mX1,
                                 t)  # detect locations of peaks for 1st frame
        ploc2 = UF.peakDetection(mX2,
                                 t)  # detect locations of peaks for 2nd frame
        ploc3 = UF.peakDetection(mX3,
                                 t)  # detect locations of peaks for 3rd frame
        iploc1, ipmag1, ipphase1 = UF.peakInterp(
            mX1, pX1,
            ploc1)  # refine peak values by interpolation for the 1st frame
        iploc2, ipmag2, ipphase2 = UF.peakInterp(
            mX2, pX2,
            ploc2)  # refine peak values by interpolation for the 2nd frame
        iploc3, ipmag3, ipphase3 = UF.peakInterp(
            mX3, pX3,
            ploc3)  # refine peak values by interpolation for the 3rd frame
        ipfreq1 = fs * iploc1 / float(
            N1)  # convert peak locations of 1st frame to Hertz
        ipfreq2 = fs * iploc2 / float(
            N2)  # convert peak locations of 2nd frame to Hertz
        ipfreq3 = fs * iploc3 / float(
            N3)  # convert peak locations of 3rd frame to Hertz

        # Looking for indices of peak frequencies
        # in each band, for each window calculation
        indice_1 = np.logical_and(ipfreq1 > 0, ipfreq1 < B1)
        indice_2 = np.logical_and(ipfreq2 >= B1, ipfreq2 < B2)
        indice_3 = np.logical_and(ipfreq3 >= B2, ipfreq3 < B3)

        # Getting peaks which fall in selected frequency bands
        ipfreq = np.concatenate(
            (ipfreq1[indice_1], ipfreq2[indice_2], ipfreq3[indice_3]))
        ipmag = np.concatenate(
            (ipmag1[indice_1], ipmag2[indice_2], ipmag3[indice_3]))
        ipphase = np.concatenate(
            (ipphase1[indice_1], ipphase2[indice_2], ipphase3[indice_3]))

        # -----synthesis-----
        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns,
                            fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        y[pin - hNs:pin +
          hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    return y
(fs, x) = UF.wavread('../../../sounds/oboe-A4.wav')
M = 601
w = np.blackman(M)
N = 1024
hN = N / 2
Ns = 512
hNs = Ns / 2
H = Ns / 4
pin = 5000
t = -70
x1 = x[pin:pin + w.size]
mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
freqs = iploc * fs / N
Y = UF.genSpecSines(freqs, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)
mY = 20 * np.log10(abs(Y[:hNs]))
pY = np.unwrap(np.angle(Y[:hNs]))
y = fftshift(ifft(Y)) * sum(blackmanharris(Ns))
sw = np.zeros(Ns)
ow = triang(2 * H)
sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow
bh = blackmanharris(Ns)
bh = bh / sum(bh)
sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs + H]

plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 6))

plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.plot(np.arange(-hNs, hNs), y, 'b', lw=1.5)
plt.plot(np.arange(-hNs, hNs), max(y) * bh / max(bh), 'k', alpha=.5, lw=1.5)
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w_vec, window, N_vec, t, B_vec):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB 
	returns y: output array sound
    w1 = get_window(window, w_vec[0])
    w2 = get_window(window, w_vec[1])
    w3 = get_window(window, w_vec[2])

    hM1 = int(math.floor(
        (w1.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w1.size / 2))  # half analysis window size by floor

    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
    pin = max(hNs, hM1)  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N_vec[0])  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y1 = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    y2 = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    y3 = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w1 = w1 / sum(w1)  # normalize analysis window
    w2 = w2 / sum(w2)  # normalize analysis window
    w3 = w3 / sum(w3)  # normalize analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                                     H]  # normalized synthesis window
    band_low = B_vec[0]  # lower band frequency limit
    band_mid = B_vec[1]  # mid band frequency limit
    band_high = B_vec[2]  # upper band frequency limit
    low_band_FFTN = N_vec[0]  # lower band FFT size
    mid_band_FFTN = N_vec[1]  # mid band FFT size
    high_band_FFTN = N_vec[2]  # upper band FFT size

    while pin < pend:  # while input sound pointer is within sound
        x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]  # Frame selection - lowest band
        x2 = x[pin - hM1:pin - hM1 + w_vec[1]]  # Frame selection - mid band
        x3 = x[pin - hM1:pin - hM1 + w_vec[2]]  # Frame selection - upper band

        mX1, pX1 = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w1, low_band_FFTN)  # DFT Analysis
        mX2, pX2 = DFT.dftAnal(x2, w2, mid_band_FFTN)  # DFT Analysis
        mX3, pX3 = DFT.dftAnal(x3, w3, high_band_FFTN)  # DFT Analysis

        ploc1 = UF.peakDetection(mX1, t)  # Detect locations of peaks
        ploc2 = UF.peakDetection(mX2, t)  # Detect locations of peaks
        ploc3 = UF.peakDetection(mX3, t)  # Detect locations of peaks

        pfreq1 = fs * ploc1 / float(
            low_band_FFTN)  # Find a frequency for bandlimiting
        pfreq2 = fs * ploc2 / float(
            mid_band_FFTN)  # Find a frequency for bandlimiting
        pfreq3 = fs * ploc3 / float(
            high_band_FFTN)  # Find a frequency for bandlimiting

        ploc1[pfreq1 >
              band_low] = 0  # Remove peaks found to be outside each band
        ploc2[pfreq2 > band_mid] = 0
        ploc2[pfreq2 <= band_low] = 0
        ploc3[pfreq3 <= band_mid] = 0

        ploc1 = ploc1[ploc1.nonzero()]  # Trim post-bandlimiting
        ploc2 = ploc2[ploc2.nonzero()]
        ploc3 = ploc3[ploc3.nonzero()]

        iploc1, ipmag1, ipphase1 = UF.peakInterp(
            mX1, pX1, ploc1)  # refine peak values by interpolation
        iploc2, ipmag2, ipphase2 = UF.peakInterp(
            mX2, pX2, ploc2)  # refine peak values by interpolation
        iploc3, ipmag3, ipphase3 = UF.peakInterp(
            mX3, pX3, ploc3)  # refine peak values by interpolation

        ipfreq1 = fs * iploc1 / float(
            low_band_FFTN)  # convert peak locations to Hertz
        ipfreq2 = fs * iploc2 / float(
            mid_band_FFTN)  # convert peak locations to Hertz
        ipfreq3 = fs * iploc3 / float(
            high_band_FFTN)  # convert peak locations to Hertz

