class LoginPO(SeleniumWebDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logLevel=logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver #Locator values _usernametxtbx = "username" _pwdtxtbx = "//input[@placeholder='Password']" _keepmeloggedin = "keepLoggedInCheckBoxContainer" _loginbtn = "//div[contains(text(),'Login')]" def sendusername(self, username): self.sendData(username, self._usernametxtbx, locator="id") def sendpwd(self, pwd): self.sendData(pwd, self._pwdtxtbx, locator="xpath") def clickkeepmeloggedin(self):, locator="id") def loginbtn(self):, locator="xpath") def login(self, username, pwd): self.sendusername(username) self.sendpwd(pwd) self.clickkeepmeloggedin() self.loginbtn() def errormsgvalidation(self): return self.getText(self._errorms_txt, "xpath")
class Util(object): log = cl.customLogger(logging.INFO) def sleep(self, sec, info=""): """ Put the program to wait for the specified amount of time """ if info is not None:"Wait :: '" + str(sec) + "' seconds for " + info) try: time.sleep(sec) except InterruptedError: traceback.print_stack() def getAlphaNumeric(self, length, type='letters'): """ Get random string of characters Parameters: length: Length of string, number of characters string should have type: Type of characters string should have. Default is letters Provide lower/upper/digits for different types """ alpha_num = '' if type == 'lower': case = string.ascii_lowercase elif type == 'upper': case = string.ascii_uppercase
class CreateuserPO(SeleniumWebDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logLevel=logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver #locators values _firstnametxtbx_id = "createUserPanel_firstNameField" _middlenametxtbx_id = "createUserPanel_middleNameField" _lastnametxtbx_id = "createUserPanel_lastNameField" _emailtxtbx_id = "createUserPanel_emailField" _usernametxtbx_id = "createUserPanel_usernameField" _password_id = "createUserPanel_passwordField" _retypepwd_id = "createUserPanel_passwordCopyField" _departmentdrpdwn_xpath = "//div[contains(text(),'-- department not assigned --')]" _select_hrandfinances_xpath1 = "//div[contains(text(),'-- new department --')]/following-sibling::div[contains(text()," _select_hrandfinances_xpath2 = ")]" _clickoncreate_xpath = "//div[contains(text(),'Create User')]" def createnewuser(self, firstname, middlename, lastname, emailid, username, pwd, retypepwd, dept): self.webdriverwait_elementclickable(self._firstnametxtbx_id, 20, 2, "id") self.sendData(firstname, self._firstnametxtbx_id, "id") self.sendData(middlename, self._middlenametxtbx_id, "id") self.sendData(lastname, self._lastnametxtbx_id, "id") self.sendData(emailid, self._emailtxtbx_id, "id") self.sendData(username, self._usernametxtbx_id, "id") self.sendData(pwd, self._password_id, "id") self.clear(self._retypepwd_id, "id") self.sendData(retypepwd, self._retypepwd_id, "id"), "xpath") print(self._select_hrandfinances_xpath1 + "'" + dept + "'" + self._select_hrandfinances_xpath2) self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, self._select_hrandfinances_xpath1 + "'" + dept + "'" + self._select_hrandfinances_xpath2).click(), "xpath") self.clear(self._retypepwd_id, "id") self.sendData(retypepwd, self._retypepwd_id, "id"), "xpath")
class TestStatus(SeleniumDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): super(TestStatus, self).__init__(driver) self.resultList = [] def setResult(self, result, resultMessage): try: if result is not None: if result: self.resultList.append("PASS")"### VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL :: + " + resultMessage) else: self.resultList.append("FAIL") self.log.error("### VERIFICATION FAILED :: + " + resultMessage) self.screenShot(resultMessage) else: self.resultList.append("FAIL") self.log.error("### VERIFICATION FAILED :: + " + resultMessage) self.screenShot(resultMessage) except: self.resultList.append("FAIL") self.log.error("### EXCEPTION FAIL ") def mark(self, result, resultMessage): self.setResult(result, resultMessage) def markFinal(self, testName, result, resultMessage): self.setResult(result, resultMessage) if "FAIL" in self.resultList: self.log.error(testName + " ### TEST FAILED") self.resultList.clear() assert True == False else: + " ### TEST SUCCESSFUL") self.resultList.clear() assert True == True
class HomePO(SeleniumWebDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logLevel=logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver # Locator values _logoutlink = "logoutLink" _usertab = "//div[text()='USERS']" _newuserbtn_xpath = "//div[contains(text(),'New User')]" def clicklogoutlnk(self): self.webdriverwait_elementclickable(self._logoutlink, 40, 2, "id"), "id") def clickusertab(self):, "xpath") def clicknewuserbtn(self):, "xpath")
class Util(object): log = cl.customLogger(logging.INFO) def sleep(self, sec, info=""): if info is not None:"Wait :: '" + str(sec) + "' seconds for " + info) try: time.sleep(sec) except InterruptedError: traceback.print_stack() # def getAlphaNumeric(self, length, type='letters'): def verifyTextContains(self, actualText, expectedText):"Actual text : " + actualText)"Expected text : " + expectedText) if expectedText.lower() in actualText.lower():"### VERIFICATION CORRECT") return True else:"### VERIFICATION INCORRECT") return False
