文件: pp.py 项目: marchdf/wallHump
def parse_flat_wall_probe(fname, yname):
    """Read a Nalu wall probe file."""

    df = pd.read_csv(fname, delim_whitespace=True)
            "Time": "time",
            "coordinates[0]": "x",
            "coordinates[1]": "y",
            "tau_wall_probe[0]": "tau_wall",
            "pressure_probe[0]": "pressure",

    # Keep only the last time step
    time = np.unique(df["time"])
    df = df.loc[df["time"] == time[-1]]

    # Calculate coefficients
    u0, rho0, mu = utilities.parse_ic(yname)
    dynPres = rho0 * 0.5 * u0 * u0
    df["cf"] = df["tau_wall"] / dynPres
    df["cp"] = df["pressure"] / dynPres

    return df.reset_index(drop=True)
文件: pp.py 项目: marchdf/wallHump
def parse_surface_probe(fname, yname):
    """Read a Nalu exodus file to get surface data."""

    wall_bdy = "bottomwall"
    tauwall_field = "tau_wall"
    pressure_field = "pressure"

    # Indices of wall face in element
    ss_node_ids = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])

    # Read in the Exodus II mesh
    msh = Dataset(fname, "r")
    ss_names = get_name_list(msh, "ss_names")
    field_names = get_name_list(msh, "name_nod_var")
    wall_idx = ss_names.index(wall_bdy)
    tau_idx = field_names.index(tauwall_field)
    pressure_idx = field_names.index(pressure_field)

    # Get the coordinates and time
    x = msh.variables["coordx"][:]
    y = msh.variables["coordy"][:]
    time = msh.variables["time_whole"][1:]

    # Element mapping and wall node ids
    nids = msh.variables["connect1"][:]
    wall_elems = msh.variables["elem_ss%d" % (wall_idx + 1)][:] - 1
    wall_nids_all = np.unique(nids[np.ix_(wall_elems,
                                          ss_node_ids)].flatten()) - 1

    # Get tau_wall and pressure on the wall
    tau_wall_all = msh.variables["vals_nod_var%d" %
                                 (tau_idx + 1)][:][1:, wall_nids_all]
    pressure_all = msh.variables["vals_nod_var%d" %
                                 (pressure_idx + 1)][:][1:, wall_nids_all]

    # Keep only the last time step in a dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df["tau_wall"] = tau_wall_all[-1, :]
    df["pressure"] = pressure_all[-1, :]
    df["time"] = time[-1]
    df["x"] = x[wall_nids_all]
    df["y"] = y[wall_nids_all]

    # Calculate coefficients
    u0, rho0, mu = utilities.parse_ic(yname)
    dynPres = rho0 * 0.5 * u0 * u0
    df["cf"] = df["tau_wall"] / dynPres
    df["cp"] = df["pressure"] / dynPres

    return df
文件: pp.py 项目: marchdf/wallHump
def tauwall_hack(fname, yname):
    Hack to find all the wall quantities by looking at tau_wall > 0.

    Identical to parse_surface_probe but without relying on sidesets.

    tauwall_field = "tau_wall"
    pressure_field = "pressure"

    # Read in the Exodus II mesh
    msh = Dataset(fname, "r")
    field_names = get_name_list(msh, "name_nod_var")
    tau_idx = field_names.index(tauwall_field)
    pressure_idx = field_names.index(pressure_field)

    # Get the coordinates and time
    x = msh.variables["coordx"][:]
    y = msh.variables["coordy"][:]
    time = msh.variables["time_whole"][1:]

    # Get tau_wall and pressure everywhere
    tau_wall_all = msh.variables["vals_nod_var%d" % (tau_idx + 1)][:]
    pressure_all = msh.variables["vals_nod_var%d" % (pressure_idx + 1)][:]

    # The wall is wherever tauwall is non-zero,
    wall_idx = tau_wall_all[-1, :] > 1e-16

    # Get the variables on the wall
    tau_wall = tau_wall_all[1:, wall_idx]
    pressure = pressure_all[1:, wall_idx]
    x = x[wall_idx]
    y = y[tau_wall_all[-1, :] > 1e-16]

    # Keep only the last time step in a dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df["tau_wall"] = tau_wall[-1, :]
    df["pressure"] = pressure[-1, :]
    df["time"] = time[-1]
    df["x"] = x
    df["y"] = y

    # Calculate coefficients
    u0, rho0, mu = utilities.parse_ic(yname)
    dynPres = rho0 * 0.5 * u0 * u0
    df["cf"] = df["tau_wall"] / dynPres
    df["cp"] = df["pressure"] / dynPres

    df.sort_values(by=["x"], inplace=True)
    return df.groupby("x").mean().reset_index()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Loop on folders
    for i, folder in enumerate(args.folders):

        # Setup
        fdir = os.path.abspath(folder)
        yname = os.path.join(fdir, "mcalister.yaml")
        fname = "avg_slice.csv"
        dim = defs.get_dimension(yname)
        half_wing_length = defs.get_half_wing_length()

        # simulation setup parameters
        u0, v0, w0, umag0, rho0, mu = utilities.parse_ic(yname)
        aoa = defs.get_aoa(fdir)
        chord = 1

        # experimental values
        edir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("exp_data", f"aoa-{aoa}"))
        zslices = utilities.get_wing_slices(dim)
        zslices["zslicen"] = zslices.zslice / half_wing_length

        # data from other CFD simulations (SA model)
        sadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("sitaraman_data", f"aoa-{aoa}"))

        # Read in data
        df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(fdir, "wing_slices", fname),
        renames = utilities.get_renames()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Constants
    num_figs = 4
    utau = 1
    height = 1

    # Loop on folders
    for i, folder in enumerate(args.folders):

        # Setup
        fdir = os.path.abspath(folder)
        yname = os.path.join(fdir, "channelflow.yaml")

        # simulation setup parameters
        u0, v0, w0, umag0, rho0, mu, flow_angle = utilities.parse_ic(yname)
        nu = mu / rho0
        Retau = utau * height / nu

        # Read in data (all time steps)
        prefix = "output"
        suffix = ".csv"

        # Get time steps
        pattern = prefix + "*" + suffix
        fnames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(fdir, "lineouts", pattern)))
        times = []
        for fname in fnames:
            times.append(int(re.findall(r"\d+", fname)[-1]))
        times = np.unique(sorted(times))
文件: pp.py 项目: marchdf/wallHump
                        help="Folder to post-process",
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Setup
    rdir = os.path.join(args.fdir, "results")
    name = os.path.splitext(
        os.path.basename(glob.glob(os.path.join(args.fdir, "*.yaml"))[0]))[0]
    yname = os.path.join(args.fdir, name + ".yaml")
    pname = os.path.join(rdir, "profiles.dat")
    wname = os.path.join(rdir, "wall_vars.dat")
    sname = os.path.join(rdir, "points.dat")
    separation_exp = 0.665
    reattachement_exp = 1.1
    u0, rho0, mu = utilities.parse_ic(yname)

    # Velocities
    profiles = parse_probe(rdir, u0)

    # Wall quantities
    fname = os.path.join(rdir, name + ".e")
    walldf = tauwall_hack(fname, yname)

    # Separation and reattachement points
    walldf["abs_cp_grad"] = np.fabs(np.gradient(walldf["cf"], walldf["x"]))

    # Search for separation point near the experimental one
    interval = 0.1
    ubnd = (1 + interval) * separation_exp
    lbnd = (1 - interval) * separation_exp