def eajwt_refresh(ea_jwt, sec = int(time.time() / 30)-1): if sec == int(time.time() / 30): #if in same window, keep same token print("inside if") auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ea_jwt} return ea_jwt, auth_header try: #if trying refresh without login payload = ref_payload(generate_pass(seed_path), ea_jwt) totpAlreadyUsed = False retries = 0 response = "" while not(totpAlreadyUsed) and retries < 3: retries+=1 response = + '/login', cert=client_cert, json=payload, verify=False) totpAlreadyUsed = not(isTOTPExpired(response)) if(not(totpAlreadyUsed)): print("TOTP Window has already been used. Retrying...") time.sleep(15) check_status(response) if(globalenv.verboseMode): print(response.json()) jwt_token = response.json()[1]['accessToken'] auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + jwt_token} return jwt_token, auth_header except: auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ea_jwt} return ea_jwt, auth_header
def runner_supp(comments, supporting_paths, itar, server_url, client_cert, auth_header): threads = [] cert_supp = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as executor: print('\nSending supporting documents') if len(comments) < len(supporting_paths): #Check formatting print( "Error: Comments array must be the same length as that of the supporting file paths" ) exit() print("Your Supporting Documentation ID(s): ") #cert_supp = [] #Get and format IDs and JWTs for certify for i in range(len(supporting_paths)): threads.append( executor.submit(send_supp, comments[i], supporting_paths[i], itar, server_url, client_cert, auth_header)) for task in as_completed(threads): #Check status code of responses and create cert_sup for certify supp_1, response = task.result() check_status(response) cert_supp.append(supp_1) log("cert_supp", cert_supp) return cert_supp
def send_certify(self, cert_supp, client_cert, login_jwt, esv_version): if self.certify: print("Starting Certification Process...") auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + login_jwt} cert_temp = open('jsons/temp_certify.json', 'w') # TODO: Build this automatically cert_temp.write("[{\"esvVersion\": \"1.0\"},{\"entropyId\": \"E123\", \"isITAR\": false,\"limitEntropyAssessmentToSingleModule\": false,\"moduleId\": null,\"vendorId\": null,\"supportingDocumentation\": [],\"entropyAssessments\":[{\"eaId\": null,\"oeId\": null,\"accessToken\": \"<jwt-with-claims-for-eaId1>\"}]}]") #cert_temp.write("[{\"esvVersion\": \"1.0\"},{\"itar\": false,\"limitEntropyAssessmentToSingleModule\": false,\"moduleId\": null,\"vendorId\": null,\"supportingDocumentation\": [],\"entropyAssessments\":[{\"entropyId\": null,\"oeId\": null,\"accessToken\": \"<jwt-with-claims-for-eaId1>\"}]}]") cert_temp.close() cert_temp = open('jsons/temp_certify.json','r') cert_file = json.load(cert_temp) #import os; os.remove('jsons/temp_certify.json') cert_json = cert_prep(cert_file, cert_supp, esv_version, self.single_mod, self.mod_id, self.vend_id, self.entropy_id, self.ea_id, self.oe_id, self.entr_jwt) if globalenv.verboseMode: print("Outgoing cert request = ") print(cert_json) response = requests.request("POST", self.server_url + '/certify', cert = client_cert, headers=auth_header, json=cert_json) check_status(response) status, messageList, elementList = start.parsing.parse_certify_response(response) print("\nStatus: " + status + "\n") print("Message List: ") print(*messageList, sep = "\n") print("") print("Entropy Assessment:") #print(*elementList, sep = "\n") for element in elementList: print("Location:" + str(element["location"])) for message in element["messageList"]: print(" Message:" + message)
def runner_stats(server_url, ea_id, df_ids, entr_jwt, client_cert): threads = [] print("Getting Status...") print("Waiting for data file tests to complete...") with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as executor: for id in df_ids: threads.append( executor.submit(get_status, server_url, ea_id, id, entr_jwt, client_cert)) #Check status codes of responses for task in as_completed(threads): check_status(task.result())
def df_upload_raw(server_url, ea_id, df_ids, jwt, raw_noise, client_cert): url = server_url + "/entropyAssessments/" + ea_id + "/dataFiles/" auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + jwt} payload = {} #Send rawNoise files = [('dataFile', (os.path.basename(raw_noise), open(raw_noise, 'rb'), 'application/octet-stream'))] response = requests.request("POST", url + df_ids[0], cert=client_cert, headers=auth_header, data=payload, files=files) check_status(response) return response
def jwt_refresh(seed_path, client_cert, server_url): payload = login_payload(generate_pass(seed_path)) if globalenv.verboseMode: print ("JWT Refresh Outgoing:") print (payload) response = + '/login', cert=client_cert, json=payload) if globalenv.verboseMode: print ("JWT Refresh Incoming:") print (response) check_status(response) jwt_token = response.json()[1]['accessToken'] auth_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + jwt_token} return jwt_token, auth_header
def runner_data(server_url, ea_id, df_ids, entr_jwt, conditioned, rawNoise, restartTest, client_cert): threads = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as executor: #Send raw and restart threads.append( executor.submit(df_upload_raw, server_url, ea_id, df_ids, entr_jwt, rawNoise, client_cert)) threads.append( executor.submit(df_upload_restart, server_url, ea_id, df_ids, entr_jwt, restartTest, client_cert)) #Send Conditioning for i in range(len(conditioned)): threads.append( executor.submit(df_upload_cond, server_url, ea_id, df_ids, entr_jwt, i, conditioned, client_cert)) #Check status codes of responses for task in as_completed(threads): check_status(task.result()) print("Data files submitted!\n")
def send_supp(comments, supporting_path, itar, server_url, client_cert, auth_header): cert_supp = [] supp_name = os.path.basename(supporting_path) files = [('sdFile', (supp_name, open(supporting_path, 'rb'), 'application/pdf'))] # changed 3/15/2022 #payload={'itar': itar,'sdComments': comments} payload = {'isITAR': itar, 'sdComments': comments} response = requests.request("POST", server_url + '/supportingDocumentation', cert=client_cert, headers=auth_header, data=payload, files=files) response_1 = response.json()[1] sd_id = response_1['sdId'] print(supp_name + ": " + str(sd_id) + " | Status: " + str(response_1['status'])) # Changed 3/15/2022 cert_supp.append({"sdId": sd_id, "accessToken": response_1["accessToken"]}) check_status(response) return cert_supp, response
def send_reg(self): print("\nSending Entropy Assessment Registration...") if globalenv.verboseMode: print ("Send Registration Outgoing:") print (self.assessment_reg) response = + '/entropyAssessments', headers=self.auth_header, cert=self.client_cert, json=self.assessment_reg, verify=False) if globalenv.verboseMode: print ("Send Registration Incoming:") print (response) check_status(response) print("Sent.") response = response.json() ea_id, df_ids = get_ids(response) entr_jwt = response[1]['accessToken'] log("entr_jwt", entr_jwt) log("df_ids", df_ids) log("ea_id", ea_id) self.ea_id = ea_id self.df_ids = df_ids self.entr_jwt = entr_jwt