class SeleniumDriver(): log = cl.customLogger(logLevel=logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver def screenShot(self, resultMessage): fileName = resultMessage + "." + str(round( time.time() * 1000)) + ".png" screenshotDirectory = "../screenshots/" relativeFileName = screenshotDirectory + fileName currentDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) destinationFileName = os.path.join(currentDirectory, relativeFileName) destinationDirectory = os.path.join(currentDirectory, screenshotDirectory) try: if not os.path.exists(destinationDirectory): os.makedirs(destinationDirectory) self.driver.save_screenshot(destinationFileName)"Screenshot saved at: ", destinationFileName) except: self.log.error("### Exception Ocurred") print_stack() def getTitle(self): return self.driver.title def getByType(self, locatorType): locatorType = locatorType.lower() if locatorType == "id": return By.ID elif locatorType == "xpath": return By.XPATH elif locatorType == "css": return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locatorType == "class": return By.CLASS_NAME elif locatorType == "link": return By.LINK_TEXT elif locatorType == "name": return By.NAME else:"Locator type is not supported") return False def getElement(self, locator, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) element = self.driver.find_element(byType, locator)"Element found with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element not found with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return element def getElementList(self, locator, locatorType="id"): elements = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) elements = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator)"Elements found with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Elements not found with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return elements def elementClick(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): try: if locator: # Esto verifica si el locator no esta vacio element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType)"Element has been clicked with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot click the element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def sendElementKeys(self, locator, data, locatorType="id"): try: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.send_keys(data)"Keys has been send with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot send keys with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def getText(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None, info=""): try: if locator: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) text = element.text if len(text) == 0: text = element.get_attribute("innerText") if len(text) != 0: text = text.strip()"Text has been retrieved") except: self.log.error("Failed to get text on element") print_stack() text = None return text def isElementPresent(self, locator, locatorType="id"): try: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None:"Element found with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return True else: return False except:"Element not found with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return False def ElementsPresent(self, locator, byType): try: elements = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator) if len(elements) > 0:"Element found") return True else: return False except:"Element not found") return False def waitForElement(self, locator, locatorType="id", timeout=10, pollFrequency=0.5): element = None try: byType = self.hw.getByType(locatorType)"Esperando a :: " + str(timeout) + " :: segundos para que aparezca el elemento") wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[ NoSuchElementException, ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException ]) element = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((byType, locator)))"Element appeared with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element didn't appear with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() return element def isElementDisplayed(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): isDisplayed = False try: if locator: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None: isDisplayed = element.is_displayed()"Element is displayed with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) else:"Element is not displayed with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return isDisplayed except:"No aparecio el elemento") return False def scrollBroswer(self, direction="up"): if direction == "up": self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0,-1000);") if direction == "down": self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0,1000);") #Switch To Iframe Method def switchToFrame(self, locatorIndex=0): try: self.driver.switch_to.frame(locatorIndex)"Frame has been switched") except:"Cannot switch frame") print_stack() def switchToDefault(self): try: self.driver.switch_to.default_content()"Switched to default") except:"Cannot revert to default") print_stack()
class SeleniumDriver(): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): #super().__init__(browser) self.driver = driver # def screenShot(self, resultMessage): # # fileName = resultMessage + "." + str(round(time.time() * 1000)) + ".png" # screenshotDirectory = "...../screenshots/" # relativeFileName = screenshotDirectory + fileName # currentDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) # destinationFile = os.path.join(currentDirectory, relativeFileName) # destinationDirectory = os.path.join(currentDirectory, screenshotDirectory) # # try: # if not os.path.exists(destinationDirectory): # os.makedirs(destinationDirectory) # self.driver.save_screenshot(destinationFile) #"Screenshot save to directory: " + destinationFile) # except: # self.log.error("### Exception Occurred when taking screenshot") # print_stack() def getTitle(self): return self.driver.title def getByType(self, locatorType): locatorType = locatorType.lower() if locatorType == "id": return By.ID elif locatorType == "name": return By.NAME elif locatorType == "xpath": return By.XPATH elif locatorType == "css": return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locatorType == "class": return By.CLASS_NAME elif locatorType == "link": return By.LINK_TEXT else:"Locator type " + locatorType + " not correct/supported") return False def