def filter_and_sort_providers_based_on_schedule(booking, providerQuery):
        Loops over the providers and find the best available timeslot for each of them
        Sorts the list by ascending proximity to the requested time
    booking_responses = []
    request_timeslot = create_one_hour_timeslot(booking.request_datetime)
    #logging.info('request timeslot: %s %s' % request_timeslot)
    for p in providerQuery:
        # list all available timeslots in order of proximity to requested datetime
        sorted_available_timeslots = get_sorted_schedule_timeslots(
            p, request_timeslot)
        logging.debug('provider:%s schedules: %s' %
                      (p.vanity_url, sorted_available_timeslots))
        # remove existing bookings
        sorted_available_timeslots_without_conflicts = filter_out_timeslots_with_existing_bookings(
            sorted_available_timeslots, p, request_timeslot)
        if sorted_available_timeslots_without_conflicts:  # not empty
            best_ts = sorted_available_timeslots_without_conflicts[0]
            br = BookingResponse(p, best_ts)
    # sort all responses by distance to the request
    sorted_responses = sorted(
        key=lambda br: timeslot_distance(br.timeslot, request_timeslot))
    # limit to 3 results
    returned_responses = sorted_responses[0:3]
    # ..and return
    return returned_responses
def filter_and_sort_providers_based_on_schedule(booking, providerQuery):
        Loops over the providers and find the best available timeslot for each of them
        Sorts the list by ascending proximity to the requested time
    booking_responses = []
    request_timeslot = create_one_hour_timeslot(booking.request_datetime)
    #logging.info('request timeslot: %s %s' % request_timeslot)
    for p in providerQuery:
        # list all available timeslots in order of proximity to requested datetime
        sorted_available_timeslots = get_sorted_schedule_timeslots(p, request_timeslot)
        logging.debug('provider:%s schedules: %s' % (p.vanity_url, sorted_available_timeslots))
        # remove existing bookings
        sorted_available_timeslots_without_conflicts = filter_out_timeslots_with_existing_bookings(sorted_available_timeslots, p, request_timeslot)
        if sorted_available_timeslots_without_conflicts: # not empty
            best_ts = sorted_available_timeslots_without_conflicts[0]
            br = BookingResponse(p, best_ts)
    # sort all responses by distance to the request
    sorted_responses = sorted(booking_responses, key=lambda br: timeslot_distance(br.timeslot, request_timeslot))
    # limit to 3 results
    returned_responses = sorted_responses[0:3]
    # ..and return
    return returned_responses
 def test_timeslot_equality(self):
     dt1 = datetime(2012, 04, 17, 4, 34)
     dt2 = datetime(2012, 04, 17, 4, 34)
     ts1 = create_one_hour_timeslot(dt1)
     ts2 = create_one_hour_timeslot(dt2)
     self.assertEqual(ts1, ts2)
 def test_timeslot_equality(self):
     dt1 = datetime(2012, 04, 17, 4, 34)
     dt2 = datetime(2012, 04, 17, 4, 34)
     ts1 = create_one_hour_timeslot(dt1)
     ts2 = create_one_hour_timeslot(dt2)
     self.assertEqual(ts1, ts2)