def check_activation(modal_implication, valuation):
    :param modal_implication: see active_modalities above
    :param valuation: see active_modalities above

    :return tuple representing modal implications (modal atom, classical atom) if modality is active.
    otherwise, return False.
    assert len(
    ) <= 2, "The modal disjunction is not formed correctly: %s" % modal_implication
    prop_atom, modal_atom = None, None
    true_literals = valuation[0]
    false_literals = valuation[1]

    # given assertion there should be one prop atom and one modal atom
    for disjunct in modal_implication.disjuncts:
        if not is_complex(disjunct):
            prop_atom = disjunct
        elif my_isinstance(disjunct[0], Modality):
            modal_atom = disjunct

    # check valuation of prop_atom, to determine num_modal_atoms activity
    # check if prop_atom is negated
    if is_atomic(prop_atom) and str(prop_atom) not in true_literals:
        # not negated
        return modal_atom, prop_atom

    if not is_atomic(prop_atom) and str(prop_atom[1]) not in false_literals:
        return modal_atom, prop_atom

    return False
def deactivate_modalities(active_modal_set, valuation):
    :param active_modal_set: set of active modal implications (modal atom, classical atom)

    :return list of modal implications that remain active, after trying to deactivate by satisfying antecedent.
    active_modal = set()

    s = Optimize()
    # add current valuation to solver
    s.add((And(set(Bool(lit) for lit in valuation[0]))))
    s.add((And(set(Not(Bool(lit)) for lit in valuation[1]))))

    for imp_modalities in active_modal_set:
        s.add_soft(And(get_bool(imp_modalities[1])), 1)

    valuation = process_model(s.model())

    for imp_modalities in active_modal_set:
        prop_ante = imp_modalities[1]
        if is_atomic(prop_ante) and (prop_ante not in valuation[0]):
        if not is_atomic(prop_ante) and prop_ante[1] not in valuation[1]:

    return active_modal
def get_bool(atom):
    :param atom: parsed classical atom, can be negated

    :return z3 appropriate boolean value
    assert not is_complex(atom), "Error adding atom to sat solver: %s" % atom

    # need to account for 'False' and 'True'
    if is_atomic(atom):
        if atom == TOP:
            return True
        elif atom == BOTTOM:
            return False
            return Bool(str(atom))
    elif str(atom[0]) == '~':
        if atom[1] == TOP:
            return False
        elif atom[1] == BOTTOM:
            return True
            return Not(Bool(str(atom[1])))
    else:  # error
        sys.stderr.write('Error adding atom to sat solver: ' + str(atom) +
        raise SystemExit(1)
def get_tuple(atom):
    """ if atom is negated or modal returns tuple representation
    if u.is_atomic(atom):
        return atom
        return atom[0], get_tuple(atom[1])
def get_str(fml):
    """ Returns string for unary operators in correct syntactic form
    if u.is_atomic(fml):
        return str(fml)
        unary_connective = fml[0]
        if repr(unary_connective) == '~':
            return '~' + get_str(fml[1])
        elif repr(unary_connective) == 'box':
            return '[' + unary_connective.id + ']' + get_str(fml[1])
        elif repr(unary_connective) == 'dia':
            return '<' + unary_connective.id + '>' + get_str(fml[1])
def get_mc(fml, modal_context):
    """ Returns a tuple, specifically the modal context (MC) and remaining expression.
    Note, MC is a possibly empty sequence of universal box-like modal operators.
    if not u.is_atomic(fml):
        connective = repr(fml[0])
        if connective == 'box':
            return get_mc(fml[1], modal_context)
            return [modal_context, fml]
        return [modal_context, fml]
    def wedge(self, other):
        Compute the exterior product with another differential form. 
        - ``other``: another differential form
        - the exterior product self/\\other. 
        Exterior product of two 1-forms on a 3-dimensional manifold::
            sage: m = Manifold(3, 'M')
            sage: c_xyz.<x,y,z> = m.chart('x y z', 'coord_xyz')
            sage: a = OneForm(m, 'A')
            sage: a[:] = (x, y, z)
            sage: b = OneForm(m, 'B')
            sage: b[2] = z^2
            sage: a.view() ; b.view()
            A = x dx + y dy + z dz
            B = z^2 dz
            sage: h = a.wedge(b) ; h
            2-form 'A/\B' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: h.view()
            A/\B = x*z^2 dx/\dz + y*z^2 dy/\dz
            sage: latex(h)
            A\wedge B
            sage: latex(h.view())
            A\wedge B = x z^{2} \mathrm{d} x\wedge\mathrm{d} z + y z^{2} \mathrm{d} y\wedge\mathrm{d} z

