def get_cat3_iwc(model, region, stat=STAT):
    """Returns the profiles of iwc only for CAT 3"""
    fwp = load.get_iwp(model, region, ice_only=False)
    if model.lower() != "sam":
        fwp = fwp[11::12]
    twc = load.get_twc(model, region)
    print(fwp.shape, twc.shape)
    if (fwp.shape[0] != twc.shape[0]):
        raise Exception("fwp and twc time not aligned: shapes", fwp.shape,
    if len(fwp.shape) == len(twc.shape):
        twc3 = np.where((fwp > 1e-4) & (fwp < 1e-2), twc, np.nan)
    elif len(fwp.shape) < len(twc.shape):
        fwp = fwp[:, np.newaxis]
        twc3 = np.where((fwp > 1e-4) & (fwp < 1e-2), twc, np.nan)
        raise Exception("fwp and twc shapes don't match", fwp.shape, twc.shape)
    if stat.lower() == "mean":
        if len(twc3.shape) < 4:  # icon
            twc3 = np.nanmean(twc3, axis=(0, 2))
            twc3 = np.nanmean(twc3, axis=(0, 2, 3))
    elif stat.lower() == "median":
        if len(twc3.shape) < 4:  # icon
            twc3 = np.nanmedian(twc3, axis=(0, 2))
            twc3 = np.nanmedian(twc3, axis=(0, 2, 3))
        raise Exception(
            "stat ({}) not defined. Try 'mean' or 'median'.".format(stat))
    return twc3
def cat3_profiles(model, region):
    if model.lower() == "nicam":
        ice_only = False
        ice_only = True
    if model.lower() == "cccm":
        ds = load01deg.get_cccm(region)
        iwc = ds[
            "iwc used in CERES radiation, avg over cloudy part of CERES footprint"].values / 1000
        fwp = ds["iwp MODIS"].values / 1000
        z = ds["alt"].values * 1000
        # print(model, "\n", iwc.mean())
    elif model.lower() == "dardar":
        ds = load01deg.get_dardar(region)
        iwc = ds["iwc"].values / 1000
        fwp = ds["iwp"].values / 1000
        z = ds["height"].values
        # print(model, "\n", iwc.mean())
        iwc = load.get_twc(model, region).values
        fwp = load.get_iwp(model, region, ice_only=False).values
        z = load.get_levels(model, region)
        # print(model,"\n\t", iwc.shape, fwp.shape, z.shape)
    if model.lower() == "fv3" or model.lower() == "icon":
        fwp = fwp[11::12, np.newaxis]
    elif model.lower() == "nicam":
        fwp = fwp[11::12]
        fwp = fwp[:, np.newaxis]
    # print(fwp.shape, iwc.shape, z.shape)
    iwc3 = np.where((fwp >= 1e-4) & (fwp < 1e-2), iwc, np.nan)
    # print(fwp.shape, iwc.shape, iwc3.shape, z.shape)
    return (iwc3, z)
def get_cat_ttl_iwp(model, region):
    """ Returns tuple of (ttliwp1, ttliwp2, ttliwp3), 
        the frozen water path in the 14-18km layer for 
        each category."""
    if model == "DARDAR":
        if region == "TWP":
            diwc = xr.open_dataset(ap.DARDAR_TWP)['iwc']
            iwp = xr.open_dataset(ap.DARDAR_TWP)['iwp']
        elif region == "NAU":
            diwc = xr.open_dataset(ap.DARDAR_NAU)['iwc']
            iwp = xr.open_dataset(ap.DARDAR_NAU)['iwp']
            diwc = xr.open_dataset(ap.DARDAR_SHL)['iwc']
            iwp = xr.open_dataset(ap.DARDAR_SHL)['iwp']
        ttliwp = util.int_wrt_alt(
                        np.argmin(abs(diwc.height.values - 18000)):np.
                        argmin(abs(diwc.height.values - 14000))],
            diwc.height.values[np.argmin(abs(diwc.height.values - 18000)):np.
                               argmin(abs(diwc.height.values - 14000))])
        del diwc
        print(iwp.shape, ttliwp.shape)
        ttliwp1 = np.where((iwp >= 1000), ttliwp, np.nan)
        ttliwp2 = np.where((iwp >= 10), ttliwp, np.nan)
        ttliwp3 = np.where((iwp >= 0.1) & (iwp < 10), ttliwp, np.nan)
        del iwp
        ttliwp = load.get_ttliwp(model, region)
        iwp = load.get_iwp(model, region, ice_only=False)
        print(ttliwp.shape, iwp.shape)
        if model.lower() == "nicam":
            iwp = iwp[1::12, 0, :, :]
        if model.lower() == "icon":
            iwp = iwp[1::12, :]
        elif model.lower() == "fv3":
            iwp = iwp[1::12, :, :]
        print(iwp.shape, ttliwp.shape)
        ttliwp1 = np.where((iwp >= 1.0), ttliwp, np.nan)
        ttliwp2 = np.where((iwp >= 1e-2) & (iwp < 1.0), ttliwp, np.nan)
        ttliwp3 = np.where((iwp >= 1e-4) & (iwp < 1e-2), ttliwp, np.nan)
        del iwp
    print("returning ttliwp per category for ", model, region)
    return (ttliwp1, ttliwp2, ttliwp3)
def get_isottlci(model, region, thres=0.1):
    Saves the clear sky olr, alb, lw and sw cre to a csv file for
    both the mean and median values of isolated TTL cirrus columns.

