def copyToFile(psql_cmd, environ, sql, filename):
    """generate test result report
    param sql as select, but we need to create as temp table to store 
        those data and copy to file 
    out = utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, sql, environ, False)
    f = open(filename, 'w')
文件: run.py 项目: geeg/testsuite
def copyToFile(psql_cmd, environ, sql, filename):
    """generate test result report
    param sql as select, but we need to create as temp table to store 
        those data and copy to file 
    out = utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, sql, environ, False)
    f = open(filename, 'w')
def main():
    """Change the options, del -c -S -t -r. Modify -s. i.e. python run.py -s map.yaml"""
    use = """usage: ./run.py --loaddata --gencase --init 
                --schedule map_file
                --genreport run_id
        --init or -i for short, to clean up and init logger database
        --schedule or -s for short, to load the schedule file and run
        --loaddata or -l for short, to load data or not
        --gencase  or -g for short, to generate test cases
        --genreport or -G for short, to generate test report by run_id
    parser = ArgumentParser(description=use)
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--initbenchmark", action='store_true', help = "Initial benchmark db.")

    parser.add_argument("-g", "--gencase", action='store_true', help = "Generate cases.")
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action = 'store_true', help ="Debug model will generate all sql for each case, it take a long time.")

    parser.add_argument("-l", "--forceload", action='store_true', help = "Drop db, reconvert and reload all tables set in config.yaml and tables.yaml.")
    parser.add_argument("-L", "--smartload", action='store_true', help = "Load modules by config.yaml, tables.yaml and -m. If table exists in db, do nothing.")
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--module", nargs = "*", help = "Modules selected to load. For exapme: 'run.py -Lm Dec Ran' means only load decisition tree and random forest.")

    parser.add_argument("-s", "--schedule", help = "Set schedule file and run.")

    options = parser.parse_args()

    psql_cmd = utility.getResultDBPsqlCMD()
    environ = os.environ
    import generator.execute_case
    if options.schedule:
        map_file = options.schedule
        plans = utility.parserMap(map_file)
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, "update benchmark.testitemseq set runid = runid + 1;"
                           , environ, False)
        ret = utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, "select max(runid) from benchmark.testitemseq;"
                                , environ, False)
        run_id = ret.splitlines()[2].strip()
        for plan in plans:
            if len(plan) > 4:
                sys.exit('ERROR:-s arg file has some grammer error, too many lines.')
            if not 'skip' in plan:
                plan['skip'] = ""
            if 'cases' in plan:
                isList = False
                filename = plan['cases']
            if 'lists' in plan:
                isList = True
                filename = plan['lists']
            if 'unique' in plan and plan['unique']:
                isUnique = True
                isUnique = False

            version = utility.runCases(filename, plan['skip'], isList, isUnique, plan['platform'], TestCaseDir, AnalyticsTool, run_id)
            if plan['skip']:
                utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'skipsqlfile.sql', environ)
            utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'post.sql', environ)
            generateReport(psql_cmd, environ, run_id, plan['platform'])

    #load data set to all databases to test
    if options.forceload:
        loading_manager = loadingManager('..', 'madlibtestdata')
        loading_manager.do(options.module, False, True, True)

    if options.initbenchmark:
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'init.sql', environ)
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'init_cases.sql', environ)
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'resultbaseline.sql', environ)
        #generate new cases
        os.system('cd ../src/generator/ && python ./gen_testcase.py')
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'analyticstool.sql', environ)
        #initialize algorithm result table
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'algorithmspec.sql', environ)
        for sqlfile in glob.glob('../testcase/*.sql'):
            utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, sqlfile, environ)
    if options.gencase:
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'init_cases.sql', environ)
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'resultbaseline.sql', environ)
        #generate new cases
        if options.debug:
            os.system('cd ../src/generator/ && python ./gen_testcase.py debug')
            os.system('cd ../src/generator/ && python ./gen_testcase.py')
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + '/analyticstool.sql', environ)
        psql_cmd = utility.getResultDBPsqlCMD(onErrorStop = False)
        print psql_cmd
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'algorithmspec.sql', environ, onErrorStop = False)

