    def load_make_graph_insert_new(self, new_byway):

        # Alias the node IDs just for this fcn.
        bid = new_byway.beg_node_id
        eid = new_byway.fin_node_id

        # Initialize edges data structure with byway's node IDs.
        self.edges.setdefault(bid, dict())
        self.edges[bid].setdefault(eid, dict())
        self.edges.setdefault(eid, dict())
        self.edges[eid].setdefault(bid, dict())

        # Get the points' xs and ys so we can determine direction.
        # FIXME: Does it matter these values do not always match node_endpoint,
        # because of endpoint drift? (There's a bug about endpoints with the same
        # stack ID not sharing the same x,y.) 2012.07.30: Probably not, I think
        # point_beg and point_fin is just used for calculating distances and
        # directions between nodes.
        point_beg = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg_point)
        point_beg2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg2_point)
        point_fin = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin_point)
        point_fin2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin2_point)

        # Cache node x/y locations
        # FIXME: does this leak when node ids are orphaned?
        # BUG nnnn: Byways whose node endpoints have same ids but diff geom will
        # overwrite the value here.
        self.node_xys[bid] = point_beg
        self.node_xys[eid] = point_fin

        # Cache forward and backward edges.
        # MAGIC NUMBER: 1 and -1 indicate the direction of the one way.
        if new_byway.one_way != -1:
            # Cache forward edge
            step = route_step.One()
            step.travel_mode = Travel_Mode.bicycle
            step.forward = True
            step.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_beg, point_beg2)
            step.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_fin2, point_fin)
            self.edges[bid][eid][step.byway_stack_id] = step
            # Bug 2641: Poor Python Memory Management
            # BUG nnnn: Directional attrs/tags. Maybe self.step_lookup is always a
            #           tuple with two entries, one for each direction?
            self.step_lookup_append(step.byway_stack_id, step)
        if new_byway.one_way != 1:
            # Cache backward edge
            step = route_step.One()
            step.travel_mode = Travel_Mode.bicycle
            step.forward = False
            step.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_fin, point_fin2)
            step.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_beg2, point_beg)
            self.edges[eid][bid][step.byway_stack_id] = step
            # Bug 2641: Poor Python Memory Management
            self.step_lookup_append(step.byway_stack_id, step)
   def load_make_graph_insert_new(self, new_byway):

      # Alias the node IDs just for this fcn.
      bid = new_byway.beg_node_id
      eid = new_byway.fin_node_id

      # Initialize edges data structure with byway's node IDs.
      self.edges.setdefault(bid, dict())
      self.edges[bid].setdefault(eid, dict())
      self.edges.setdefault(eid, dict())
      self.edges[eid].setdefault(bid, dict())

      # Get the points' xs and ys so we can determine direction.
      # FIXME: Does it matter these values do not always match node_endpoint,
      # because of endpoint drift? (There's a bug about endpoints with the same
      # stack ID not sharing the same x,y.) 2012.07.30: Probably not, I think
      # point_beg and point_fin is just used for calculating distances and
      # directions between nodes.
      point_beg = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg_point)
      point_beg2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg2_point)
      point_fin = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin_point)
      point_fin2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin2_point)

      # Cache node x/y locations
      # FIXME: does this leak when node ids are orphaned?
      # BUG nnnn: Byways whose node endpoints have same ids but diff geom will
      # overwrite the value here.
      self.node_xys[bid] = point_beg
      self.node_xys[eid] = point_fin