        -thres (f)  : clear-sky threshold in g/m2
        -model (str): model acronym
        -region(str): region acronym
    thres = thres # to kg/m2
    olr, alb = load.get_olr_alb(model, region)
    time = np.arange(3,alb.shape[0]*3+3,3)%24
    if model.lower()=="nicam":
        time = time[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    elif model.lower()=="icon":
        time = time[:, np.newaxis]
        time = np.array(time)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    if region.lower()=="twp":
        alb = alb.where(time>=20)
        olr = olr.where(time>=20)
    elif region.lower()=="nau":
        alb = alb.where((time>=22)|(time<=2))
        olr = olr.where((time>=22)|(time<=2))
        alb = alb.where((time>=11)&(time<=15))
        olr = olr.where((time>=11)&(time<=15))
    fwp = load.get_iwp(model, region, ice_only=False)*1000
    ttliwp = load.get_ttliwp(model, region)*1000
    lwp = load.get_lwp(model, region, rain=False)*1000
    if model.lower()!="sam":
        fwp = fwp[11::12]
        lwp = lwp[11::12]
    print(olr.shape, fwp.shape, lwp.shape, alb.shape)
    olrcs = load.get_clearskyolr(model, region, fwp, lwp)
    albcs = load.get_clearskyalb(model, region, fwp, lwp)
    print(olr.shape, olrcs.shape, fwp.shape, lwp.shape, alb.shape, albcs.shape)
    if model.lower()=="nicam":
        fwp = fwp[:,0]
        lwp = lwp[:,0]
        olr = olr[:,0]
        alb = alb[:,0]
        albcs = albcs[:,0]
        olrcs = olrcs[:,0]
    # get isolated ttl ci
    print("fwp and ttliwp shape", fwp.shape, ttliwp.shape)
    wp_below14km = (fwp.values - ttliwp.values) + lwp.values
    del fwp, lwp
    print("got wp below 14km")
    if region.lower()=="shl":
        solar_const = 435.2760211
        solar_const = 413.2335274
    isottlci_mask = np.where((wp_below14km<thres)&(ttliwp>=thres), True, False)
    olr_iso = np.where(isottlci_mask, olr, np.nan)
    del olr
    alb_iso = np.where(isottlci_mask, alb, np.nan)
    del alb
    freq = np.sum(isottlci_mask)/len(isottlci_mask.flatten())
    print("freq", model, region, freq, np.sum(isottlci_mask), len(isottlci_mask.flatten()))
    lwcre_mean = np.nanmean(olrcs-olr_iso)
    swcre_mean = np.nanmean(albcs-alb_iso)*solar_const
    df_mean = pd.read_csv("../tables/iso_ttl_ci_all_mean.csv", index_col=0)
    print("mean",[np.nanmean(olr_iso), np.nanmean(alb_iso), lwcre_mean, swcre_mean])
    df_mean[model+"_"+region] = [freq, np.nanmean(olr_iso), np.nanmean(alb_iso), lwcre_mean, swcre_mean]
    lwcre_med = np.nanmedian(olrcs-olr_iso)
    swcre_med = np.nanmedian(albcs-alb_iso)*solar_const
    df_med = pd.read_csv("../tables/iso_ttl_ci_all_median.csv", index_col=0)
    print("median",[np.nanmedian(olr_iso), np.nanmedian(alb_iso), lwcre_med, swcre_med])
    df_med[model+"_"+region] = [freq, np.nanmedian(olr_iso), np.nanmedian(alb_iso), lwcre_med, swcre_med]
def get_cat_lw_sw(model, region, save=True, mean=False):
    if model.lower()=="cccm":
        ds = load01deg.get_cccm(region)
        olr = ds["Outgoing LW radiation at TOA"]
        swu = ds["Outgoing SW radiation at TOA"]
        swd = ds["Incoming SW radiation at TOA"]
        alb = swu/swd.values
        olrcs = ds["Clear-sky outgoing LW radiation at TOA"]
        swucs = ds["Clear-sky outgoing SW radiation at TOA"]
        albcs = swucs/swd.values
