def prp(data, key, mask=255, rotation_amount=5, bit_width=8, key_slice=slice(16, 32), data_slice=slice(0, 16), transpose=True):     
    if transpose:
        if key_slice is not None:
            shuffle_bytes(data, key_slice)
        shuffle_bytes(data, data_slice)       
    for index in reversed(range(len(data) - 1)):       
        left, right = data[index], data[index + 1]
        key ^= right                 
        right = rotate_left((right + key + index) & mask, rotation_amount, bit_width)                
        key ^= right
        key ^= left        
        left = (left + (right >> (bit_width / 2))) & mask                
        left ^= rotate_left(right, (index % bit_width) ^ rotation_amount)                    
        key ^= left
        data[index], data[index + 1] = left, right                 

    right = data[0]
    key ^= right
    right = (right + key) & mask
    key ^= right
    left = data[1]
    key ^= left        
    left = (left + (right >> (bit_width / 2))) & mask                
    left ^= rotate_left(right, (index % bit_width) ^ rotation_amount)                    
    key ^= left
    data[1] = left
    return key
文件: prftest.py 项目: acad2/pride
def prp(data, key, mask=255, rotation_amount=5, bit_width=8, key_slice=slice(16, 32), data_slice=slice(0, 16), transpose=True):     
    shuffle_bytes(data, slice(0, 16))      
    new_key = 0
    _key = key
    for index in reversed(range(len(data) - 1)):  
        key = _key
        left, right = data[index], data[index + 1]                
        key ^= right                 
        right = rotate_left((right + key + index) & mask, rotation_amount, bit_width)                
        key ^= right
        key ^= left        
        left = (left + (right >> (bit_width / 2))) & mask                
        left ^= rotate_left(right, (index % bit_width) ^ rotation_amount)                    
        key ^= left
        data[index], data[index + 1] = left, right                 

        new_key ^= key
    key = _key
    key ^= data[0]
    data[0] = (data[0] + key) & mask
    key ^= data[0]
    new_key ^= key
    return new_key
def prp(data, mask=255, rotation_amount=5, bit_width=8):     
    key = xor_sum(data)
    key ^= data[0]
    data[0] = (data[0] + key) & mask
    key ^= data[0]
    for index in range(len(data)):       
        left, right = data[index], data[(index + 1) % 16]
        key ^= right
        right = rotate_left((right + key + index) & mask, rotation_amount, bit_width)
        key ^= right
        key ^= left
        left = (left + (right >> (bit_width / 2))) & mask
        left ^= rotate_left(right, rotation_amount)
        key ^= left
        #print "\nSet left:", index, left
        #print "Set right: ", (index + 1) % 16, right
        data[index], data[(index + 1) % 16] = left, right                 
    return key
def bit_permutation(inputs, key, wordsize=32): 
    """ Transpose the bits of the supplied inputs according to key.
        Selects one of 128! permutations of bits. (not evenly distributed because they key is not large enough) """
    a, b, c, d = inputs    
    k0, k1, k2, k3 = key
    for round in range(1):              
        a, b, c, d = shuffle_columns(a, b, c, d, k0, k1, k2, k3) # each 4 bit tall column is now active
        b = rotate_left(b, 1, wordsize)
        c = rotate_left(c, 2, wordsize)
        d = rotate_left(d, 3, wordsize)               
        a, b, c, d = shuffle_columns(a, b, c, d, k0, k1, k2, k3) # each 4x4 bit subsection is now active
        b = rotate_left(b, 4, wordsize)
        c = rotate_left(c, 8, wordsize)
        d = rotate_left(d, 12, wordsize)                              
        a, b, c, d = shuffle_columns(a, b, c, d, k0, k1, k2, k3) # each 16x4 bit subsection is now active                  
        b = rotate_left(b, 8, wordsize)
        c = rotate_left(c, 12, wordsize)
        d = rotate_left(d, 16, wordsize)        
        a, b, c, d = shuffle_columns(a, b, c, d, k0, k1, k2, k3) # each 32x4 bit subsection is now active  
    return a, b, c, d
def keyed_homomorphic_permutation(state, key, rounds=4): 
    """ Ultimately, xors together random groups of state bits,
        such that each bit is made up of bit_i XOR bit_j XOR bit_k ... for
        a large enough number of random terms. """
    a, b, c, d = bytes_to_words(state, 4)
    key = key[:]
    for i in range(rounds):        
        # randomize the position of bits                    
        a, b, c, d = bit_permutation((a, b, c, d), bytes_to_words(key, 4))    
        # stack lots of bits on top of each other
        a, b, c, d = mix_columns(a, b, c, d)
        b = rotate_left(b, 1, 32)
        c = rotate_left(c, 2, 32)
        d = rotate_left(d, 3, 32)
        a, b, c, d = mix_columns(a, b, c, d)
        b = rotate_left(b, 4, 32)
        c = rotate_left(c, 8, 32)
        d = rotate_left(d, 12, 32)
        a, b, c, d = mix_columns(a, b, c, d)