      # Cache forward and backward edges.
      # MAGIC NUMBER: 1 and -1 indicate the direction of the one way.
      if new_byway.one_way != -1:
         # Cache forward edge
         step = route_step.One()
         step.travel_mode = Travel_Mode.bicycle
         step.forward = True
         step.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_beg, point_beg2)
         step.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_fin2, point_fin)
         self.edges[bid][eid][step.byway_stack_id] = step
         # Bug 2641: Poor Python Memory Management
         # BUG nnnn: Directional attrs/tags. Maybe self.step_lookup is always a
         #           tuple with two entries, one for each direction?
         self.step_lookup_append(step.byway_stack_id, step)
      if new_byway.one_way != 1:
         # Cache backward edge
         step = route_step.One()
         step.travel_mode = Travel_Mode.bicycle
         step.forward = False
         step.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_fin, point_fin2)
         step.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_beg2, point_beg)
         self.edges[eid][bid][step.byway_stack_id] = step
         # Bug 2641: Poor Python Memory Management
         self.step_lookup_append(step.byway_stack_id, step)
 def save_related_maybe(self, qb, rid):
     permissions_free.One.save_related_maybe(self, qb, rid)
     # If this is a new node_endpoint, we may have to create the node_endpt_xy
     # entry.
     if self.version == 1:
         # For the public basemap, a new node_endpoint means a new
         # node_endpt_xy. But for branches, a new node_endpoint does not
         # necessarily mean a new node_endpt_xy: if another branch uses the
         # same node_endpoint, the node_endpt_xy should already exist.
         endpt_sql = ("""
            ST_AsText(endpoint_xy) AS existing_xy_wkt
            node_stack_id = %d
         """ % (self.stack_id, ))
         rows = qb.db.sql(endpt_sql)
         if not rows:
             # This endpoint truly is new.
             sql_endpt_xy = ("""
            INSERT INTO node_endpt_xy
               (node_stack_id, endpoint_xy)
               (%d, '%s')
            """ % (
             # The endpoint is being used or has been previously used by another
             # branch. Just see if the geometry is the same or not.
             g.assurt(len(rows) == 1)
             existing_xy = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(
                 rows[0]['existing_xy_wkt'], precision=conf.node_precision)
             proposed_xy = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(
                 self.endpoint_wkt, precision=conf.node_precision)
             if existing_xy != proposed_xy:
                     'save_related_maybe: endpt_xy unequal: theirs: %s / ours: %s'
                     % (
   def load_make_graph_insert_new(self, new_byway):

      g.assurt(new_byway is not None)

      # Get the points' xs and ys so we can determine direction.
      # (C.f. planner.routed_p1.tgraph.load_make_graph_insert_new)
      point_beg = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg_point)
      point_beg2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg2_point)
      point_fin = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin_point)
      point_fin2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin2_point)

      beg_id = str(new_byway.beg_node_id)
      fin_id = str(new_byway.fin_node_id)
# FIXME: Byways share vertices, so make sure add_vertex is add_vertex_maybe?
#        Or maybe the graph handles that?
# FIXME: Use remove_vertex when byway is deleted
#        or maybe not: there's no remove_edge -- or is remove_edge implied?

# FIXME: Guarantee that node IDs are unique to revision and branch? Are they
# already (at least, are node IDs unique across revision changes)?

      # Cache forward and backward edges.
      # MAGIC NUMBER: 1 and -1 indicate the direction of the one way.
      if (new_byway.one_way != -1):
         # Cache forward edge
         pload = Payload_Byway(new_byway, True)
         pload.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_beg, point_beg2)
         pload.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_fin2, point_fin)
         self.gserver.add_edge(beg_id, fin_id, pload)
         self.step_lookup_append(new_byway.stack_id, pload)
      if (new_byway.one_way != 1):
         # Cache backward edge
         pload = Payload_Byway(new_byway, False)
         pload.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_fin, point_fin2)
         pload.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_beg2, point_beg)
         self.gserver.add_edge(fin_id, beg_id, pload)
         self.step_lookup_append(new_byway.stack_id, pload)
    def load_make_graph_insert_new(self, new_byway):

        g.assurt(new_byway is not None)

        # Get the points' xs and ys so we can determine direction.
        # (C.f. planner.routed_p1.tgraph.load_make_graph_insert_new)
        point_beg = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg_point)
        point_beg2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.beg2_point)
        point_fin = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin_point)
        point_fin2 = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(new_byway.fin2_point)

        beg_id = str(new_byway.beg_node_id)
        fin_id = str(new_byway.fin_node_id)
        # FIXME: Byways share vertices, so make sure add_vertex is add_vertex_maybe?
        #        Or maybe the graph handles that?
        # FIXME: Use remove_vertex when byway is deleted
        #        or maybe not: there's no remove_edge -- or is remove_edge implied?

        # FIXME: Guarantee that node IDs are unique to revision and branch? Are they
        # already (at least, are node IDs unique across revision changes)?

        # Cache forward and backward edges.
        # MAGIC NUMBER: 1 and -1 indicate the direction of the one way.
        if (new_byway.one_way != -1):
            # Cache forward edge
            pload = Payload_Byway(new_byway, True)
            pload.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_beg, point_beg2)
            pload.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_fin2, point_fin)
            self.gserver.add_edge(beg_id, fin_id, pload)
            self.step_lookup_append(new_byway.stack_id, pload)
        if (new_byway.one_way != 1):
            # Cache backward edge
            pload = Payload_Byway(new_byway, False)
            pload.dir_entry = geometry.v_dir(point_fin, point_fin2)
            pload.dir_exit = geometry.v_dir(point_beg2, point_beg)
            self.gserver.add_edge(fin_id, beg_id, pload)
            self.step_lookup_append(new_byway.stack_id, pload)
def insert_elevations(db,clean):

   if (clean): 
      info('Truncating node_attribute table.')

   info('Loading byway nodes into memory.')

