def findFullAcacia(matrix, height_map, h, xt, zt):
	tree_block = []
	height_tree = 1
	while matrix.getValue(h+height_tree, xt, zt) in trunk_like: #find all the leaves that are around the trunk level by level
		distance = 1
		visited = []
		block_to_expand_queue = [(h+height_tree, xt, zt)]
		new_block_queue = []
		tree_block.append((h+height_tree, xt, zt, utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h+height_tree, xt, zt)))
		while distance <= 5: #go through the level and find the leaves without going too far
			while len(block_to_expand_queue) != 0:
				actual_block = block_to_expand_queue.pop()
				addSameLevelAcaciaBlockToQueue(matrix, h+height_tree, new_block_queue, visited, tree_block, actual_block, (xt, zt))
			block_to_expand_queue = new_block_queue
			new_block_queue = []
			distance += 1
		height_tree += 1
	#do the same once again for one level above the last block of trunk, since there can be leaves up there
	distance = 1
	visited = []
	block_to_expand_queue = [(h+height_tree, xt, zt)]
	new_block_queue = []
	tree_block.append((h+height_tree, xt, zt, utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h+height_tree, xt, zt)))
	while distance <= 5:
		while len(block_to_expand_queue) != 0:
			actual_block = block_to_expand_queue.pop()
			addSameLevelAcaciaBlockToQueue(matrix, h+height_tree, new_block_queue, visited, tree_block, actual_block, (xt, zt))
		block_to_expand_queue = new_block_queue
		new_block_queue = []
		distance +=1
	height_tree += 1

	return tree_block
 def setIfCorrect(matrix, h, x, z,
                  i):  #put block only if the position given is correct
     (b, d) = utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h - 1, x, z)
     if matrix.getValue(
             h, x, z) in air_like + water_like and (b, d) not in [
                 bridge_Side_Double, bridge_Side_Top, bridge_Side_Bottom,
                 bridge_Middle_Double, bridge_Middle_Top,
         matrix.setValue(h, x, z, i)
 def fillUnder(matrix, h, x,
               z):  #put blocks under the position if there is air
     (b, d) = utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, x, z)
     if (b, d) == bridge_Middle_Top:
         matrix.setValue(h, x, z, bridge_Middle_Double)
     elif (b, d) == bridge_Side_Top:
         matrix.setValue(h, x, z, bridge_Side_Double)
     h -= 1
     while matrix.getValue(h, x, z) in air_like + water_like:
         matrix.setValue(h, x, z, bridge_Side_Double)
         h -= 1
def putLightT(matrix, h, x, z):
    h -= 1
    for neighbor_position in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]:
        new_position = (x + neighbor_position[0], z + neighbor_position[1])
        if utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, new_position[0],
                                              new_position[1]) == (45, 0):
            if x < new_position[0]:
                matrix.setValue(h, x, z, (50, 2))
                return True
            elif x > new_position[0]:
                matrix.setValue(h, x, z, (50, 1))
                return True
            elif z < new_position[1]:
                matrix.setValue(h, x, z, (50, 4))
                return True
            elif z > new_position[1]:
                matrix.setValue(h, x, z, (50, 3))
                return True
    return False
def buildPlatform(matrix, h, x_actual, z_actual):
    anvil = False
    craftingTable = False
    light = False
    for neighbor_position in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1),
                              (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (0, 0)]:
        new_position = (x_actual + neighbor_position[0],
                        z_actual + neighbor_position[1])
        if utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, new_position[0],
                                              new_position[1]) == (0, 0):
            matrix.setValue(h, new_position[0], new_position[1], (44, 10))
            if craftingTable == False:
                matrix.setValue(h + 1, new_position[0], new_position[1],
                                (58, 0))
                craftingTable = True
            elif anvil == False:
                matrix.setValue(h + 1, new_position[0], new_position[1],
                                (145, 0))
                anvil = True
            elif light == False:
                matrix.setValue(h + 1, new_position[0], new_position[1],
                                (50, 5))
                light = True
def checkIfGroundValid(matrix, height_map, tree): #check that the tree is not above a path, a rail, or in a building lot
	min_x = 255
	max_x = 0
	min_z = 255
	max_z = 0
	for h, x, z, i in tree:
		if x > max_x:
			max_x = x
		if x < min_x:
			min_x = x
		if z > max_z:
			max_z = z
		if z < min_z:
			min_z = z