        fwp = ds["iwp MODIS"]
        lwp = ds["lwp MODIS"]
        olr, alb = load.get_olr_alb(model, region)
        fwp = load.get_iwp(model, region, ice_only=False)*1000
        lwp = load.get_lwp(model, region, rain=False)*1000
        if model.lower()!="sam":
            fwp = fwp[11::12]
            lwp = lwp[11::12]
        print(olr.shape, fwp.shape, lwp.shape, alb.shape)
        olrcs = load.get_clearskyolr(model, region, fwp, lwp)
        albcs = load.get_clearskyalb(model, region, fwp, lwp)
        if mean:
            olrcs = np.nanmean(olrcs, axis=0)
            albcs = np.nanmean(albcs, axis=0)
            olrcs = np.nanmedian(olrcs, axis=0)
            albcs = np.nanmedian(albcs, axis=0)
    print(olr.shape, olrcs.shape, fwp.shape, lwp.shape, alb.shape, albcs.shape)
    # cat mean values (olr, lwcre, alb, swcre)
    thres1 = 1000
    thres2 = 10
    thres3 = 0.1
    if mean:
        # cat 1
        olr1 = np.nanmean(np.where(fwp>thres1, olr, np.nan))
        lwcre1 = np.nanmean(olrcs-(np.where(fwp>thres1, olr, np.nan)))
        alb1 = np.nanmean(np.where(fwp>thres1, alb, np.nan))
        swcre1 = np.nanmean(albcs-(np.where(fwp>thres1, alb, np.nan)))
        # cat 2
        olr2 = np.nanmean(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), olr, np.nan))
        lwcre2= np.nanmean(olrcs-(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), olr, np.nan)))
        alb2 = np.nanmean(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), alb, np.nan))
        swcre2 = np.nanmean(albcs-(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), alb, np.nan)))
        # cat 3
        olr3 = np.nanmean(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), olr, np.nan))
        lwcre3= np.nanmean(olrcs-(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), olr, np.nan)))
        alb3 = np.nanmean(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), alb, np.nan))
        swcre3 = np.nanmean(albcs-(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), alb, np.nan)))
        # clear sky
        olr4 = np.nanmean(olrcs)
        alb4 = np.nanmean(albcs)
                # cat 1
        olr1 = np.nanmedian(np.where(fwp>thres1, olr, np.nan))
        lwcre1 = np.nanmedian(olrcs-(np.where(fwp>thres1, olr, np.nan)))
        alb1 = np.nanmedian(np.where(fwp>thres1, alb, np.nan))
        swcre1 = np.nanmedian(albcs-(np.where(fwp>thres1, alb, np.nan)))
        # cat 2
        olr2 = np.nanmedian(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), olr, np.nan))
        lwcre2= np.nanmedian(olrcs-(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), olr, np.nan)))
        alb2 = np.nanmedian(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), alb, np.nan))
        swcre2 = np.nanmedian(albcs-(np.where((fwp>thres2)&(fwp<=thres1), alb, np.nan)))
        # cat 3
        olr3 = np.nanmedian(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), olr, np.nan))
        lwcre3= np.nanmedian(olrcs-(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), olr, np.nan)))
        alb3 = np.nanmedian(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), alb, np.nan))
        swcre3 = np.nanmedian(albcs-(np.where((fwp>thres3)&(fwp<=thres2), alb, np.nan)))
        # clear sky
        olr4 = np.nanmedian(olrcs)
        alb4 = np.nanmedian(albcs)