   # this query is slow (as it is actually 4 queries), 
   # but saves time in the end by retrieving only nodes
   # that need to be updated
   q = (
      FROM (
            beg_node_id AS node_id, 
            ST_AsText(StartPoint(geometry)) AS geometry
         FROM geofeature
         UNION (SELECT 
            end_node_id as node_id, 
            ST_AsText(EndPoint(geometry)) AS geometry
         FROM geofeature)
         ) AS nodes
         geometry IS NOT NULL 
         AND node_id NOT IN (SELECT node_id FROM node_attribute)
      GROUP BY node_id, geometry
   if (clean): 
      q = "TRUNCATE node_attribute; " + q
   rows = db.sql(q)

   pr = misc.Progress_Bar(len(rows))
   for row in rows: 
      node_id = row['node_id']
      loc = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(row['geometry'])
      #info('Inserting elevation for node (#%d).' % row['node_id'])
      if (loc is not None): 
         elevation.node_elevation_insert(db, node_id, loc)
         error('Could not parse point')
   def geocode_external(qb, results_latlon):

      g.assurt(False) # Not called.

      results_default = []

      for addr in results_latlon:
         rows = qb.db.sql(
               ST_AsText(geom.g) AS xy
                        'SRID=%(srid_latlon)d;POINT(%(x)f %(y)f)'),
                        %(srid_default)d)) AS g) AS geom
                  (SELECT coverage_area
                   FROM branch JOIN item_versioned USING (system_id)
                     branch.stack_id = %(branch_sid)d
                     AND item_versioned.valid_until_rid = %(rid_inf)d),

            """ % ({
               'x': addr.x,
               'y': addr.y,
               'srid_latlon': conf.srid_latlon,
               'srid_default': conf.default_srid,
               'branch_sid': qb.branch_hier[0][0],
               'rid_inf': conf.rid_inf,
               'buffer': conf.geocode_buffer}))
         if rows:
            wkt = rows[0]
            (x, y,) = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(wkt['xy'])
            addr.x = x
            addr.y = y
            addr.gc_fulfiller = 'This fcn not called'
         # else, the result from the geocode service is outside of our map, so
         #       we can safely ignore it (see Bug 1985)

      return results_default
   def store_result_item(self, db, item):

      # This fcn. is called on a new object only.
      g.assurt(not self.result_gfs)

      # This fcn. assumes the item is an exact match.
      self.gc_confidence = 100

      self.gc_fulfiller = 'ccp_gf';

      self.gf_name = item.name
      self.gf_type_id = item.item_type_id
      self.gf_stack_id = item.stack_id

      # MAGIC_NUMBER: See Full_Text_Query_Part.vect_stop_words.
      self.ts_include['name'] = True

      except AttributeError:
         pass # Not a byway.

      gf_res = Search_Result_Geofeature(self)
      gf_res.stack_id = item.stack_id

      # This is a little different than above.
      # MAYBE: Make a qb.filters to add the center SQL in the original item
      #        query.
      # BUG nnnn/LOW PRIORITY/MEH: Handle other item types, like ROUTE.
      if self.gf_type_id == Item_Type.BYWAY:
         # Wrong: gf_res.geometry = item.geometry
         gf_res.geometry = item.geometry_svg
         center_sql = byway.One.search_center_sql(geom=item.geometry)
      elif self.gf_type_id == Item_Type.REGION:
         # Wrong: gf_res.geometry = item.geometry
         gf_res.geometry = item.geometry_svg
         center_sql = region.One.search_center_sql(geom=item.geometry)
      elif self.gf_type_id == Item_Type.WAYPOINT:
         # Skipping: geometry; would be same as 'center', so leave None.
         center_sql = waypoint.One.search_center_sql(geom=item.geometry)
         # This happens if you, e.g., put a route stack ID in the search
         # box and search on that. We'll find the route item, but we're
         # currently not wired to return it.
         # BUG nnnn: Search by stack ID for any item type and open that
         #           item (load its panel, find it on the map, etc.).
         log.info('store_result_item: Unexpected obj. type: %s / %s'
                  % (self.gf_type_id, item,))
         # Wrong:
         #  raise GWIS_Error('Unexpected obj. type: %s.' % (self.gf_type_id,))
         center_sql = None

      if center_sql:

         center_sql = "SELECT %s AS center" % (center_sql,)
         rows = db.sql(center_sql)
         g.assurt(len(rows) == 1)
         gf_res.center = rows[0]['center']
         (gf_res.x, gf_res.y,) = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(gf_res.center)