        Y1 = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq1, ipmag1, ipphase1, Ns,
                             fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        Y2 = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq2, ipmag2, ipphase2, Ns,
                             fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        Y3 = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq3, ipmag3, ipphase3, Ns,
                             fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        ## Low band
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y1))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        y1[pin - hNs:pin +
           hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        ## Mid band
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y2))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        y2[pin - hNs:pin +
           hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        ## Upper band
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y3))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        y3[pin - hNs:pin +
           hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window

        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    return y1, y2, y3
w = get_window('blackman', M)
hM1 = int(math.floor((M+1)/2))
hM2 = int(math.floor(M/2))

x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]
mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
ipfreq = fs*iploc/N
f0 = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, 0)
hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0, nH, [], fs, harmDevSlope)

Ns = 512
hNs = 256
Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)

wr = get_window('blackmanharris', Ns)
xw2 = x[pin-hNs-1:pin+hNs-1] * wr / sum(wr)
fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]
fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]
X2 = fft(fftbuffer)
Xr = X2 - Yh

mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs])) # converting to a DB scale
mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr), mXr.size*stocf)
stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs) 

plt.plot(stocEnv) # smooth versioin
文件: A10.py 项目: tzurkan82/ASP_2015
def sineModelOriginal(x, fs, w, N, t):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB 
    returns y: output array sound

    hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
    Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size
    pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window       
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
    w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window
    frame = 0
    while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound 
# pin - the center of the analysis window (analysis window is always a power of 2, no less than hNs(512/2))
# pend = x.size - pin         
       x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
       mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
       ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
       pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
       iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
       ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
       Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
       fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
       yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
       yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
       y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
# H is always fixed here
       pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
       frame += 1
    print "\n\n----- STATISTICS FOR THE LAST FRAME (for debug purposes, etc) -----\n"
    print "\n"
    print "Synthesizing the following frequencies for the last frame:"
    print ipfreq
    print "Synthesizing the following magnitudes for the last frame:"
    print ipmag
    print "Synthesizing the following phases for the last frame:"
    print ipphase
    print "\n"
    print "Total frames analyzed/synthesized:"
    print frame
    print "\n\n"
    UF.wavwrite(y, fs, "./OutFile(sineModel_OriginalAnalysis).wav")
    #UF.wavwrite(y, fs, "c:/OutFile(sineModel_OriginalAnalysis).wav")
    return y
def hprModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus residual model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
	maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
	maxhd: max. relative deviation in harmonic detection (ex: .2)
	returns y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, xr: residual component

    hN = N / 2  # size of positive spectrum
    hM1 = int(math.floor(
        (w.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size / 2))  # half analysis window size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2
    pin = max(hNs,
              hM1)  # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yhw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    xrw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    yh = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    xr = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w = w / sum(w)  # normalize analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # overlapping window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # synthesis window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalize synthesis window
    wr = bh  # window for residual
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs + H]
    hfreqp = []
    f0t = 0
    f0stable = 0
    while pin < pend:
        x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]  # select frame
        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)  # compute dft
        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # find peaks
        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX,
                                              ploc)  # refine peak values
        ipfreq = fs * iploc / N  # convert locations to Hz
        f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable)  # find f0
        if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
         or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
            f0stable = f0t  # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
            f0stable = 0
        hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t,
                                                   nH, hfreqp,
                                                   fs)  # find harmonics
        hfreqp = hfreq
        ri = pin - hNs - 1  # input sound pointer for residual analysis
        xw2 = x[ri:ri + Ns] * wr  # window the input sound
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)  # reset buffer
        fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]  # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
        fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]
        X2 = fft(
            fftbuffer)  # compute FFT of input signal for residual analysis
        Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)  # generate sines
        Xr = X2 - Yh  # get the residual complex spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))  # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
        yhw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yhw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Xr))  # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
        xrw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        xrw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]
        yh[ri:ri + Ns] += sw * yhw  # overlap-add for sines
        xr[ri:ri + Ns] += sw * xrw  # overlap-add for residual
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    y = yh + xr  # sum of harmonic and residual components
    return y, yh, xr
def sineModel_MultiRes(x, fs, w1 , w2, w3, N1, N2, N3, t, B1, B2, B3):
    MultiResolution Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, [w1,w2,w3]: 3 analysis windows, [N1,N2,N3]: 3 sizes of complex spectrum,
    t: threshold in negative dB, [B1,B2,B3]: 3 frequency bands
    returns y: output array sound
    h1M1 = int(math.floor((w1.size+1)/2))                   # half analysis window 1 size by rounding
    h1M2 = int(math.floor(w1.size/2))                       # half analysis window 1 size by floor
    h2M1 = int(math.floor((w2.size+1)/2))                   # half analysis window 2 size by rounding  
    h2M2 = int(math.floor(w2.size/2))                       # half analysis window 2 size by floor
    h3M1 = int(math.floor((w3.size+1)/2))                   # half analysis window 3 size by rounding  
    h3M2 = int(math.floor(w3.size/2))                       # half analysis window 3 size by floor

    Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size

    pin = max(hNs, h1M1, h2M1, h3M1)                        # init sound pointer in middle of biggest anal window       
    pend = x.size - pin                                     # last sample to start a frame

    fftbuffer = np.zeros(max(N1,N2,N3))                     # initialize buffer for FFT

    yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array

    w1 = w1 / sum(w1)                                       # normalize analysis window 1
    w2 = w2 / sum(w2)                                       # normalize analysis window 2
    w3 = w3 / sum(w3)                                       # normalize analysis window 3

