    def _on_query(self, eruption_jd) -> DataFrame:
        # Make sure we work with a copy - we don't want to modify the underlying data
        df = self._data.copy()
        df = df.query("rate_err == rate_err").query("rate_err > 0")
            f"\tafter filtering out rate_err is NaN or 0, {len(df)} rows left")

        # We create the standard day and day_err fields, relative to passed eruption jd
        if "jd" in df.columns:
            df["day"] = tm.delta_t_from_jd(df["jd"], eruption_jd)
            df["day_err"] = df["jd_plus_err"]
        elif "mjd" in df.columns:
            df["day"] = tm.delta_t_from_jd(tm.jd_from_mjd(df["mjd"]),
            df["day_err"] = df["mjd_plus_err"]

        return df
 def _calculate_shift_factor(self, ix: int, spectrum: Spectrum1DEx) -> float:
     shift_factor = 0
     if self.y_shift != 0:
         if self.y_shift_by_delta_t:
             mjd = spectrum.mjd
             delta_t = tm.delta_t_from_jd(tm.jd_from_mjd(mjd), self.eruption_jd)
             shift_factor = self.y_shift * delta_t
             shift_factor = self.y_shift * ix
     return shift_factor
    def _draw_plot_data(self, ax: Axes, **kwargs):
        # The payload should be spectral line fitted models containing Gaussian fits to lines. It's a dictionary keyed
        # on spec_name (b_e_20190828_3 etc.).  Each item is an array of astropy CompoundModels for each spectral line.
        # Each model will have 1+ Gaussian1D models for the line and 1 Polynomial1D for the continuum.
        # Compound models named H$\\alpha$ etc.  Each Gaussian fit$_{1}$ (wide), fit$_{2}$ (narrow)
        spectra = kwargs["spectra"]
        all_line_fits = kwargs["line_fits"]
        reference_jd = self.eruption_jd

        # The data is in a slightly awkward form, dicts keyed on spectrum with each item an array of line_fits (as we
        # would generally be interested in one spectrum & associated data at a time). Best to transform into a
        # more usable form; an array of dictionaries which can be loaded into a DataFrame / tabular data
        rows = list()
        columns = ["line", "fit", "delta_t", "velocity", "velocity_err"]
        for spec_key, line_fits in all_line_fits.items():
            mjd = spectra[spec_key].mjd if spec_key in spectra else None
            delta_t = tm.delta_t_from_jd(tm.jd_from_mjd(mjd), reference_jd=reference_jd)
            for line_fit in line_fits:
                if line_fit.name in self.lines:
                    for sub_fit in line_fit:
                        if sub_fit.name in self.lines[line_fit.name] and isinstance(sub_fit, Gaussian1D):
                            lambda_0 = sub_fit.mean.quantity
                            v = fu.calculate_velocity_from_sigma(lambda_0, sub_fit.fwhm).to("km / s")
                            v_err = 0 * v.unit  # TODO: uncertainty
                                "line": line_fit.name.replace("\\", "_"),
                                "fit": sub_fit.name.replace("\\", "_"),
                                "delta_t": delta_t,
                                "velocity": v.value,
                                "velocity_err": v_err.value
        df = DataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=columns)

        # The line name / fit name will be used to look up the corresponding columns
        for line_name, line in self.lines.items():
            line_field = line_name.replace("\\", "_")
            for fit_name in line:
                fit_plot_params = line[fit_name]
                color = fit_plot_params["color"] if "color" in fit_plot_params else "k"
                label = f"{line_name} {fit_plot_params['label'] if 'label' in fit_plot_params else fit_name}"
                fit_field = fit_name.replace("\\", "_")

                df_line = df.query(f"line == '{line_field}' and fit == '{fit_field}'").sort_values(by="delta_t")
                if len(df_line) > 0:
                    self._plot_points_to_error_bars_on_ax(ax, x_points=df_line["delta_t"],
                                                          color=color, label=label)
                    self._plot_points_to_lines_on_ax(ax, x_points=df_line["delta_t"],
                                                     color=color, line_style="--", alpha=0.3)
    def _on_query(self, eruption_jd: float) -> DataFrame:
        Return standard magnitude fields for use by a magnitude query.
        # Make sure we are working with a copy of the underlying data - we don't want to change the source
        df = self._data.copy()

        # Apply any filters; the two on mag_err exclude those rows where mag_err is NaN and 0 (both no use to us)
        df = df.query("mag_err == mag_err").query("mag_err > 0").query(
            "is_null_obs == False")
            f"\tafter filtering on mag_err is NaN or 0 and is_null_obs == True, {len(df)} rows left"

        # We create day and log(day) field, relative to passed eruption jd
        df['day'] = tm.delta_t_from_jd(df['jd'], eruption_jd)
        df['log_day'] = np.log10(df.query("day>0")['day'])
        return df
    for plot_config in settings["plots"][plot_group_config]:
        spectra = {}
        spectral_lines = {}
        plot_line_fits = {}
        delta_t = None

        # Each plot will generally have 2 spectra (blue arm and red arm)
        for spec_match in plot_config["spectra"]:
            # Get all the data source whose name start with the key value - mostly each individually specified
            filtered_data_sources = {
                k: v
                for k, v in data_sources.items() if k.startswith(spec_match)
            for spec_name, ds in filtered_data_sources.items():
                delta_t = tm.delta_t_from_jd(tm.jd_from_mjd(ds.header["MJD"]),
                spectrum = ds.query()
                    f"\tUsing spectrum '{spec_name}': Delta-t={delta_t:.2f} & max_flux={spectrum.max_flux}"
                spectra[spec_name] = spectrum
                flux_units = spectrum.flux.unit

        if "line_fits" in plot_config:
            # Pick up any fitted spectral lines configured
            for fit_match in plot_config["line_fits"]:
                    k: v
                    for k, v in line_fit_sets.items()
                    if k.startswith(fit_match)
 def _get_spectrum_delta_t(self, spectrum: Spectrum1DEx) -> float:
     mjd = spectrum.mjd
     return tm.delta_t_from_jd(tm.jd_from_mjd(mjd), self.eruption_jd)
def get_spectra_epochs(eruption_jd: float) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Gets the timing of the LT Spectra for the 2019 eruption as an epochs dictionary.
    return {
        "b_e_20190828_11": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458724.408415, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190828_3": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458724.358298, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190830_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458726.358392, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190831_11": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458727.433088, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190831_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458727.354917, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190901_11": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458728.430003, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190901_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458728.356852, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190902_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458729.353593, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190902_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458729.419832, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190903_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458730.363364, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190903_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458730.42483, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190904_4": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458731.363214, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190905_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458732.351202, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190905_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458732.431063, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190910_1": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458737.355612, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190911_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458738.346323, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190911_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458738.410921, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190913_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458740.345966, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190913_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458740.406875, eruption_jd),
        "b_e_20190915_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458742.344409, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190828_11": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458724.408344, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190828_3": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458724.358227, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190830_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458726.358327, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190831_11": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458727.433159, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190831_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458727.354847, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190901_11": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458728.430132, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190901_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458728.356769, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190902_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458729.353522, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190902_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458729.419905, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190903_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458730.363294, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190903_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458730.42476, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190904_4": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458731.363149, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190905_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458732.351137, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190905_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458732.431134, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190910_1": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458737.355542, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190911_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458738.346253, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190911_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458738.410851, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190913_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458740.345901, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190913_7": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458740.406804, eruption_jd),
        "r_e_20190915_5": tm.delta_t_from_jd(2458742.344338, eruption_jd),