    if region.lower()=="shl":
        solar_const = 435.2760211
        solar_const = 413.2335274

    olr_list = np.array([olr1, olr2, olr3, olr4])
    alb_list = np.array([alb1, alb2, alb3, alb4])
    lw_list = np.array([lwcre1, lwcre2, lwcre3, 0])
    sw_list = np.array([swcre1, swcre2, swcre3, 0])*solar_const

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([olr_list, alb_list, lw_list, sw_list]).T, columns=["olr","alb","lwcre","swcre"], index=["CAT1","CAT2","CAT3","CS"])
    if save:
        df.to_csv("../tables/mean_{}_{}.csv".format(model, region))
    return df
    # return ret[n - 1:] / n
    if len(a)%3==1:
        a = a[:-1]
    elif len(a)%3==2:
        a = a[:-2]
    avg = (a[0::3]+a[1::3]+a[2::3])/3
    return avg

# load all fwp 
obs = "DARDAR"

print("Getting frozen hydrometeors")
# giwp = util.iwp_wrt_pres("GEOS", REGION, hydro_type=hydro_type, geos_graupel=True)
print("geos zeros until we get new data")
iiwp_twp = load.get_iwp("ICON", "TWP", ice_only=False).values
iiwp_shl = load.get_iwp("ICON", "SHL", ice_only=False).values
iiwp_nau = load.get_iwp("ICON", "NAU", ice_only=False).values
print("loaded icon")
fiwp_twp = load.get_iwp("FV3", "TWP", ice_only=False).values
fiwp_shl = load.get_iwp("FV3", "SHL", ice_only=False).values
fiwp_nau = load.get_iwp("FV3", "NAU", ice_only=False).values
print("loaded fv3")
niwp_twp = load.get_iwp("NICAM", "TWP", ice_only=False).values
niwp_shl = load.get_iwp("NICAM", "SHL", ice_only=False).values
niwp_nau = load.get_iwp("NICAM", "NAU", ice_only=False).values
print("loaded nicam")
siwp_twp = load.get_iwp("SAM", "TWP", ice_only=False)
siwp_shl = load.get_iwp("SAM", "SHL", ice_only=False)
siwp_nau = load.get_iwp("SAM", "NAU", ice_only=False)
sno_twp = siwp_twp.count().values
c1s = np.nanmedian(c1s)
c2s = np.nanmedian(c2s)
c3s = np.nanmedian(c3s)
c4s = np.nanmedian(c4s)
c1n = np.nanmedian(c1n)
c2n = np.nanmedian(c2n)
c3n = np.nanmedian(c3n)
c4n = np.nanmedian(c4n)

print("... done")
# %%
# load sam
cat1 = 1
cat2 = 1e-2
cat3 = 1e-4
siwpt = load.get_iwp("SAM", "TWP", ice_only=False)
siwps = load.get_iwp("SAM", "SHL", ice_only=False)
siwpn = load.get_iwp("SAM", "NAU", ice_only=False)
s1t = np.nanmedian(np.where(siwpt >= cat1, siwpt, np.nan))
s2t = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwpt >= cat2) & (siwpt < cat1), siwpt, np.nan))
s3t = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwpt >= cat3) & (siwpt < cat2), siwpt, np.nan))
s4t = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwpt < cat3), siwpt, np.nan))
s1s = np.nanmedian(np.where(siwps >= cat1, siwps, np.nan))
s2s = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwps >= cat2) & (siwps < cat1), siwps, np.nan))
s3s = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwps >= cat3) & (siwps < cat2), siwps, np.nan))
s4s = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwps < cat3), siwps, np.nan))
s1n = np.nanmedian(np.where(siwpn >= cat1, siwpn, np.nan))
s2n = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwpn >= cat2) & (siwpn < cat1), siwpn, np.nan))
s3n = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwpn >= cat3) & (siwpn < cat2), siwpn, np.nan))
s4n = np.nanmedian(np.where((siwpn < cat3), siwpn, np.nan))
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" fig03_nicam_iwc_cat_profiles.py
    author: sami turbeville
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from utility import load, util, analysis_parameters as ap