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

    while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound 

        #same frames with different window sizes centered to pin.
	x1 = x[pin-h1M1:pin+h1M2]                                   # select frame 1
	x2 = x[pin-h2M1:pin+h2M2]                                   # select frame 2
	x3 = x[pin-h3M1:pin+h3M2]                                   # select frame 3

	mX1, pX1 = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w1, N1)                          # compute dft of frame 1
        mX2, pX2 = DFT.dftAnal(x2, w2, N2)                          # compute dft of frame 2
        mX3, pX3 = DFT.dftAnal(x3, w3, N3)                          # compute dft of frame 3

	ploc1 = UF.peakDetection(mX1, t)                            # detect locations of peaks of frame 1
        ploc2 = UF.peakDetection(mX2, t)                            # detect locations of peaks of frame 2
	ploc3 = UF.peakDetection(mX3, t)                            # detect locations of peaks of frame 3

	iploc1, ipmag1, ipphase1 = UF.peakInterp(mX1, pX1, ploc1)   # refine peak values of frame 1 by interpolation
	iploc2, ipmag2, ipphase2 = UF.peakInterp(mX2, pX2, ploc2)   # refine peak values of frame 2 by interpolation
	iploc3, ipmag3, ipphase3 = UF.peakInterp(mX3, pX3, ploc3)   # refine peak values of frame 3 by interpolation

	ipfreq1 = fs*iploc1/float(N1)                               # convert peak locations of frame 1 to Hertz
        ipfreq2 = fs*iploc2/float(N2)                               # convert peak locations of frame 2 to Hertz
        ipfreq3 = fs*iploc3/float(N3)                               # convert peak locations of frame 3 to Hertz
        #constracting final arrays according to frequency bands.
        finalfreq = []
        finalmag = []
        finalphase = []
        for i in range(ipfreq1.size):
            if (ipfreq1[i]>=0 and ipfreq1[i]<=B1):
        for i in range(ipfreq2.size):
            if (ipfreq2[i]>B1 and ipfreq2[i]<=B2):
        for i in range(ipfreq3.size):
            if (ipfreq3[i]>B2 and ipfreq3[i]<=B3):

        finalfreq = np.array(finalfreq)
        finalmag = np.array(finalmag)
        finalphase = np.array(finalphase)
	Y = UF.genSpecSines(finalfreq, finalmag, finalphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
	fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                                   # compute inverse FFT
	yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                                 # undo zero-phase window
	yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
	y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                                    # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
	pin += H                                                       # advance sound pointer

    return y
def spsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, stocf):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal plus stochastic model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
	returns y: output sound, ys: sinusoidal component, yst: stochastic component

    hN = N // 2  # size of positive spectrum
    hM1 = int(math.floor(
        (w.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size / 2))  # half analysis window size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns // 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns // 2
    pin = max(hNs,
              hM1)  # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)  # initialize buffer for FFT
    ysw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    ystw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    ys = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    yst = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w = w / sum(w)  # normalize analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # overlapping window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # synthesis window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalize synthesis window
    wr = bh  # window for residual
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs + H]
    sws = H * hanning(Ns) / 2  # synthesis window for stochastic

    while pin < pend:
        x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]  # select frame
        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)  # compute dft
        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # find peaks
        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(
            mX, pX, ploc
        )  # refine peak values		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
        ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(N)  # convert peak locations to Hertz
        ri = pin - hNs - 1  # input sound pointer for residual analysis
        xw2 = x[ri:ri + Ns] * wr  # window the input sound
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)  # reset buffer
        fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]  # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
        fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]
        X2 = fft(fftbuffer)  # compute FFT for residual analysis

        Ys = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns,
                             fs)  # generate spec of sinusoidal component
        Xr = X2 - Ys
        # get the residual complex spectrum
        mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))  # magnitude spectrum of residual
        mXrenv = resample(
            np.maximum(-200, mXr),
            mXr.size * stocf)  # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf
        stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs)  # interpolate to original size
        pYst = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(hNs)  # generate phase random values
        Yst = np.zeros(Ns, dtype=complex)
        Yst[:hNs] = 10**(stocEnv / 20) * np.exp(
            1j * pYst)  # generate positive freq.
        Yst[hNs + 1:] = 10**(stocEnv[:0:-1] / 20) * np.exp(
            -1j * pYst[:0:-1])  # generate negative freq.

        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))  # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
        ysw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        ysw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]

        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yst))  # inverse FFT of stochastic spectrum
        ystw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        ystw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]

        ys[ri:ri + Ns] += sw * ysw  # overlap-add for sines
        yst[ri:ri + Ns] += sws * ystw  # overlap-add for stochastic
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer

    y = ys + yst  # sum of sinusoidal and residual components
    return y, ys, yst
def hpsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, stocf):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus stochastic model, one frame at a time, no harmonic tracking
	x: input sound; fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window; N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz; maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5); stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
	returns y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, yst: stochastic component

    hN = N / 2  # size of positive spectrum
    hM1 = int(math.floor(
        (w.size + 1) / 2))  # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size / 2))  # half analysis window size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2
    pin = max(hNs,
              hM1)  # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yhw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    ystw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    yh = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    yst = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w = w / sum(w)  # normalize analysis window
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # overlapping window
    sw[hNs - H:hNs + H] = ow
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # synthesis window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalize synthesis window
    wr = bh  # window for residual
    sw[hNs - H:hNs +
       H] = sw[hNs - H:hNs +
               H] / bh[hNs - H:hNs +
                       H]  # synthesis window for harmonic component
    sws = H * hanning(Ns) / 2  # synthesis window for stochastic
    hfreqp = []
    f0t = 0
    f0stable = 0
    while pin < pend:
        x1 = x[pin - hM1:pin + hM2]  # select frame
        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)  # compute dft
        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # find peaks
        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX,
                                              ploc)  # refine peak values
        ipfreq = fs * iploc / N  # convert peak locations to Hz
        f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable)  # find f0
        if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
         or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
            f0stable = f0t  # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
            f0stable = 0
        hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t,
                                                   nH, hfreqp,
                                                   fs)  # find harmonics
        hfreqp = hfreq
        ri = pin - hNs - 1  # input sound pointer for residual analysis
        xw2 = x[ri:ri + Ns] * wr  # window the input sound
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)  # reset buffer
        fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]  # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
        fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]
        X2 = fft(fftbuffer)  # compute FFT for residual analysis
        Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns,
                             fs)  # generate spec sines of harmonic component
        Xr = X2 - Yh  # get the residual complex spectrum
        mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))  # magnitude spectrum of residual
        mXrenv = resample(
            np.maximum(-200, mXr),
            mXr.size * stocf)  # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf
        stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs)  # interpolate to original size
        pYst = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(hNs)  # generate phase random values
        Yst = np.zeros(Ns, dtype=complex)
        Yst[:hNs] = 10**(stocEnv / 20) * np.exp(
            1j * pYst)  # generate positive freq.
        Yst[hNs + 1:] = 10**(stocEnv[:0:-1] / 20) * np.exp(
            -1j * pYst[:0:-1])  # generate negative freq.