        b = rotate_left(b, 8, 32)
        c = rotate_left(c, 12, 32)
        d = rotate_left(d, 16, 32)
        a, b, c, d = mix_columns(a, b, c, d)      
    a, b, c, d = bit_permutation((a, b, c, d), bytes_to_words(key, 4))    
    state[:] = words_to_bytes((a, b, c, d), 4)
def invert_key_schedule(state):    
    total = 0
    for byte in state:
        total ^= byte
    for round in range(2):           
        state_size = len(state)
        for index, byte in reversed(list(enumerate(state))):
            total ^= byte
            byte ^= rotate_left(total, 1) ^ rotate_left(state[(index - 1) % state_size], 2) ^ rotate_left(state[(index + 1) % state_size], 3) ^ index
            state[index] = byte
            total ^= byte
def nonlinear_function4(byte):   
    state = 0
    for bit in range(8):
        state ^= rotate_right(byte & rotate_left(1, bit), bit)                
    for bit in range(4):                        
        byte ^= rotate_left(state, bit)                  
        state ^= rotate_right(byte & rotate_left(1, bit), bit)
    byte = rotate_left(byte, 6)
    return byte
def key_schedule(state):
    """ Generates sufficiently different keys """
    total = 0
    for byte in state:
        total ^= byte
    for round in range(2):            
        state_size = len(state)
        for index, byte in enumerate(state):
            total ^= byte
            byte ^= rotate_left(total, 1) ^ rotate_left(state[(index - 1) % state_size], 2) ^ rotate_left(state[(index + 1) % state_size], 3) ^ index
            state[index] = byte
            total ^= byte
文件: speck.py 项目: acad2/pride
def invert_speck_round(left, right, key, modulus):
    right ^= left
    right = rotate_right(right, 3)
    left ^= key    
    left = (modulus + (left - right)) % modulus    
    left = rotate_left(left, 7)
    return left, right
文件: speck.py 项目: acad2/pride
def speck_round(left, right, key, modulus):
    left = rotate_right(left, 7)        
    left = (left + right) % modulus    
    left ^= key    
    right = rotate_left(right, 3)    
    right ^= left
    return left, right
def encrypt(state, key, rounds=1):    
    xor_subroutine(state, key)
    p_box_half(state) # makes halves orthogonal - 8 bytes vertical, 8 bytes horizontal  
    for round in range(rounds):        
        round_key = xor_sum(state)
       # print "State at round start: ", round, round_key, state
        for index in reversed(range(16)):
            left, right = state[index - 1], state[index]
            round_key ^= left ^ right
         #   print "\nIndex: ", index
         #   print "Left: ", left
         #   print "Right: ", right
         #   print "Round key: ", round_key
         #   print "Key: ", key[index]
            right = (right + round_key + key[index]) & 255
            left = (left + (right >> 4)) & 255
            left ^= rotate_left(right, 5)
            round_key ^= left ^ right            
            state[index - 1], state[index] = left, right
文件: prptest2.py 项目: acad2/pride
def prp(data, key, mask=255, rotation_amount=5, bit_width=8):    
    for index in range(len(data)):
        byte = data[index]
        key ^= byte                        
        data[index] = rotate_left((byte + key + index) & mask, rotation_amount, bit_width)
        key ^= data[index]            
    return key    
def bit_mixing(data, start=0, direction=1, bit_width=8):
    size = len(data)
    index = start
    key = 0
    for counter in range(size):
        data[(index + 1) % size] ^= rotate_left(data[index], (index % bit_width), bit_width)
        key ^= data[(index + 1) % size]
        index += direction
    return key
def speck_round(left, right, key, mask=(2 ** 64) - 1):
    for round in range(20):
        left = key ^ ((rotate_right(left, 7) + right) & mask)
        #left = (left + right) & mask
        #left ^= key    
        right = rotate_left(right, 3) ^ left
        #right = rotate_left(right, 3)    
        #right ^= left
    return left, right
def bit_mixing(data, start=0, direction=1):
    size = len(data)
    index = start
    for counter in range(size):
        left, right = data[index], data[(index + 1) % size]
        right ^= rotate_left(left, ((index + index + 1) % 256))
        data[index], data[(index + 1) % size] = left, right
        index += direction
def nonlinear_function6(byte, keys):
    left = byte >> 4
    right = byte & 15
    for round in range(4):
        key = keys[round]
        right = (right + key) & 255
        left = (left + (right >> 4)) & 15
        left ^= rotate_left(right, 3)
        right, left = left, (right & 255)        
    return ((left ^ right) ^ ((left + right) & 255) + right) & 255
def bit_transposition(self):
    output = bytearray(16)
    for index in range(8):
        output[index] = 0
        for index2 in range(8):            
            byte = state[index2]
            output[index] |= ((byte & 1) << index2) & 255
