def test1():
    tel = Telescope()
    tel.add_uniform_core(200, 1000)
    fig = tel.plot_layout()
    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((0, 0), radius=1000, fill=False, color='r'))
def main():
    # -------------- Options
    out_dir = 'results_01'
    # --------------

    if not isdir(out_dir):

    # Current SKA1 V5 design.
    tel = SKA1_low_analysis()
    tel.add_ska1_v5(None, 6400)
    tel.plot_layout(plot_radii=[500, 6400], color='k',
                    filename=join(out_dir, 'layout_v5.png'))

    # Generate new telescopes by expanding each station cluster.
    b = 0.515
    theta0_deg = -48
    start_inner = 417.82
    num_arms = 3
    d_theta = 360 / num_arms

    # Get cluster radii.
    cluster_x, cluster_y, arm_index = Telescope.cluster_centres_ska_v5(0, 6400)
    cluster_r = (cluster_x**2 + cluster_y**2)**0.5
    cluster_r = cluster_r[::3]  # Get every 3rd radius.
    delta_theta_deg = Telescope.delta_theta(
        cluster_x[0], cluster_y[0], cluster_x[3], cluster_y[3], start_inner, b)

    # Loop over cluster radii.
    for i in range(len(cluster_r)):
        if i != 3:
        print('-' * 80)
        # Create the telescope and add the core.
        tel1 = SKA1_low_analysis()
        tel1.add_ska1_v5(None, 500)

        # Add SKA1 V5 clusters from this radius outwards.
        if i < len(cluster_r) - 1:
            r = cluster_r[i + 1]
            tel1.add_ska1_v5(r - 90, 6400)

        # Add spiral sections up to this radius.
        for j in range(i + 1):
            for k in range(num_arms):
                idx = num_arms * j + k
                    6, start_inner,
                    cluster_x[idx], cluster_y[idx],
                    b, delta_theta_deg / 2.0,
                    theta0_deg + arm_index[idx] * d_theta)
        # tel1.plot_layout(plot_radii=[500, 6400], color='k',
        #                  show_decorations=True,
        #                  filename=join(out_dir, 'layout_%02i.png' % i))
        # tel1.plot_grid(filename=join(out_dir, 'uv_grid_%02i.png' % i))
        # tel1.plot_network()
    def __init__(self,
        self.out_dir = out_dir

        if remove_existing_results and os.path.isdir(out_dir):

        self.obs_length_h = obs_length_h
        self.num_times = num_times
        self.eval_metrics = eval_metrics

        # Generate new telescopes based on v5 by expanding each station cluster
        self.core_radius = 500
        self.cluster_radius = 90
        self.outer_radius = 6400
        self.stations_per_cluster = 6

        # Parameters for the log spiral cluster replacement.
        self.b = 0.515
        self.theta0_deg = -48
        self.start_inner = 417.8
        self.num_arms = 3
        self.d_theta = 360 / self.num_arms

        # Get v5 cluster positions
        self.cluster_x, self.cluster_y, self.arm_index = \
            Telescope.cluster_centres_ska_v5(0, self.outer_radius)

        # Get cluster radii (every 3rd index as 3 arms have common radii)
        self.cluster_r = (self.cluster_x[::3]**2 + self.cluster_y[::3]**2)**0.5

        # Get theta separation between cluster rings for the inner and outer
        # log spirals of ska v5 (clusters 0 to 1 and 4 to 5 along the first arm)
        self.delta_theta_deg_inner = Telescope.delta_theta(
            self.cluster_x[0], self.cluster_y[0], self.cluster_x[3],
            self.cluster_y[3], self.start_inner, self.b)
        self.delta_theta_deg_outer = Telescope.delta_theta(
            self.cluster_x[12], self.cluster_y[12], self.cluster_x[15],
            self.cluster_y[15], self.start_inner, self.b)

        # Convert to theta offset about the cluster centre for the log spiral
        # unpacking.
        self.delta_theta_deg_inner *= (5 / 12)
        self.delta_theta_deg_outer *= (5 / 12)
def test3():
    tel = Telescope()
    tel.add_uniform_core(368, 5000)
    x, y, z = tel.coords()
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    for xy in zip(x, y):
        ax.add_artist(plt.Circle(xy, radius=(tel.station_diameter_m / 2),
    ax.set_xlim(-8000, 8000)
    ax.set_ylim(-8000, 8000)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # # Uniform core with hole in the middle
    # tel = Telescope('test')
    # tel.add_uniform_core(300, 500, 100)
    # tel.plot(plot_radii=[100, 500])
    # # Uniform core
    # tel = Telescope('test')
    # tel.add_uniform_core(250, 400)
    # tel.plot(plot_radii=[400])
    # # Hexagonal core + Uniform halo
    tel = Telescope('test')
    tel.add_hex_core(200, 0.0)
    tel.add_uniform_core(180, 400, 200)
    # tel.plot_layout(plot_radii=[200, 400])'HEX_layout.txt')