getElement(self, locator, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) element = self.driver.find_element(byType, locator)"Element found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element not found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return element def getElementList(self, locator, locatorType="id"): """ Get list of elements """ locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) elements = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator) if len(elements) > 0:"Element list FOUND with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) else:"Element list NOT FOUND with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return elements def elementClick(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ Click on an element -> MODIFIED Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType)"Clicked on element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot click on the element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def sendKeys(self, data, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ Send keys to an element -> MODIFIED Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.send_keys(data)"Sent data on element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot send data on the element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def clearField(self, locator="", locatorType="id"): """ Clear an element field """ element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.clear()"Clear field with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) def getText(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None, info=""): """ NEW METHOD Get 'Text' on an element Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ global text try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) text = element.text if len(text) == 0: text = element.get_attribute("innerText") if len(text) != 0:"Getting text on element :: " + info)"The text is :: '" + text + "'") text = text.strip() except: self.log.error("Failed to get text on element " + info) print_stack() text = None return text def isElementPresent(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ Check if element is present -> MODIFIED Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None:"Element present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return True else:"Element not present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return False except: print("Element not found") return False def isElementDisplayed(self, locator="", locatorType="id", element=None): """ NEW METHOD Check if element is displayed Either provide element or a combination of locator and locatorType """ isDisplayed = False try: if locator: # This means if locator is not empty element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None: isDisplayed = element.is_displayed()"Element is displayed") else:"Element not displayed") return isDisplayed except: print("Element not found") return False def elementPresenceCheck(self, locator, byType): try: elementList = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator) if len(elementList) > 0:"Element Found") return True else:"Element not found") return False except:"Element not found") return False def waitForElement(self, locator, locatorType="id", timeout=10, pollFrequency=0.5): element = None try: byType = self.getByType(locatorType)"Waiting for maximum :: " + str(timeout) + " :: seconds for element to be clickable") wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[NoSuchElementException, ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException]) element = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((byType, "stopFilter_stops-0")))"Element appeared on the web page") except:"Element not appeared on the web page") print_stack() return element def webScroll(self, direction="up"): """ NEW METHOD """ if direction == "up": # Scroll Up self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, -1500);") if direction == "down": # Scroll Down self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, 1300);") def switchToFrame(self, id="", name="", index=None): """ Switch to iframe using element locator inside iframe Parameters: 1. Required: None 2. Optional: 1. id - id of the iframe 2. name - name of the iframe 3. index - index of the iframe Returns: None Exception: None :param index: :param name: :param id: """ if id: self.driver.switch_to.frame(id) elif name: self.driver.switch_to.frame(name) else: self.driver.switch_to.frame(index) def switchToDefaultContent(self): """ Switch to default content Parameters: None Returns: None Exception: None """ self.driver.switch_to.default_content() def getElementAttributeValue(self, attribute, element=None, locator="", locatorType="id"): """ Get value of the attribute of element Parameters: 1. Required: 1. attribute - attribute whose value to find 2. Optional: 1. element - Element whose attribute need to find 2. locator - Locator of the element 3. locatorType - Locator Type to find the element Returns: Value of the attribute Exception: None """ if locator: element = self.getElement(locator=locator, locatorType=locatorType) value = element.get_attribute(attribute) return value def isEnabled(self, locator, locatorType="id", info=""): """ Check if element is enabled Parameters: 1. Required: 1. locator - Locator of the element to check 2. Optional: 1. locatorType - Type of the locator(id(default), xpath, css, className, linkText) 2. info - Information about the element, label/name of the element Returns: boolean Exception: None """ element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType=locatorType) enabled = False try: attributeValue = self.getElementAttributeValue(element=element, attribute="disabled") if attributeValue is not None: enabled = element.is_enabled() else: value = self.getElementAttributeValue(element=element, attribute="class")"Attribute value From Application Web UI --> :: " + value) enabled = not ("disabled" in value) if enabled:"Element :: '" + info + "' is enabled") else:"Element :: '" + info + "' is not enabled") except: self.log.error("Element :: '" + info + "' state could not be found") return enabled