         # We don't need width and height... it's never used. But set to -1
         # just to mess up any future code that tries to use it without coming
         # here and reading this comment and fixing this code.
         gf_res.width = -1
         gf_res.height = -1

   def store_result_raw(self, row, raw_queries, search_map_obj):

      # Only call this fcn. on a new object, i.e., one that's not a group yet.
      g.assurt(not self.result_gfs)

      # Rather than use the item's real name, use the one that might include
      # the name of the region in parantheses.
      # Instead of: self.gf_name = row['gf_name']
      self.gf_name = row['name_enclosed']

      # Since we searched using item_user_access, we had to do a little extra
      # magic to get the item_type_id of the result.
      self.gf_type_id = row['real_item_type_id']

      # Finally, a straight forward value to consume.
      self.gf_stack_id = row['stack_id']

      # Consume all the ts_in/ts_ex_* values into two lookups.
      for vect_name in search_full_text.Full_Text_Query_Part.ts_vects:
         if vect_name != 'all':
            self.ts_include[vect_name] = bool(int(row['ts_in_' + vect_name]))
            self.ts_exclude[vect_name] = bool(int(row['ts_ex_' + vect_name]))

      # Remember byway node IDs so we can assemble connected byways into a
      # single group of results.
      except AttributeError:
         pass # Not a byway.

      # Setup the first, and maybe only, result geometry object.
      gf_res = Search_Result_Geofeature(self)
      gf_res.stack_id = row['stack_id']
      if ((self.gf_type_id == Item_Type.BYWAY)
          or (self.gf_type_id == Item_Type.REGION)):
         gf_res.geometry = row['geometry_svg']
      elif self.gf_type_id == Item_Type.WAYPOINT:
         # Skipping: geometry; would be same as 'center', so just leave None.
         raise GWIS_Error('Unexpected object type: %s.' % (self.gf_type_id,))
      gf_res.center = row['center']
      (gf_res.x, gf_res.y,) = geometry.wkt_point_to_xy(gf_res.center)
      gf_res.width = row['width']
      gf_res.height = row['height']

