def f0Twm(pfreq, pmag, ef0max, minf0, maxf0, f0t=0):
	Function that wraps the f0 detection function TWM, selecting the possible f0 candidates
	and calling the function TWM with them
	pfreq, pmag: peak frequencies and magnitudes,
	ef0max: maximum error allowed, minf0, maxf0: minimum  and maximum f0
	f0t: f0 of previous frame if stable
	returns f0: fundamental frequency in Hz
    if (minf0 < 0):  # raise exception if minf0 is smaller than 0
        raise ValueError(
            "Minimum fundamental frequency (minf0) smaller than 0")

    if (maxf0 >= 10000):  # raise exception if maxf0 is bigger than 10000Hz
        raise ValueError(
            "Maximum fundamental frequency (maxf0) bigger than 10000Hz")

    if (pfreq.size < 3) & (
            f0t == 0):  # return 0 if less than 3 peaks and not previous f0
        return 0

    f0c = np.argwhere((pfreq > minf0) &
                      (pfreq < maxf0))[:,
                                       0]  # use only peaks within given range
    if (f0c.size == 0):  # return 0 if no peaks within range
        return 0
    f0cf = pfreq[f0c]  # frequencies of peak candidates
    f0cm = pmag[f0c]  # magnitude of peak candidates

    if f0t > 0:  # if stable f0 in previous frame
        shortlist = np.argwhere(
            np.abs(f0cf - f0t) < f0t / 2.0)[:, 0]  # use only peaks close to it
        maxc = np.argmax(f0cm)
        maxcfd = f0cf[maxc] % f0t
        if maxcfd > f0t / 2:
            maxcfd = f0t - maxcfd
        if (maxc not in shortlist) and (
                maxcfd >
            (f0t / 4)):  # or the maximum magnitude peak is not a harmonic
            shortlist = np.append(maxc, shortlist)
        f0cf = f0cf[shortlist]  # frequencies of candidates

    if (f0cf.size == 0):  # return 0 if no peak candidates
        return 0

    f0, f0error = UF_C.twm(
        pfreq, pmag,
        f0cf)  # call the TWM function with peak candidates, cython version
    #	f0, f0error = TWM_p(pfreq, pmag, f0cf)        # call the TWM function with peak candidates, python version

    if (f0 > 0) and (f0error < ef0max
                     ):  # accept and return f0 if below max error allowed
        return f0
        return 0
def f0Twm(pfreq, pmag, ef0max, minf0, maxf0, f0t=0):
	Function that wraps the f0 detection function TWM, selecting the possible f0 candidates
	and calling the function TWM with them
	pfreq, pmag: peak frequencies and magnitudes,
	ef0max: maximum error allowed, minf0, maxf0: minimum  and maximum f0
	f0t: f0 of previous frame if stable
	returns f0: fundamental frequency in Hz
	if (minf0 < 0):                                  # raise exception if minf0 is smaller than 0
		raise ValueError("Minumum fundamental frequency (minf0) smaller than 0")

	if (maxf0 >= 10000):                             # raise exception if maxf0 is bigger than 10000Hz
		raise ValueError("Maximum fundamental frequency (maxf0) bigger than 10000Hz")

	if (pfreq.size < 3) & (f0t == 0):                # return 0 if less than 3 peaks and not previous f0
		return 0

	f0c = np.argwhere((pfreq>minf0) & (pfreq<maxf0))[:,0] # use only peaks within given range
	if (f0c.size == 0):                              # return 0 if no peaks within range
		return 0
	f0cf = pfreq[f0c]                                # frequencies of peak candidates
	f0cm = pmag[f0c]                                 # magnitude of peak candidates

	if f0t>0:                                        # if stable f0 in previous frame
		shortlist = np.argwhere(np.abs(f0cf-f0t)<f0t/2.0)[:,0]   # use only peaks close to it
		maxc = np.argmax(f0cm)
		maxcfd = f0cf[maxc]%f0t
		if maxcfd > f0t/2:
			maxcfd = f0t - maxcfd
		if (maxc not in shortlist) and (maxcfd>(f0t/4)): # or the maximum magnitude peak is not a harmonic
			shortlist = np.append(maxc, shortlist)
		f0cf = f0cf[shortlist]                         # frequencies of candidates

	if (f0cf.size == 0):                             # return 0 if no peak candidates
		return 0

	f0, f0error = UF_C.twm(pfreq, pmag, f0cf)        # call the TWM function with peak candidates

	if (f0>0) and (f0error<ef0max):                  # accept and return f0 if below max error allowed
		return f0
		return 0