import click
import sys
import os
import json
from utility import get_command_usage, cust_print, g_dict_dir_config, connect_node

@click.option('-d', '--address', required=True, help='wallet address.')
@click.option('-c', '--config', default="",
              help='The configuration file specifying the IP and port of the '
                   'transaction to be sent. If it is configured in the global configuration network file, IP and prot '
                   'can be obtained by specifying the name in the configuration. If the network configuration is not '
                   'filled in.')
def balance(address, config):
    if 42 != len(address):
        cust_print("Wrong address parameter: --address {}".format(address), fg='r')
    hrp = address[:3]

    # 节点配置文件
    if "" == config:
        config = os.path.join(g_dict_dir_config["conf_dir"], "node_config.json")
    if not os.path.exists(config):
        cust_print("The node profile exists:{}, please check it.".format(config), fg='r')
        with open(config, 'r') as f:
            rpcAddress = json.load(f)['rpcAddress']
        cust_print('{} data is incorrect format!!!'.format(config))
import click
import sys
import json
from utility import get_command_usage, get_eth_obj, cust_print

    help="Release locked position to account address,only account address")
    help='The configuration file specifying the IP and port of the '
    'transaction to be sent. If it is configured in the global configuration network file, IP and prot '
    'can be obtained by specifying the name in the configuration. If the network configuration is not '
    'filled in.')
@click.option('-f', '--fromaddress', default="", help="fromaddress")
def GetRestrictingInfo(address, config, fromaddress):
    this is hedge submodule GetRestrictingInfo command.
        fromaddress = None if fromaddress.replace(" ",
                                                  "") == "" else fromaddress
        ppos = get_eth_obj(config, 'ppos')
        result = ppos.getRestrictingInfo(address, fromaddress)
        cust_print('{}'.format(json.dumps(result['Ret'], indent=2)), fg='g')
import click
import os
import rlp
import sys
from utility import get_command_usage, cust_print, read_json_file, g_dict_dir_config, get_eth_obj, write_csv, \
    write_QRCode, get_time_stamp
from common import verify_password, un_sign_data, check_dir_exits

              help='The transaction parameter json string, or the '
              'transaction parameter json file path.')
              help='Send the transaction address or name.json')
    'Offline transaction or offline transaction offline not input is the default '
    'for online transaction, and a two-dimensional code picture is generated and '
    'placed on the desktop, providing ATON offline scanning code signature.')
    typ, benifit_address, node_id, external_id, node_name, website, details, amount, program_version, \
    program_version_sign, bls_pubkey, bls_proof, _, reward_per, _ = args

    benifit_address = bech32_address_bytes(hrp)(benifit_address)
    if program_version_sign[:2] == '0x':
        program_version_sign = program_version_sign[2:]
    data = HexBytes(rlp.encode([rlp.encode(int(1000)), rlp.encode(typ), rlp.encode(benifit_address),
                                rlp.encode(bytes.fromhex(node_id)), rlp.encode(external_id), rlp.encode(node_name),
                                rlp.encode(website), rlp.encode(details),
                                rlp.encode(amount), rlp.encode(reward_per), rlp.encode(program_version),
                                rlp.encode(bytes.fromhex(program_version_sign)), rlp.encode(bytes.fromhex(bls_pubkey)),
    return data

@click.option('-f', '--file', help='The file is save params.')
@click.option('-d', '--address', help='wallet address.')
@click.option('-t', '--template', is_flag=True, default=False, help='View the create staking parameter template. It is '
                                                                    'not effective to coexist with other parameters.')
@click.option('-c', '--config', default="",
              help='The configuration file specifying the IP and port of the '
                   'transaction to be sent. If it is configured in the global configuration network file, IP and prot '
                   'can be obtained by specifying the name in the configuration. If the network configuration is not '
                   'filled in.')
@click.option('-o', '--offline', is_flag=True, default=False,
              help='Offline transaction or offline transaction offline not input is the default '
                   'for online transaction, and a two-dimensional code picture is generated and '
                   'placed on the desktop, providing ATON offline scanning code signature.')
@click.option('-s', '--style', default="", help='This parameter is used to determine the type of file to be signed')
def create(file, address, template, config, offline, style):
def versionToNum(strVersion):
    if strVersion == "":
        return 0
    info_list = strVersion.split(".")
    if 3 != len(info_list):
        return 0