	for x in range(min_x, max_x+1):
		for z in range(min_z, max_z+1):
				(b, d) = utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, height_map[x][z], x, z)
				if height_map[x][z] == -1 or (b, d) == (1,6) or b in [27, 28, 66, 157, 17, 208]:
					return False
	return True
def generatePath(matrix, path, height_map, pavement_Type):
	if pavement_Type == "Grass":
		pavement_Block = (208, 0)
		baseBlock = (3, 0)
		light_Pillar = (85,0)
	elif pavement_Type == "Stone":
		pavement_Block = (1, 6)
		baseBlock = (1, 0)
		light_Pillar = (139,0)

	def fillUnderneath(matrix, y, x, z):
		if y < 0: return
		block = matrix.getValue(y, x, z)
		if type(block) == tuple: block = block[0]
		if block in air_like or block in water_like:
			matrix.setValue(y, x, z, baseBlock)
			fillUnderneath(matrix, y-1, x, z)

	def fillAbove(matrix, y, x, z, up_to):
		if up_to < 0 or y >= matrix.height: return
		block = matrix.getValue(y, x, z)
		if type(block) == tuple: block = block[0]
		if block in air_like:
			matrix.setValue(y,x,z, (0,0))
		fillAbove(matrix, y+1, x, z, up_to-1)

	def getOrientation(x1, z1, x2, z2):
		if x1 < x2:   return "E"
		elif x1 > x2: return "W"
		elif z1 < z2: return "S"
		elif z1 > z2: return "N"
		else: return None

	def generateLight(matrix, block_section, path, height_map): #generate a light by using the center of mass if it is possible
		(x, z) = computeCenterOfMass(block_section)

		if height_map[x][z] != -1 and matrix.getValue(height_map[x][z]+1, x, z) not in light_pillar_like+[65] and matrix.getValue(height_map[x][z]-1, x, z) not in air_like: #validity of the center of mass
			if isNeighborLight(matrix,height_map, x, z) != True:
				buildLight(matrix, height_map[x][z], x, z)
			(x, z) = findPos(matrix, x, z, path, height_map)
			if (x, z) != (-1, -1):
				if isNeighborLight(matrix,height_map, x, z) != True:
					buildLight(matrix, height_map[x][z], x, z)
				return False

	def buildLight(matrix, h, x, z): #put the light at the position given
		logging.info("Generating light at point {}, {}, {}".format(h+1, x, z))
			matrix.setEntity(h+4, x, z, (178,15), "daylight_detector")
			logging.info("Error when generating light at position : {}, {}, {}".format(h+1, x, z))

	def computeCenterOfMass(block_section): #compute the center of gravity to have a general idea of where a light could be put
		x = 0
		z = 0
		for i in range(0, len(block_section)):
			x += block_section[i][0]
			z += block_section[i][1]
		x = int(round(x/len(block_section)))
		z = int(round(z/len(block_section)))
		return (x, z)

	def findPos(matrix, x, z, path, height_map): #try to find a position next to the one given that is suitable for building a light
		for neighbor_position in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1)]:
			new_position = (x + neighbor_position[0], z + neighbor_position[1])
				if height_map[new_position[0]][new_position[1]] != -1 and matrix.getValue(height_map[new_position[0]][new_position[1]]+1,new_position[0],new_position[1]) not in light_pillar_like+[65] and matrix.getValue(height_map[new_position[0]][new_position[1]]-1,new_position[0],new_position[1]) not in air_like:
					return new_position
		return (-1, -1)

	def isNeighborLight(matrix,height_map, x, z): #return True if a light is neighbor to the position x, y
		for neighbor_position in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)]:
			new_position = (x + neighbor_position[0], z + neighbor_position[1])
				if matrix.getValue(height_map[new_position[0]][new_position[1]]+1, new_position[0], new_position[1]) in light_pillar_like:
					return True

	for i in range(0, len(path)-1):

		block = path[i]
		x = block[0]
		z = block[1]
		h = height_map[x][z]

		next_block = path[i+1]
		next_h = height_map[next_block[0]][next_block[1]]

		if i!=0:
			previous_block = path[i-1]
			previous_h = height_map[previous_block[0]][previous_block[1]]

		logging.info("Generating road at point ({}, {}, {})".format(h, x, z))
		(b, d) = utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, x, z)
		if (b, d) != (1, 6):
			fillUnderneath(matrix, h-1, x, z)
			fillAbove(matrix, h+1, x, z, 6)
			# check if we are moving in the x axis (so to add a new pavement
			# on the z-1, z+1 block)
			if x != next_block[0]:

				# if that side block is walkable
				if z-1 >= 0 and height_map[x][z-1] != -1 and h-height_map[x][z-1] in [0, 1]:
					height_map[x][z-1] = h
					# try to fill with earth underneath if it's empty
					#logging.info("Filling underneath at height {}".format(h-1))
					fillUnderneath(matrix, h-1, x, z-1)
					# fill upwards with air to remove any obstacles
					fillAbove(matrix, h+1, x, z-1, 6)

				# if the opposite side block is walkable
				if z+1 < matrix.depth and height_map[x][z+1] != -1 and h-height_map[x][z+1] in [0, 1]:
					height_map[x][z+1] = h
					#logging.info("Filling underneath at height {}".format(h-1))
					fillUnderneath(matrix, h-1, x, z+1)
					fillAbove(matrix, h+1, x, z+1, 6)

			elif z != next_block[1]:
				# check if we are moving in the z axis (so add a new pavement
				# on the x-1 block) and if that side block is walkable
				if x-1 >= 0 and height_map[x-1][z] != -1 and h-height_map[x-1][z] in [0, 1]:
					height_map[x-1][z] = h
					#logging.info("Filling underneath at height {}".format(h-1))
					fillUnderneath(matrix, h-1, x-1, z)
					fillAbove(matrix, h+1, x-1, z, 6)

				if x+1 < matrix.width and height_map[x+1][z] != -1 and h-height_map[x+1][z] in [0, 1]:
					height_map[x+1][z] = h
					#logging.info("Filling underneath at height {}".format(h-1))
					fillUnderneath(matrix, h-1, x+1, z)
					fillAbove(matrix, h+1, x+1, z, 6)

			logging.info("Stone path at point ({}, {}, {}) already existing, going forward".format(h, x, z))

	# another iteration over the path to generate ladders and lights
	# this is to guarantee that fillAbove or any other
	# manipulations of the environment around the path
	# will erase the ladder blocks or the lights
	block_section = path[0:20] # Block section of 20 blocks to find the right place to put lights
	isPut = generateLight(matrix, block_section, path, height_map)
	if isPut == False: #Failed to find a good position with the center of mass, build it next to or on the path
			(xl, zl) = findPos(matrix, path[10][0], path[10][1], path, height_map)
			#not enough block left in the path, so take the position of half of what remains
			(xl, zl) = findPos(matrix, path[int(((i-len(path)-1)/2))][0], path[int(((i-len(path)-1)/2))][1], path, height_map)
		if (xl, zl) != (-1, -1):
			if isNeighborLight(matrix,height_map, xl, zl) != True:
				buildLight(matrix, height_map[xl][zl], xl, zl)
			if isNeighborLight(matrix,height_map, path[10][0], path[10][1]) != True:
				buildLight(matrix, height_map[path[10][0]][path[10][1]], path[10][0], path[10][1])
	for i in range(0, len(path)-1):

		block = path[i]
		x = block[0]
		z = block[1]
		h = height_map[x][z]

		next_block = path[i+1]
		next_h = height_map[next_block[0]][next_block[1]]

		orientation = getOrientation(x, z, next_block[0], next_block[1])
		if abs(h-next_h) > 1:
			if h < next_h:
				if orientation == "N":   stair_subID = 3
				elif orientation == "S": stair_subID = 2
				elif orientation == "E": stair_subID = 4
				elif orientation == "W": stair_subID = 5
				for ladder_h in range(h+1, next_h+1):
					matrix.setValue(ladder_h, x, z,(65,stair_subID))
					# make sure that the ladders in which the stairs are attached
					# are pathblock and not dirt, etc
					(b, d) = utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, ladder_h, next_block[0], next_block[1])
					if (b, d) != (1, 6):
						matrix.setValue(ladder_h, next_block[0], next_block[1], (pavement_Block))
				fillAbove(matrix, next_h+1, x, z, 6)