    # # Spiral arms
    # tel = Telescope('test')
    # tel.add_log_spiral(n=3*10, r0=100, r1=400, b=0.5, num_arms=3, theta0_deg=0)
    # tel.plot_layout(plot_radii=[100, 400])
    # # Symmetric spiral arms
    # tel = Telescope('test')
    # tel.add_symmetric_log_spiral(n=10, r0=100, r1=400, b=0.5, num_arms=3,
    #                              name='foo', theta0_deg=0)
    # tel.plot_layout(plot_radii=[100, (400, 'b')], color='g')
def test3():
    # Current SKA1 V5 design.
    tel = Telescope()
    tel.add_ska1_v5(None, 6400)
    tel.plot_layout(plot_radii=[500, 6400], color='k')

    # Generate new telescopes by expanding each station cluster.
    b = 0.515
    theta0_deg = -48
    start_inner = 417.82
    num_arms = 3
    d_theta = 360 / num_arms

    # Get cluster radii.
    cluster_x, cluster_y, arm_index = Telescope.cluster_centres_ska_v5(0, 6400)
    cluster_r = (cluster_x**2 + cluster_y**2)**0.5
    cluster_r = cluster_r[::3] # Get every 3rd radius.
    delta_theta_deg = Telescope.delta_theta(
        cluster_x[0], cluster_y[0], cluster_x[3], cluster_y[3], start_inner, b)

    # Loop over cluster radii.
    for i in range(len(cluster_r)):
        # Create the telescope and add the core.
        tel1 = Telescope()
        tel1.add_ska1_v5(None, 500)

        # Add SKA1 V5 clusters from this radius outwards.
        if i < len(cluster_r) - 1:
            r = cluster_r[i + 1]
            tel1.add_ska1_v5(r - 90, 6400)

        # Add spiral sections up to this radius.
        for j in range(i + 1):
            for k in range(num_arms):
                idx = num_arms * j + k
                    6, start_inner,
                    cluster_x[idx], cluster_y[idx],
                    b, delta_theta_deg / 2.0,
                    theta0_deg + arm_index[idx] * d_theta)
                    6, cluster_x[idx], cluster_y[idx], d_theta)
        # NOTE(BM) Telescope exists here ... add metrics
        tel1.plot_layout(plot_radii=[500, 6400], color='k', show_decorations=True)
def test1():
    tel = Telescope()

    # Spiral parameters for inner and outer regions.
    start_inner = 417.82
    end_inner = 1572.13
    b_inner = 0.513
    start_outer = 2146.78
    end_outer = 6370.13
    b_outer = 0.52

    # Add all stations out to 6500 m.
    tel.add_ska1_v5(r_min=500, r_max=6500)

    # Add the cluster centres.
    tel.add_symmetric_log_spiral(5, start_inner, end_inner, b_inner,
                                 3, 'cluster_centres_inner', -48)
    tel.add_symmetric_log_spiral(5, start_outer, end_outer, b_outer,
                                 3, 'cluster_centres_outer', 135)

    # Fill in the gaps with spirals.
    b = 0.515
    tel.add_symmetric_log_spiral(60, start_inner, end_outer, b,
                                 3, 'spiral_arms', -48)

    tel.plot_layout(plot_radii=[start_inner, end_inner, start_outer, end_outer],
def test2():
    # Spiral parameters for inner and outer regions.
    start_inner = 417.82
    end_outer = 6370.13

    b = 0.515
    theta0 = -40
    num_arms = 1
    tel1 = Telescope()
    tel1.add_symmetric_log_spiral(10, start_inner, end_outer, b,
                                  num_arms, 'spiral_arms', theta0)
    cx1 = tel1.layouts['spiral_arms0']['x'][3]
    cy1 = tel1.layouts['spiral_arms0']['y'][3]
    cx2 = tel1.layouts['spiral_arms0']['x'][4]
    cy2 = tel1.layouts['spiral_arms0']['y'][4]

    delta_t = Telescope.delta_theta(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, start_inner, b)

    tel2 = Telescope()
    tel2.add_log_spiral_section(6, start_inner, cx1, cy1, b, delta_t / 2,

    tel3 = Telescope()
    tel3.add_log_spiral_section(6, start_inner, cx2, cy2, b, delta_t / 2,

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
    tel2.plot_layout(mpl_ax=ax, color='g')
    tel3.plot_layout(mpl_ax=ax, color='y')
    tel1.station_diameter_m = 50
    tel1.plot_layout(plot_radii=[start_inner, end_outer],
                     mpl_ax=ax, color='r')
    ax.plot([cx1], [cy1], '+', ms=10)