    major = int(info_list[0])
    minor = int(info_list[1])
    patch = int(info_list[2])

    return major << 16 | minor << 8 | patch

def check():
    this is node submodule check command.
    platon_cfg_path = os.path.join(g_dict_dir_config["conf_dir"], 'platon.cfg')
    platon_cfg = get_local_platon_cfg(platon_cfg_path)
    url = "http://{}:{}".format(platon_cfg["rpcaddr"], platon_cfg["rpcport"])
    cust_print("connect node: {}".format(url), fg='g')

    hrp = platon_cfg["hrp"]
    cust_print("get hrp:{} from platon_cfg file: {}".format(
        hrp, platon_cfg_path),
    # get platon version on chain
import click
import json
import sys
from utility import get_command_usage, cust_print, get_eth_obj

              help='The height of the block when the pledge is initiated')
    help='The configuration file specifying the IP and port of the '
    'transaction to be sent. If it is configured in the global configuration network file, IP and prot '
    'can be obtained by specifying the name in the configuration. If the network configuration is not '
    'filled in.')
@click.option('-f', '--fromaddress', default="", help="fromaddress")
def getRelatedListByDelAddress(address, config, fromaddress):
    this is delegate submodule getRelatedListByDelAddr command.
        ppos = get_eth_obj(config, 'ppos')
        fromaddress = None if fromaddress.replace(" ",
                                                  "") == "" else fromaddress
        result = ppos.getRelatedListByDelAddr(address, fromaddress)
        for obj in result['Ret']:
            cust_print('{}'.format(json.dumps(obj, indent=2)), fg='g')
import click
from utility import get_command_usage, get_eth_obj, cust_print

@click.option('-c', '--config', default="",
              help='The configuration file specifying the IP and port of the '
                   'transaction to be sent. If it is configured in the global configuration network file, IP and prot '
                   'can be obtained by specifying the name in the configuration. If the network configuration is not '
                   'filled in.')
def blockNumber(config):
    this is query submodule get blockNumber command.
    platon = get_eth_obj(config)
    block_number = platon.blockNumber
    cust_print('{}'.format(block_number), fg='g')
import os
import sys
import ast
import click
from utility import get_command_usage, g_dict_dir_config, cust_print, send_transaction, get_eth_obj

              help='The transaction signature data.')
    help='The configuration file specifying the IP and port of the '
    'transaction to be sent. If it is configured in the global configuration network file, IP and prot '
    'can be obtained by specifying the name in the configuration. If the network configuration is not '
    'filled in.')
def send_offline(data, config):
    this is tx submodule send_offline command.
    signed_tx_dir = g_dict_dir_config["signed_tx_dir"]
    abspath = os.path.join(signed_tx_dir, data)
    if not os.path.isfile(abspath):
        cust_print('{} not exists,please check!'.format(abspath), fg='r')
        with open(abspath, 'r') as f:
    type=click.Choice(['atp', 'atx', 'lat', 'lax']),
    'Address prefix, \'atp/atx\' Are the main network and test network addresses of Alaya network '
    'respectively; '
    '\'lat/lax\' Are the primary and test network addresses of PlatON network respectively.'
@click.option('-c', '--config', default="", help="genesis block config.")
@click.command(help="Initialize the PlatON CLI tool.",
               cls=get_command_usage("init", False))
def init(withnode, private_chain, hrp, config):

    if withnode:
        init_node(hrp, private_chain, config)
        # init cli
        cust_print("start init platon cli...", fg='g')

        ip = ""
        rpc_port = ""
        chainId = 100
        if 'atp' == hrp:
            chainId = 201018
        elif 'atx' == hrp:
            chainId = 201030