def __init__(self, topic, should_mirror, verbose): self.topic = topic self.KEY_ECS = 27 self.should_mirror = should_mirror self.verbose = verbose self.bridge = CvBridge() rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) self.shutdowm_msg = "Shutting down." self.node_name = "image_subscriber" self.time_start = clock() self.fps = FPS()
def handle_pub(videoCapture): topic = '/file/video' dashes = '_' * 60 print dashes print "publish video to topic:%s from file ..." % (topic) print dashes rospy.init_node('file_publisher') pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, Image, queue_size=2) bridge = CvBridge() fps = FPS() fps = fps.start() success, img = rate = rospy.Rate(PlayFPS) count = 0 while success: img_copy = img.copy() try: msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, "bgr8") count += 1 msg = add_timestamp(msg, count) if verbose: show_data_info(msg, fps) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) pub.publish(msg) if show_video: try: show_image(img_copy, fps) except (ExitLoop, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): cleanup(videoCapture) break success, img = rate.sleep()
def __init__(self, topic, should_mirror, verbose, limit=1000): self.topic = topic self.KEY_ECS = 27 self.should_mirror = should_mirror self.verbose = verbose self.bridge = CvBridge() rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) self.shutdowm_msg = "Shutting down." self.node_name = 'image_subscriber' self.time_start = clock() self.limit = limit self.frame_count = 0 self.total_latency = 0 self.fps = FPS() self.hosts = {}
class ImgSub: def __init__(self, topic, should_mirror, verbose): self.topic = topic self.KEY_ECS = 27 self.should_mirror = should_mirror self.verbose = verbose self.bridge = CvBridge() rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) self.shutdowm_msg = "Shutting down." self.node_name = "image_subscriber" self.time_start = clock() self.fps = FPS() def run(self): print "%s node turn on" % (self.node_name) self.fps = self.fps.start() self.handle_sub() def handle_sub(self): rospy.init_node(self.node_name, anonymous=True) cv2.namedWindow("show %s" % (self.topic), 1) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.topic, Image, self.callback) try: rospy.spin() except KeyboardInterrupt: print (self.shutdowm_msg) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def callback(self, msg): try: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8") if self.verbose: self.show_data_info(msg) except CvBridgeError as e: print (e) cv_image = self.mirror_image(cv_image) self.show_video(cv_image) # ... def show_video(self, img): self.fps.update() draw_str(img, (5, 30), "fps: %s" % self.fps) cv2.imshow("show %s" % (self.topic), img) key = cv2.waitKey(1) if 0xFF & key == self.KEY_ECS: rospy.signal_shutdown("User hit q key to quit.") elif 0xFF & key == ord("a"): file_name = "image_%s.jpg" % (str(int(clock()))) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img) print "%s has saved." % file_name def mirror_image(self, img): if self.should_mirror: from imtools import mirror_image img = mirror_image(img) return img def show_data_info(self, msg): import utility utility.show_msg_info(msg, showLatency=True) print ("fps: %s" % self.fps) def cleanup(self): print self.shutdowm_msg cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class ImgSub: def __init__(self, topic, should_mirror, verbose, limit=1000): self.topic = topic self.KEY_ECS = 27 self.should_mirror = should_mirror self.verbose = verbose self.bridge = CvBridge() rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) self.shutdowm_msg = "Shutting down." self.node_name = 'image_subscriber' self.time_start = clock() self.limit = limit self.frame_count = 0 self.total_latency = 0 self.fps = FPS() self.hosts = {} def run(self): print '%s node turn on' % (self.node_name) self.fps = self.fps.start() self.handle_sub() def handle_sub(self): rospy.init_node(self.node_name, anonymous=True) cv2.namedWindow("show %s" % (self.topic), 10) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.topic, FaceDetect, self.callback) try: rospy.spin() except KeyboardInterrupt: print(self.shutdowm_msg) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def callback(self, msg): self.show_data_info(msg) self.frame_count += 1 if self.frame_count >= self.limit: rospy.signal_shutdown("reach the limit of frames.") # ... def show_video(self, img): self.fps.update() draw_str(img, (5, 30), 'fps: %s' % self.fps) cv2.imshow("show %s" % (self.topic), img) key = cv2.waitKey(1) if 0xFF & key == self.KEY_ECS: rospy.signal_shutdown("User hit q key to quit.") elif 0xFF & key == ord('a'): file_name = 'image_%s.jpg' % (str(int(clock()))) cv2.imwrite(file_name, img) print '%s has saved.' % file_name def count_frames(self, msg): host = msg.header.frame_id.split('-')[0] if host in[host] += 1 else:[host] = 1 def show_data_info(self, msg): import utility result = 'header: \n' result += str(msg.header) + '\n' result = utility.pinned_prefix(result) secs = int(msg.header.stamp.secs) nsecs = int(msg.header.stamp.nsecs) latency = - rospy.Time(secs, nsecs) latency_ms = latency.to_nsec() / 1000000.0 self.count_frames(msg) print result print 'latency: %.3f ms\n' % (latency_ms) def cleanup(self): print self.shutdowm_msg cv2.destroyAllWindows()