        The exterior product of two 1-forms is antisymmetric::
            sage: (b.wedge(a)).view()
            B/\A = -x*z^2 dx/\dz - y*z^2 dy/\dz
            sage: a.wedge(b) == - b.wedge(a)  
            sage: (a.wedge(b) + b.wedge(a))[:]  # for the skeptical mind
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            sage: a.wedge(a) == 0

        The exterior product of a 2-form by a 1-form::
            sage: c = OneForm(m, 'C')
            sage: c[1] = y^3 ; c.view()
            C = y^3 dy
            sage: g = h.wedge(c) ; g
            3-form 'A/\B/\C' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: g.view()
            A/\B/\C = -x*y^3*z^2 dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: g[:]
            [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -x*y^3*z^2], [0, x*y^3*z^2, 0]], [[0, 0, x*y^3*z^2], [0, 0, 0], [-x*y^3*z^2, 0, 0]], [[0, -x*y^3*z^2, 0], [x*y^3*z^2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]

        The exterior product of a 2-form by a 1-form is symmetric::
            sage: h.wedge(c) == c.wedge(h)

        from utilities import is_atomic
        if not isinstance(other, DiffForm):
            raise TypeError("The second argument for the exterior product " + 
                            "must be a differential form.")
        if other.rank == 0:
            return other*self
        if self.rank == 0:
            return self*other
        frame_name = self.common_frame(other)
        if frame_name is None:
            raise ValueError("No common frame for the exterior product.")
        rank_r = self.rank + other.rank
        cmp_s = self.components[frame_name]
        cmp_o = other.components[frame_name]
        cmp_r = CompFullyAntiSym(self.domain.frames[frame_name], rank_r)
        for ind_s, val_s in cmp_s._comp.items():
            for ind_o, val_o in cmp_o._comp.items():
                ind_r = ind_s + ind_o
                if len(ind_r) == len(set(ind_r)): # all indices are different
                    cmp_r[ind_r] += val_s * val_o
        result = DiffForm(self.domain, rank_r)
        result.components[frame_name] = cmp_r
        if self.name is not None and other.name is not None:
            sname = self.name
            oname = other.name
            if not is_atomic(sname):
                sname = '(' + sname + ')'
            if not is_atomic(oname):
                oname = '(' + oname + ')'
            result.name = sname + '/\\' + oname
        if self.latex_name is not None and other.latex_name is not None:
            slname = self.latex_name
            olname = other.latex_name
            if not is_atomic(slname):
                slname = '(' + slname + ')'
            if not is_atomic(olname):
                olname = '(' + olname + ')'
            result.latex_name = slname + r'\wedge ' + olname
        return result
    def view(self, frame_name=None, chart_name=None):
        Displays the differential form in terms of its expansion onto a given 

        The output is either text-formatted (console mode) or LaTeX-formatted
        (notebook mode). 
        - ``frame_name`` -- (default: None) string containing the name of the 
          vector frame with respect to which the differential form is expanded; 
          if none is provided, the domain's default frame is assumed
        - ``chart_name`` -- (default: None) string containing the name of the 
          chart with respect to which the components of the differential form in 
          the selected frame are expressed; if none is provided, the domain's 
          default chart is assumed
        Display of a 2-form on `\RR^3`::
            sage: m = Manifold(3, 'R3', '\RR^3', start_index=1)
            sage: c_cart.<x,y,z> = m.chart('x y z', 'cart')
            sage: a = DiffForm(m, 2, 'A')
            sage: a[1,2], a[2,3] = x*z, x^2+y^2
            sage: a.view() # expansion on the manifold's default coframe (dx, dy, dz)
            A = x*z dx/\dy + (x^2 + y^2) dy/\dz
            sage: latex(a.view()) # output for the notebook
            A = x z \mathrm{d} x\wedge\mathrm{d} y + \left( x^{2} + y^{2} \right) \mathrm{d} y\wedge\mathrm{d} z