        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))  # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
        yhw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        yhw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]

        fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yst))  # inverse FFT of stochastic spectrum
        ystw[:hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1:]  # undo zero-phase window
        ystw[hNs - 1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs + 1]

        yh[ri:ri + Ns] += sw * yhw  # overlap-add for sines
        yst[ri:ri + Ns] += sws * ystw  # overlap-add for stochastic
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer

    y = yh + yst  # sum of harmonic and stochastic components
    return y, yh, yst
def sineModelMultiRes_combined(x, fs, multi_w, multi_N, t, multi_B):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    returns y: output array sound

    # fallback for original code
    w = multi_w[0]
    N = multi_N[0]

    bands = range(len(multi_B))                                     # to iterate over bands

    hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
    multi_w_size = np.array([multi_w[i].size for i in bands])
    multi_hM1 = np.floor((multi_w_size + 1)/2.0).astype(int)                     # half analysis window size by rounding
    multi_hM2 = np.floor(multi_w_size / 2.0).astype(int)                         # half analysis window size by floor

    Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size

    pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
    multi_pin = np.maximum(hNs, multi_hM1)                    # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    multi_pend = x.size - multi_pin                           # last sample to start a frame

    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
    fftbuffer_combined = np.zeros(N)
    #multi_fftbuffer = [np.array(multi_N[i]) for i in bands]

    yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array

    yw_combined = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y_combined = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array

    w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
    multi_w = [multi_w[i] / sum(multi_w[i]) for i in bands]                                          # normalize analysis window

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

    while pin<pend and (multi_pin<multi_pend).all():                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound

        x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
        multi_x1 = [x[(multi_pin[i] - multi_hM1[i]) : (multi_pin[i] + multi_hM2[i])] for i in bands]                               # select frame

        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
        multi_mX = []
        multi_pX = []
        for i in bands:
            mXi, pXi = DFT.dftAnal(multi_x1[i], multi_w[i], multi_N[i])

        # we could apply the filters for the bands here already ...

        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
        #pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
        multi_ploc = []
        #multi_pmag = []
        for i in bands:
            ploci = UF.peakDetection(multi_mX[i], t)                        # detect locations of peaks
            #pmagi = multi_mX[i][ploci]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks

        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
        ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
        #multi_iploc = []
        multi_ipmag = []
        multi_ipphase = []
        multi_ipfreq = []
        for i in bands:
            iploci, ipmagi, ipphasei = UF.peakInterp(multi_mX[i], multi_pX[i], multi_ploc[i])   # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreqi = fs*iploci/float(multi_N[i])                            # convert peak locations to Hertz

        # ... but we shall decide here!

        print "--------------------------------------"
        print ipfreq
        print ipmag
        print ipphase

        ipfreq_combined = []
        ipmag_combined = []
        ipphase_combined = []
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:

        #ipfreq = np.array(ipfreq_combined)
        #ipmag = np.array(ipmag_combined)
        #ipphase = np.array(ipphase_combined)

        # count first for array allocation
        num_ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    num_ip += 1

        ipfreq_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipmag_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipphase_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    ipfreq_combined[ip] = f
                    ipmag_combined[ip] = multi_ipmag[i][p]
                    ipphase_combined[ip] = multi_ipphase[i][p]
                    ip += 1

        print "--------------------------------------"
        print ipfreq_combined
        print ipmag_combined
        print ipphase_combined

        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
        y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        #print y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs]
        pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer

        Y_combined = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq_combined, ipmag_combined, ipphase_combined, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer_combined = np.real(ifft(Y_combined))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw_combined[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer_combined[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw_combined[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer_combined[:hNs+1]
        y_combined[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw_combined                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        #print y_combined[pin-hNs:pin+hNs]
        multi_pin += H


    return y, y_combined
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, Ns, W, M, N, B, T):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the multi-resolution sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x:  input array sound,
    fs: sampling frequency, 
    Ns: FFT size for synthesis, 
    W:  array of analysis window types, 
    M:  array of analysis windows sizes, 
    N:  array of sizes of complex spectrums,
    B:  array of frequency bands separators (ascending order of frequency, number of bands == B.size + 1),
    T:  array of peak detection thresholds in negative dB. 
    returns y: output array sound
    nResolutions = W.size    
    if (nResolutions != N.size) or (nResolutions != B.size + 1) or (nResolutions != T.size): 
        raise ValueError('Parameters W,N,B,T shall have compatible sizes')    

    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

    HM1 = map(lambda m: math.floor((m+1)/2),M)              # half analysis windows sizes by rounding
    HM2 = map(lambda m: math.floor( m   /2),M)              # half analysis windows sizes by floor
    maxHM1 = max(HM1)                                       # max half analysis window size by rounding
    pin = max(hNs, maxHM1)                                  # init sound pointers in the middle of largest window       
    pend = x.size - pin                                     # last samples to start a frame
    while pin < pend:                                       # while input sound pointer is within sound

        combinedIPFreq = np.array([])
        combinedIPMag  = np.array([])
        combinedIPhase = np.array([])
        windowSizeAttribution = np.array([])
        #-----multi-resolution spectrum calculation-----
        for k in range(0,nResolutions):
            windowType = W[k]
            windowSize = M[k]
            w = get_window(windowType,windowSize)                 # normalize analysis window
            w = w / sum(w)
            n = N[k]
            t = T[k]
            hM1 = HM1[k]                                          # half analysis window size by rounding
            hM2 = HM2[k]                                          # half analysis window size by floor
            x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
            mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, n)                        # compute dft
            ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
            iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(n)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
            if k == 0:    # First frequency range starts from zero 
                f0 = 0.0
                f0 = B[k-1]
            if k == B.size:    # Last frequency range ends at fs/2
                f1 = fs / 2.0
                f1 = B[k]
            for l in range(0,ipfreq.size):    # Pick the peaks (no pun intended:) inside the assigned frequency band
                f = ipfreq[l]
                if f0 <= f and f < f1:
                    combinedIPFreq = np.append(combinedIPFreq, f)
                    combinedIPMag  = np.append(combinedIPMag , ipmag  [l])
                    combinedIPhase = np.append(combinedIPhase, ipphase[l])
                    windowSizeAttribution = np.append(windowSizeAttribution, windowSize)
        # Let's smooth out "double-reported" peaks close to the division frequencies of the frequency ranges        
        freqDiffThreshold = (fs*6)/float(n)
        smoothedIPFreq = np.array([])
        smoothedIPMag  = np.array([])
        smoothedIPhase = np.array([])
        nPeaks = combinedIPFreq.size
        l = 0
        while l < (nPeaks-1):
            f1 = combinedIPFreq[l]
            f2 = combinedIPFreq[l+1]
            m1 = windowSizeAttribution[l]
            m2 = windowSizeAttribution[l+1]
            freqDiff = abs(f1-f2)
            if freqDiff < freqDiffThreshold and m1 != m2:
                #print '!',f1,f2,m1,m2,freqDiff
                smoothedIPFreq = np.append(smoothedIPFreq, (f1+f2)/2.0)
                smoothedIPMag  = np.append(smoothedIPMag , (combinedIPMag [l] + combinedIPMag [l+1])/2.0)
                smoothedIPhase = np.append(smoothedIPhase, (combinedIPhase[l] + combinedIPhase[l+1])/2.0)
                l = l + 2
                smoothedIPFreq = np.append(smoothedIPFreq, f1)
                smoothedIPMag  = np.append(smoothedIPMag , combinedIPMag [l])
                smoothedIPhase = np.append(smoothedIPhase, combinedIPhase[l])
                l = l + 1
        # Add the last peak        
        smoothedIPFreq = np.append(smoothedIPFreq,combinedIPFreq[nPeaks-1])
        smoothedIPMag  = np.append(smoothedIPMag ,combinedIPMag [nPeaks-1])
        smoothedIPhase = np.append(smoothedIPhase,combinedIPhase[nPeaks-1])

