def e_myszkowski(plaintext, key):
    # your code here
    key_order = get_keyOrder_myszkowski(key)
    ciphertext = ''

    c = len(key_order)
    r = int(math.ceil(len(plaintext) / c))

    matrix = utilities.new_matrix(r, c, '')

    counter = 0
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c):
            matrix[i][j] = plaintext[counter] if counter < len(
                plaintext) else 'q'
            counter += 1

    # read the matrix: unique --- vertically & repeated --- horizontally
    for i in range(c):
        for j in range(r):
            Index = 0
            while i in key_order[Index:c]:
                Index = key_order.index(i, Index, c)
                ciphertext += matrix[j][Index]
                Index += 1

    return ciphertext
def d_xcrypt(ciphertext, key):
    plaintext = ''
    r = key
    c = math.ceil(len(ciphertext) / r)
    matrix = utilities.new_matrix(r, c, "")
    count = 0
    if (r * c != len(ciphertext)):
        return ""
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c):
            matrix[i][j] = ciphertext[count]
            count += 1
    for i in range(c):
        for j in range(r):
            #if(j != c and matrix[j][i] != 'q'):
            plaintext += matrix[j][i]
    flag = False
    while (flag == False):
        if plaintext[len(plaintext) - 1] == 'q':
            plaintext = plaintext[:-1]
            flag = True

    return plaintext
def d_columnarTrans(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    key_order = get_keyOrder_columnarTrans(key)

    c = len(key_order)
    r = int(math.ceil(len(ciphertext) / c))

    matrix = utilities.new_matrix(r, c, '')

    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(ciphertext, r)

    # fill the matrix according to the key_order
    counter = 0
    for i in key_order:
        for j in range(r):
            matrix[j][i] = blocks[counter][j]
        counter += 1

    # read the matrix and ignore the 'q'
    plaintext = ''
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c):
            if matrix[i][j] != 'q':
                plaintext += matrix[i][j]

    return plaintext
def e_scytale(plaintext, key):

    assert type(plaintext) == str, 'invalid plaintext'
    assert type(key) == int, 'invalid key'
    assert key >= 0, 'invalid key'
    col = int(math.ceil(len(plaintext)/key))
    text_matrix = utilities.new_matrix(key, col, '')
    count = 0
    ciphertext = ''

    # print(key, col)
    for i in range(key):
        for j in range(col):
            # utilities.print_matrix(text_matrix)
            if count < len(plaintext):
                text_matrix[i][j] = plaintext[count]
            count +=1

    # utilities.print_matrix(text_matrix)

    for k in range(col):
        for l in range(key):
            ciphertext += text_matrix[l][k]

    return ciphertext
def e_ct(plaintext, key):

    assert type(plaintext) == str

    if _get_order_ct(key) == []:
        print('Error(e_ct): invalid key')
        return ''

    positions = []
    ciphertext = plaintext
    for a in range(len(ciphertext)):
        if ciphertext[a] == ' ':
            positions.append([ciphertext[a], a])
        if ciphertext[a] == '\n':
            positions.append([ciphertext[a], a])
        if ciphertext[a] == '\t':
            positions.append([ciphertext[a], a])

    ciphertext = clean_text(ciphertext, ' ')
    ciphertext = clean_text(ciphertext, '\n')
    ciphertext = clean_text(ciphertext, '\t')

    key_order = _get_order_ct(key)
    columnar_table = utilities.new_matrix(
        math.ceil(len(ciphertext) / len(key_order)), len(key_order), PAD)

    # for i in range(len(columnar_table)):
    #     print(columnar_table[i])

    k = 0
    for i in range(len(columnar_table)):
        for j in range(len(columnar_table[i])):
            if k < len(ciphertext):
                columnar_table[i][j] = ciphertext[k]
                k += 1
                columnar_table[i][j] = PAD

    # print(key_order)
    # for i in range(len(columnar_table)):
    #     print(columnar_table[i])

    ciphertext = ''
    for i in range(len(key_order)):
        for j in range(len(columnar_table)):
            ciphertext = ciphertext + columnar_table[j][key_order[i]]
            # print(key_order[i],j)
            # print(ciphertext)

    # print(ciphertext)

    ciphertext = insert_positions(ciphertext, positions)
    ciphertext = ciphertext.rstrip(PAD)

    return ciphertext
def pad(matrix, pad_amount):
    num_r = len(lines)
    num_c = len(lines[0])

    new = utilities.new_matrix(
        num_r + (pad_amount * 2), num_c + (pad_amount * 2), '.')

    num_r += pad_amount * 2
    num_c += pad_amount * 2

    for r in range(pad_amount, num_r - pad_amount):
        for c in range(pad_amount, num_c - pad_amount):
            new[r][c] = lines[r-pad_amount][c-pad_amount]

    return new
def e_xcrypt(plaintext, key):
    # your code here
    r = key
    c = int(math.ceil(len(plaintext) / key))
    cipherMatrix = utilities.new_matrix(r, c, "")

    counter = 0
    for i in range(c):
        for j in range(r):
            cipherMatrix[j][i] = plaintext[counter] if counter < len(
                plaintext) else 'q'
            counter += 1
    ciphertext = ""
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c):
            ciphertext += cipherMatrix[i][j]
    return ciphertext
def d_myszkowski(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    key_order = get_keyOrder_myszkowski(key)

    c = len(key_order)
    r = int(math.ceil(len(ciphertext) / c))

    matrix = utilities.new_matrix(r, c, '')

    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(ciphertext, r)

    # combine all the blocks of the same key character to one block
    for i in range(c):
        Index = 0
        while i in key_order[Index:c]:
            if Index != 0:
                Index = key_order.index(i, Index, c)
                blocks[key_order[Index]] += blocks[key_order[Index] + 1]
                blocks.pop(key_order[Index] + 1)

            Index = key_order.index(i, Index, c)
            Index += 1

    # fill the matrix
    for i in range(c):
        counter = 0
        for j in range(r):
            Index = 0
            while i in key_order[Index:c]:
                Index = key_order.index(i, Index, c)
                matrix[j][Index] = blocks[i][counter]
                Index += 1
                counter += 1

    # read the matrix and ignore the 'q'
    plaintext = ''
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c):
            if matrix[i][j] != 'q':
                plaintext += matrix[i][j]

    return plaintext
def d_scytale(ciphertext, key):
    assert type(ciphertext) == str, 'invalid ciphertext'
    assert type(key) == int, 'invalid key'
    assert key > 0, 'invalid key'

    col = int(math.ceil(len(ciphertext)/key))
    text_matrix = utilities.new_matrix(key, col, '')
    count = 0
    plaintext = ''
    unused = (key * col) - len(ciphertext) -1

    # utilities.print_matrix(text_matrix)   

    for i in range(col):
        for j in range(key):
            if j == (key-1) and i == (col-1)-unused:
                if count < len(ciphertext):
                    text_matrix[j][i] = ciphertext[count]
                count +=1
    # print(ciphertext)
    # utilities.print_matrix(text_matrix)

    for k in range(key):
        for l in range(col):
            plaintext += text_matrix[k][l]

    # print(len(ciphertext), len(plaintext))

    return plaintext