      # 2014.06.20: [lb] retiring use of ts_rank and switching to Levenshtein.
      # What we're trying to do is to order matches better.
      # Consider searching 'dupont ave s': the 's' is a full text stop word,
      # so the results will include anything with 'dupont' and 'ave', e.g.,
      # 'dupont ave s' and 'dupont ave n'.
      # The problem with text search ranking -- or maybe it's how I've been
      # using it -- is that it doesn't really normalize well, i.e., two
      # separate comparisons on two different sets of equivalent terms
      # produces two different values.
      # E.g,  
      #        SELECT ts_rank_cd(to_tsvector('english', 'dupont|ave|s'),
      #                          to_tsquery('english', 'dupont|ave|s'));
      # returns 0.2, even though the search term and the target exactly match.
      # Basically, for every non-stop word that matches ('dupont' and 'ave'),
      # the ts_rank_cd function increases the return value by 0.1 (starting
      # from 0).
      # As another example, consider a four word term that's mostly stop words.
      #        SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'what&is&my&name');
      #        SELECT to_tsquery('english', 'what&is&my&name');
      #          both return
      #         'name':4
      #          i.e., the other words are stop words.
      # and so we can expect the rank to be 0.1:
      #        SELECT ts_rank_cd(to_tsvector('english', 'what&is&my&name'),
      #                          to_tsquery('english', 'what&is&my&name'));
      # What we want is a value from 0 to 1, where 1 means there's a strong
      # match between the strings, and 0 means no match. So I don't get why
      # ts_rank_cd basically just returns a count of words that match, but
      # it doesn't scale it according to the total number of terms (e.g., so
      # a one-word match for a one-word query returns a value of 1).
      # The ts_rank and ts_rank_cd functions accept a normalization parameter,
      # but it doesn't seem to help. They also accept a weights parameter, but
      # [lb] doesn't really want to bother trying to figure out how it works,
      # 'cause I'm not sure it would help.
      #  "The weight arrays specify how heavily to weigh each category of word,
      #   in the order:
      #     {D-weight, C-weight, B-weight, A-weight}
      #   If no weights are provided, then these defaults are used:
      #     {0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0}"
      # Anyway, one last comment about ts_rank and then back to Levenshtein.
      # The weights or word category might be how full text search judges
      # the strength of each term, e.g., the more unique and less-often used
      # a word is in English, the greater the value of the match for that term.
      # SELECT to_tsvector('english','name|building|wonderful|downhill|party');
      #     'build':2 'downhil':4 'name':1 'parti':5 'wonder':3
      # SELECT to_tsvector('english','name&building&wonderful&downhill&party');
      #     'build':2 'downhil':4 'name':1 'parti':5 'wonder':3
      # SELECT to_tsquery('english', 'name|building|wonderful|downhill|party');
      #     ( ( ( 'name' | 'build' ) | 'wonder' ) | 'downhil' ) | 'parti'
      # SELECT to_tsquery('english', 'name&building&wonderful&downhill&party');
      #     'name' & 'build' & 'wonder' & 'downhil' & 'parti'
      # And here's a cross-reference of all the ts_rank(_cd) values.
      # Note that the normalization integer is a bit flag from 0 to 32.
      # see: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/textsearch-controls.html
      # Query: a|b|c|d|e: 'name|building|wonderful|downhill|party'
      # Query: a&b&c&d&e: 'name&building&wonderful&downhill&party'
      #                   ts_rank    ts_rank_cd     ts_rank    ts_rank_cd
      # normalization    a|b|c|d|e    a|b|c|d|e    a&b&c&d&e    a&b&c&d&e   
      # ts_rank     0    0.0607927    0.5          0.644239     0.1
      # ts_rank     1    0.0235178    0.279055     0.249226     0.0558111
      # ts_rank     2    0.0121585    0.1          0.128848     0.02
      # ts_rank     4    0.0607927    0.4          0.644239     0.1
      # ts_rank     8    0.0121585    0.1          0.128848     0.02
      # ts_rank    16    0.0235178    0.193426     0.249226     0.0386853
      # ts_rank    32    0.0573088    0.333333     0.391816     0.0909091
      # Although, one problem with Levenshtein is that it compares edit
      # distance, and it doesn't consider words. Consider:
      #  >>> Levenshtein.ratio('drinking gateway', 'drinking gateway')
      #  1.0
      #  >>> Levenshtein.ratio('gateway fountain', 'fountain gateway')
      #  0.5
      # compared to:
      #        SELECT ts_rank(to_tsvector('english', 'gateway|fountain'),
      #                       to_tsquery('english', 'gateway|fountain'));
      #        SELECT ts_rank(to_tsvector('english', 'gateway|fountain'),
      #                       to_tsquery('english', 'fountain|gateway'));
      # which both return
      #     ts_rank  
      #   -----------
      #    0.0607927
      # and
      #        SELECT ts_rank(to_tsvector('english', 'gateway|fountain'),
      #                       to_tsquery('english', 'gateway&fountain'));
      #        SELECT ts_rank(to_tsvector('english', 'gateway|fountain'),
      #                       to_tsquery('english', 'fountain&gateway'));
      # which both return
      #     ts_rank  
      #   -----------
      #    0.0991032
      # where
      #        SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'gateway|fountain');
      #                    to_tsvector        
      #             --------------------------
      #              'fountain':2 'gateway':1
      # so maybe Levenshtein is still better. But it also feels like I'm
      # missing something about ts_rank... like how to take advantage of
      # the word weights better?....
      # Interesting:
      # >>> Levenshtein.ratio('999999 dupont ave s, mpls, mn', 'dupont ave s')
      # 0.5853658536585366
      # >>> Levenshtein.ratio('999999 dupont ave s, mpls, mn', 'dupont ave n')
      # 0.5853658536585366
      # >>> Levenshtein.ratio('dupont ave s mpls mn', 'dupont ave s')
      # 0.75
      # >>> Levenshtein.ratio('dupont ave s mpls mn', 'dupont ave n')
      # 0.75
      # >>> Levenshtein.ratio('dupont ave s', 'dupont ave s')
      # 1.0
      # >>> Levenshtein.ratio('dupont ave s', 'dupont ave n')
      # 0.9166666666666666

      # The raw_queries list is: [clean_query, full_street, full_street2,],
      #  so rank a clean_query match higher.
      # Also, self.gf_name is row['name_enclosed'], which might include
      # a region name in parantheses, so here we use row['gf_name'] (which
      # then means that we don't rank points-in-region higher artifically,
      # e.g., searching for "Minneapolis" finds all points in Minneapolis...
      # I think...
      #  TESTME: Search neighborhood name: Do you get all points within?
         gf_basename = row['name'].lower()
         gf_name_len = len(row['name'].split())
      except Exception, e:
         # Unnamed.
         gf_basename = ''
         gf_name_len = 0