			elif h > next_h:
				if orientation == "N":   stair_subID = 2
				elif orientation == "S": stair_subID = 3
				elif orientation == "E": stair_subID = 5
				elif orientation == "W": stair_subID = 4
				for ladder_h in range(next_h+1, h+1):
					matrix.setValue(ladder_h, next_block[0], next_block[1], (65,stair_subID))
					# make sure that the ladders in which the stairs are attached
					# are pathblock and not dirt, etc
					(b, d) = utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, x, z)
					if (b, d) != (1, 6):
						matrix.setValue(ladder_h, x, z, (pavement_Block))
				fillAbove(matrix, h+1, x, z, 6)

		#build next light and update the blocksection
		if block == block_section[len(block_section)-1]:
			isPut = generateLight(matrix, block_section, path, height_map)
			if isPut == False: #Failed to find a good position with the center of mass, build it next to or on the path
					(xl, zl) = findPos(matrix, path[i+10][0], path[i+10][1], path, height_map)
					#not enogh block left in the path, so take the position of half of what remains
					(xl, zl) = findPos(matrix, path[i+int(((i-len(path)-1)/2))][0], path[i+int(((i-len(path)-1)/2))][1], path, height_map)
				if (xl, zl) != (-1, -1):
					if isNeighborLight(matrix,height_map, xl, zl) != True:
						buildLight(matrix, height_map[xl][zl], xl, zl)
					if isNeighborLight(matrix,height_map, path[i+10][0], path[i+10][1]) != True:
						buildLight(matrix, height_map[path[i+10][0]][path[i+10][1]], path[i+10][0], path[i+10][1])
				block_section = path[i:i+20]
				block_section = path[i:len(path)]
def checkIfTreeUntouched(matrix, tree): #check that nothing was built on the position of the tree's blocks
	for h, x, z, i in tree:
		if utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, x, z) != (0,0):
			return False
	return True
		while len(block_to_expand_queue) != 0:
			actual_block = block_to_expand_queue.pop()
			addSameLevelTreeBlockToQueue(matrix, h+height_tree, new_block_queue, visited, tree_block, actual_block, (xt, zt))
		block_to_expand_queue = new_block_queue
		new_block_queue = []
		distance +=1
	height_tree += 1

	return tree_block

def addSameLevelTreeBlockToQueue(matrix, h, new_block_queue, visited, tree_block, actual_block, (xt, zt)):
	for neighbor_position in [(1, 0),(-1, 0),(0, 1),(0, -1)]:
		neighbor_block = (actual_block[0] + neighbor_position[0], actual_block[1] + neighbor_position[1])
			if neighbor_block not in visited and matrix.getValue(h, neighbor_block[0], neighbor_block[1]) in leaf_like+[78] and abs(xt-neighbor_block[0])<=2 and abs(zt-neighbor_block[1])<=2:
				tree_block.append((h, neighbor_block[0], neighbor_block[1], utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, neighbor_block[0], neighbor_block[1])))
			elif neighbor_block not in visited and matrix.getValue(h, neighbor_block[0], neighbor_block[1]) in trunk_like and abs(xt-neighbor_block[0])<=1 and abs(zt-neighbor_block[1])<=1:
				tree_block.append((h, neighbor_block[0], neighbor_block[1], utilityFunctions.getBlockFullValue(matrix, h, neighbor_block[0], neighbor_block[1])))

def putBackTrees(matrix, height_map, list_trees): #go through the list saved and see if all the blocks of a tree are valid, if so we put the tree back using the id we saved for each block
	for tree, origin in list_trees:
		if checkIfGroundValid(matrix, height_map, tree) == True and checkIfTreeUntouched(matrix, tree) == True: #check validity of a tree saved
			for h, x, z, i in tree:
				matrix.setValue(h, x, z, i)

def checkIfTreeUntouched(matrix, tree): #check that nothing was built on the position of the tree's blocks