def get_predictions(context,model,X,y,train_scaler,batch_size,look_ahead,look_back,epochs,experiment_id):
    predictions = model.predict(X, batch_size=batch_size)
    # rescale
    predictions = train_scaler.inverse_transform(predictions)
    y = train_scaler.inverse_transform(y)

    # extract first timestep for true values
    y_true = y[:, 0].flatten()
    # diagonals contains a reading's values calculated at different points in time
    diagonals = util.get_diagonals(predictions)
    # the top left and bottom right predictions do not contain predictions for all timesteps
    # fill the missing prediction values in diagonals. curenttly using the first predicted value for all missing timesteps
    for idx, diagonal in enumerate(diagonals):
        diagonal = diagonal.flatten()
        # missing value filled with the first value
        diagonals[idx] = np.hstack((diagonal, np.full(look_ahead - len(diagonal), diagonal[0])))
    predictions_timesteps = np.asarray(diagonals)

    shifted_1 = util.shift_time_series(y_true, 1)

    title = "Prediction on %s data. %d epochs, look back %d, look_ahead %d & batch_size %d." % (
                 context, epochs, look_back, look_ahead, batch_size)
    path = "%s/%s/"%("imgs",experiment_id)

    return predictions_timesteps, y_true
def get_predictions(context, model, X, y, train_scaler, batch_size, look_ahead,
                    look_back, epochs, experiment_id):
    predictions = model.predict(X, batch_size=batch_size)
    # print predictions.shape
    # rescale
    predictions = train_scaler.inverse_transform(predictions)
    y = train_scaler.inverse_transform(y)

    print('predictions:', predictions.shape)
    print('y:', y.shape)

    # extract first timestep for true values
    y_true = y[:, 0].flatten()
    print('y_true:', y_true.shape)
    # diagonals contains a reading's values calculated at different points in time
    diagonals = util.get_diagonals(predictions)
    print('diagonals:', len(diagonals))
    # the top left and bottom right predictions do not contain predictions for all timesteps
    # fill the missing prediction values in diagonals. curenttly using the first predicted value for all missing timesteps
    for idx, diagonal in enumerate(diagonals):
        diagonal = diagonal.flatten()
        # missing value filled with the first value
        diagonals[idx] = np.hstack(
            (diagonal, np.full(look_ahead - len(diagonal), diagonal[0])))
    predictions_timesteps = np.asarray(diagonals)

    print('y_true: ', y_true.shape)
    print('predictions_timesteps:', predictions_timesteps.shape)
    for i in range(look_ahead):
            "%s RMSE on %d timestep prediction %f" %
            (context, (i + 1),
             mean_squared_error(y_true, predictions_timesteps[:, i])**0.5))

    shifted_1 = util.shift_time_series(y_true, 1)" %s RMSE Naive One Timestep Shift %f", context,
                 mean_squared_error(y_true[1:], shifted_1[1:])**0.5)

    title = "Prediction on %s data. %d epochs, look back %d, look_ahead %d & batch_size %d." % (
        context, epochs, look_back, look_ahead, batch_size)
    path = "%s/%s/" % ("imgs", experiment_id)
    make_plots(context, predictions_timesteps, y_true, look_ahead, title, path,
               cfg.run_config['save_figure'], cfg.run_config['Xserver'])

    return predictions_timesteps, y_true
def get_predictions(context,model,X,y,train_scaler,batch_size,look_ahead,look_back,epochs,experiment_id):
    predictions = model.predict(X, batch_size=batch_size)
    print predictions.shape
    # rescale
    predictions = train_scaler.inverse_transform(predictions)
    y = train_scaler.inverse_transform(y)

    # extract first timestep for true values
    y_true = y[:, 0].flatten()

    # diagonals contains a reading's values calculated at different points in time
    diagonals = util.get_diagonals(predictions)

    # the top left and bottom right predictions do not contain predictions for all timesteps
    # fill the missing prediction values in diagonals. curenttly using the first predicted value for all missing timesteps
    for idx, diagonal in enumerate(diagonals):
        diagonal = diagonal.flatten()
        # missing value filled with the first value
        diagonals[idx] = np.hstack((diagonal, np.full(look_ahead - len(diagonal), diagonal[0])))
    predictions_timesteps = np.asarray(diagonals)

    for i in range(look_ahead):"%s RMSE on %d timestep prediction %f" % ( context,
            (i + 1), mean_squared_error(y_true, predictions_timesteps[:, i]) ** 0.5))

    shifted_1 = util.shift_time_series(y_true, 1)" %s RMSE Naive One Timestep Shift %f",context,
                 mean_squared_error(y_true[1:], shifted_1[1:]) ** 0.5)

    title = "Prediction on %s data. %d epochs, look back %d, look_ahead %d & batch_size %d." % (
                 context, epochs, look_back, look_ahead, batch_size)
    path = "%s/%s/"%("imgs",experiment_id)

    return predictions_timesteps, y_true