iwp = load.get_iwp(MODEL, "TWP").values[11::12]
# load one at a time to get category mean
print("... categorize ice ...")
iwc = xr.open_dataarray(ap.NICAM+"NICAM_iwc_TWP.nc")[16:]
print(iwp.shape, iwc.shape)
iwc1 = iwc.where(iwp>=1).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
iwc2 = iwc.where((iwp<1)&(iwp>=1e-2)).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
iwc3 = iwc.where((iwp<1e-2)&(iwp>=1e-4)).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
del iwc
print("... categorize snow ...")
swc = xr.open_dataarray(ap.NICAM+"NICAM_swc_TWP.nc")[16:]
swc1 = swc.where(iwp>=1).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
swc2 = swc.where((iwp<1)&(iwp>=1e-2)).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
swc3 = swc.where((iwp<1e-2)&(iwp>=1e-4)).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
del swc
print("... categorize graupel ...")
gwc = xr.open_dataarray(ap.NICAM+"NICAM_gwc_TWP.nc")[16:]
gwc1 = gwc.where(iwp>=1).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
gwc2 = gwc.where((iwp<1)&(iwp>=1e-2)).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
gwc3 = gwc.where((iwp<1e-2)&(iwp>=1e-4)).mean(axis=(0,2,3))
    "skipping observed IWV until I can figure out how to integrate wv mixing ratio"

# %%
# define cat limits
cat1 = 1
cat2 = 1e-2
cat3 = 1e-4

# %%
# load icon
iiwvt = load.get_iwv("ICON", "TWP")
iiwvs = load.get_iwv("ICON", "SHL")
iiwvn = load.get_iwv("ICON", "NAU")
ifwpt = load.get_iwp("ICON", "TWP", ice_only=False).values[::12]
ifwps = load.get_iwp("ICON", "SHL", ice_only=False).values[::12]
ifwpn = load.get_iwp("ICON", "NAU", ice_only=False).values[::12]
i1t = np.nanmedian(np.where(ifwpt >= cat1, iiwvt, np.nan))
i2t = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwpt >= cat2) & (ifwpt < cat1), iiwvt, np.nan))
i3t = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwpt >= cat3) & (ifwpt < cat2), iiwvt, np.nan))
i4t = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwpt < cat3), iiwvt, np.nan))
i1s = np.nanmedian(np.where(ifwps >= cat1, iiwvs, np.nan))
i2s = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwps >= cat2) & (ifwps < cat1), iiwvs, np.nan))
i3s = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwps >= cat3) & (ifwps < cat2), iiwvs, np.nan))
i4s = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwps < cat3), iiwvs, np.nan))
i1n = np.nanmedian(np.where(ifwpn >= cat1, iiwvn, np.nan))
i2n = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwpn >= cat2) & (ifwpn < cat1), iiwvn, np.nan))
i3n = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwpn >= cat3) & (ifwpn < cat2), iiwvn, np.nan))
i4n = np.nanmedian(np.where((ifwpn < cat3), iiwvn, np.nan))
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

from utility import load, load01deg

# %%
c_olrcs = load01deg.get_cccm(REGION)["Clear-sky outgoing LW radiation at TOA"]
c_swucs = load01deg.get_cccm(REGION)["Clear-sky outgoing SW radiation at TOA"]
c_swd = load01deg.get_cccm(REGION)["Incoming SW radiation at TOA"]
c_albcs = c_swucs / c_swd
del c_swucs, c_swd

fwp = load.get_iwp("NICAM", REGION, ice_only=False)
lwp = load.get_lwp("NICAM", REGION, rain=False)
fwp = fwp[11::12]
lwp = lwp[11::12]
n_olrcs = load.get_clearskyolr("NICAM", REGION, fwp, lwp)
n_albcs = load.get_clearskyalb("NICAM", REGION, fwp, lwp)
n_olrcs = n_olrcs[:, 0]
n_albcs = n_albcs[:, 0]
fwp = load.get_iwp("FV3", REGION, ice_only=False)
lwp = load.get_lwp("FV3", REGION, rain=False)
fwp = fwp[11::12]
lwp = lwp[11::12]
f_olrcs = load.get_clearskyolr("FV3", REGION, fwp, lwp)
f_albcs = load.get_clearskyalb("FV3", REGION, fwp, lwp)
fwp = load.get_iwp("ICON", REGION, ice_only=False)
lwp = load.get_lwp("ICON", REGION, rain=False)