def get_coord(name, path, rotate=False):
    """Retrieves the named coord. If rotate is true, rotates into the frame
       in which chi is parallel with the z axis.
    r_array = r(path, rotate)
    #if rotate==False:
    chi_array = chi_inertial(path, rotate)
    # else:
    # zhat = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
    # chi_array = stride_tricks.as_strided(zhat,strides=(0,1*8),
    # shape=r_array.shape)
    if name == "t":
        coord = t(path)
    elif name == "xA":
        f = h5py.File(path, 'r')
        return f["/AhA.dir"]["CoordCenterInertial.dat"].value[:, 1:]
    elif name == "xB":
        f = h5py.File(path, 'r')
        return f["/AhB.dir"]["CoordCenterInertial.dat"].value[:, 1:]
    elif name == "rvec":
        coord = r_array
    elif name == "x":
        coord = r_array[:, 0]
    elif name == "y":
        coord = r_array[:, 1]
    elif name == "z":
        coord = r_array[:, 2]
    elif name == "r":
        coord = la.norm(r_array, axis=1)
    elif name == "r2":
        coord = r_array[:, 0]**2 + r_array[:, 1]**2 + r_array[:, 2]**2
    elif name == "rho":
        rho = r_array
        rho[:, 2] = 0.
        coord = rho
    elif name == "chi":
        coord = chi_array
    elif name == "chimag":
        coord = la.norm(chi_array, axis=1)
    elif name == "chihat":
        coord = np.zeros(chi_array.shape)
        chimag = la.norm(chi_array, axis=1)
        coord[:, 0] = chi_array[:, 0] / chimag
        coord[:, 1] = chi_array[:, 1] / chimag
        coord[:, 2] = chi_array[:, 2] / chimag
    elif name == "phi":
        coord = np.arccos(cosphi(r_array))
    elif name == "cosphi":
        coord = cosphi(r_array)
    elif name == "phi_phase":
        coord = bbh.accumulating_phi(r_array)
    elif name == "costheta":
        coord = bbh.cosang(chi_array, r_array)
    elif name == "theta":
        coord = np.arccos(bbh.cosang(chi_array, r_array))
    elif name == "theta_phase":
        coord = bbh.phase(r_array, chi_array)
        raise ValueError("Invalid coordinate name '" + name + "'")
    return coord
def costheta(rvec, chi):
    Return the angle between chi and rvec.
    chi_ref = stride_tricks.as_strided(np.array(chi),
                                       strides=(0, 1 * 8),
    return bbh.cosang(rvec, chi_ref)
 def _set_values(self, t, V):
     self.t = np.copy(t)
     self.length = len(t)
     zaxis = stride_tricks.as_strided(np.array([0., 0., 1.]),
                                      strides=(0, 1 * 8),
                                      shape=(self.length, 3))
     self.sinangles = bbh.sinang3D(V, zaxis)
     self.cosangles = bbh.cosang(V, zaxis)
     axes_raw = np.cross(V, zaxis)
     self.axes = bbh.unit_vector(axes_raw)
def cosphi(rvec):
    rhovec, ref = rhoref(rvec)
    return bbh.cosang(rhovec, ref)
def costheta_r_chi(r_array, chi_array):
    spinA = chi_inertial(fname)
    return bbh.cosang(spinA, r_array)
def cosphi(r_array):
    rho = r_array[:, 0:2]
    rho_ref = stride_tricks.as_strided(rho[0, :],
                                       strides=(0, 1 * 8),
    return bbh.cosang(rho, rho_ref)