def get_least_polynomial_coefficients( v, num_dims, num_pts, k, basis_indices = None ): if basis_indices is None: H = numpy.zeros( (num_pts, polynomial_space_dimension(num_dims, k[num_pts-1,0] ) ), numpy.double ); #print k v_counter = 0; for q in range( num_pts ): current_size = polynomial_subspace_dimension( num_dims, k[q,0] ); v_inds = range( v_counter, v_counter + current_size ); previous_dimension = polynomial_space_dimension(num_dims, k[q,0]-1 ); H_cols = range(previous_dimension,previous_dimension+current_size); #print H_cols, v_inds H[q,H_cols] = v[v_inds]; v_counter += current_size; else: num_basis_indices = len( basis_indices ) H = numpy.zeros( ( num_pts, num_basis_indices ), numpy.double ); v_counter = 0; previous_dimension = 0 degree = k[0,0] #print k, basis_indices for q in range( num_pts ): """ if ( k[q] != degree or v_counter == 0 ): degree = k[q,0] current_size = 0 while ( q+current_size < num_pts and k[q+current_size]==degree ): current_size += 1 if ( q +current_size == num_pts and k[q] != k[q-1]): current_size = num_basis_indices - q """ if ( k[q] != k[q-1] or q == 0): current_size = 0 for index in basis_indices: if ( index.level_sum() == k[q] ): current_size += 1 v_inds = range( v_counter, v_counter + current_size ); H_cols = range(previous_dimension,previous_dimension+current_size); #print H_cols, v_inds H[q,H_cols] = v[v_inds]; v_counter += current_size; if ( q+1 < num_pts and k[q] != k[q+1]): previous_dimension += current_size return H
def cv_vs_error_study( build_pts, build_vals, domain, test_pts, test_vals, results_file = None, cv_file = None, solver_type = 2 ): num_dims = build_pts.shape[0] if ( num_dims == 10 ): max_order = 5 elif ( num_dims == 15 ): max_order = 4 else: max_order = 3 poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ] basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d ) pce = PCE( num_dims, order = 0, basis = basis, func_domain = domain ) orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order + 1 ) solvers = numpy.array( [solver_type], numpy.int32 ) cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [solvers,orders] ) cv_params_grid = [] for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ): cv_params = {} cv_params['solver'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,0] ) cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] ) num_pce_terms = polynomial_space_dimension( num_dims, cv_params['order'] ) if ( cv_params['solver'] <= 1 and num_pce_terms >= build_pts.shape[1] ): cv_params['lambda'] = 1.e-12 cv_params_grid.append( cv_params ) # print cv_params_grid # cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator() cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( num_folds = 20 ) CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( cv_iterator, pce, use_predictor_cross_validation = True, use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = True ) t0 = time.time() build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid ) time_taken = time.time() - t0 print 'cross validation took ', time_taken, ' seconds' print "################" print "Best cv params: ", CV.best_cv_params print "Best cv score: ", CV.best_score print "################" for order in orders: residual_norms = numpy.empty( len( CV.cv_params_set ), numpy.double ) scores = numpy.empty( len( CV.cv_params_set ), numpy.double ) k = 0 for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ): if ( CV.cv_params_set[i]['order'] == order ): residual_norms[k] = CV.cv_params_set[i]['norm_residual'] scores[k] = CV.scores[i] k += 1 residual_norms.resize( k ) scores.resize( k ) pce = PCE( num_dims, order = order, basis = basis, func_domain = domain ) V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T pce.set_solver( CV.best_cv_params['solver'] ) # pce.linear_solver.max_iterations = 3 sols, sol_metrics = pce.linear_solver.solve( V, build_vals ) from sklearn.linear_model import orthogonal_mp l2_error = numpy.empty( ( sols.shape[1] ), numpy.double ) residuals = numpy.empty( ( sols.shape[1] ), numpy.double ) test_pts = numpy.random.uniform( 0., 1., ( num_dims, 1000 ) ) f = GenzModel( domain, 'oscillatory' ) # f.set_coefficients( 4.5, 'no-decay' ) f.set_coefficients( 4.5, 'quadratic-decay' ) test_vals = f( test_pts ).reshape( ( test_pts.shape[1], 1 ) ) for i in xrange( sols.shape[1] ): coeff = sols[:,i] pce.set_coefficients( coeff ) residuals[i] = numpy.linalg.norm( build_vals - pce.evaluate_set( build_pts ) ) num_test_pts = test_pts.shape[1] pce_vals_pred = pce.evaluate_set( test_pts ).T error = test_vals.squeeze() - pce_vals_pred l2_error[i] = numpy.linalg.norm( error ) / numpy.sqrt( num_test_pts ) import pylab print residuals, l2_error print residual_norms, scores pylab.loglog( residuals, l2_error, label = str( order ) + 'true' ) pylab.loglog( residual_norms, scores, label = str( order )+'-cv' ) pylab.xlim([1e-3,10]) pylab.legend()