        Display in a coframe different from the default one::
            sage: c_spher.<r,th,ph> = m.chart(r'r:[0,+oo) th:[0,pi]:\theta ph:[0,2*pi):\phi', 'spher') # new coordinates 
            sage: spher_to_cart = CoordChange(c_spher, c_cart, r*sin(th)*cos(ph), r*sin(th)*sin(ph), r*cos(th))  # the standard spherical coordinates
            sage: cart_to_spher = spher_to_cart.set_inverse(sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), atan2(sqrt(x^2+y^2),z), atan2(y, x), check=False)
            sage: a.view('spher_b') # expansion on the coframe (dr, dth, dph) with the coefficients expressed in terms of the default coordinates (x,y,z)
            A = -sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)*sqrt(x^2 + y^2)*y dr/\dth + (x^3 + x*y^2 + x*z^2)*sqrt(x^2 + y^2) dth/\dph
            sage: a.view('spher_b', 'spher') # expansion on the coframe (dr, dth, dph) with the coefficients expressed in terms of the spherical coordinates
            A = -r^3*sin(ph)*sin(th)^2 dr/\dth + r^4*cos(ph)*sin(th)^2 dth/\dph
        from sage.misc.latex import latex
        from utilities import is_atomic, FormattedExpansion
        if frame_name is None:
            frame_name = self.domain.def_frame.name
        if chart_name is None:
            chart_name = self.domain.def_chart.name
        frame = self.domain.frames[frame_name]
        coframe = frame.coframe
        comp = self.comp(frame_name)
        terms_txt = []
        terms_latex = []
        n_con = self.tensor_type[0]
        for ind in comp.non_redundant_index_generator():
            coef = comp[[ind]].expr(chart_name)
            if coef != 0:
                bases_txt = []
                bases_latex = []
                for k in range(self.rank):
                basis_term_txt = "/\\".join(bases_txt)    
                basis_term_latex = r"\wedge".join(bases_latex)    
                if coef == 1:
                elif coef == -1:
                    terms_txt.append("-" + basis_term_txt)
                    terms_latex.append("-" + basis_term_latex)
                    coef_txt = repr(coef)
                    coef_latex = latex(coef)
                    if is_atomic(coef_txt):
                        terms_txt.append(coef_txt + " " + basis_term_txt)
                        terms_txt.append("(" + coef_txt + ") " + 
                    if is_atomic(coef_latex):
                        terms_latex.append(coef_latex + basis_term_latex)
                        terms_latex.append(r"\left(" + coef_latex + r"\right)" + 

        if terms_txt == []:
            expansion_txt = "0"
            expansion_txt = terms_txt[0]
            for term in terms_txt[1:]:
                if term[0] == "-":
                    expansion_txt += " - " + term[1:]
                    expansion_txt += " + " + term
        if terms_latex == []:
            expansion_latex = "0"
            expansion_latex = terms_latex[0]
            for term in terms_latex[1:]:
                if term[0] == "-":
                    expansion_latex += term
                    expansion_latex += "+" + term
        result = FormattedExpansion(self)            
        if self.name is None:
            result.txt = expansion_txt
            result.txt = self.name + " = " + expansion_txt
        if self.latex_name is None:
            result.latex = expansion_latex
            result.latex = latex(self) + " = " + expansion_latex
        return result
    def wedge(self, other):
        Compute the exterior product with another differential form. 
        - ``other``: another differential form
        - the exterior product self/\\other. 
        Exterior product of two 1-forms on a 3-dimensional manifold::
            sage: m = Manifold(3, 'M')
            sage: c_xyz = Chart(m, 'x y z', 'coord_xyz')
            sage: a = OneForm(m, 'A')
            sage: a[:] = (x, y, z)
            sage: b = OneForm(m, 'B')
            sage: b[2] = z^2
            sage: a.show() ; b.show()
            A = x dx + y dy + z dz
            B = z^2 dz
            sage: h = a.wedge(b) ; h
            2-form 'A/\B' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: h.show()
            A/\B = x*z^2 dx/\dz + y*z^2 dy/\dz
            sage: latex(h)
            A\wedge B
            sage: latex(h.show())
            A\wedge B = x z^{2} \mathrm{d} x\wedge\mathrm{d} z + y z^{2} \mathrm{d} y\wedge\mathrm{d} z