        for sqlfile in glob.glob('../testcase/*.sql'):
            utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, sqlfile, environ)

    if options.smartload:
        loading_manager = loadingManager('..', 'madlibtestdata')
        loading_manager.do(options.module, False, False, False)
文件: run.py 项目: geeg/testsuite
def main():
    """Change the options, del -c -S -t -r. Modify -s. i.e. python run.py -s map.yaml"""
    use = """usage: ./run.py --loaddata --gencase --init 
                --schedule map_file
                --genreport run_id
        --init or -i for short, to clean up and init logger database
        --schedule or -s for short, to load the schedule file and run
        --loaddata or -l for short, to load data or not
        --gencase  or -g for short, to generate test cases
        --genreport or -G for short, to generate test report by run_id
    parser = ArgumentParser(description=use)
                        help="Initial benchmark db.")

                        help="Generate cases.")
        "Debug model will generate all sql for each case, it take a long time."

        "Drop db, reconvert and reload all tables set in config.yaml and tables.yaml."
        "Load modules by config.yaml, tables.yaml and -m. If table exists in db, do nothing."
        "Modules selected to load. For exapme: 'run.py -Lm Dec Ran' means only load decisition tree and random forest."

    parser.add_argument("-s", "--schedule", help="Set schedule file and run.")

    options = parser.parse_args()

    psql_cmd = utility.getResultDBPsqlCMD()
    environ = os.environ
    import generator.execute_case
    if options.schedule:
        map_file = options.schedule
        plans = utility.parserMap(map_file)
                       "update benchmark.testitemseq set runid = runid + 1;",
                       environ, False)
        ret = utility.runSQL(psql_cmd,
                             "select max(runid) from benchmark.testitemseq;",
                             environ, False)
        run_id = ret.splitlines()[2].strip()
        for plan in plans:
            if len(plan) > 4:
                    'ERROR:-s arg file has some grammer error, too many lines.'
            if not 'skip' in plan:
                plan['skip'] = ""
            if 'cases' in plan:
                isList = False
                filename = plan['cases']
            if 'lists' in plan:
                isList = True
                filename = plan['lists']
            if 'unique' in plan and plan['unique']:
                isUnique = True
                isUnique = False

            if plan['skip']:
                utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'skipsqlfile.sql',

            version = utility.runCases(filename, plan['skip'], isList,
                                       isUnique, plan['platform'], TestCaseDir,
                                       AnalyticsTool, run_id)

            utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'post.sql', environ)
            generateReport(psql_cmd, environ, run_id, plan['platform'])

    #load data set to all databases to test
    if options.forceload:
        loading_manager = loadingManager('..', 'madlibtestdata')
        loading_manager.do(options.module, False, True, True)

    if options.initbenchmark:
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'init.sql', environ)
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'init_cases.sql', environ)
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'resultbaseline.sql', environ)
        #generate new cases
        os.system('cd ../src/generator/ && python ./gen_testcase.py')
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'analyticstool.sql', environ)
        #initialize algorithm result table
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'algorithmspec.sql', environ)
        for sqlfile in glob.glob('../testcase/*.sql'):
            utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, sqlfile, environ)
    if options.gencase:
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'init_cases.sql', environ)
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + 'resultbaseline.sql', environ)
        #generate new cases
        if options.debug:
            os.system('cd ../src/generator/ && python ./gen_testcase.py debug')
            os.system('cd ../src/generator/ && python ./gen_testcase.py')
        utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, TestMataDir + '/analyticstool.sql', environ)
        psql_cmd = utility.getResultDBPsqlCMD(onErrorStop=False)
        print psql_cmd
                       TestMataDir + 'algorithmspec.sql',

        for sqlfile in glob.glob('../testcase/*.sql'):
            utility.runSQL(psql_cmd, sqlfile, environ)

    if options.smartload:
        loading_manager = loadingManager('..', 'madlibtestdata')
        loading_manager.do(options.module, False, False, False)