        Y = UF.genSpecSines(smoothedIPFreq, smoothedIPMag, smoothedIPhase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
        y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer

    return y
def hprModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus residual model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
	maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
	maxhd: max. relative deviation in harmonic detection (ex: .2)
	returns y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, xr: residual component

	hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
	yhw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	xrw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	yh = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	xr = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
	hfreqp = []
	f0t = 0
	f0stable = 0
	while pin<pend:  
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                                     # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                              # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                              # find peaks 
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)         # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs * iploc/N                                       # convert locations to Hz
		f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable) # find f0
		if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
			or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
			f0stable = f0t                                            # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
			f0stable = 0
		hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs) # find harmonics
		hfreqp = hfreq
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                             # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                       # window the input sound                     
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                   # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                                # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]                     
		X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                        # compute FFT of input signal for residual analysis
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)          # generate sines
		Xr = X2-Yh                                                 # get the residual complex spectrum                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                              # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
		yhw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                            # undo zero-phase window
		yhw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Xr))                              # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
		xrw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                            # undo zero-phase window
		xrw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
		yh[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*yhw                                     # overlap-add for sines
		xr[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*xrw                                     # overlap-add for residual
		pin += H                                                   # advance sound pointer
	y = yh+xr                                                    # sum of harmonic and residual components
	return y, yh, xr
import stft as STFT
import sineModel as SM
import utilFunctions as UF

Ns = 256
hNs = Ns // 2
yw = np.zeros(Ns)
fs = 44100
freqs = np.array([1000.0, 4000.0, 8000.0])
amps = np.array([.6, .4, .6])
phases = ([0.5, 1.2, 2.3])
yploc = Ns * freqs / fs
ypmag = 20 * np.log10(amps / 2.0)
ypphase = phases

Y = UF.genSpecSines(freqs, ypmag, ypphase, Ns, fs)
mY = 20 * np.log10(abs(Y[:hNs]))
pY = np.unwrap(np.angle(Y[:hNs]))
y = fftshift(ifft(Y)) * sum(blackmanharris(Ns))

plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 5))
plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.plot(fs * np.arange(Ns / 2) / Ns, mY, 'r', lw=1.5)
plt.axis([0, fs / 2.0, -100, 0])
plt.title("mY, freqs (Hz) = 1000, 4000, 8000; amps = .6, .4, .6")

plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
pY[pY == 0] = np.nan
plt.plot(fs * np.arange(Ns / 2) / Ns, pY, 'c', lw=1.5)
plt.axis([0, fs / 2.0, -.01, 3.0])
plt.title("pY, phases (radians) = .5, 1.2, 2.3")
def sineModelMultiRes(x, f, windows, Nsizes, fBands, t):
		For each audio frame
		1. compute three different DFTs with three different window sizes (which are input parameters)
		2. compute the sinusoid peaks for each of the DFTs.
		3. choose the peaks from these three DFTs depending on the band to which the frequency of the peak belongs
		x: input array sound, windows: analysis windows [w1, w2, w3]
		Nsizes: FFT sizes[N1, N2, N3], t: threshold in negative dB
		fBands: frequency band edges [B1, B2, B3]

	# raise error if N not a power of two
	if not all(UF.isPower2(item) for item in Ns):                                 
		raise ValueError("All FFT size (N) must be a power of 2")
	# raise error if window size bigger than fft size
	if (w.size > N):                                        
		raise ValueError("Window size (M) is bigger than FFT size")
	# Check if all sizes in Window are ints
	if not  all(isinstance(item, int) for item in windows):
		raise ValueError("All window sizes must be ints")

	# Check if all FFT sizes are ints
	if not  all(isinstance(item, int) for item in Ns):
		raise ValueError("All FFT sizes must be ints")
	# Check if all freq bands are ints
	if not  all(isinstance(item, int) for item in Ns):
		raise ValueError("All freq Bands must be ints")

	# global synthsis params
	Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns//4                                               # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns//2                                             # half of synthesis FFT size
	yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

	for i in range(3):
		w = windows[i]
		N = Nsizes[i]
		Bmin, Bmax = fBands[i]
		hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
		hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))
		pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window       
		pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
		w = w / sum(w)											# normalize analysis window
		while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound 
			x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
			mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
			ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
			iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
			ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
			# Filter indexes within the frequency bands Bmin and Bmax
			ipmag = ipmag[np.logical_and(ipfreq >= Bmin, ipfreq < Bmax)]
            ipphase = ipphase[np.logical_and(ipfreq >= Bmin, ipfreq < Bmax)]
            ipfreq = ipfreq[np.logical_and(ipfreq >= Bmin, ipfreq < Bmax)]
			Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
			fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
			yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
			yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
			y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
			pin += H
def loudnessHarmonics (fileName, dumpFile = False):

    eps = np.finfo(np.float).eps
    path2SmsTools = '../../sms-tools-master'
    path2Models = os.path.join(path2SmsTools, 'software/models')
    import utilFunctions as UF
    import harmonicModel as HM
    import dftModel as DFT