        The exterior product of two 1-forms is antisymmetric::
            sage: (b.wedge(a)).show()
            B/\A = -x*z^2 dx/\dz - y*z^2 dy/\dz
            sage: a.wedge(b) == - b.wedge(a)  
            sage: (a.wedge(b) + b.wedge(a))[:]  # for the skeptical mind
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            [0 0 0]
            sage: a.wedge(a) == 0

        The exterior product of a 2-form by a 1-form::
            sage: c = OneForm(m, 'C')
            sage: c[1] = y^3 ; c.show()
            C = y^3 dy
            sage: g = h.wedge(c) ; g
            3-form 'A/\B/\C' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: g.show()
            A/\B/\C = -x*y^3*z^2 dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: g[:]
            [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -x*y^3*z^2], [0, x*y^3*z^2, 0]], [[0, 0, x*y^3*z^2], [0, 0, 0], [-x*y^3*z^2, 0, 0]], [[0, -x*y^3*z^2, 0], [x*y^3*z^2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]

        The exterior product of a 2-form by a 1-form is symmetric::
            sage: h.wedge(c) == c.wedge(h)

        from utilities import is_atomic
        if not isinstance(other, DiffForm):
            raise TypeError("The second argument for the exterior product " +
                            "must be a differential form.")
        if other.rank == 0:
            return other * self
        if self.rank == 0:
            return self * other
        frame_name = self.common_frame(other)
        if frame_name is None:
            raise ValueError("No common frame for the exterior product.")
        rank_r = self.rank + other.rank
        cmp_s = self.components[frame_name]
        cmp_o = other.components[frame_name]
        cmp_r = CompFullyAntiSym(self.manifold, rank_r, frame_name)
        for ind_s, val_s in cmp_s._comp.items():
            for ind_o, val_o in cmp_o._comp.items():
                ind_r = ind_s + ind_o
                if len(ind_r) == len(set(ind_r)):  # all indices are different
                    cmp_r[ind_r] += val_s * val_o
        result = DiffForm(self.manifold, rank_r)
        result.components[frame_name] = cmp_r
        if self.name is not None and other.name is not None:
            sname = self.name
            oname = other.name
            if not is_atomic(sname):
                sname = '(' + sname + ')'
            if not is_atomic(oname):
                oname = '(' + oname + ')'
            result.name = sname + '/\\' + oname
        if self.latex_name is not None and other.latex_name is not None:
            slname = self.latex_name
            olname = other.latex_name
            if not is_atomic(slname):
                slname = '(' + slname + ')'
            if not is_atomic(olname):
                olname = '(' + olname + ')'
            result.latex_name = slname + r'\wedge ' + olname
        return result
    def show(self, frame_name=None, chart_name=None):
        Displays the differential form in terms of its expansion onto a given 