class SeleniumWebDriver: log = cl.customLogger(logLevel=logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver #Returns by type def getByType(self, locator): if locator == "name": return By.NAME elif locator == "id": return By.ID elif locator == "class": return By.CLASS_NAME elif locator == "linktext": return By.LINK_TEXT elif locator == "partiallinktext": return By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT elif locator == "css": return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locator == "xpath": return By.XPATH else: self.log.error("Provided locator is wrong " + locator + " Please provide valid one") return False def getWebelement(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = None try: bytype = self.getByType(locator) element = self.driver.find_element(bytype, locatorvalue)"Identified webelement with locator " + locator + "and locator value " + locatorvalue) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to identify the webelement with locator " "" + locator + "and locator value " + locatorvalue + e) return element def getWebelements(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): listelement = None try: bytype = self.getByType(locator) listelement = self.driver.find_elements(bytype, locatorvalue)"Identified webelements with locator " + locator + "and locator value " + locatorvalue) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to identify the webelements with locator " "" + locator + "and locator value " + locatorvalue + e) return listelement def isElementPresent(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) if element is not None:"Element found") return True else: self.log.error("Element is not present") return False def enterUrl(self, url): self.driver.get(url) def browserNavigations(self, action="back"): if action == "back":"Clicked on back button") self.driver.back() elif action == "forward":"Clicked on forward button") self.driver.forward() elif action == "refresh":"Refreshed the page") self.driver.refresh() else: self.log.error("Please provide the valid browser action") return False def setBrowserSize(self, width=500, height=500): self.driver.set_window_size(width, height) def setBrowserPosition(self, width=500, height=500): self.driver.set_window_position(width, height) def setBrowserMaxOrMin(self, action="max"): if action == "max":"Maximized the window") self.driver.maximize_window() elif action == "min":"Minimized the window") self.driver.minimize_window() else: self.log.error("Please provide the valid action") return False # Current title of the page def getTitle(self): title = self.driver.title return title # Current url of the page def getURL(self): url = self.driver.current_url return url def sendData(self, data, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) if element is not None: element.send_keys(data)"Entered text or data " + data + " into element " + locatorvalue) else: self.log.error("Unable to send the data") return False def click(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) if element is not None:"Clicked on web element " + locatorvalue) else: self.log.error("Unable to click on web element " + locatorvalue) return False def clear(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) if element is not None: element.clear()"Cleared the text from web element " + locatorvalue) else: self.log.error("Unable to clear the text from web element " + locatorvalue) return False def getText(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) text = None if element is not None: text = element.text"Got text " + text + " from web element " + locatorvalue) else: self.log.error("Unable to get the text from web element " + locatorvalue) return text def selectOptionFromDrpDwn(self, option, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) if element is not None: s1 = Select(element) s1.select_by_visible_text(option) s1.select_by_value() s1.select_by_index(0)"Selected " + option + " from drp dwn " + locatorvalue) else: self.log.error("Unable to select option from web element " + locatorvalue) def deselectalloptions(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) if element is not None: s1 = Select(element) s1.deselect_all()"De Selected all options from drp dwn " + locatorvalue) else: self.log.error("Unable to de select option from web element " + locatorvalue) def handleframe(self, id=""): try: self.driver.switch_to.frame(id)"Swithched to frame " + id) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Error in handling frame " + e) def switchparentframe(self): self.driver.switch_to.parent_frame() def handlejspopup(self, action="accept"): if action == "accept": self.driver.switch_to.alert.accept()"Clicked on OK button in JS popup") elif action == "dismiss": self.