    # Computing predominant melody
    H = 128
    M = 2048
    fs = 44100
    guessUnvoiced = True
    MELODIA = ess.PredominantMelody(guessUnvoiced=guessUnvoiced,
    audio = ess.MonoLoader(filename = fileName, sampleRate=fs) ()
    audioEL = ess.EqualLoudness() (audio)
    pitch = MELODIA(audioEL)[0]
    # Computing loudness including harmonics
    LOUDNESS = ess.Loudness()
    winAnalysis = 'hann'
    t = -80
    harmLoudness = []
    ## Synthesis
    nH = 15
    f0et = 5
    x = audioEL
    w = get_window(winAnalysis, M)
    hM1 = int(math.floor(w.size+1)/2)
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))
    Ns = 4*H
    hNs = Ns/2
    startApp = max(hNs, hM1)
    pin = startApp
    pend = x.size - startApp
    x = np.append(np.zeros(startApp), x)
    x = np.append(x, np.zeros(startApp))
    N = 2 * M
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
    yh = np.zeros(Ns)
    y = np.zeros(x.size)
    w = w / sum(w)
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)
    ow = triang(2 * H)
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)
    bh = bh / sum(bh)
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
    hfreqp = []
    f0t = 0
    f0stable = 0
    cnt = 0
    while pin < pend:
        x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]
        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)
        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF. peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
        ipfreq = fs * iploc/N
        f0t = pitch[cnt]
        if ((f0stable == 0) & (f0t>0)
                or ((f0stable>0) & (np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0))):
            f0stable = f0t
            f0stable = 0
        hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t,
                                                   nH, hfreqp, fs)
        hfreqp = hfreq
        Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))
        yh[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]
        yh[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
        yh_frame = sw*yh
        y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += yh_frame
        pin += H

    harmLoudness = np.array(harmLoudness)

    timeStamps = np.arange(harmLoudness.size) * H / float(fs)
    # Plotting
#    plt.plot(timeStamps, harmLoudness, color = 'b', linewidth=1)
#    plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
#    plt.ylabel('Amplitude')
#    plt.show()
    loudnessData = np.column_stack((timeStamps, harmLoudness))
    # Dumping a csv file
    if dumpFile:
        np.savetxt(fileName[:-4] + '-loudnessHarmonics.csv', loudnessData,
    return loudnessData
def hpsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, stocf):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus stochastic model, one frame at a time, no harmonic tracking
	x: input sound; fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window; N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz; maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5); stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
	returns y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, yst: stochastic component

	hN = N/2                                               # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                    # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                        # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                               # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                               # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                    # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                          # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                # initialize buffer for FFT
	yhw = np.zeros(Ns)                                     # initialize output sound frame
	ystw = np.zeros(Ns)                                    # initialize output sound frame
	yh = np.zeros(x.size)                                  # initialize output array
	yst = np.zeros(x.size)                                 # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                         # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                       # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                      # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]    # synthesis window for harmonic component
	sws = H*hanning(Ns)/2                                  # synthesis window for stochastic
	hfreqp = []
	f0t = 0
	f0stable = 0
	while pin<pend:  
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                              # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                       # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                       # find peaks                
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)  # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs * iploc/N                                # convert peak locations to Hz
		f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable)  # find f0
		if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
			or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
			f0stable = f0t                                     # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
			f0stable = 0
		hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs) # find harmonics
		hfreqp = hfreq
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                       # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                 # window the input sound                                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                             # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                          # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]                           
		X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                  # compute FFT for residual analysis
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)    # generate spec sines of harmonic component          
		Xr = X2-Yh                                           # get the residual complex spectrum
		mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))                   # magnitude spectrum of residual
		mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr), mXr.size*stocf) # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf                     
		stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs)                      # interpolate to original size
		pYst = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hNs)                   # generate phase random values
		Yst = np.zeros(Ns, dtype = complex)
		Yst[:hNs] = 10**(stocEnv/20) * np.exp(1j*pYst)       # generate positive freq.
		Yst[hNs+1:] = 10**(stocEnv[:0:-1]/20) * np.exp(-1j*pYst[:0:-1])  # generate negative freq.

		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                         # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
		yhw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                       # undo zero-phase window
		yhw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 

		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yst))                        # inverse FFT of stochastic spectrum
		ystw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                      # undo zero-phase window
		ystw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]

		yh[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*yhw                                # overlap-add for sines
		yst[ri:ri+Ns] += sws*ystw                             # overlap-add for stochastic
		pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
	y = yh+yst                                              # sum of harmonic and stochastic components
	return y, yh, yst
    def synthesis(self, harmonicsOutputFilename = None, residualOutputFilename = None):
        if len(self.pitch) == 0:
            print 'please do getMelody at first, then do saveMelody.'
        if len(self.pitch) < len(self.mX):
            print 'please make sure that the pitch track belongs to the loaded audio, and they are equal length.'
        if len(self.pitch) > len(self.mX):
            print 'pitch track has more frames than audio file, we will cut frames surplus in pitch track.'
            self.pitch = self.pitch[:len(self.mX)]
        if harmonicsOutputFilename == None:
            harmonicsOutputFilename = self.inputFilename[:-4] + '-harmonics.wav'
        if residualOutputFilename == None:
            residualOutputFilename = self.inputFilename[:-4] + '-residual.wav'
		#----- synthesis code-----
        H = self.hopSize
        M = self.frameSize
        N = 2*self.frameSize
        fs = self.fs
        t = -60													# threshold peak detection
        devRatio = 10
        nH = 15
        x = self.audio
        winAnalysis = 'hann'
        w = get_window(winAnalysis, M)
        hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
        hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
        Ns = 4*H                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
        hNs = Ns/2      
        startApp = max(hNs, hM1)                                # init sound pointer in middle of anal window          
        pin = startApp
        pend = x.size - startApp                                # last sample to start a frame
        x = np.append(np.zeros(startApp),x)                          # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
        x = np.append(x,np.zeros(startApp))                          # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
        yh = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
        yho = np.zeros(x.size)                                  # initialize output array harmonics
        xr = np.zeros(Ns)                                    	# initialize output sound frame
        xro = np.zeros(x.size)                                  # initialize output array residual