        The output is either text-formatted (console mode) or LaTeX-formatted
        (notebook mode). 
        - ``frame_name`` -- (default: None) string containing the name of the 
          vector frame with respect to which the differential form is expanded; 
          if none is provided, the manifold's default frame is assumed
        - ``chart_name`` -- (default: None) string containing the name of the 
          chart with respect to which the components of the differential form in 
          the selected frame are expressed; if none is provided, the manifold's 
          default chart is assumed
        Display of a 2-form on `\RR^3`::
            sage: m = Manifold(3, 'R3', '\RR^3', start_index=1)
            sage: c_cart = Chart(m, 'x y z', 'cart')
            sage: a = DiffForm(m, 2, 'A')
            sage: a[1,2], a[2,3] = x*z, x^2+y^2
            sage: a.show() # expansion on the manifold's default coframe (dx, dy, dz)
            A = x*z dx/\dy + (x^2 + y^2) dy/\dz
            sage: latex(a.show()) # output for the notebook
            A = x z \mathrm{d} x\wedge\mathrm{d} y + \left( x^{2} + y^{2} \right) \mathrm{d} y\wedge\mathrm{d} z

        Display in a coframe different from the default one::
            sage: c_spher = Chart(m, r'r:positive th:positive:\theta ph:\phi', 'spher') # new coordinates 
            sage: spher_to_cart = CoordChange(c_spher, c_cart, r*sin(th)*cos(ph), r*sin(th)*sin(ph), r*cos(th))  # the standard spherical coordinates
            sage: cart_to_spher = spher_to_cart.set_inverse(sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), atan2(sqrt(x^2+y^2),z), atan2(y, x), check=False)
            sage: a.show('spher_b') # expansion on the coframe (dr, dth, dph) with the coefficients expressed in terms of the default coordinates (x,y,z)
            A = -sqrt(x^2 + y^2)*sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)*y dr/\dth + sqrt(x^2 + y^2)*(x^3 + x*y^2 + x*z^2) dth/\dph
            sage: a.show('spher_b', 'spher') # expansion on the coframe (dr, dth, dph) with the coefficients expressed in terms of the spherical coordinates
            A = -r^3*sin(ph)*sin(th)^2 dr/\dth + r^4*sin(th)^2*cos(ph) dth/\dph        

        from sage.misc.latex import latex
        from utilities import is_atomic, FormattedExpansion
        if frame_name is None:
            frame_name = self.manifold.def_frame.name
        if chart_name is None:
            chart_name = self.manifold.def_chart.name
        frame = self.manifold.frames[frame_name]
        coframe = frame.coframe
        comp = self.comp(frame_name)
        terms_txt = []
        terms_latex = []
        n_con = self.tensor_type[0]
        for ind in comp.non_redundant_index_generator():
            coef = comp[[ind]].expr(chart_name)
            if coef != 0:
                bases_txt = []
                bases_latex = []
                for k in range(self.rank):
                basis_term_txt = "/\\".join(bases_txt)
                basis_term_latex = r"\wedge".join(bases_latex)
                if coef == 1:
                elif coef == -1:
                    terms_txt.append("-" + basis_term_txt)
                    terms_latex.append("-" + basis_term_latex)
                    coef_txt = repr(coef)
                    coef_latex = latex(coef)
                    if is_atomic(coef_txt):
                        terms_txt.append(coef_txt + " " + basis_term_txt)
                        terms_txt.append("(" + coef_txt + ") " +
                    if is_atomic(coef_latex):
                        terms_latex.append(coef_latex + basis_term_latex)
                        terms_latex.append(r"\left(" + coef_latex +
                                           r"\right)" + basis_term_latex)

        if terms_txt == []:
            expansion_txt = "0"
            expansion_txt = terms_txt[0]
            for term in terms_txt[1:]:
                if term[0] == "-":
                    expansion_txt += " - " + term[1:]
                    expansion_txt += " + " + term
        if terms_latex == []:
            expansion_latex = "0"
            expansion_latex = terms_latex[0]
            for term in terms_latex[1:]:
                if term[0] == "-":
                    expansion_latex += term
                    expansion_latex += "+" + term
        result = FormattedExpansion(self)
        if self.name is None:
            result.txt = expansion_txt
            result.txt = self.name + " = " + expansion_txt
        if self.latex_name is None:
            result.latex = expansion_latex
            result.latex = latex(self) + " = " + expansion_latex
        return result