def wavefront(rays, Nx, Ny, method='cubic', polar=False):
    Interpolate the beam slopes and then integrate the wavefront.
    Rays assumed to be in the XY plane.
    #Interpolate slopes to regular grid
    y, dx, dy = interpolateVec(rays, 5, Nx, Ny, method=method, polar=polar)
    x, dx, dy = interpolateVec(rays, 4, Nx, Ny, method=method, polar=polar)

    #Prepare arrays for integration
    #Reconstruct requires nans be replaced by 100
    #Fortran functions require arrays to be packed in
    #fortran contiguous mode
    x = man.padRect(x)
    y = man.padRect(y)
    phase = np.zeros(np.shape(x), order='F')
    phase[np.isnan(x)] = 100.
    x[np.isnan(x)] = 100.
    y[np.isnan(y)] = 100.
    y = np.array(y, order='F')
    x = np.array(x, order='F')

    #Reconstruct and remove border
    phase = reconstruct.reconstruct(y, x, 1e-12, dx, phase)
    phase[phase == 100] = np.nan
    x[x == 100] = np.nan
    y[y == 100] = np.nan

    return phase[1:-1, 1:-1], x[1:-1, 1:-1], y[1:-1, 1:-1]
def shift_image(img, xshift, yshift):
    ysize, xsize = shape(img)
    buffer_ind = max([xshift, yshift])
    expand_img = man.padRect(img, buffer_ind)
    shift_img = expand_img[buffer_ind - yshift:buffer_ind + ysize - yshift,
                           buffer_ind - xshift:buffer_ind + xsize - xshift]
    shift_img[isnan(shift_img)] = 0.0
    return shift_img
def littrow():
    Trace rectangular beam into OPG in Littrow.
    400 nm groove period
    8.4 m groove convergence
    #Set up beam
    rays = sources.rectArray(50., 50., 1e2)

    #Trace to Littrow and diffract
    tran.transform(rays, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52.28 * np.pi / 180, 0)
    tran.transform(rays, 0, 8400., 0, 0, 0, 0)
    tran.radgrat(rays, 400. / 8400., 1, 632.8)

    #Steer out beam tilt

    #Bring rays to common plane

    #Interpolate slopes to regular grid
    y, dx, dy = anal.interpolateVec(rays, 5, 200, 200)
    x, dx, dy = anal.interpolateVec(rays, 4, 200, 200)

    #Prepare arrays for integration
    #Reconstruct requires nans be replaced by 100
    #Fortran functions require arrays to be packed in
    #fortran contiguous mode
    x = man.padRect(x)
    y = man.padRect(y)
    phase = np.zeros(np.shape(x), order='F')
    phase[np.isnan(x)] = 100.
    x[np.isnan(x)] = 100.
    y[np.isnan(y)] = 100.
    y = np.array(y, order='F')
    x = np.array(x, order='F')

    #Reconstruct and remove border
    phase = reconstruct.reconstruct(x, y, 1e-12, dx, phase)
    phase[phase == 100] = np.nan
    x[x == 100] = np.nan
    y[y == 100] = np.nan

    return man.stripnans(phase), man.stripnans(x), man.stripnans(y)
def make_aligned_images(measimg,
                        final_size=[400, 200, 200, 200],
    simimg = flipud(simimg)
    simimg_padded = man.padRect(simimg, 1300)
    simimg_padded[isnan(simimg_padded)] = 0.0

    meas_profile_x, meas_profile_y = sum(measimg, axis=0), sum(measimg, axis=1)
    meas_xCoM, meas_yCoM = get_CoM_img(measimg)
    sim_xCoM, sim_yCoM = get_CoM_img(simimg_padded)

    meas_xCoM, meas_yCoM, sim_xCoM, sim_yCoM = int(meas_xCoM), int(
        meas_yCoM), int(sim_xCoM), int(sim_yCoM) - offset

    cut_meas_img = measimg[meas_yCoM - final_size[0]:meas_yCoM + final_size[1],
                           meas_xCoM - final_size[2]:meas_xCoM + final_size[3]]
    cut_sim_img = simimg_padded[sim_yCoM - final_size[0]:sim_yCoM +
                                final_size[1], sim_xCoM -
                                final_size[2]:sim_xCoM + final_size[3]]

    return rot90(cut_meas_img), rot90(cut_sim_img)