def main(): """main function which handles loading up the AI each turn and communicating with the game server""" #allow optional command line argument to overwrite AIMode (allows for local testing without risk of forgetting to change AIMode back) if (len(sys.argv) > 1): #use exec here so that python does not have a problem with falling back to the AIMode declaration above exec("AIMode = sys.argv[1]", locals(), globals()) print("Starting AI: '" + AIMode + "' from " + ("command line argument." if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "main file declaration.")) gameMode = util.selectGameMode() #special mode: generate a single move by reading gameState from JSON file if (gameMode == "0"): if ( not os.path.isfile("gameState.txt") ): #verify that the gameState file actually exists before trying to open it raise Exception( "Error: game state file 'gameState.txt' does not exist.") with open('gameState.txt' ) as infile: #load game state from gameState.txt jsonData = json.load(infile) util.startGame( jsonData ) #don't bother to store gameID or playerID here, as we are just running locally in mode 0, so we don't need these networking constants board = util.populateBoard(jsonData) util.printBoard(board) moveChoice = eval(AIMode + ".chooseMove(board,jsonData)") print("move choice:", moveChoice) print("json data:", jsonData) return jsonData = if gameMode == "1" else rankedURL, data={ 'devkey': devkey, 'username': username }).json() # search for new game # when request comes back, that means you've found a match! (validation if server goes down?) gameID, playerID = util.startGame(jsonData) while jsonData['state'] != 'complete': if ( debugMode ): #when debug mode is enabled, we output the current game state to gameState.txt each turn with open('gameState.txt', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(jsonData, outfile) board = util.populateBoard(jsonData) util.printBoard(board) moveChoice = eval(AIMode + ".chooseMove(board,jsonData)") print("move choice:", moveChoice) jsonData ='' + gameID, data={ 'playerID': playerID, 'move': moveChoice, 'devkey': devkey }).json() # submit sample move print("json data:", jsonData)
def playerVersusMinimax(save): print("Tic Tac Toe") print("Players: 1") board = 0 boards = [] win = UNFINISHED while (win == UNFINISHED): valid = False while not valid: print() printBoard(board) print() print("Column:") col = input() print("Row:") row = input() if len(col) == 0 or len(row) == 0: break board, valid = move(board, int(col), int(row), X) if not valid: print("That space is taken") _, bestMove, _ = minimax(board, 0, 2, findEmptySpaces(board), False) boards.append(str(board) + "\n") board, valid = move(board, bestMove[0], bestMove[1], O) boards.append(str(board) + "\n") win = checkForWin(board) if save: writeGame(boards) print() printBoard(board) print() print("**************") print(win + " wins!") print("**************")
def main(): fileName = input('Enter file name : ') # Used variables pawnAmountBW = {'WHITE': 0, 'BLACK': 0} # number of pawns for each side dataSplitted = [] readFile(fileName, dataSplitted) # parse user's input into array # Algorithms option print("Choose Algorithm By Input The Number :") print("1. Hill Climbing") print("2. Simulated Annealing") print("3. Genetic Algorithm") chosenAlgo = int(input("Choose : ")) while (chosenAlgo > 3 or chosenAlgo < 1): print("Choose The Correct Number Please...") chosenAlgo = int(input("Choose : ")) # Execute the chosen algorithm if (chosenAlgo == 1): state = parseState(dataSplitted, pawnAmountBW) # generate an initial state result = hillClimbing(state, pawnAmountBW) elif (chosenAlgo == 2): temperature = int(input('Temperature: ')) decreaseRate = int(input('Decrease Rate: ')) iteration = int(input('Maximum Iteration: ')) state = parseState(dataSplitted, pawnAmountBW) # generate an initial state result = simulatedAnnealing(state, pawnAmountBW, temperature, decreaseRate, iteration) elif (chosenAlgo == 3): populationAmount = int(input('Number Of Population: ')) limit = int(input('Maximum generation: ')) listOfStates = createListOfStates(dataSplitted, pawnAmountBW, populationAmount) result = geneticAlgorithm(listOfStates, pawnAmountBW, populationAmount, limit) # Print the result attackNum = countAtack( result) # Get the number of attack from the result state printBoard(result) print(attackNum['friend'], end='') print(' ', end='') print(attackNum['enemy'])
def playerVersusRandom(save): print("Tic Tac Toe") print("Players: 1") board = 0 boards = [] win = UNFINISHED while (win == UNFINISHED): valid = False while not valid: print() printBoard(board) print() print("Column:") col = input() print("Row:") row = input() if len(col) == 0 or len(row) == 0: break board, valid = move(board, int(col), int(row), X) if not valid: print("That space is taken") boards.append(str(board) + "\n") board = randomMove(board, O) boards.append(str(board) + "\n") win = checkForWin(board) if save: writeGame(boards) print() printBoard(board) print() print("**************") print(win + " wins!") print("**************")
def computerVsComputer(gameTypes, save): print("Tic Tac Toe") print("{} versus {}".format(selectDescription[gameTypes[0]], selectDescription[gameTypes[1]])) print("Players: 0") board = 0 boards = [] win = UNFINISHED currentTurn = (X, True, gameTypes[0]) nextTurn = (O, False, gameTypes[1]) boards.append(str(board) + "\n") while (win == UNFINISHED): startTime = time() bestMove, statistic = selectAlgorithm[currentTurn[2]](board, currentTurn[1]) duration = time() - startTime board, _ = move(board, bestMove[0], bestMove[1], currentTurn[0]) boards.append(str(board) + "\n") print() printBoard(board) if statistic != str(): print(statistic) print("Time: {} seconds".format(round(duration, 4))) print() win = checkForWin(board) currentTurn, nextTurn = nextTurn, currentTurn if save: writeGame(boards) print() print("**************") print(win + " wins!") print("**************")
def __init__(self): super().__init__((-1, -1), -1, []) def calculateValidMoves(self): x, y = self.position self.validMoves = [] if x == 1 and self.color == utilities.pieceColor.WHITE: self.validMoves.append((x + 1, y)) self.validMoves.append((x + 2, y)) elif self.color == utilities.pieceColor.WHITE and x < 7: print("reached cond 2") self.validMoves.append((x + 1, y)) elif x == 6 and self.color == utilities.pieceColor.BLACK: self.validMoves.append((x - 1), y) self.validMoves.append((x - 2), y) elif self.color == utilities.pieceColor.BLACK and x > 0: self.validMoves.append((x - 1, y)) if __name__ == "__main__": cp = Pawn() cp.setInitialPosition((3, 4)) cp.setColor(utilities.pieceColor.BLACK) cp.calculateValidMoves() utilities.printBoard(cp.validMoves) input("Press enter to try the other side") cp.setColor(utilities.pieceColor.WHITE) cp.calculateValidMoves() utilities.printBoard(cp.validMoves)