        w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
        sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
        ow = triang(2*H)                                        # overlapping window
        sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
        bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # synthesis window
        bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalize synthesis window
        sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # window for overlap-add
        hfreqp = []
        f0t = 0
        f0stable = 0
        cnt = 0 

        print 'synthesizing ... ...'
        while pin<pend:             
			x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
			x2 = x[pin-hNs-1:pin+hNs-1]
			mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
			ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect peak locations     
			iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values
			ipfreq = fs * iploc/N
			f0t = self.pitch[cnt]
			if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
					or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
				f0stable = f0t                                     # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
				f0stable = 0
			hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs, devRatio) # find harmonics
			hfreqp = hfreq
			Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)     # generate spec sines
			fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                         # inverse FFT
			yh[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
			yh[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
			yho[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yh                         # overlap-add
			X2 = fft(fftshift(x2*bh))
			Xr = X2 - Yh
			fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Xr))                         # inverse FFT
			xr[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
			xr[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
			xro[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*xr                         # overlap-add
			pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
        yho = np.delete(yho, range(startApp))                            # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
        yho = np.delete(yho, range(yho.size-startApp, yho.size))             # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
        xro = np.delete(xro, range(startApp))                            # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
        xro = np.delete(xro, range(xro.size-startApp, xro.size))             # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample

        UF.wavwrite(yho, fs, harmonicsOutputFilename)
        UF.wavwrite(xro, fs, residualOutputFilename)
    	print('synthesis done, harmonics file is saved at :' + harmonicsOutputFilename + '\n' +
    	'residual file is saved at :' + residualOutputFilename + '\n')
    	self.yho = yho
    	self.xro = xro
    	return (yho, xro)
文件: A10.py 项目: tzurkan82/ASP_2015
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w1, w2, w3, N1, N2, N3, t, B1, B2, B3):
    if (B3 > (44100 / 2)):
        B3 = 22050

    Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size

    # ------ The first analysis values for the frequency band #1 (B1) --------
    hM11 = int(math.floor((w1.size+1)/2))                   # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM12 = int(math.floor(w1.size/2))                       # half analysis window size by floor
    pin1 = max(hNs, hM11)                                    # init sound pointer in middle of anal window 
    print "\nThe analysis parameters for the band #1:"
    print "N1"
    print N1
    print "Half analysis window size by rounding (hM11):"
    print hM11
    print "pin 1:"
    print pin1      
    pend1 = x.size - max(hNs, hM11)                          # last sample to start a frame
    print "pend 1:"
    print pend1
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N1)                                # initialize buffer for FFT
    w1 = w1 / sum(w1)                                       # normalize analysis window
    # ------ The second analysis for the frequency band #2 (B2) --------
    hM21 = int(math.floor((w2.size+1)/2))                   # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM22 = int(math.floor(w2.size/2))                       # half analysis window size by floor
    pin2 = max(hNs, hM21)  
    print "\nThe analysis parameters for the band #2:"
    print "N2"
    print N2
    print "Half analysis window size by rounding (hM21):"
    print hM21                                     
    print "pin 2:"
    print pin2 
    pend2 = x.size - max(hNs, hM21)                          # last sample to start a frame
    print "pend 2:"
    print pend2
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N2)                                # initialize buffer for FFT
    w2 = w2 / sum(w2)                                       # normalize analysis window
    # ------ The third analysis for the frequency band #3 (B3) --------
    hM31 = int(math.floor((w3.size+1)/2))                   # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM32 = int(math.floor(w3.size/2))                       # half analysis window size by floor
    pin3 = max(hNs, hM31)                                    # init sound pointer in middle of anal window 
    print "\nThe analysis parameters for the band #3:"
    print "N3"
    print N3
    print "Half analysis window size by rounding (hM31):"
    print hM31
    print "pin 3:"
    print pin3       
    pend3 = x.size - max(hNs, hM31)                          # last sample to start a frame
    print "pend 3:"
    print pend3
    print "\n"
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N3)                                # initialize buffer for FFT
    w3 = w3 / sum(w3)                                       # normalize analysis window
    #----- The synthesis parameters -----    
    hM1 = hM11                                              # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = hM12                                              # half analysis window size by floor
    print "hM1, hM2:"
    print hM1, hM2
    pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window       
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
    print "pin, pend:"
    print pin
    print pend
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window
    #------- Analyze the sound "x" in the 3 subfrequency bands and synthesize the sound "y" -----------
    frame = 0
    while pin1<pend1:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound
        #print "The current frame is: "
        #print frame
        xt1 = x.copy()
        xt2 = x.copy()
        xt3 = x.copy() 
        pin2 = pin1
        pin3 = pin1
        x1 = xt1[pin1-hM11:pin1+hM12]                         # select frame
        mX1, pX1 = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w1, N1)                      # compute dft
        ploc1 = UF.peakDetection(mX1, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
        #pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
        iploc1, ipmag1, ipphase1 = UF.peakInterp(mX1, pX1, ploc1)# refine peak values by interpolation
        ipfreq1 = fs*iploc1/float(N1)                         # convert peak locations to Hertz

        x2 = xt2[pin2-hM21:pin2+hM22]                         # select frame

        #x2 = x1        
        mX2, pX2 = DFT.dftAnal(x2, w2, N2)                      # compute dft
        ploc2 = UF.peakDetection(mX2, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
        #pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
        iploc2, ipmag2, ipphase2 = UF.peakInterp(mX2, pX2, ploc2)# refine peak values by interpolation
        ipfreq2 = fs*iploc2/float(N2)                         # convert peak locations to Hertz
        x3 = xt3[pin3-hM31:pin3+hM32]                         # select frame
        mX3, pX3 = DFT.dftAnal(x3, w3, N3)                      # compute dft
        ploc3 = UF.peakDetection(mX3, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
        #pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
        iploc3, ipmag3, ipphase3 = UF.peakInterp(mX3, pX3, ploc3)# refine peak values by interpolation
        ipfreq3 = fs*iploc3/float(N3)                         # convert peak locations to Hertz
        ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase = selectPeaks(ipfreq1, ipmag1, ipphase1, ipfreq2, ipmag2, ipphase2, ipfreq3, ipmag3, ipphase3, B1, B2, B3)
        #print "Synthesis window size:"
        #print M