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss()"Clicked on CANCEL button in JS popup") else: self.log.error("Please provide valid action") return False def getcurrentwindowid(self): currentwindow = self.driver.current_window_handle return currentwindow self.driver.window_handles def getwindowhandles(self): windowhandles = self.driver.window_handles return windowhandles def switchtowindow(self, windowid): self.driver.switch_to.window(windowid) def webdriverwait_elementclickable(self, locatorvalue, waittime=20, poll_freq=2, locator="id"): try: wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, waittime, poll_freq, ignored_exceptions=[ NoSuchElementException, ElementNotInteractableException, ElementNotVisibleException ]) bytype = self.getByType(locator) wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((bytype, locatorvalue)))"Waited for element " + str(waittime)) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to wait for element " + str(e)) def webdriverwait_titlecontains(self, title, waittime=20, poll_freq=2): try: wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, waittime, poll_freq, ignored_exceptions=[ NoSuchElementException, ElementNotInteractableException, ElementNotVisibleException ]) wait.until(EC.title_contains(title))"Waited for title " + str(waittime)) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to wait for title " + str(e)) def webdriverwait_urlcontains(self, url, waittime=20, poll_freq=2): try: wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, waittime, poll_freq, ignored_exceptions=[ NoSuchElementException, ElementNotInteractableException, ElementNotVisibleException ]) wait.until(EC.title_contains(url))"Waited for url " + str(waittime)) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to wait for url " + str(e)) def mouseover(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): try: element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) action = ActionChains(self.driver) action.move_to_element(element).perform() except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to mouse over on element " + locatorvalue) def mouseover_click(self, locatorvalue, locator="id"): try: element = self.getWebelement(locatorvalue, locator) action = ActionChains(self.driver) action.move_to_element(element).click().perform()"Mouse over on element " + locatorvalue) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Unable to mouse over on element " + locatorvalue) def scrollpage(self, x="0", y="500"): self.driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(" + x + "," + y + ");")
class LoginPage(SeleniumDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG) def__init__() self.driver = driver def getTitle(self): return self.driver.title # Locators _amazon = 'a-section a-spacing-medium a-text-center' #class 'a-icon a-icon-logo' _login_link = 'nav-link-accountList' # id #class nav-line-1 nav-action-inner _mail_id = 'ap_email' _continue = 'continue' _password = '******' _submit = 'signInSubmit' _cart = 'nav-cart' _buy = 'sc-buy-box-ptc-button' # name 'proceedToRetailCheckout' #class 'a-button-input' #id 'sc-buy-box-ptc-button' def clickAmazon(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._amazon) def clickLoginLink(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._login_link) def enterMailId(self, mail): self.sendKeys(mail, locator=self._mail_id) def clickContinue(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._continue) def enterPassword(self, password): self.sendKeys(password, locator=self._password) def clickSubmit(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._submit) def clickCart(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._cart) def clickBuy(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._buy) def login(self, mail="", password=""): self.elementClick() self.enterMailId(mail) self.clickContinue() self.enterPassword(password) self.clickSubmit() time.sleep(2) self.clickCart() self.clickBuy() def VerifyTitle(self): return self.VerifyPageTitle("Google") # auth-error-message-box def verifyLoginFailed(self): result = self.isElementPresent("auth-error-message-box", locatorType="id") return result def VerifyPageTitle(self, param): pass
class PaymentPage(SeleniumDriver): log = cl.customLogger(logging.DEBUG) def__init__() self.driver = driver def getTitle(self): return self.driver.title # LOCATORS _login_link = 'nav-link-accountList' # id #class nav-line-1 nav-action-inner _mail_id = 'ap_email' _continue = 'continue' _password = '******' _submit = 'signInSubmit' _search = 'twotabsearchtextbox' #"//input[@id='twotabsearchtextbox']" #'twotabsearchtextbox' id _search_icon = 'nav-search-submit-text' #id #'nav-input' # class _atta = 's-image' # class _add_to_cart = 'add-to-cart-button' # id _proceed_to_buy = 'hlb-ptc-btn-native' # id _buy = 'sc-buy-box-ptc-button' # class _delivery = 'a-declarative a-button-text' # class _continue_payment = 'a-button-text' # class _radio_check = 'pp-HiR0bm-91' # id _cvv = 'pp-HiR0bm-98' # id _final_continue = 'pp-HiR0bm-172-announce' # id _place_order = 'placeYourOrder' # id def clickLoginLink(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._login_link) def enterMailId(self, mail): self.sendKeys(mail, locator=self._mail_id) def clickContinue(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._continue) def enterPassword(self, password): self.sendKeys(password, locator=self._password) def clickSubmit(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._submit) def enterKeyword(self, grocery): self.sendKeys(grocery, locatorType=self._search) self.elementClick(locatorType=self._search_icon) def clickItem(self): self.elementClick(locatorType=self._atta) #.format("") def clickAddToCart(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._add_to_cart) def clickProceedToBuy(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._proceed_to_buy) def clickBuy(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._buy) def clickDelivery(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._delivery) def clickContinuePayment(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._continue_payment) def clickRadioButton(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._radio_check) def enterCVV(self, cvv): self.sendKeys(cvv, locator=self._cvv) def clickFinalContinue(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._final_continue) def clickPlaceOrder(self): self.elementClick(locator=self._place_order) def login(self, mail="", password="", grocery="", cvv=""): self.elementClick() self.enterMailId(mail) self.clickContinue() self.enterPassword(password) self.clickSubmit() time.sleep(2) self.enterKeyword(grocery) self.enterCVV(cvv)