文件: lse.py 项目: snisarg/UCLA-239AS
import utility
import numpy

r, w = utility.get_R()

for k in [10, 50, 100]:
    U, V = utility.nmf(r, k, w)
    uv = numpy.dot(U, V)
    lse = 0

    for i in range(len(r)):
        for j in range(len(r[i])):
            if w[i, j] == 1:
                lse += (r[i, j] - uv[i, j])**2

    print 'For %d latent terms, LSE: %f' % (k, lse)

falsePos = 0;
falseNeg = 0;
precisionArray = []
recallArray = []
threshold_ranges = [x/10.0 for x in range(0, 50, 5)]
#threshold_ranges = [3, 3.5]

kf = KFold(100000, 10, True)
for train, test in kf:
    for threshold in threshold_ranges:
        test_index += 1
        local_error = 0
        r, w, test_rows = utility.r_skiplist(test)
        u, v = utility.nmf(r, K_VALUE, w)
        uv = numpy.dot(u, v)
        # UV here is the 90% trained set. Comparison next
        for row in test_rows:
            ui = row[0]-1
            mi = row[1]-1
            if(uv[ui, mi] >= threshold):
                if(r[ui, mi] >= threshold):
                    truePos += 1
                else: falsePos += 1
                if(r[ui, mi] >= threshold):
                    #if(uv[ui, mi] < threshold):
    # # Test for empty rows.
    # for row in w:
    #     sum = 0
    #     for element in row:
    #         sum += element
    #     if sum == 0:
    #         print sum
    # print "Switching to columns now"
    # for column in w.T:
    #     sum = 0
    #     for element in column:
    #         sum += element
    #     if sum == 0:
    #         print sum

    u, v = utility.nmf(r, K_VALUE, w)
    uv = numpy.dot(u, v)

    # UV here is the 90% trained set. Comparison next
    for row in test_rows:
        ui = row[0] - 1
        mi = row[1] - 1
        local_error += numpy.abs(r[ui, mi] - uv[ui, mi])

    test_error.append(local_error / 10000)

print test_error
print max(test_error)
print min(test_error)