        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
        y[pin1-hNs:pin1+hNs] += sw*yw                         # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin1 += H                                              # advance sound pointer
        frame += 1
    print "\n\n----- STATISTICS FOR THE LAST FRAME (for debug purposes, etc) -----\n"
    print "The last frame frequencies values:"
    print ipfreq1
    print ipfreq2
    print ipfreq3
    print "The last frame magnitudes values:"
    print ipmag1
    print ipmag2
    print ipmag3
    print "The last frame phases values:"
    print ipphase1
    print ipphase2
    print ipphase3
    print "mX1:"
    print mX1[0:64]
    print "mX2:"
    print mX2[0:64]
    print "mX3:"
    print mX3[0:64]
    print "\n"
    print "Synthesizing the following frequencies for the last frame:"
    print ipfreq
    print "Synthesizing the following magnitudes for the last frame:"
    print ipmag
    print "Synthesizing the following phases for the last frame:"
    print ipphase
    print "\n"
    print "Total frames analyzed/synthesized:"
    print frame
    print "\n\n"

    UF.wavwrite(y, fs, "./OutFile(sineModel_MultiresAnalysis).wav")
    #UF.wavwrite(y, fs, "c:/OutFile(sineModel_MultiresAnalysis).wav")
    return y
def spsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, stocf):
	# Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal plus stochastic model
	# x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	# N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	# stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
	# returns y: output sound, ys: sinusoidal component, yst: stochastic component

	hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
	ysw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	ystw = np.zeros(Ns)                                           # initialize output sound frame
	ys = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	yst = np.zeros(x.size)                                        # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]

	while pin<pend:  
		xw = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] * w                                  # window the input sound
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                      # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2]                           
		X = fft(fftbuffer)                                           # compute FFT
		mX = 20 * np.log10(abs(X[:hN]))                              # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                
		pX = np.unwrap(np.angle(X[:hN]))                             # unwrapped phase spect. of positive freq.    
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
		iploc = (iploc!=0) * (iploc*Ns/N)                            # synth. locs
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                               # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xr = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                          # window the input sound                                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                     # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xr[hNs:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xr[:hNs]                           
		Xr = fft(fftbuffer)                                          # compute FFT for residual analysis
		Ys = UF.genSpecSines(fs*iploc/N, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)     # generate spec of sinusoidal component           
		Yr = Xr-Ys;                                                  # get the residual complex spectrum
		mYr = 20 * np.log10( abs(Yr[:hNs]) )                         # magnitude spectrum of residual
		mYrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mYr), mYr.size*stocf)     # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf                     
		mYst = resample(mYrenv, hNs)                                 # interpolate to original size
		mYst = 10**(mYst/20)                                         # dB to linear magnitude  
		fc = 1+round(500.0/fs*Ns)                                    # 500 Hz to bin location
		mYst[:fc] *= (np.arange(0, fc)/(fc-1))**2                    # high pass filter the stochastic component
		pYst = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hNs)                           # generate phase random values
		Yst = np.zeros(Ns, dtype = complex)
		Yst[:hNs] = mYst * np.exp(1j*pYst)                           # generate positive freq.
		Yst[hNs+1:] = mYst[:0:-1] * np.exp(-1j*pYst[:0:-1])          # generate negative freq.

		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))                                # inverse FFT of sinusoidal spectrum
		ysw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # undo zero-phase window
		ysw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yst))                                # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
		ystw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # undo zero-phase window
		ystw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
		ys[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*ysw                                       # overlap-add for sines
		yst[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*ystw                                       # overlap-add for residual
		pin += H                                                     # advance sound pointer
	y = ys+yst                                                      # sum of sinusoidal and residual components
	return y, ys, yst
(fs, x) = UF.wavread("../../../sounds/oboe-A4.wav")
M = 601
w = np.blackman(M)
N = 1024
hN = N / 2
Ns = 512
hNs = Ns / 2
pin = 5000
t = -70
x1 = x[pin : pin + w.size]
mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
freqs = iploc * fs / N
Y = UF.genSpecSines(freqs, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)
mY = 20 * np.log10(abs(Y[:hNs]))
pY = np.unwrap(np.angle(Y[:hNs]))
y = fftshift(ifft(Y)) * sum(blackmanharris(Ns))

plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 6))

plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
plt.plot(np.arange(-M / 2, M / 2), x1, "b", lw=1.5)
plt.axis([-M / 2, M / 2, min(x1), max(x1)])
plt.title("x (oboe-A4.wav), M = 601")

plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
plt.plot(np.arange(mX.size), mX, "r", lw=1.5)
plt.plot(iploc, ipmag, marker="x", color="b", linestyle="", markeredgewidth=1.5)
plt.axis([0, hN, -90, max(mX) + 2])
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w, N, t, b):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: array of analysis windows, N: array of sizes of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB,
	b: array of bandwidths' right borders
	returns y: output array sound

	winParams = []
	Ns = 512                                                        # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                        # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2                                                      # half of synthesis FFT size
	yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                               # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                            # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                               # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                                # triangular window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                            # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                         # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                               # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]             # normalized synthesis window
	pin = 0
	pend = x.size - 1
	for winNum in xrange(len(w)):
		win = w[winNum]
		fftN = N[winNum]
		bandFreq = b[winNum]
		hM1 = int(math.floor((win.size+1)/2))                   # half analysis window size by rounding
		hM2 = int(math.floor(win.size/2))                       # half analysis window size by floor
		pin = max(pin, max(hNs, hM1))                           # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
		pend = min(pend, x.size - pin)                          # last sample to start a frame
		win = win / sum(win)                                    # normalize analysis window
		winParams.append({'hM1': hM1, 'hM2': hM2, 'w': win, 'N': fftN, 'b': bandFreq})

	while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound
		prevFreq = 0.0
		ipfreq = []
		ipmag = []
		ipphase = []
		for wp in winParams:
			x1 = x[pin-wp['hM1']:pin+wp['hM2']]                       # select frame
			mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, wp['w'], wp['N'])                # compute dft
			plocw = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                           # detect locations of peaks
			iplocw, ipmagw, ipphasew = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, plocw)   # refine peak values by interpolation
			ipfreqw = fs*iplocw/float(wp['N'])                        # convert peak locations to Hertz
			for fNum in xrange(len(ipfreqw)):
				if ipfreqw[fNum] < prevFreq:
				if ipfreqw[fNum] >= wp['b']:
			prevFreq = wp['b']
		ipfreq = np.array(ipfreq)
		ipmag = np.array(ipmag)
		ipphase = np.array(ipphase)
		Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
		yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
		yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
		y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
		pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
	return y