            state[index2] = rotate_right(byte, 1)        
        output[index + 8] = rotate_left(state[index + 8], 1)
    state[:] = output[:]    
def invert_prp(data, key, mask=255, rotation_amount=5, bit_width=8, transpose=False):           
    key ^= data[0]
    data[0] = (256 + (data[0] - key)) & mask
    key ^= data[0]
    for index in range(len(data) - 1):
        right = data[index + 1]
        left = data[index]
        key ^= left    
        left ^= rotate_left(right, (index % bit_width) ^ rotation_amount)         
        left = (256 + (left - (right >> bit_width / 2))) & mask
        key ^= left;
        key ^= right;        
        right = (256 + (rotate_right(right, rotation_amount, bit_width) - key - index)) & mask 
        key ^= right;                               
        data[index + 1] = right;        
        data[index] = left;
    return key;      
def decrypt(state, key, rounds=1):
    for round in range(rounds):
   #     print "\nBeginning of round:\n", state
        round_key = xor_sum(state)
        for index in range(16):
            left, right = state[index - 1], state[index]
            round_key ^= left ^ right            
            left ^= rotate_left(right, 5)
            left = (255 + 1 + (left - (right >> 4))) & 255            
            right = (255 + 1 + (right - round_key - key[index])) & 255
    #        print left, right, round_key, key[index]
            round_key ^= left ^ right
            state[index - 1], state[index] = left, right        
    #    print "Before invert shuffle: ", state
    #    print "After invert shuffle: ", state
    #    print "After invert pbox: ", state
    xor_subroutine(state, key)
def prf(data, key, mask=255, rotation_amount=5, bit_width=8):    
    for index in range(len(data)):        
        new_byte = rotate_left((data[index] + key + index) & mask, rotation_amount, bit_width)    
        key ^= new_byte
        data[index] = new_byte            
def encrypt_unrolled(state, key, rounds=1, temp=bytearray(16)):
    xor_subroutine(state, key)
    round_key = xor_sum(state)
    print "Beginning unrolled"
    for round in range(rounds):
        print "Before: ", state
        print "After: ", state
        left, right = state[2], state[7]
        round_key ^= left ^ right
        right = (right + round_key + key[15]) & 255
        temp[15] = right
        round_key ^= right           
        left, right = state[10], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)        
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[14]) & 255
        temp[14] = right
        round_key ^= right          
        left, right = state[1], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[13]) & 255
        temp[13] = right
        round_key ^= right
        left, right = state[8], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[12]) & 255
        temp[12] = right
        round_key ^= right
        left, right = state[14], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[11]) & 255
        temp[11] = right
        round_key ^= right    
        left, right = state[3], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[10]) & 255
        temp[10] = right
        round_key ^= right  
        left, right = state[13], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[9]) & 255
        temp[9] = right
        round_key ^= right 
        left, right = state[0], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[8]) & 255
        temp[8] = right
        round_key ^= right 
        left, right = state[9], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[7]) & 255
        temp[7] = right
        round_key ^= right  
        left, right = state[6], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[6]) & 255
        temp[6] = right
        round_key ^= right  
        left, right = state[12], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[5]) & 255
        temp[5] = right
        round_key ^= right  
        left, right = state[15], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[4]) & 255
        temp[4] = right
        round_key ^= right
        left, right = state[4], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[3]) & 255
        temp[3] = right
        round_key ^= right
        left, right = state[5], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[2]) & 255
        temp[2] = right
        round_key ^= right
        left, right = state[11], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[1]) & 255
        temp[1] = right
        round_key ^= right
        left, right = temp[15], ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)    
        round_key ^= left
        right = (right + round_key + key[0]) & 255
        temp[0] = right
        round_key ^= right
        left = ((left + (right >> 4)) & 255) ^ rotate_left(right, 5)
        temp[15] = left
        round_key ^= left        
        state[:] = temp[:]